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2040 Winter Meetings Transcript

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 4:20 pm
by Board of the PEBA
Michael - Hitmen
8:06 AM
Good morning! We will be in and out all day, but don’t hesitate to reach out for any trade ideas

Thad - Farstriders
9:14 AM
I might be a little late, but also here to make a deal today

Ryan Vail
9:21 AM
I'll be online for this too, shoot me offers gents lol

Tys - Hartford
9:30 AM
Me as well

James - Calzones
9:31 AM
Morning, gentlemen!

Sean - Claymores
9:31 AM
Here and open for business!

James - Calzones
9:32 AM
Or should I say, afternoon?

Andy - Fishermen
9:32 AM
Am here

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
9:34 AM
I'm around. My team needs a direction. Anyone have a map?

Mike - Borealis
9:36 AM
Morning Gents!!! :beers:

Michael - Hitmen
9:39 AM
Morning sir!
You thinking of rebooting Frank?

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
9:41 AM

Andy - Fishermen
9:51 AM
I feel like you will be among the most active in discussion today Frank

Sean - Kentucky
9:52 AM
Hello Everyone!

Michael - Hitmen
9:52 AM
Vis, the other half of the Garza trade, both spectacular players

Tim - Warriors
9:52 AM
Hello, everyone!

Michael - Hitmen
9:52 AM
Hey Sean

Hey Tim

Scott - Zephyrs
9:54 AM
Hello all

Rob - Codgers
9:55 AM
The Codgers have entered the building

Jaime - Kalamazoo
9:55 AM
Morning gentlemen. will be around today but may not be too active.

Mike - Borealis
9:55 AM
Hey Scott! Rob! Jaime!

Brian - Tempe Apollos
9:55 AM
Greetings all :wave:

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
9:59 AM
Active in talks perhaps... not sure if anything will come of it. I'm notoriously picky and reticent! :smile:

Mike - Borealis
10:01 AM
The podium is on the stage at the north end of the Ballroom, and entering from a side door, the PEBA Commissioner ‘Harry’ Castle walks to the stage…

YouTubeYouTube | davematthewsbandVEVO
Dave Matthews Band - Madman's Eyes (Official Audio)

Ryan Vail
10:02 AM
So I'm looking for a couple SP, 2B and possibly a catcher.

Mike - Borealis
10:03 AM
Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen – welcome to the 34th Annual PEBA Winter Meetings!!

The PEBA DJ was unfortunately on a data-crunch, or bad signal, or F-U internet leave, and he apologizes for not providing his normal array of hits…

Sean - Kentucky
10:05 AM
I am around all day - willing to discuss most players on Kentucky

Mike - Borealis
10:05 AM
Welcome everyone – GM’s, owners, and the few media members who have been permitted to attend the events – you’ll notice Mark Gunter in the back trying to hide from George Crocker. Today we have a few items of League interest to discuss – but I’m sure that the bulk of the discussions will happen behind curtains, at the bar –
@Lenny- Bears
is already in-line for a bourbon – Dude, it’s not time yet. We may even see conversations under the tables of the Ballroom…

Before we get to the mundane, I want to congratulate the Florida Farstrider organization and GM
@Thad - Farstriders
for the organization’s ninth Rodriguez Cup.

We’d also like to congratulate the 2040 Sovereign League Champion Tempe Apollos and their GM
@Brian - Tempe Apollos
– Apollos for their fine season, returning to the PEC – and first since the 2013 season and their long banishment to the WIL.

Brian - Tempe Apollos
10:08 AM
Woot :slightly_smiling_face:

Mike - Borealis
10:09 AM
Procedurally, please send any trades you have in a Direct Message to me, Dylan and your trade partner. Please be sure to include the ACTUAL (not what you think) minor league level of any minor league player dealt. Once we announce the trade, please post it in the forums as normal. The Commish will then confirm the trades and adjust the Draft Pick Trade Tally as needed.
We will move through the four days of Winter Meetings (plus one day) throughout our time here and any announcements of signings will be made at that time. When we are done, we will have a new file posted for you to download.
ALERT: One of the most important things to remember is if you have Rule 5 players to protect, you must do so before Tuesday’s sim!!! Or forever hold your peace. No roster moves are allowed between Tuesday and Thursday’s sims. This is very important if you’ve traded for a Rule 5 eligible player!
I will also make every attempt to sweep up any FA who may sign in the next sim…
@Dylan - Wind Dancers
, do you have anything to add?

