Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

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Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#1 Post by Lions »


Day 1

It was already late when Rodger Junizoh crossed the
bridge to the Garden of Reflection.


The reflecting pool stood still as Junizoh walked around
it towards the marble statue at the end of the garden.


The church had said it was a reminder of God's justice
and compassion. The all powerful's character presented in
the form of a clergyman carrying a cross atop his staff.

Junizoh just knew he needed time alone to think.

But he was not alone.


"J-j-j-justice, Rodger?" Junizoh turned sharply to see
Oscar Cornbifles staring intently at him.


"It's an interesting thought isn't it?" he replied.


"There is some merit in that."

"Y-y-y-you wouldn't know, w-w-w-would you?"

Oscar's voice sounded almost like a growl.
As Junizoh watched, Oscar's head grew as he began
a horrible transformation.

"Now, Oscar, hold on..."


"You held us prisoner!" There was no hint of a
stammer in Oscar's growl this time.

"I helped you escape!" Junizoh protested.

"You let the mafia run free in this city"

"I was trying to stop them! It's not my fault that
Aura was the only one we all caught!"

"You knew all along. You let them go on killing
in your house. Then you let them walk out the
front door!"


Oscar leapt across the reflecting pool with a speed
that Junizoh never suspected. His sharp teeth ripping
at the former butler's flesh.

"That's disgusting!"

It was now Oscar's turn to look around in surprise.


There, pointing a gun and holding a silver dagger,
stood Norman Coleau.

"I can't believe you would think to eat such a
revolting meal as that low life," Coleau went on.

"You killed all those people!" Oscar accused.

"Looks like I saved you some trouble."

"Looks like I'm still hungry!"

Norman shot as Oscar charged at him, but the
bullet didn't slow him one bit.


Norman's gun was thrown from his hand,
but as Oscar bit into his victim, the dagger
sunk deep into Oscar's flesh.


As the life drained from each of them,
Oscar transformed back into his normal appearance.



"Heh, Oscar had a full head of hair under that bowler!"


"I always though he wore it because he was bald," Larry Downlon
mused to himself. He surveyed the scene with an understanding
that most would be glad they didn't have.

"Let's see... Oscar killed with silver dagger after gun wound
to the shoulder did nothing. Coleau bled out from bite wounds.
Junizoh had the same fate.

"Looks like Bay City has a werewolf problem."



"... and this silver dagger was used by Norman to kill Oscar,"
Dowlon concluded.

"Looks like Bay City has a werewolf problem," someone commented.

"I just said that," Dowlon replied. "Didn't you read the intro?"


"Yes," Ivanna Prerosky interrupted. "But from that angle it looks
like you're stabbing Julie in the eye."

"That's why I wear these glasses," Julie explained.

"Hush! I'm going to put this dagger here." Dowlon explained
as he lay the silver dagger on the table at the front of the church.


"From my vast experience I can tell you that there is almost
certainly another werewolf among you. One with big, sharp
teeth and long, scary claws!" Dowlon motioned with his hands.


"We can't let a werewolf run free in this city!" someone cried.

"Right!" Dowlon replied. "I propose that each day you all vote to
kill one of you. We'll stab him or her with the dagger and know for sure."

"That sounds good to me!"

"Ok, I'm in!"

"Why not, it worked so well last time..."

