Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#16 Post by Borealis »

Warriors wrote: Also, the team has several (i.e. like 10) open spots on both the 25- and 40-man roster, leading one to the conclusion that there could be some cherry-picking off other teams in the upcoming Rule 5 Draft. How much, if any activity, remains to be seen.
Sounds like a realistic plan under the circumstances, and I bet there will be a few who may make an impact in the Rule 5 draft.
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#17 Post by Bill »

Rule 5 Redux
by Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogologist
December 6, 2012

The Warriors did indeed make a splash during the recent PEBA Rule 5 Draft, adding three players that will spend the 2013 season in Duluth.

The team had the fifth overall pick in the draft and selected infielder Will George from the Omaha organization. George is a 23-year old 3B that posted a .397 OBP and 21 VORP at the AA level in 2012. "We really like this George kid," said GM Bill McKenzie after the draft. "He has a great batting eye at a young age, something this organization puts a great deal of value in. HE can play a little defense too. As such, we expect him to play more of a utility role this season, but could be a key acquisition going forward."

The team continued to be active in the draft, selecting 1B Carlos Colon from the rival Sandgnats. Colon is a career minor leaguer that has been stuck in the Sandgnats organization. The team seems to like his combination of batting eye and power and they hope it translates to the next level.

The final Rule 5 selection by the Warriors was MR Juan Cardenas. Cardenas seems to be an average arm out of the pen, but at least the 26-year old has youth on his side. Sometimes average innings are useful too.

Somewhat surprisingly, the team lost one player in the draft, MR Bob Sanders. The 22-year old righty was selected by San Antonio after a good season at Single-A, but the team felt he did not have the arm to make the big leagues in the future.
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#18 Post by Bill »

Rocky Road Ahead?
by Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogologist
December 8, 2012

The weekly team workout was missing one familiar face here in early December - that of starting pitcher Rocky Reed. I asked the team media relations department if there was anything to read into Reed's absence. They replied that they could not comment on the situation.

Something is afoot. With the Winter Meetings close at hand, one can only wonder about Reed's future with the team. Particularly in the light that the Warriors paid roughly $1 million per win in 2012 for the 32-year old veteran.
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#19 Post by Bill »

The Winter Winds, Came Blowin' In, From Across the Sea...
By Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogologist
December 28, 2012

So the PEBA Winter Meetings have come and gone. Duluth was somewhat active, making two minor deals to fill the swiss cheese of their lineup. The damage assessment:

Deal 1 - Duluth picks up SP Harumi Yamamoto from the Coal Sox for an 8th round draft pick
Yamamoto has 84 career starts for the Coal Sox with an overall decent track record (career 4.35 ERA), but was squeezed out of a starting job last season after a disappointing start - 5.28 ERA in 13 starts with an incredibly unlucky .404 BABIP. The 30-year old righthander will get a second chance in Duluth as a full time starter; I expect he will bounce back with the opportunity and even average luck. A good low risk move for the team.

Deal 2 - Duluth picks up MR Otis Mathews and MR Johnny Hunt for SP Rocky Reed and 2 minor leaguers
The Warriors say goodbye to the veteran righthander after one great season (13 wins, 3.74 ERA, 32 VORP) and one awful season (5-23, 5.70 ERA, -5 VORP) in Duluth. But the net return from Kentucky was small - only two relievers and not even grade B prospects. AND one of them is 31 years old and isn't even a prospect. AND they gave up two lower level prospects to boot. AND it leaves another hole in the rotation.

The reaction in PEBA circles has mostly praised Kentucky for this swap, ranging from "...Reed brings some veteran leadership to a very young, up-and-coming Thoroughbreds team. It's not a sexy deal, but I really like the move for Kentucky..." to "... Rocky's track record is very good so a down year is easily written off...". Can't say I disagree. Mathews' track record in the minors has been very good (career ERA below 2.00, 9.5 K/9), but relievers are a dime-a-dozen.

This one stinks - BOOOOOOO!
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#20 Post by John »

Nice to see the Warriors making moves to begin building up a depleted farm system. I have great confidence in the new members of the Warriors front office. This is not a one-year turnaround, but neither does it have to be a grand undertaking. Duluth has the tools to be competitive again before too much longer. Let's see what the rest of the winter brings.
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#21 Post by Bill »

Who's In Right?
by Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogologist
January 13, 2013

So the Duluth Warriors enter 2013 with only three outfielders on the 25-man roster, returning starters Steve Williamson and Ronald Elmore and the newly signed youngster Eric Jackson. The Jackson signing was thought to be more of a bench depth move, not as a 500 AB move. So who, pray tell, will be patrolling right field for the Warriors in 2013?