Kevin - Evas
10:12 AM
Ahoy from CLE - 5 GM's live here - SS, NII, MAD, NO, & FAR !

Dylan - Wind Dancers
10:12 AM

Matt - Shisa
10:13 AM
Nice, the Cleveland boys are distracted, get those offers out

Matt - Shisa
10:13 AM
probably a lot of beer too? =P

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Last reply today at 10:18 AMView thread

Kevin - Evas
10:13 AM
There is beer here, so temp me

1 reply
Today at 10:14 AMView thread

Mike - Borealis
10:14 AM
Then, let us get this party started… We have our first trade of the 2040 Winter Meetings to announce! (edited)

Brian - Tempe Apollos
10:15 AM
Hello, Cleveland :wave:

Mike - Borealis
10:15 AM
The Shin Seiki Evil Evas and the San Antonio Calzones of Laredo have agreed on our first trade:
Shin Seiki receives SP Pedro Delgado (AAA) while San Antonio receives RP Bartolo Torres (AAA) and 1B Jesus Sanchez (ML)
ATTENTION: The Office of the Commissioner recognizes the GM of the San Antonio Calzones of Laredo who has a special announcement…

James - Calzones
10:20 AM
On behalf of the San Antonio organization, we are pleased to announce that there will be another Dollman available in the 2043 draft class!

Rob - Codgers
10:21 AM
Wow, its like a birth announcement. Congrats!

Mike - Borealis
10:21 AM

James - Calzones
10:23 AM
Thank you, Rob!

Mike - Borealis
10:23 AM

Dan - Ghosts
10:23 AM
I couldn't possibly be happier for the Dollmans! Henry gets a teammate!

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
10:23 AM
Is that it? No name? Will he be any good? Does he like cheese?

James - Calzones
10:23 AM
Redefining the term Bash Brothers

James - Calzones
10:24 AM
Details forthcoming. We will be doing the sneak peek test next week.

1 reply
Today at 10:28 AMView thread

Chuck - Trendsetters
10:24 AM
Congrats James! Not sure how you can try and make them a lefty in the womb, but give it a shot.

2 replies
Last reply today at 10:27 AMView thread

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
10:25 AM
We're so far from Gattaca...

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
10:26 AM
replied to a thread:
Congrats James! Not sure how you can try and make them a lefty in the womb, but give it a shot.
If mom constantly lies on one side so the right arm is underdeveloped?

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James - Calzones
10:27 AM
If they play major league baseball I'm sure they'll be receiving plenty of shots. :smirk:

Kevin - Evas
10:27 AM
All of my arms (except Castillo) are available at the right price. Barra would be very expensive, but theoretically I could move him.
The pen is wide open for the right price. Some good talent there.

Sean - Kentucky
10:28 AM
replied to a thread:
Details forthcoming. We will be doing the sneak peek test next week.

Mike - Borealis
10:32 AM
We have our 2nd Trade of the 2040 Winter Meetings:
The Niihama-shi Ghosts and New Orleans Trendsetters have agreed on a deal….
Niihama Receives P Weston Harris (A)
New Orleans receives P Kyuso Ichihara (AAA)

Mike - Borealis
10:51 AM
The Kentucky Thoroughbreds and Palm Springs Codgers have agreed on a trade:
Kentucky Receives 1B António Fuentes and C Andres Barron (AAA)
Palm Spring Receives C Tony Gonzalez and Kentucky’s 2041 3rd Round Pick

Mike - Borealis
11:01 AM
Even the Commish is in talks…

We have our 4th Trade of the 2040 Winter Meetings:
The Shin Seiki Evil Evas and Madison Malts have agreed on a deal…
P George Moss
DH Akke Davis (AA)
Madison receives:
P Brendon Cardenas
DH Raul Rodriguez

Chuck - Trendsetters
11:05 AM
We tried to dive on Ryan’s keyboard to prevent it, but we missed.

Mike - Borealis
11:07 AM

2 replies
Last reply today at 11:09 AMView thread

Mike - Borealis
11:08 AM
The PEBA Hall of Fame would like to welcome the first of the Class of 2040!!!



