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Jhonny Baseball

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#1 Post by Jhonny Baseball »

Transaction Recap
By Jhonny Baseball for American Baseball Perspective

Imperial League
Pan-Atlantic Division
Manchester Maulers
Manchester Maulers: Signed SP V. León to a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $2,280,000.
Although is ratings are unimpressive across the board, León is having a good season on a bad team. He is extra tough on righties and usually keeps the Maulers in the game. On a better squad, he is 4th-5th starter material, but the Maulers need him and the price is right. Good signing.
Manchester Maulers: Signed MR A. León to a 2-year contract extension worth a total of $2,400,000.
¿Que es con todos los Leóns? I like this one a lot. I would like it more if it were longer. This Leon is only 22 and has a long ways to go to make it to his ceiling, which is quite high. As it is, he is having a fine season and is one of the bright spots on a dim season in Manchester. I fear that by the time this contract is up, he will have improved to the point where he will be considerably more expensive, but that’s a fine problem to have.

Connecticut Nutmeggers
Connecticut Nutmeggers: Signed 3B M. Lluea to a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $10,960,000.
LLuea looks as if he is turning a corner in Connecticut. He was a swirling vortex of hope and outs in West Virginia, whereas now, he is just sorta bad. But hey, hope springs eternal and he is entering his peak years. Spending 3 odd million a year for a starting third baseman that can field his position and smack a dinger is not a bad investment. If he ever starts playing like he should then this contract will be very one sided and go along way to get the Spice Boys out of the cellar. These are the kind of chances a last place team needs to make.

Connecticut Nutmeggers: Signed 1B R. Guillén to a 2-year contract extension worth a total of $1,000,000.
A good, cheap, signing. Guillén is not your prototypical hands of stone, homer mashing first sacker. His glove is golden and his power is up the alleys. He is a useful, if not ideal, player who comes as quite a bargain.

Dixie Division
West Virginia Coal Sox
West Virginia Coal Sox: Signed 1B M. Kouki to a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $9,720,000.
In a very small sample size, Kouki has gone crazy on opposing pitchers like Ann Wilson on a hamhock. I if he can keep it up anywhere close to where he is at, it will be a great, great deal for the Black Lung Brigade. Unfortunately, his ratings suggest that he will land sooner or later. When this happens, the Sox will be paying too much for an average first baseman whose minor league stats suggest needs platooned against lefties.

West Virginia Coal Sox: Signed SP A. Bagg to a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $4,140,000.
I suppose 1.3 mil/year is not too much for a fifth starter, but Bagg has a few things wrong with him that worry me. His endurance is close to swing man level, and his k/9 rate is barely above his bb/9 rate. Of course, not striking guys out and relying on your defense will lower one’s pitch count. His holding runners rating could barely be lower, and his slowness to the plate will test his catchers’ arms for years. The Sox have a pretty fleet fleet of outfielders, which as a fly ball pitcher should help Bagg’s cause. His turns may be a good day to sit Orlando Valadez. Bagg is young and still has some room to improve, but I would look forward to off days and skip his turn in the rotation every time I could. Failing that, I would put the best defense I had around him and hope for the best.

West Virginia Coal Sox: Signed LF O. Valadez to a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $15,900,900.
That’s quite a lot of money for a singles hitter who is the worst defensive outfielder on his team. Valadez does a great job against lefties and takes a goodly number of bases. He is not slow but is no burner either. He is miscast as a DH and a leadoff man as his power is lacking for the position and his OBP versus righties is nothing special. All that having been said, Valadez is a good player who can help the Sox win, I would just like to see it for a million or so fewer dollars a year.

Sovereign League
Great Lakes Division
Canton Longshoremen
Canton Longshoremen: Signed CF J. Campbell to a 2-year contract extension worth a total of $4,160,000.
I like it a lot. Campbell is a tweener, without the range for a centerfielder and without the home run power of a corner outfielder. However, he is a good, useful player signed through his peak for very cheap.

Omaha Cyclones
Omaha Cyclones: Signed 2B S. Brown to a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $650,000.
I am glad the Brown found a home for the time being, but if he did not have such tantalizing power potential I wouldn’t be able to see the point to this keeping him around. Brown can’t run, and as of yet can’t hit. He is a switch hitter, but not particularly impressive from either side. What he can do is field every position on the infield and bring rise to hopes that he ever gets his act together at the plate. His bat will hurt the Cyclones if they were to play him ever day, but he needs at-bats to improve. Perhaps as a UI and maybe a platoon partner, Brown may get enough swings in to further his development, and if his bat ever does come around, look out.

Omaha Cyclones: Signed LF A. Santana to a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $27,900,000.
Good player, good signing. Santana is almost a 5 tool stud. He hits for average, has speed, a good arm, and plays sound defense. His power is a little lacking, but the ‘Clones have well compensated by putting Santana in as their leadoff hitter. Those of you who have read me for a little while probably have come to understand that I am impossibly cheap, but if this is what a nine million dollar player is, I am ok with it.

Fargo Dinosaurs
Fargo Dinosaurs: Signed MR T. Ortíz to a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $6,280,000.
Ideally, you want to keep your money for your really good players. Ortiz, pit fighting ability be damned, is not one of those yet. He has the potential to be good, but not great, but as it is right now, he is just about average. Nothing in his skill set says that he is anything more than a generic one-inning reliever and for a last place team, that’s not the best place to dole out your resources. He may turn it around and become a real asset, but until then, he is nothing special that could be had elsewhere for cheaper.

Desert Hills Division
Palm Springs Codgers
Palm Springs Codgers: Signed SP R. Goode to a 3-year contract extension worth a total of $3,990,000.
I love it when players have a good season, then get a cut in pay. The Codgers have a bunch of good pitchers with glaring weaknesses. They have no one truly lousy or great, but on the whole trend to above average. Goode may be the best amongst them, and while he is on the wrong side of thirty and may flame out sooner rather than later, the relative shortness and definite smallness of this contract make it a gamble that heavily favors the Codgers.
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#2 Post by John »

Upped on the homepage in glorious link-o-vision.

I noticed one part in the Tony Ortiz write-up that seemed to be crying out for a link: "...pit fighting ability be damned..." I tried searching for a reference to Tony Ortiz and fighting and could only come up with info on Tito Ortiz. Is this who you were referring to Jhonny, and if so do you have a link you'd like me to insert in that spot?
Jhonny Baseball

#3 Post by Jhonny Baseball »

Thanks but no thanks Commish, Tito Oritz is indeed who I was referring to, but linking something for that is just too easy, and I don't really go for such "sports". However, if I can find a way to mention Tito Santana someday, that would please me greatly, such is my love for mid-80s pro wrasslin.
Also, no fave link this time?
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#4 Post by John »

Oh, I'm definitely no fan of that kind of stuff either... I was just trying to make the connection. ;) But I do have a favorite link: Gotta love the Swedish Chef. Now that's an inspirational poster. Bork bork bork!

EDIT: What a ridiculous post to serve as my 1,000th on these forums. :roll:
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