There does not seem to be a lot of affordable options in the free agency market. But the in-house options like Damon Scranton (.261/.386/.333 at AAA) and Manny Ortiz (.226/.365/.335 at AAA) seem even worse. And the trade rumors about outfielders seem to be dead ends. What's a cash-strapped organization to do?

Hopefully the team can wait out the market and sign a veteran at the right price or find a player cut during the spring. But one thing is for sure - the status quo is wholly unacceptable.
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#22 Post by Bill »

For those who missed it: a reprinting of the Unga Bunga exclusive with the Arne Bong...

Meet Arne Bong
By Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogologist
from January 5, 2013


Unga Bunga is proud to present an exclusive look at the shipping magnate and new owner of the Duluth Warriors. The reclusive Bong is officially slated to take control of the team in February, but has agreed to sit down with senior blogologist Olaf Halvorsen to discuss the life, liberty, and Warriors baseball.

UB: So what made you want to purchase the Warriors, especially considering their less-than-stellar history of performance on the field?
AB: Mostly civic pride. The Bong name and the Bong brand have such a strong presence in the greater Duluth-Superior region that it seemed a natural fit to extend that brand into the realm of entertainment and sports. Also, my father was a fan of the game and played in high school. It seemed to be a great fit in many ways. I’ve been lucky – the shipping business has been good to me. Bong Water & Air has given me the freedom to do as I please. In this case, it has allowed me to purchase a baseball team in the hometown of my family. Sometimes it gives me the munchies too. Do you have any chips?

UB: How did you and new GM Bill McKenzie form a partnership?
AB: I was seeking a new kind of general manager, a more analytical person, someone who won’t just apply the same faulty logic that has caused the Warriors to be the laughing stock of the Sovereign League. There is nothing funny about losing. Nobody understands that more than Bill McKenzie.

UB: That didn’t really answer my question. Didn’t you meet on the internet?
AB: Absolutely! That’s where business gets done in 2013. Don’t you agree? Aren’t you the owner and operator of a web log?

UB: Touché. I’ve heard he plays a lot of video games. I mean a LOT of video games. Aren’t you worried he will treat your team like a fake fantasy baseball team?
AB: That’s absurd. He is on a very strict budget. He’s has a limit on the moves he can make. And I have told him to focus on 10 categories for all acquisitions, five key stats for hitting and five key stats for pitching. And everything gets my approval first. I have the utmost confidence in him and his abilities to draft a winner.

UB: Uhhh…let’s change gears. Is it difficult living in the shadow of the Ace of Aces?
AB: Yes, it is a challenge, especially since I never knew my father. But I believe I was born into this legacy for a reason - heck, my name means “eagle” in Old Nordic for crying out loud. The Bong name flies high in Duluth and I want to make it higher than a kite. Have you ever just looked at your hands? Whoa - they are fascinating.

UB: One final question Mr. Bong – are you really convinced you can reverse the history of this franchise? Four straight 100-loss seasons and never placing above fourth in the division is a lot to overcome.
AB: That was yesterday, this is today. I’ve hired the right GM for the job. You heard it here first – we will not lose 100 games in 2013. Duluth will be proud of this team if it is the last thing I do.
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#23 Post by Bill »

Well...Martin Griffin is not the Status Quo
by Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogologist
January 24, 2012

The Warriors have announced that they have signed journeyman OF Martin Griffin to a 2-year deal worth in the neighborhood of $1.5 million. The move gives the team a fourth outfielder on the roster, though also giving the team a player who will be wearing his fifth uniform in the last four years. Griffin should be a modest improvement to the team, adding a .340 OBP player with some speed to man an outfield position this season.

The 26-year old from Kirksville, MS should provide his biggest contribution in the field, where he is a "...very sure-handed and reliable center fielder..." by one scout's account. All Duluth fans are aware of the spacious outfield of Doyle Buhl Stadium - one would think Griffin could help patrol all that space at the very least.

I know, I know...I can read the emails before you even send them:
"But Olaf - we already have a CF. Heck, Steve Williamson won a Gold Glove for crying out loud! What do we need this guy for?" - Hans in some ice shanty on Lake Wobegon

Save it. I don't need those. I am not worried about that just yet. I'm not so sure Griffin can hit enough to even start. Let's take a wait-and-see approach here. At least he's fairly young still and has a couple tools in the work shed. That's better than what we had when I woke up on January 23rd.
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#24 Post by Bill »

No Spud, No Shaffer, No Zoom Zoom...Oh My!!
By Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogologist
March 3, 2013

So spring has sprung, at least in the baseball world. This is little consolation, I know, to those cooped up in an ice shanty with the kerosene heater on full blast just to keep the beer thawed. But, for us cracker jacks, this is the best time of year. Everybody still has a chance with 0 losses.