Brian - Tempe Apollos
11:09 AM

Patrick - Havana
11:10 AM

Michael - Hitmen
11:10 AM
A reliever finally!

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
11:11 AM
We still have no SS, 3B, or CF in the HoF... perhaps to still change this year.

Scott - Zephyrs
11:15 AM
There were definitely a large number of candidates that deserve consideration this year.

1 reply
Today at 11:15 AMView thread

Thad - Farstriders
11:15 AM
Is it too soon to get Knopp in there?

Scott - Zephyrs
11:16 AM
Not at all. Send him now. He should quit baseball.

2 replies
Last reply today at 11:17 AMView thread

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
11:16 AM
He doesn't really have anything left to prove

Sean - Kentucky
11:17 AM
Nope as long as he retires tomorrow (edited)

Mike - Borealis
11:18 AM
ATTENTION: The Office of the Commissioner welcomes GM of the Crystal Lake Sandgnats to the podium with a special announcement!

Andy - Fishermen
11:18 AM
The SS, 3B and CF of the world need to do better

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
11:18 AM
I expect we'll get our first 3B this year.

RJ - Sandgnats
11:18 AM
Hello everyone! This is Reg... I mean I'm RJ... :wink:

1 reply
Today at 11:22 AMView thread

Dan - Ghosts
11:18 AM

RJ - Sandgnats
11:19 AM
It's time for the results of the preseason predictions from 2040. Thanks to all who participated. Like in golf - lowest score wins. First I would like to congratulate Dylan for picking all 3 IL award winners correctly. Also some fun facts on the predictions... Chuck predicted the Dixie all correct and Great Lakes completely wrong; Mike the Rising Sun all correct but Transatlantic all wrong; and thanks to all for the most people not being able to figure out the Great Lakes again this year. And now for the results:
Bob infinite parallel universe
Sean 12.5
Mike 1
Frank 1
Dan -3
and now for our top 3 winners.....
in 3rd place we have
@Michael - Hitmen
with a score of -5

in 2nd place
@Chuck - Trendsetters
with a score of -11

and our winner this year... the man that keeps the engine of this big ship running....
@Dylan - Wind Dancers
with a score of -13.5

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
11:21 AM
Yeah, but Dylan simmed a lot of the season...

Scott - Zephyrs
11:22 AM
The league is more interesting when we are less predictable

Patrick - Havana
11:22 AM

RJ - Sandgnats
11:22 AM
Thanks everyone and I'll post the new predictions thread after WM! Here's to a great 2041... back to you Commish!
@Mike - Borealis

Dylan - Wind Dancers
11:22 AM
Hey Frank, who is your most important player for this coming season?

2 replies
Last reply today at 11:23 AMView thread

Sean - Claymores
11:22 AM
I didn't realize we were playing golf? :slightly_smiling_face:

RJ - Sandgnats
11:23 AM
@Scott - Zephyrs
that's what makes the Great Lakes .... so Great!

Mike - Borealis
11:23 AM
replied to a thread:
Hey Frank, who is your most important player for this coming season?
The Sim Reaper Commeth… to a canal near you…
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Frank - Amsterdam Lions
11:23 AM
replied to a thread:
Hey Frank, who is your most important player for this coming season?
Ramiro Salinas

Mike - Borealis
11:24 AM
We have our 5th Trade of the 2040 Winter Meetings:
The Tempe Apollos and Madison Malts have agreed on a deal…
Madison Receives:
SS Armando Leon (AAA)
Tempe Receives:
1B Menno Jacobse (R)
And Let’s keep the Trade Wagon Rollin’

Brian - Tempe Apollos
11:26 AM

Mike - Borealis
11:27 AM
(as opposed from ‘Trains Arolloin’’)
The Scottish Claymores and Okinawa Shisa have agreed on a deal…

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
11:27 AM
Menno Jacobse is certainly misspelled somehow

Mike - Borealis
11:27 AM
Our 6th trade…
Claymores Receives:
SP Sumiteru Okamura
Shisa Receives:
RP Jing-Quo Jiu

Mike - Borealis
11:36 AM
With the advent of the Development Lab and its (potential) overlap with traditional PEBA Winter Ball, I will remind you that players who are chosen to attend Winter Ball are not eligible for Development Lab in the same offseason. Those who have attended Winter ball in the past are eligible and those who go to Winter Ball this offseason are eligible in the future. This prevents any developmental ‘double-dipping’ during any one offseason.
It is incumbent upon the GM to be honest about this, as it is acknowledged that checking is tedious - but note that any violation will cause the player to revert to their previous state.
Thank you.

