TEW 2020 BLOG - King's European Wrestling (KEW)

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TEW 2020 BLOG - King's European Wrestling (KEW)

#1 Post by Hitmen »

King’s European Wrestling
Based out of Krakow, Poland...

A small upstart wrestling federation created out of the gym of a young stand out, Julian King. King, having grown up wrestling in Europe and throughout the United States after watching his father struggle with his wrestling career, opened his own gym with the money received from inheriting a wealthy uncle's estate.

The gym, “The Crow's Nest”, is named after his father and local legend; Piotr 'The Crow' Kinga who was a lowly mid-card talent. KEW got its start running shows within the gym and are looking to expand further into the European market place if possible.

Can this fledgling company make it?

KEW was brought together in January 2020 after Julian King, son of Piotr ‘The Crow’ Kinga, decided to start running some tours using the students at his gym he created after the death of his father. Including Julian, there were 26 wrestlers from all over the world that had been training at the gym and were looking forward to this opportunity to make something more out of their opportunity to tour.

They would begin their professional wrestling careers in KEW with a winter tour, named the ‘Winter’s Core Tour’, all throughout the Central Europe region during the 2nd week of January, on a grueling 3 day a week schedule. The tour would end with the company’s first major event, KEW’s 'Awakening' which will premiere at the end of March. If the company is still making a profit at that time, and if, just if, they can secure a broadcasting deal for their tour highlights and 1st major event, they may be able to keep this dream going.

Current Roster: 28
  1. Andriy Boronin
  2. Aurelian Bradley
  3. Barry Griffin
  4. Black Flash
  5. Cain Carlile
  6. Cannonball Logan (The Youth Bandits)
  7. Gazz Vedmore (Black Country Boys) - Out Injured
  8. Gianfranco Morelli
  9. Hack the Hunter
  10. Ian Vincible (The Youth Bandits)
  11. Jacques DuPont (The Foreign Legion)
  12. Jose Flamenco
  13. Julian King
  14. Louie Peyton (The Assassins' Guild) - In Rehab
  15. Manuel Dias
  16. Mickey Robson (Black Country Boys)
  17. Nate Manchester
  18. Nathaniel Ca$ino
  19. Pierre DuPont (The Foreign Legion)
  20. Rob Edwards
  21. Roger Monteiro
  22. Ronny de Veuster - In Rehab
  23. Stefan Raynor (The Assassins' Guild) - In Rehab
  24. Sunburst
  25. Thorsten Sigurdsson
  26. Tobias Bastio
  27. Wes Stryker
  28. Zool
  • Asif Allam - Announcer
  • Fink Finkleton - Manager
  • Honest Frank - Manager
  • Kashmir Singh - Colour Commentator
  • Kazuko Hiroyuki - Referee
  • Luigi Marin - Manager
  • Melanie Florence - Colour Commentator
  • Nigel Darling - Personality/Celebrity
  • Owen Oldacre - Booker
  • Yasuyuki Terakado - Referee
Last edited by Hitmen on Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:24 am, edited 3 times in total.
Michael Czosnyka

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Monday, Week 2, 2020

#2 Post by Hitmen »

KEW’s Darling Hour
Monday, Week 2, 2020

King’s Inaugural World Heavyweight Title Tournament has just been announced as KEW is set to begin their touring schedule in Central Europe this week!

KEW has released a list of 16 entrants in the tournament which will be an Elimination style tournament for KEW’s King's World Heavyweight Championship belt which currently sits vacant.


The championship match is currently set for KEW’s Awakening on Wednesday, Week 4 of March 2020. The round of 16 elimination matches are set to begin tonight! Who do you think will come out the victor?


Hopefully you are as excited as I am to get on the road! First stop, our very own gym, 'The Crow's Nest' in Krakow, Poland! See you fans there!

- Nigel Darling; KEW
Michael Czosnyka

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Monday, Week 1, February 2020

#3 Post by Hitmen »

KEW’s Darling Hour

Monday, Week 1, February 2020

January’s busy touring schedule of Central Europe flew by, but let’s recap what the local fans got to see!

