Coach and Scout waiver claim system

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Coach and Scout waiver claim system

#1 Post by John »

I have become aware of a problem with how OOTP handles personnel hirings in online leagues. Unlike with free agent players - where the player will wait for multiple offers and choose the best one - personnel hirings occur instantly in game at a non-negotiable price. The problem with that is two owners could hire the same staff member in their version of the league file, which would obviously cause confusion when I import all your files. The end result is that the game would fail to recognize one of those hirings after I sent out the updated file.

To handle this, we're going to institute a waiver claim system for personnel hirings. I've been debating how best to implement this and have settled on this plan:
  • * We will handle all personnel hirings outside OOTP via a waiver claim system. A stickied thread will be set up for this purpose. Between each sim, owners may post staff members they'd like to hire in the thread.
    * Waiver priority will initially be the reverse order of our Inaugural Draft. After each season it will be reset to reflect the previous season's standings (with the worst teams getting highest priority).
    * Each successful claim on a staff member will move you to the bottom of the waiver list. When you are hiring for multiple positions, be sure to indicate the order of priority your claims should be considered in.
    * The deadline to submit waiver claims is eight hours before the next scheduled sim. In most cases this will mean 1:00 PM EST Monday and Thursday. The time stamp on your post will serve as the official measuring stick for beating the clock.
    * You may submit a list of fall-back candidates for each role you're trying to fill when you make your post. In the event that an owner with a higher waiver priority claims the staff member you wanted, your next ranked candidate would become yours unless another owner with higher priority claims him too.
    * Editing of claim posts is strictly prohibited!! If you want to update your waiver claim list, you must make a new post. Making a new claim post will invalidate any of your previous posts from the current sim period, so be sure you include both your updated AND original claims that you still want to be considered.
    * An up-to-date waiver priority list will be maintained in the first post of the thread. It will be your responsibility to keep an eye on the thread to see if owners with higher priority have claimed all the personnel you listed for a position. If so, you will need to post an updated waiver claim list or lose out on any personnel hirings for that sim period.
    * Personnel currently holding positions which you fill through the waiver claim process will be fired and enter the available staff pool during the next sim.
This system will go into effect after the Sunday, Nov 18 sim is complete. Owners will then have until 1:00 PM EST on Saturday, Nov 24 to make their personnel claims.

Between now and Sunday night, this thread is open for discussing the waiver claim system. If you have suggestions you'd like to offer, this is the place to do it. The system will be finalized by Monday, so now's the time to speak up if you have something to say!
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