Kevin - Evas
11:43 AM
Should we have a Dev Lab log?

Mike - Borealis
11:43 AM
We have our 7th Trade of the 2040 Winter Meetings - and the Commish announces this with sorrow in his heart…
The Hartford Harpoon and Aurora Borealis have agreed on a deal…
Aurora Receives:
SP Thibault DeJean
Hartford Receives:
CF Yataro Sugano (A)
3B Mario Mejia (AA)
SP Huibert Kodde (AAA)
SP Brian Clark (ML)
2041 10th Round Pick
$1m Cash

Adios ‘Slug’…

Mike - Borealis
11:54 AM
The PEBA Hall of Fame would like to welcome the second of the Class of 2040!!!


Patrick - Havana
11:55 AM

Dan - Ghosts
11:55 AM
There’s our 3B

Matt - Shisa
11:58 AM
Okinawa will be heading out in 3 mins (at 3am our local time) - couple of embers still going on talks but will need to pick up after WMs.

Brian - Tempe Apollos
11:59 AM
Hopefully he was damn near 100%

Matt - Shisa
12:00 PM
Have a great rest of the WM all

Chuck - Trendsetters
12:01 PM
I have to head out. Had a ton of fun here in Cleveland at the live WM/ Vail Family Reunion!

Mike - Borealis
12:02 PM

Brian - Tempe Apollos
12:04 PM
where are you all hanging out at?

Andy - Fishermen
12:06 PM
This Hartford ex-GM betrayed Cedeno with no vote yet he gets in
I can feel his glare now

Brian - Tempe Apollos
12:07 PM
No vote :astonished:!!?!?

Andy - Fishermen
12:07 PM
I didn't vote for him in the ballot
"Not good enough" as I flips over his page

Sean - Claymores
12:10 PM
Lmao compared to what?

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
12:11 PM
It's the Willie Mays Hall of Fame argument
Not sure if that's behind a paywall or not...

Sean - Claymores
12:14 PM
It is, but the guy retired as the top 3B of all time in PEBA.

Brian - Tempe Apollos
12:14 PM
With almost 90 WAR, if memory serves

Dylan - Wind Dancers
12:14 PM
Yep, he's the 4th best offensive player in PEBA history essentially

2 replies
Last reply today at 12:22 PMView thread

Dylan - Wind Dancers
12:15 PM
IMO should've been unanimous

Mike - Borealis
12:15 PM
We have our 8th Trade of the 2040 Winter Meetings:
The Shin Seiki Evil Evas and Fargo Dinosaurs have agreed on a deal…
Shin Seiki receives:
P Barton Martin (R)
Fargo’s 6th round pick
Fargo receives:
RP Fernando Sanchez (PEBA)

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
12:17 PM
I'd take Cedeno's peak over Lujan, who's the 3B that's just ahead of him in career WAR. Lujan was quite valuable for a few seasons after he turned 37, and Cedeno was basically done at that point.

Brian - Tempe Apollos
12:17 PM
Right about the time he became an Apollo :slightly_smiling_face:

Dylan - Wind Dancers
12:18 PM
I think the longevity of a player's peak erases those final years of low production.
If he was a one or two season star then sucked for the rest of his career, that would be one thing (edited)

Rob - Codgers
12:19 PM
Gentlemen- my Malinois is getting nuts, time to train the beast. Enjoy your day and may your trades work out in my favor. (edited)

Andy - Fishermen
12:19 PM
Maybe I am biased cuz he left Harpoon shortly when I was there :face_with_rolling_eyes:
(In his defense he did give me a gigantic figure to stay so he's not just out)

Mike - Borealis
12:20 PM
We have our 9th Trade of the 2040 Winter Meetings:
The Hartford Harpoon and Florida Farstriders have agreed on a deal…
Hartford Receives:
SS Pu-Feng Shuo (AAA)
2B Rodrigo Martinez
Florida Receives:
SS Tom May

Andy - Fishermen
12:21 PM
Hartford making moves

Mike - Borealis
12:21 PM
They are

Dylan - Wind Dancers
12:22 PM
replied to a thread:
Yep, he's the 4th best offensive player in PEBA history essentially
Knopp, Raines, Lujan if we are looking at WAR.