Touring Schedule:
  1. The Crow’s Nest Gym - Central Europe, 56 in attendance
  2. Krakow Stadion - Central Europe, 51 in attendance
  3. Slaskie Stadion - Central Europe, 51 in attendance
  4. Ostrava Arena - Central Europe, 50 in attendance
  5. Prague Stadion - Central Europe, 52 in attendance
  6. Zurich Stadion - Central Europe, 51 in attendance
  7. The Crow’s Nest Gym - Central Europe, 56 in attendance
  8. Vienna Stadion - Central Europe, 52 in attendance
  9. Bayern Stadion - Central Europe, 54 in attendance
Average attendance: 53 fans
Highest rated show: Tour Stop #2; Krakow Stadion (43 rating)

Attendance has been consistent for the small startup as we here at KEW try to make a name for ourselves and get KEW on the map, but some solid shows were put together as we build to Awakening at the end of March! Hopefully you join us!

You know your Darling is a hound for that gossip, so I have the tea to spill on all the locker room gossip you can handle from our first 9 stops on the Winter Core Tour as well as the promotion's day to day updates!

Wrestler’s Court:

Elder wrestler, Manuiel Dias, is showing himself to be a locker room leader as the rest of the wrestlers have used him to help settle disputes and have put him in position to act as the judge of the Wrestling Court
  • Doled out 4 beer crates for the locker room penalties for wrestlers spending too much time on their cell phone during pre-show meetings
  • Doled out 1 payment of drinks for the full roster after the show for a fellow wrestler showing disrespect at the door
  • Doled out 1 payment of drinks for the full roster after the show for a wrestler not picking up his tab the prior night on the tour
  • When he wasn’t busy playing judge for the antics of the other wrestlers; Manuel unveiled a series of spot-on impressions to rib some of the other wrestlers in the locker room drawing some much needed laughter
Roster Updates:
  • The Crow’s Nest gym saw a new alumni ready to make the plunge into professional wrestling; Bertram Zeller
  • Bertram was brought up to KEW immediately as the roster was thinning due to injuries and had a long touring schedule ahead of them
  • The massive rookie took on the alter ego of “Zool” and now wrestles for KEW with a new custom mask
  • Due to the injury bug, and at the request of KEW wrestler Ian Vincible, former tag team partner Cannonball Logan was signed to KEW and they once again formed The Youth Bandits
  • Colour Commentator Kashmir Singh hasn’t found his footing quite yet at the commentating booth, so veteran Melanie Florence has been brought in to the announce table to help bring the right vibe to the desk
Locker Room Gossip:

The youth and inexperience of the roster is showing as the roster had to deal with a multitude of injuries in this first month of the tour:
  • Gazz Vedmore sustained a Torn Rotator Cuff in his first tag match against The Foreign Legion in the first tour stop!
  • Gazz was then replaced by tag partner, Mickey Robson, in the King’s Inaugural World Heavyweight Tourney
  • Gazz Vedmore was slated to be out for just over 11 months to recover from the Torn Rotator Cuff; putting the Black Country Boys tag team on hiatus in the meantime
  • Gazz did undergo successful surgery on this shoulder and reduced his rehab time down to 7 months
  • Nathaniel Ca$ino suffered a couple of broken fingers in his match in the first tour stop, but nothing a couple of splints couldn’t fix
  • Aurelian Bradley suffered a sprained ankle after what many in the locker room considered a botched move by new rookie “Zool”; causing some heat backstage with other wrestlers as the roster was already suffering from injuries
  • Veteran Gianfranco Morelli was seething after his tag match on the fourth stop of the tour with Nate Manchester after he narrowly avoided an injury after a botched spot
  • The ever unlucky Nathaniel Ca$ino suffered a Cracked Tail Bone in this same tag match as well which easily has been viewed as a sloppy match by fellow wrestlers; the spot was with Rob Edwards who has been known to be a bit sloppy. The workhorse Ca$ino however vowed to work through the pain which expected to take a month to recover
  • The injury bug continued as Jose Flamenco suffered a couple of broken fingers during his match on the sixth stop of the tour in Zurich
  • Even owner/booker/wrestler Julian King was not safe from the injury bug as he broke a toe in his triple threat match on the eight tour stop in Vienna at the hands of rookie, Zool, and another botched spot
Big Match/Title Updates:
  • The King’s Inaugural World Heavyweight Tourney continues after we have seen the first 5 matches so far in January, with the next 6 matches slated to take place in February, we should have a clearer picture of the Semi Finals match ups as we head into March
  • With the addition to the tag division by The Youth Bandits, the tag team titles were introduced in Zurich. After a tornado tag match between The Foreign Legion, The Youth Bandits, Andriy Boronin & Wes Stryker, and Thorsten Sigurdsson & Zool, The Youth Bandits came out on top in a spectacular main event of the night to become the Inaugural World Tag Team Champions!
  • The first return back to The Crow’s Nest gym was a special one that was marked with the introduction of the mid-card International Title. A spectacular main event between prodigal son, Julian King, and Tobias Bastio saw King raise his first career title win in his own gym to an elated crowd of 56 local fans; let’s hope that putting the belt on the owner doesn’t send the wrong message to the rest of the locker room..

