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The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 12:20 am
by John
Civilization V: Gods & Kings
Look, I realize that as great as all this sounds, it's still an expansion to a game that you likely put down in favor of other things long ago. If you didn't, you wouldn't even need this preview, because you've probably already pre-ordered it. For those who did put aside Civ V some time ago, all I can say is that Gods & Kings is as valid a reason to pick the game back up again as you're likely to ever get. The game itself as as fun as ever, and the new additions feel significant enough to justify not just releasing them as piecemeal DLC. I can't say I'm exactly happy about the fact that Gods & Kings has given me the Civ shakes all over again, but considering I've been having a lot of fun playing through it, I guess I can't complain too hard.

I'll remind myself of that the next time I'm sitting bleary-eyed in my boxers at 3am desperately trying to muster enough coherent thought to decide on my next policy upgrade while my girlfriend is screaming at me to come to bed.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I really enjoyed our Civ V online games despite the shoddy nature of the game's multiplayer code. The bad news is that the upcoming expansion doesn't do anything to address multiplayer woes. The good news is that it seems to pack a whole lot of cool gameplay in. I'm thinking it might be fun to pick this up and start a new gaming session up. Have a look at the preview. Do you guys think you'd be interested?

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 6:29 am
by Bill
I would definitely play again.

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 11:55 am
by John
The First 90 Days of Civilization V: Gods and Kings
By turn 90 I've had just about enough of the Mayans' smugness. Just a few turns ago, I arranged a nice Christmas party for all the different civilizations. Maria brought a fruit cake, and I made some wicked cider, but Pacal complained the whole time about how this was 550 BC and Christmas did not exist yet. What a stick in the mud. When I suggested we hang lights in his headpiece, he responded by setting my tree on fire.

Now my troops are sitting outside his capital city of Palenque, loaded to the teeth with rocks, spears, and Christmas cheer. A special report also comes down the wire informing me that the Mayans have the least-pointy sticks in the world. This is a good sign.
A nice walk-through of the early game in Gods & Kings. Religion looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. I like the idea of sending missionaries into foreign lands to convert those peoples to your beliefs. The new espionage model sounds fun, too.

I'm with Bill: I'd definitely be up for more Civ V once Gods & Kings comes out on June 19. The expansion will be available for both PC and Mac and will retail for $30, though I imagine there will be sales around release time. So we've got at least two of us interested in this. Anybody else?

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 12:05 pm
by Bill
Yes, I very much like the re-addition of religion. :clap:

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:24 pm
by Hitmen
Mmmm I would totally be down for some more civilization. ;-D

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:53 pm
by DanD
I would probably be up for some Civ! I'll have to re-teach myself how to play though :lol:

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 7:13 pm
by Paul Moots
I'm in Dan's boat - I'd have to re-learn, especially since I have never gone past Civ III. We'll have to see if the budget can handle both game and expansion. If so, I'd love to play.


Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 10:32 pm
by John
I'm really excited to hear that there's interest! I'm right along with the rest of you - I haven't played a minute of Civ V since we ended our PEBACiv gaming group sessions, so I'll be learning all over again. But that's totally fine with me... I don't mind being schooled as I learn on the fly. I'll just make sure to fix it so anyone who attacks my civilization finds a few of their players suffering from nasty long-term injuries in their next sim. :twisted: Kidding, kidding!

Paul, I'm especially glad to hear you're interested since you'd be a PEBACiv newcomer. Completely understand about needing to fit the game into your budget. Like I said, the pre-order price is $30, but I think you'll find it available for ~$25 at launch. That's still a little bit of change, but at least there's a month remaining to fit it into the budget.

Michael, would Tom like to join us? I'd love to have him; he's a blast to play with.

I'll leave you with another Gods & Kings preview. This one covers the "steampunk" scenarios in the game. I imagine it will be quite shocking to see a Maya armada of zeppelins floating towards your capital city. :o
Blasting steampunk airships in Civ V's Smokey Skies

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 5:23 am
by Apollos
I've never played Civ online, so I have no idea what it entails, but assume it requires us all to be online at the same time? If so that will probably preclude my joining you, but if not, I'd love to give it a whirl.

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 9:05 am
by John
Online Civ does require that we're on at the same time, but before we count you out, Brian, what weekday and weekend hours would you usually be free? We might be able to find some workable time, particularly on weekends.

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 9:20 am
by Bill
PEBA Commissioner wrote:Online Civ does require that we're on at the same time, but before we count you out, Brian, what weekday and weekend hours would you usually be free? We might be able to find some workable time, particularly on weekends.
Right. Maybe if we play Friday nights it would be Sat morning his time.

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 11:29 am
by Jason
I'd love to but I don't have the time right now... The previous sessions were definitely a blast!

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 12:05 pm
by Apollos
Warriors wrote:
PEBA Commissioner wrote:Online Civ does require that we're on at the same time, but before we count you out, Brian, what weekday and weekend hours would you usually be free? We might be able to find some workable time, particularly on weekends.
Right. Maybe if we play Friday nights it would be Sat morning his time.
Friday nights, count me in for sure - we're +11 hours right now so as long as it's reasonable, I'd love to join you guys.

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:38 pm
by Hitmen
PEBA Commissioner wrote:Michael, would Tom like to join us? I'd love to have him; he's a blast to play with.
Will see what I can do John, will bug him about it ;-D

Re: The Civ V expansion nears - time to jump back in?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:25 pm
by Grumbles
Hitmen wrote:
PEBA Commissioner wrote:Michael, would Tom like to join us? I'd love to have him; he's a blast to play with.
Will see what I can do John, will bug him about it ;-D

I am most likely down to join in on some Civ 5 action. However I recently have had a huge reduction i my free time due to being employed, and I also have another community where I have responsibilities at as a Main Dev. So yeah as long as the time is doable for me (I start on 2nd shift next week which means I will prob at work till I get home late at night), I will most likely be down to join in.