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Possible problem for OSX users

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:48 am
by Leones
I ran into an issue today where the game thought it wasn't licensed. This is a new bug and may affect some of you running on OSX. I checked the support forum and found these details: ... oblem.html

Exclamation OOTP 15 patch Mac version 15.6.29 released - fixes OSX 10.9.5 problem!
Hey guys,

Apple today released an update for Mac OSX, version 10.9.5 ... unfortunately, this screwed up the eSellerate engine and hence OOTP 15 acts as if it is unlicensed when launched in the new OSX version. So, we hurried up and built a quick fix using the most current beta version of the game, 15.6.29. This version now works on the beta of Mac OSX Yosemite as well.

Important: This update is only for OOTP 15 Mac versions which were purchased directly from us or resellers who use our version. It is NOT compatible with Steam or the Mac OSX AppStore version! These versions did not have the licensing problem to begin with.

Update Info: To apply the update, simply download the setup file and install it over your current installation. There is no need to uninstall or unlicense your current copy! However, you should quit the game before installing it, of course. Saved games are compatible between different versions.

Download link for Mac:
Main Server: OOTP version 15.6.29 Mac OS X Installer

The beta patch also contains all other current fixes of the upcoming maintenance patch and some AI improvements.

The official release for this patch for all platforms will probably be sometime next week.


Re: Possible problem for OSX users

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:32 pm
by Denny
Lucky for me I'm still on OS 10.6.8 :-B

Thanks for the heads-up Patrick. ;-D