The Duluth Warriors have invited 33 players to camp so far. The players in camp are not very surprising, save for the injured Matt Howard who is still trying to battle back from what the trainers will only call a 'dead arm'.

What IS surprising is the players that were not brought to camp, as in basically none of the top prospects at AA or AAA. No Dave "Zoom Zoom" Barker. No Rich "Spud" Jones. No Josh Shaffer. Most teams are at least TRYING to win at this point in the season, when the records are all 0-0. Are the Warriors trying to win?

Clearly these players all belong in the PEBA. Shaffer hit .281 in 150 PAs at AAA in 2012 and knocked 54 doubles and 100 RBI while hitting .300 at AA in 2011. I don't see anything else for him to prove. Likewise with Zoom Zoom (14-8, 2.84 ERA at AA) and Spud (8-7, 3.28 ERA at AA). These guys are among the 25 best players on the Warriors. I say let them play like Warriors.

Team media relations folk will only comment to say that the players in question will not be starting the season at the major league level. Though they also stated that the 32 healthy players in camp will probably not be the only players fighting for a major league job.

In other news...the team has still yet to add any additional help to an outfield that ranks among the league's worst at all three positions. No news is probably bad news in this department. Maybe we can trade our manager for a prospect or two.
James Bowman

Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#25 Post by James Bowman »

I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of "Zoom Zoom." He was my favorite prospect (by far) in that ridiculously talented '11 draft class. I explored some opportunities to trade up in hopes of getting him, which is something I generally don't prefer, but decided against it. Boy do I regret it.

He'll form a formidable trio along with "Spud" and Davis Sutherland in years to come. It's a rare and beautiful thing to see such young, and talented pitching ready to bust into the PEBA together like that. ;-D
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#26 Post by Bill »

Well...Look Who's Back
By Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogologist
March 22, 2013


Oh my goodness gracious, of all the dramatic things I've ever seen. Alberto Semblano sitting between owner Arne Bong and GM Bill McKenzie wearing a Warriors jersey after signing a one year deal yesterday.

Well, I can't say I saw this one coming. I thought the team might still look for some help in the outfield. There had been some rumors that Duluth was interested in CF Tetsui Sakai. Instead Sakai elected to return to Japan and the Warriors brought back the their best player from 2012.

Semblano won nearly a quarter of the team's 61 wins last season, turning in an overlooked 14-6 season with a 2.90 ERA in 34 starts. The team took advantage of a slack market and brought him in to immediately step in shore up a shaky rotation until the Four Amigos are ready. "I can't believe he didn't have a job yet," said the elated general manager of the Warriors during the press conference. "I thought he'd be a top target in the free agent market. But personally, I'll take another season of Alberto over some draft pick any day."

Semblano seemed relieved to have a home again. "I had a lot of success in Duluth last year and it was a very long season, then a longer offseason waiting for the phone to ring," said the pitcher. "The new front office seems very committed to bringing a winner to Duluth and I want to be a part of that."

Welcome home Alberto.
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#27 Post by Bill »

Yamamoto Tabbed Opening Day Starter
by Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogoloigst
March 27, 2013


Duluth Warriors manager Miguel Angel Flores has named SP Harumi Yamamoto to start on April 1st against the Omaha Cyclones.

Newly re-signed pitching ace Alberto Semblano just finished a 50-pitch simulated game yesterday and is scheduled to throw a longer simulated game on the 31st. Barring a setback, the team thinks Semblano will be ready to throw around 90 pitches over the weekend against the Reno Tenpinners.
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#28 Post by Bill »

So Who's Left
By Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogologist
March 31, 2013

Cut day has come and gone for your beloved Duluth Warriors. Some familiar faces remain, players like Pat Holman, Miguel Cortéz, and Powell Clark. But numerous men in green and white are relative unknowns to both Duluth and the PEBA. I'm sure more than one of us has thought, "Who is that lard butt playing DH?" I'm here to clarify that and many of the other mysteries surrounding spring training for the Warriors.

Question 1: Who's that 12-year old playing left field?
That, my friends, is OF John Mayer. He was acquired during the spring via trade from West Virginia. The early reports are that he has decent contact and a decent batting eye for a youngster. I can't say I disagree as the lefty hit .340 over 160 games at AAA. The team thinks he has the ability to hit .300 in the PEBA - let's hope so. According to the team, Mayer will be given every opportunity to play left field everyday and bat second in the Warriors lineup.

Question 2: Who IS that lard butt playing DH?
Carlos Colón was the Warriors' first selection in the 2012 Rule 5 Draft last December. Colón has a good track record (.296/.402/.523) back home in the ABSF and the Warriors decided to give the slugger a chance at a full time PEBA job. The team really likes his pitch selection and the hefty lefty should provide a decent OBP even if he's lost a little bat speed.

