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Cabrera Benched, goes on Hit strike

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:52 pm
by Reg
by Robert Plack, Bayou Brief

With his June batting average hanging around .150, CF Pablo Cabrera has been benched by Manager David Parks. Cabrera was once a highly sought after commodity before putting together this dismal season at the plate and driving away any potential suitors. “He’s like the pretty girl with no personality or brains. Sure looks good, but you don’t want to spend a lot of time Pablo with her,” quipped older and often politically incorrect Parks. Cabrera has tools, there is no doubt about that, but if you can’t hit above your weight (he only weighs 160) then you know you are going to be in for trouble. Cabrera is a gifted center fielder on defense and speed to burn on the base paths. But with a new shift on rebuilding, there isn’t room for a future free agent to be given room to “find himself” at the plate again.

In response, Cabrera took to twitter to announced he was going on a hit strike. As ironic as that might be, he has made this benching his soapbox to promote better treatment of players in third world countries, such as Yuma. When someone replied to question his assumption that Yuma was a third world country, he shot back “they don’t have clean drinking water and they celebrate when they lose at baseball. Face the facts!” Another fan tried to reason with him stating that Yuma was in fact a city in the United States, he angrily replied “believe the lame stream media if you want, sheeple...but I will stand firm”.

Cabrera had workmanlike numbers last year turning a respectable vorp of 18.8. This year has been another story, and with his benching he probably won’t have the chance to turn it around. With the Trendsetters set on changing and retooling for the upcoming future, reportedly looking at the long play, Cabrera will surely be one of the players shopped. But at this current production, who is going to pick him up?

His hit strike will start tomorrow, but who knows if he will get an at bat, and whether or not the chance to win back a starting job somewhere might overcome his concern for third world Yuma. Only time will tell.