  1. Each player will be given a character to play who will be aligned with either the Town, the Werewolves, or niether. Town wins when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive. The werewolves win when they obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring. Any other party characters will have their own win conditions outlined in their roles.
  2. Each day you will vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format: Vote: Character (Forum Handle). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format: Unvote: Character (Forum Handle). No other format will be accepted. You may unvote and revote as many times as you like. Players must receive at least 50% of the votes to be lynched. If there is a tie, then no lynch will occur. Failing to post in the day thread will result in a vote penalty the following day equal to the remaining number of players divided by 4.
  3. A game day will last approximately 5 days. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end at the appointed time, unless the group are decided on a lynch and the moderator decides to end it early. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage. They will not be accepted after this deadline has passed.
  4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.
  5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you via PM, either by the host or another player. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage. Similarly, conversations held in private may be discussed in your own words.
  6. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread, via PM with other players, and through means designated by the host. Do not play the game elsewhere or post in old day threads. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game. Metagame at your own risk.
  7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.
  8. You may not edit your posts. Editing a post will result in a vote penalty the same day, equal to the number of remaining players divided by 4.
  9. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM. No other communication with the hosts will be accepted or acknowledged.
  10. Any interpretation of rules that require clarification is at the hosts discretion and the host's word is final.
  11. Violation of the above rules will result in vote penalties at the host's discretion, with the possibility of death for repeated offenses.
Neutral Characters
Larry Dowlon
Has some vague experience with werewolf killings... or so he says.

Active Players
Here is the listing of players... please note that all character assignments, role assignments, and affiliation assignments have been randomized. This includes returning character roles and affiliations. Any attempt to read into those assignments is done at your own risk.

Ezra Aferlaus - Played by Kevin (Evas)
Founder of Lycanthrope Removal Services

Marty Canoon - Played by Tim (Alleghenies)
A restauranteur

Sarah Dysioni - Played by Kevin (Featherheads)
One of the Clutchers cheerleaders

Rich Glons - Played by Rory (Knights)
Beat writer for the Bay City Journal

Tim Hernbar - Played by Mike (Hitmen)
A local artist

Brett Jonasco - Played by John (John)
The Clutcher's catcher and captain.

Ivanna Prerosky - Played by Dylan (Statesmen)
A wealthy benefactor of Bay City.

Harold Rannom - Played by James (Longshoremen)
An architect.

Sam Riethar - Played by Charlie (Shinkansen)
Professional snowboarder

Eli Solmirro - Played by Mike (Borealis)
A farmer

Julie Von Riesal - Played by Dan (Bureaucrats)
Clutchers team president


Day 1 has now begun. The day will last until Monday, February 17, 9pm PST (~5 days).
With 11 players, 6 votes is required for a lynch.
You may not vote for the first 24 hours.

This thread is exclusively for active participants in the game. In-character posts only, please.
Frank Esselink
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#2 Post by Borealis »

Eli Solmirro - I just can't believe Osca' was a werewolf. He was such an amiable fella. He helped me out back in '08 when dat awful bank tried to fo'close on my farm. It wasn't my fault the '07 rains were so hard that all my garlic molded before it matured. To think people thought he was a mafia scumbag. Such a nice fella...

I've gotta say folks - we need to look peoples close in the eye here. I don't want to end up 'Alpo for Werewolves', if ya catch my meanin'...
Michael Topham, President Golden Entertainment & President-CEO of the Aurora Borealis
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#3 Post by John »

Brett Jonasco: See, this is why I was against the league expanding into London. Now we got werewolves of London roaming the streets of Bay City!

I'm supposed to be reporting to camp along with the pitchers. Now I'm stuck in church. Got married to Jodie here. Haven't been back since she left me. If you're thinking about praying, pray that we get out of here before I lose my marbles. I hate this damn place. The sooner we uncover the furry villains amongst us, the better.
John Rodriguez
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#4 Post by Lions »

It has been 24 hours, the two of you may now vote.... and I suppose anyone else who shows up.
Frank Esselink
Amsterdam Lions/Connecticut Nutmeggers GM: 2013-2022, 2031-present
Kalamazoo Badgers GM: 2028-2030

Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#5 Post by Shinkansen »

Sam Riethar: I was just staying the night in Bay City, now I'm stuck in this mess. I need to get out of here, I have a snowboarding competition to get to!
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#6 Post by klewis »

Sarah Dysioni: Like, oh my God, werewolves? Really? I for sure like thought only vampires are real! But werewolves too?? I'm too pretty to die! Someone save the cheerleader! Someone do something! This is so not happening!