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
12:24 PM
It's been 3 seasons running now that Knopp has not won a Royal Raker.

RJ - Sandgnats
12:24 PM
He's slipping

Dylan - Wind Dancers
12:24 PM
Knopp - 107 WAR in 8 seasons (active)
Raines - 96 WAR in 19 seasons
Lujan - 95 WAR in 18 seasons (active)
Cedeno - 86 WAR in 18 seasons

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
12:24 PM
As stated above, he should quit

Brian - Tempe Apollos
12:25 PM
Knopp = Willie Mays

Andy - Fishermen
12:26 PM
Holy damn Knopp

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
12:26 PM
Knopp is way more dominant than Mays was

Andy - Fishermen
12:27 PM
Just wait, I am "noping" him anyway in HoF :smiling_imp:

1 reply
Today at 12:27 PMView thread

Brian - Tempe Apollos
12:27 PM
Knopp had 17 WAR like 3 seasons ago
That's a good career

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
12:27 PM
replied to a thread:
Just wait, I am "noping" him anyway in HoF :smiling_imp:
We should make him wait a season to get elected just to see heads explode.

Andy - Fishermen
12:27 PM
joking aside, it would be crazy if he's not 100% if he keeps it up

Sean - Kentucky
12:28 PM
Considering he has got a good chunk of that WAR against me, I don't think I should need to vote him in as well.

Andy - Fishermen
12:28 PM
It's 2050, people ask me why I play PEBA for so many years? "I want to make sure Knopp is not in as 100% induction"

Michael - Hitmen
12:29 PM
Not my vote base on principal :joy:

James - Calzones
12:30 PM


Andy - Fishermen
12:30 PM
"Too many caught stealing, unacceptable SB%. He refused to adapt and learn." (edited)

Mike - Borealis
12:33 PM
We have our 10th Trade of the 2040 Winter Meetings:

Andy - Fishermen
12:33 PM
Now I have the perfect reason whenever Fishermen fan ask me why I tank so long -- to avoid Mr. Knopp, duh

Mike - Borealis
12:34 PM
The Scottish Claymores and the Duluth Warriors have agreed on a trade…

Scottish Claymores Receive:
SP Rene Padilla (ML)
Duluth Warriors Receive:
SP Andres Suarez (ML)
SS William Gonzalez (AAA)
SP Connor Sonnborn (A)
SCO 1st round pick
SCO 2nd round pick

Andy - Fishermen
12:34 PM
Big haul

Michael - Hitmen
12:34 PM
New Jersey announces their doors are open for the fire sale

Andy - Fishermen
12:35 PM
but as expected for any top tier starter

Michael - Hitmen
12:35 PM
J/k, solid trade though to go all in

Mike - Borealis
12:36 PM
Oh… and while we are at the Blockbuster Table…

We have our 11th Trade of the 2040 Winter Meetings:
The Tempe Apollos and Duluth Warriors have agreed on a deal…
Tempe Receives:
3B Antonio Herrera (ML)
Duluth Receives:
3B Tony Velasquez (ML)
CF Jesus Ramos (A)
SP Eldon Voss (A)
2B Hector Ramirez (S A)
TEM 1st round pick

Kevin - Evas
12:37 PM

Michael - Hitmen
12:37 PM
Lots of teams loading up
Duluth getting a nice jump on the rebuild

Mike - Borealis
12:37 PM
The PEBA Hall of Fame would like to welcome the third and final of the Class of 2040!!!

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
12:38 PM
I'm out of here in a few minutes

Mike - Borealis
12:38 PM


Kevin - Evas
12:38 PM

Tys - Hartford
12:38 PM
I have to leave for today! My first WM over and it was great!

