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The News Orleans Trendsetters 2038 Pitching Staff

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 4:57 pm
by Trendsetters
New Orleans Pitching in 2038

By Peter Barroquere.


White Sox manager Jeff Torborg once made a visit to the mound to replace Jim Kern. Kern said he wasn't tired. Torborg replied, "I know you're not tired, but your outfielders are." This might be a great parable for the Trendsetter's pitching staff.

Joe Arnold – A lot of eyebrows were raised when GM Chuck Valenches traded a oair of Day 3 draft picks in exchange for solid starter Joe Arnold from the Bureaucrats. The raised eyebrows were not a result of Arnold's talent level but the size of his contract. Four years remain on this deal that will see the salary escalate to $24,000,000 by 2041. That is not only the largest contract held by New Orleans, it gives needed payroll relief to Arlington. Arnold is a solid starting pitcher, good for 200+ innings and a sub 4.00 ERA. He will keep his teams in games, though the spotty offense may result in a lot of 2-0 losses. Arnold had a superior spring and looks ready for the season.

Nathan Gallard – Gallard is the future for the Trendsetter's rotation, not that you could tell by the rough spring he had. Gallard is expected to improve on his major league debut last season and improve on his 4-12 record. As a sidearm pitcher who can break 100 on the radar gun, Gallard is expected to use his splitter as an out pitch, but lefties may pose a problem as his curveball, his only off speed pitch, has not yet fully developed. He has potential, but will he realize it.?

Miguel Heredia – The 35 year old is likely in his last season as a Trendsetter. Finishing out a three-year $15,000,000 deal he will likely be a free agent at the end of the year and if he gets off to a hot start and becomes viable trade bait, he will likely be dealt. Heredia's best year were almost a decade ago and now he is just playing out the string.

Raul Munoz – Munoz will make the move from the pen to the rotation this year after having a solid debut in the PEBA last season. At only 24 years old Munoz is really a border line starter and if New Orleans develops or acquires another starter, Heredia could head back to the pen. Or, maybe he blooms in the rotation and holds down the #4-5 spot.

Everton Wallwin – Wallwin completes the rotation on the basis of a stellar spring which saw him put up a 1.42 ERA in six starts and four from the pen. Wallwin has an excellent fastball and slider, but his other pitches, a screwball and change up, have not yet developed.

The Bullpen will likely be closer by committee with Enrique Gonzales and Jose Ortiz getting a good number of opportunities and Jefferey Owen racking up some two or even three inning saves. The staff and the pen are very right handed heavy with Luis Cerda the only southpaw which will likely limit Alfredo Vega's match up options. The loss of Hideo Miura via trade to Toyama this spring definitely hurts, but it is a sign of the Trendsetter's intent to rebuild. There is not much sense in keeping a closer who won't inherit many leads.