The touring schedule has been difficult, so I, Nigel Darling, will do my best to continue to give you all the KEW news and gossip you can handle! Stay tuned!

- Nigel Darling; KEW
Last edited by Hitmen on Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Michael Czosnyka

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Wrestler Spotlight #1 - Andriy Boronin

#4 Post by Hitmen »

Monday, Week 1, February 2020

This week we put a spotlight on Andriy Boronin:

Andriy Boronin is a solid worker from the Ukraine. A pretty good amateur wrestler, he was taught the US-style college wrestling while serving in the Ukrainian Army between the ages of 16 and 18. Boronin is particularly adept at submission-based mat wrestling and a great technician. What he perhaps lacks is flair; as he rarely uses top rope moves, and he prefers to take opponents down with throws rather than punches and kicks, and has a seeming dislike of showmanship in general. Perhaps as a result of this attitude he has not done much outside of the threadbare eastern European independent scene since his debut in 2012. He hopes to make a bigger impression with his signing to the upstart KEW in 2020.

So far he has managed to get over with the fans through his persistent technical style, and smart pairing with mouthpiece, Luigi Marin. Despite the strong pairing, he currently holds a 2-7 record in matches and is not featured in any title hunts after the early defeat in the Inaugural Heavyweight Title Tourney.

Andriy is 1 of 28 wrestlers currently on the roster, and is not part of any tag teams or stables.


- Nigel Darling; KEW
Michael Czosnyka

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KEW to Broadcast on GCN

#5 Post by Hitmen »

Friday, Week 4, February 2020


Julian King and KEW takes a large step forward with the announcement of their recent partnership with small central European online broadcaster, Golden Crown Network.

GCN has agreed to be the main broadcast network for KEW’s Pay Per Views, as well as agreeing to broadcast the promotion’s Tour Highlights which previously were only an in-person event. KEW is looking to take advantage of their own highlights instead of seeing them posted on YouTube and other online media.


King, and the rest of KEW’s team hope that this is a step in the direction of turning enough heads to warrant a weekly television program. The difficult touring schedule has already run amok on the health of the wrestlers in KEW with many long term injuries taking out talent.

- Nigel Darling; KEW
Michael Czosnyka

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Monday, Week 1, March 2020

#6 Post by Hitmen »

KEW’s Darling Hour

Monday, Week 1, March 2020

February’s busy touring schedule of Central Europe continues at a blistering pace, but let’s recap once again what fans got to see this month! Tour dates #10 - #21

Touring Schedule:
  • #10 Warsaw Stadion - Central Europe, 55 in attendance
  • #11 Stuttgart Stadion - Central Europe, 55 in attendance
  • #12 Prague Stadion - Central Europe, 55 in attendance
  • #13 Munich Stadion - Central Europe, 55 in attendance
  • #14 Cologne Stadion - Central Europe, 56 in attendance
  • #15 Bremen Hall - Central Europe, 54 in attendance
  • #16 Budapest Stadion - Central Europe, 55 in attendance
  • #17 The Crow’s Nest - Central Europe, 62 in attendance
  • #18 Krakow Stadion - Central Europe, 55 in attendance
  • #19 Hamburg Stadion - Central Europe, 54 in attendance
  • #20 Frankfurt Stadion - Central Europe, 56 in attendance
  • #21 The Crow’s Nest - Central Europe, 61 in attendance
Average attendance: 56 fans
Highest rated show: Tour Stop #18; Krakow Stadion (45 rating)

Attendance remained consistent with a small average increase (+3 since January 2020) as the band-wagon fans followed KEW across Central Europe as we continue to build to Awakening at the end of March! Now with the full support of the Golden Crown network, tour highlights are streamed on the network after hours to give new fans an opportunity to catch up on the highlights!

