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Defense in OOTP

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:55 pm
by DanD
I was just doing some thinking:

How much weight does defense have in OOTP? Have there been any studies/experiments done in the game to see how much the quality of defense affects a teams play?

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:41 pm
by Sandgnats (Bill)
Great question!
I do not have any statistical evidence to back it up, but I do believe having superb defense compared to below average/poor defense makes a significant impact. If I have time, I will play with that in a personal league and update this thread.

Additionally, having great defense adds to players arbitration value and scouting ratings. Although I do not have any staistical evidence now, there is an immediate monetary difference. Using logic, if defense is significant enough to impact salaries, one would think the difference on the field would be just as noticeable. Don't you think?

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:47 pm
by DanD
Yeah, that does makes sense.

I also wonder how much difference it makes if the player is average defensively and average-to-good offensively, compared to star defensively but poor-to-'almost average' offensively.

Just thinking out loud :-P

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:27 pm
by Jim
In my early years of OOTP, I always leaned toward picking defensive infielders, sacrificing some offense in the process. But somewhere along the line, I was forced to play a 4/10 rated SS for a season who had great offense. What I found surprised me in that I think my team was better for it. Whereas in the past I would insist that a shortstop have a seven or higher rating, now I think I lean toward offense. Of course between two comparatively rated offensive players, I'll pay a premium for the defense.

One other thing I learned from reading the OOTP forums was that catcher ability rating did not reflect an ability to call games. I thought it was Markus, himself, who stated, that the ability of a catcher to call games (and improve pitching) was not reflected in OOTP. I still lean toward picking a defensive catcher, but now it's the arm I focus on.

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:30 pm
by DanD
Do catchers will poor "catcher" ratings tend to give up more passed balls?

What's Wilson Berry's rating? :-P

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:41 pm
by Jim
Bureaucrats wrote:Do catchers will poor "catcher" ratings tend to give up more passed balls?
I think passed balls, ability to catch the pop fly, field a bunt, block the plate,...

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:18 pm
by John
Bureaucrats wrote:Do catchers will poor "catcher" ratings tend to give up more passed balls?

What's Wilson Berry's rating? :-P
Whoa, what's with hating on Wilson?? That's the MVP of the PEC you're denigrating there, mister! :lol: And his OSA catcher rating is 68, BTW.

I really couldn't tell you the exact effect defense has in-game. Speaking for myself, I tend to put a premium on players with above-average defense in OOTP. This is somewhat odd to me because in real life I don't tend to place that kind of emphasis on defense. Here, though, I'm willing to live with Salvador Bernal's offensive struggles to get his sweet, sweet glove in center field.

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:01 pm
by Alan Ehlers
I know defense is imprtant just because last year when I started playing people who had great defensive ratings my record was .500. Im not saying it was all because of defense but I know I won a couple of games because of defense. Also on another note, I know for a fact that having good coaches pays off. It may take a year or two but the Calzones and I were noticing how a lot of our players improved a lot over the course of the year and I think it is because of the coaching. A perfect example is Rich Gilligan for me who seems to improve with each sim

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:10 pm
by James Bowman
jmknpk wrote:One other thing I learned from reading the OOTP forums was that catcher ability rating did not reflect an ability to call games. I thought it was Markus, himself, who stated, that the ability of a catcher to call games (and improve pitching) was not reflected in OOTP. I still lean toward picking a defensive catcher, but now it's the arm I focus on.
I vaguely remember seeing a thread that detailed a test done that varied catchers' intelligence ratings, and leadership ratings, and their overall effect on pitchers' era. I believe intelligence actually played a part in lowering their era, but I could be mistaken.

If I can locate it, I'll post a link, but it's something to chew on for now anyway. :)

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:19 pm
by James Bowman
Ok, here is the link. It's post #17 by RonCo.

It actually varied only catchers' leadership, and pitchers' intelligence, but I think the results are pretty convincing.

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:29 am
by Maulers
The other benefit that I've noticed is that it helps your pitching staff to have an above average defensive team.

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:58 pm
by Daniel Diemer
Any sufficiently advanced defense is indistinguishable from pitching.

Re: Defense in OOTP

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:09 pm
by Dinosaurs
Any sufficiently advanced defense is indistinguishable from pitching.
Not sure I understand this.