I so want to give like a cheer right now but this news is so freakin' me out :eek:
Kevin Lewis - Forever Florida Featherheads
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#7 Post by DanD »

Julie Von Riesal: Werewolves! That's definitely going to scare fans away... Can we find a way to put a positive spin on this maybe? No, probably not...

I guess that means we have to get to the bottom of this A-S-A-P. What do we do Ezra? You're the expert in this area, right?
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#8 Post by Alleghenies »

Marty Canoon - When I read this on the paper, I though it was a prank or some sort. I cannot believe this would happen in real life. Maybe it's a good idea to close my restaurant by sunrise everyday.
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#9 Post by Rory »

Rich Glons: This is both good and bad.
This is a great story for the newspaper. But on the other hand, being stuck in here I have no way of getting this story out. Such a catch 22.

If only someone had invented the internet or the cell phone. I could email or call my story out by deadline.
Can someone find me a carrier pigeon? Or maybe even a stool pigeon. Do they fly?....hmmmm.........Well someone get me a pigeon of some kind.

In the meantime, I better get writing. This is a story that everyone's gonna wanna read. I'm gonna be rich....Wait, I'm Rich. But I want to be rich. How can I be rich, if I am Rich, but I'm not rich yet................. ummm now where was I? Oh ya the story..... Does anybody have a pencil?
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#10 Post by Coqui »

Harold Rannom, FAIA, RA, CCM exits a confessional, makes the sign of the cross and mumbles under his breath:

That'll have to do, without a genuine priest and being locked up in this place. I certainly have a lot for which to atone. I wonder if this supposed werewolf infestation is some sort of supernatural punishment for my sins.

[Out loud]Maybe a pick-up basketball game would help us determine who among us is lupine?

Look, I know that many here may have issues with me thanks to some of my past [ahem] business dealings, but let's try to let bygones be bygones and figure out who, among us, is a werewolf. Neither Ezra nor Tim has spoken up. What say the two of you. Remember, silence just helps the werewolves.
GM San Juan Coqui

Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#11 Post by richard_v »

Ivanna Prerosky- Werewolves?! Oh my, I was just making a visit here to see how the renovations I paid for are coming along! Who would suspect a poor old lady like me to be a werewolf? I wonder if I could use some of my money to pay to get out of this mess?
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#12 Post by John »

Brett Jonasco <to Harold Rannom: Bygones be bygones, my ass. You and that rat Norm would have killed me and the rest if we hadn't busted our way out. I had to stand there helpless as a pitcher watching a home run trot while you turned the townies against me, and it was you two who were mafioso the whole time. Worse, you sullied my name all through Bay City, which made Jodie leave me. You're just lucky we're on holy ground and that I still have a smidge of the fear of divine retribution burned into me by Sunday School, or I'd show you what your bygones are worth to me.

<to the group: Me and Harold got business that we can't finish until we get out of here. So I want the furballs amongst us rooted out, and I want it done now. Let's start looking for clues.
John Rodriguez
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#13 Post by Hitmen »

Tim Hernbar - How macabre, but I must say it would make for a great new center piece to a new exhibit! I could definitely make the moment last forever with one of my amazing works of art! Hmm, what would be a fair price to charge for such a work? Being me and famous and all should make it worth that much more, don't you all agree?
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#14 Post by Borealis »

Eli Solmirro - I'm uncertain as to where to think we start. I'd say let's go with the hairiest of us, but then I realized that meant me! I must say that just to get us a lil social justice, Harold would feel right - who knows what he may do if we escape this hellish nightmare in a house of The Lord. That said, I can't rightly say I see the man as a blood thirsty wolf!
Michael Topham, President Golden Entertainment & President-CEO of the Aurora Borealis
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 1

#15 Post by Lions »

Current vote tally:
No votes

Larry Dowlon - This is a church, not a prison. You're free to walk out the door and go back to your homes and businesses and what have you. You're welcome to reflect in the Garden or just stand on the bridge and watch the water flow. You can pay your respects at the cemetery if you feel you owe that to someone, but you may end up joining them unless you figure out who's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Frank Esselink
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