Nigel Darling has all the gossip round up for you from the past month of grueling touring, the locker room continued to buzz and feel the pain during our next 12 stops on the Winter Core Tour, and I have the promotion's day to day updates as well to share!

Wrestler’s Court:

Elder wrestler Barry Griffin sat judge this leg of the tour, and was making sure all of the younger talent were not beginning to slack off during the rough patches of the tour:
  • Thorsten Sigurdsson accused of failing to pick up his share of the tab at the bar in Warsaw, was made to buy drinks for the full roster after the show
  • Nate Manchester wowed the locker room with his spot on impressions while KEW was visiting Budapest
  • Referee Yasuyuki Terkado was caught playing games on his iPhone during a pre-show meeting and was required to buy a crate of beer for the locker room while in Krakow
  • Not to be outdone by Nate Manchester, young lion Zool decided it was his turn to try his hand at impressions of his fellow wrestlers, which fell a bit flat
  • Without judge duties this leg of the tour, Manuel Dias thought it best to pull a prank on the rest of the locker room by activating the sprinklers during a pre-show meeting, soaking everyone
Roster Updates:
  • Wes Stryker & Aurelian Bradley have been hitting the gym hard and now appear pretty toned, rawr!
  • Owner/wrestler Julian ‘The Crow’ King also decided it was time to get ripped
  • While out nursing his injury, Black Country Boy’s Gazz Vedmore decided to move closer to the gym in Central Europe to make touring and rehab easier
Locker Room Gossip:

The rough touring schedule and lack of experience in the roster continued the injury bug trend for the small KEW roster:
  • Black Flash sustained a broken forearm in a 3-way tag match to main event the stop in Warsaw (a botched move by Nate Manchester), surprisingly the Black Flash plans to try to continue to wrestle while healing the injury due to so many wrestlers already missing. Now that is determination!
  • Thorsten Sigurdsson was also said to suffer from some chronic upper back pain from his pre-show match in Stuttgart, he is also expecting to wrestle through the pain
  • Wes Stryker suffered a swollen calf muscle from a botched move by Kalu Owusu (of UEW) in a triple threat match for the EWC Heavyweight Championship title, Kalu became the inaugural Heavyweight Champion of the European Wrestling Consortium and was defending his title for the 3rd time
  • Nathaniel Ca$ino recovered from his cracked tailbone was back to full speed in the ring
  • Sunburst sustained a cracked rib after a supposed botched move by Thorsten Sigurdsson, although as with other recent injuries, Sunburst wants to continue fighting through the injury and was soon back to full health a few weeks later
Big Match/Title Updates:
  • The King’s Inaugural World Heavyweight Tourney continues after 6 matches in February slated to take place in February with only three matches remain before the Championship match scheduled at KEW’s Awakening pay-per-view at the end of the tour in March.
  • The KEW King’s International Championship was defended three times during the tour, with Julian king successfully defending against Pierre DuPont, Nate Manchester, and Gianfranco Morelli.
  • The KEW King’s World Tag Team Championships were defended three times as well during the tour, with The Youth Bandits defeating Gianfranco Morelli & Mickey Robson and Andriy Boronin & Barry Griffin in a brutal triple threat, then against Mickey Robson & Thorsten Sigurdsson, and finally against Jose Flamenco & Mickey Robson. The Black Country Boy’s Mickey Robson is really missing his tag partner Gazz Vermore but he wants to show that his team belongs in the hunt for the title belts
The touring schedule has been difficult, so I, Nigel Darling, will do my best to continue to give you all the KEW news and gossip you can handle! Stay tuned!

- Nigel Darling; KEW
Michael Czosnyka

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Re: TEW 2020 BLOG - King's European Wrestling (KEW)

#7 Post by Fishermen »

Somehow stumbled upon this is a fellow TEW player. I like playing C-Verse too but I don't really play European feds so I don't know a lot of these guys and it's hard for me to pick who to support...

I think I will go with Nathaniel Ca$ino cuz my first TEW fed as I learnt to play was the old-fashioned indie fed in NY (that I forgot the name, NYPW?) and he was there.

I have Roger Monteiro in my current game so he will be my second pick to support.
Andy (Sim, Chaan-Shu)
GM Gloucester Fishermen
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