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Quick notes from Saturday's sim

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:02 am
by John
HTML reports are up. My apologies for the lack of box scores for the minor league games. That issue will be fixed for Monday's sim. Box scores will now be generated for all leagues.

In more serious news, condolences go out to Kalamazoo for suffering the first career-ending injury for a player controlled by a PEBA team. AA Hamilton's Victor Fuhrman was injured in the Industrialists' first game of the season on an awkward attempt at a diving catch in center field. Fuhrman was on the field for seven minutes before being immobilized, transfered to a stretcher and taken off on a cart. He was admitted into Hamilton General Hospital, where he had surgery to repair a back muscle that torn almost completely. Fuhrman recorded two base hits before departing in the only four at-bats of his PEBA career.

Congratulations to 24 year old 1B Michizane Kouki of the AAA Thornton FasTrax for his 5 hit night against the West Valley City Grizzlies. Kouki singled five times in the FasTrax extra inning loss. The Grizzlies swept the opening three game series against the FasTrax. West Valley City next plays its home-opening series against Glendale, while Thornton squares off against the Henderson Fighting Scotts.

And now a mini press-release from the Aurora Borealis...

4/08/2007: Aurora, CO: After similar moves by both New Orleans and Palm Spring, Aurora announced that - effective today - Ken Crouch is being promoted from bench coach to manager. Mitchell Irwin, who previously filled the managerial role for the Borealis, will take over Crouch's former duties as bench coach.

When asked to explain why a team who tied for the best Spring Training record would make this kind of move just a day before the start of the regular season, GM John Rodriguez explained, "You know, Paul and Denny were doing it and everyone likes them. I figure if I can be more like them, people will think I'm cool too!" There was some debate amongst the news pool as to the level of sarcasm that should be read into this brief statement.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:36 am
by Matt
I was going to complain about the boxscores, then I remembered your the commish and you have the power to move my franchise to some third world country like Louisiana, so I decided I better not.