Question 3: Who is hitting third for this team?
Well, the obvious choice would be perennial All-Star Pat Holman, being that he is the team's best hitter and all. But manager Miguel Angel Flores has decided to change up and insert Miguel Cortéz in the three hole to allow Holman to protect him from the cleanup spot. Only time will tell whether this order will work, but each hitter faired well in the spring so maybe Flores is crazy like a fox in this situation.

Question 4: So what shook out in the outfield?
As previously discussed, Mayer seems to have first dibs in left. That moves last year's success story Ronald Elmore to right field. Most thought 2012 Gold Glove CF Steve Williamson would likely see a lot of time either in center or right field, but his poor showing this spring has left him in the doghouse and fighting for playing time with youngsters Eric Jackson and Martin Griffin. I smell a platoon situation with Jackson getting the at-bats against righties and maybe Williamson playing against the southpaws. This is likely a dynamic situation with Flores feeling his way through this for a while.

The BIG Question: Can this team do anything in 2013?
Probably not. The hitting should be average and the bullpen has a few decent arms. But the starting pitching outside of Alberto Semblano is pretty awful. The team showed it can complete with the likes of Yuma and Kalamazoo, but I think a lot of teams will be able to outpitch the Warriors. The ceiling for Duluth in 2013 is probably challenging the team record for victories (a mere 78 - ugh), but could just as likely repeat 61 wins for a third straight season. I'll split the difference and say that 70 wins is a reasonable expectation this season.
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#29 Post by Bill »

Hansen Out, Mathews In, Page Skipped
By Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogologist
April 22, 2013

The Duluth Warriors have not played badly in their first 18 games. With exception of series against Omaha and Tempe, they have been competitive in compiling an 8-10 record in April. The Warriors had a particularly good weekend recently while taking two of three games in Crystal Lake. But the time for some tweaking has come to address the lowlights and accent the highlights.

Today the team announced their first official changes to the team roster since the 25-man roster was formed after spring training. The Warriors optioned SP Dillon Hansen back to AAA Madison this morning after a tough 0-3 start. Hansen had a decent start (7 IP, 1R) against the Bulldozers, but sandwiched that with three awful outings where he failed to get past the fourth inning in any start. The lack of success in the regular season was a mild surprise as Hansen was probably Duluth's best pitcher in the spring (16 IP, 12 H, 4 R). But now he's unperforming his career ERA of 5.80 and will get an opportunity to straighten out his game as a Cheesehead.

Taking Hansen's place in the rotation will be one of the team's highlights of April 2013, pitcher Otis Mathews. Mathews leads the team in appearances with 11 and has posted a very impressive 2.81 ERA and 1.06 WHIP in his time with Duluth, including six shutout innings in a spot start in the Crystal Lake series. The righthander from New York is expected to get his next start over the weekend in Omaha.

The team also announced that with the day off coming this week that SP Owen Page (0-2, 9.22 ERA) will be skipped in the rotation in order to allow him to work on his pitches on the side. Despite the lack of results, his strikeout rate has been good and the team hopes that some minor delivery tweaks will change his results.
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Re: Unga Bunga: A Warriors Blog

#30 Post by Bill »

Welcome to Amigo #1
by Olaf Halvorsen, Senior Blogologist
May 26, 2013


Unga Bunga has independently confirmed that Duluth plans to call up phenom SP Rich Jones today and start him tonight in Yuma in the series finale against the Bulldozers. Jones was seen leaving the visiting locker room last night during Madison's 2-1 win in Mansfield with all of his belongings to catch a red-eye flight to catch up with the big league club out west. Jones is scheduled to arrive early today to meet with catcher Pat Holman and the coaching staff to go over the reports on the Yuma hitters.

"Really, he had nothing left to prove in the minors," said GM Bill McKenzie in a brief conversation after last night's second straight loss to the 'Dozers. Nothing truer has been said - "Spud" Jones (5-3, 2.93 ERA, 74 K) is currently in a streak of 23 straight innings without allowing an earned run at AAA Madison. The second overall pick of the 2010 draft appears to be living up to every bit of the hype he received coming out of Tulane.

I thought Matt Howard would be the first of the Four Amigos to arrive in Duluth, but he is still a few weeks away from game shape while rehabbing his dead arm. Jones has been nothing but great over the last 2+ seasons in his ascension to the PEBA and has earned what will likely be the last callup of his career. Time will only tell if this tater can rise to the elite ranks of PEBA pitching, but he certainly has the chance to be the best pitcher in Duluth history.

Unless Dave Barker has anything to say about it...
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