Patrick - Havana
12:38 PM

Brian - Tempe Apollos
12:39 PM
Those 3 were all no-doubters

Mike - Borealis
12:39 PM
The final Hall of Fame tally is:
Votes (27) - PCT - Nominee
25 – 92.6% - Pat Barry, OF
20 – 74.1% - Luis Cedeno, 3B
19 – 70.4% - Ricardo ‘Puddi’ Perez, CL
18 – 66.7% - Chris ‘Jitters’ Long, SS
18 – 66.7% - Fred Benjamin, SP
17 – 63.0% - Andres Hernandez, 1B
15– 55.6% - Alfredo ‘R’ Aranda, RP
14 – 51.9% - Kenny Ashley, SP
13 – 48.1% - Mike ‘Big Whiskey’ Britt, 3B
12 – 44.4% - Ronald Lowry, SS
10 – 40.7% - Wilson Munoz, 1B
10 – 40.7% - Christian Webb, 3B
10 – 40.7% - Juan Hernandez, SS
9 – 37.0% - Brad Davis, 1B
7 – 25.9% - Jose Gomez, CL
7 – 25.9% - Dean McNeil, SP
6 – 22.2% - Jim MacCowan, SP
6 – 22.2% - Neil Maes, SP
3 – 11.1% - Alex ‘Red Hook’ Bothwell
2 – 7.4% - Adrian Fuentes, 3B
1 – 3.7% - Pedro Ferringo, DH

Brian - Tempe Apollos
12:40 PM
I'm surprised Davis only got to 37%

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
12:40 PM
Ok, I'm out... thanks all!

Sean - Claymores
12:41 PM
So close for Long, Benjamin, and Hernandez...

Michael - Hitmen
12:41 PM
The SS being ignored is a shame

Kevin - Evas
12:41 PM
I'm hoping that gets fixed soon

Michael - Hitmen
12:42 PM
By position, some of the best to ever do it

Brian - Tempe Apollos
12:42 PM
For the record, I voted for all 3 of those guys

Kevin - Evas
12:42 PM
3 is a solid class though. Great progress

Mike - Borealis
12:42 PM
We have our 12th Trade of the 2040 Winter Meetings:
The Gloucester Fishermen and Amsterdam Lions have agreed on a deal…
Gloucester Receives:
CF Jorge ‘Bucky’ Rosas
Amsterdam Receives:
LF Jack Tate (A)
Gloucester 4th Round Draft Pick

Andy - Fishermen
12:43 PM
And almost 5, if Long or Benjamin get 1 more vote, would be 5?

Kevin - Evas
12:43 PM
Yep. That would have been great, Andy
I think the next round of players to be added is looking kind of thin, so maybe we can clear out more long time guys next time

Andy - Fishermen
12:44 PM
I am 90% sure I voted for both of them so...not on me.

Michael - Hitmen
12:45 PM
Same I voted for both as well

Mike - Borealis
12:46 PM
Inductions will appear in-game with Tuesday’s sim…

We have our 13th Trade of the 2040 Winter Meetings:
The Kalamazoo Badgers and Gloucester Fishermen have agreed on a deal…
Kalamazoo Receives:
RF Keith Gillard
Gloucester receives
RP Jose Espinos

Sean - Kentucky
12:50 PM
Aranda sticking at around 50.percent

RJ - Sandgnats
12:50 PM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo
silently making deals

Mike - Borealis
12:55 PM
The clock is ticking…
There’s been plenty of action for the podcasters to chew on!!!

Brian - Tempe Apollos
12:57 PM
Thank you gentlemen for running all the action, as always

Ryan Vail
12:59 PM
Thank you all!

Mike - Borealis
12:59 PM
@channel Please remember that with today’s post-WM sim, you MUST roster any Rule 5 players you want to keep - and there is no rostering of players between Tuesday and Thursday’s Rule 5 draft!!!

James - Coquis
1:00 PM
What did I miss?

Mike - Borealis
1:06 PM

RJ - Sandgnats
1:07 PM
Gordon Knopp retired!

Kevin - Evas
1:07 PM
FLA is rebuilding

Thad - Farstriders
1:08 PM
sweating (164 kB) ... y.gif&ct=g

Posted using /giphy

Kevin - Evas
1:12 PM
Thanks everyone. This was a hoot.
I'll be around in a little to continue talks, after I get home.

Tim - Warriors
1:13 PM
Has WM trading ended?

Mike - Borealis
1:14 PM
Yes - We are running the sim - Thanks to all for their attendance! I will post the final CP tracker later on!


Tim - Warriors
1:16 PM
Okay, thanks. And thanks to all for the active meetings.