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Joe Arnold Volunteers At The Local Dog Shelter

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 10:44 am
by Bureaucrats
It is a chilly overcast day in Houston, TX during the mid-morning. Crinkly, dead leaves sweep through the streets aloft on stiff winds, and people are beginning to wear their heavier coats in a city wholly unaccustomed to such a climate. I sit next to Joe Arnold as he volunteers in the Joe Arnold Municipal Dog Shelter, one that he himself paid for the construction of shortly after signing with the Bureaucrats in 2036. While he does not run it himself, he does make a note to volunteer as often as possible in the offseason. He refuses to accept pay for it, stating "I already make millions playing a kids game, why should I get paid for helping others?" It is discount vaccination day, and there is already a long line gathering outside.

We chatter idly on the current basketball and hockey seasons, the Rockets' dismal chance at the playoffs, before Joe turns to me and says "Man, I love dogs. Just looking at their dopey faces with their tongues lolling out of their mouths, running around without a care in the world gives me such a grin." He turns to face an incoming patient, a trembling chihuahua, and her master, giving her a clipboard to write down their information. Our conversation continues in essentially the same manner, occasional but not unwelcome interruptions punctuated by talk with actual substance.

"I've got one myself," he says, motioning to the very well behaved German Shepard laying down beside his chair. "Maisey keeps me going, really. When I'm having a bad stretch of games she's always there to comfort me. Well, that and the wife's phone calls." He smiles, as another patient comes forth to check in.

I ask him how he felt on his performance this past season. Joe was 17-12 with a 3.46 ERA, and was among the best in the league in many positive categories.

"Definitely better than 2036, that's for sure. I love the stat nerds, but there's a whole different science to the feel of a season. You can see the numbers all you like, and sure, it does reflect many things, but you know you've done good or bad just by the feel of the game."

I ask about his feelings on the upcoming season, and if there's any trepidation in what's to come next year.

"I just wanna go out there, and give it my all, really. I'd love a chance at the dance," he chuckles at his rhyme "But mostly, I just want to go out and give my team the best possible chance to win every time I touch that rubber."

I ask how he feels about being 2nd in the rotation behind James McCoy.

"That kid is something special, let me tell you. You know that every time he goes out on that mound he is feeling himself every second of every pitch of every at-bat. And he's so young! Just turned 23! Real mature for his age too. Always trying to learn more from me and the older pitchers. I honestly think he can be one of the greats, so long as stays healthy."

I press again, and Joe winks at me.

"I'm not offended by it. Sure, I might have veterancy and a priority in that regard, but the kid is already so much better than I am. There's no ego behind it, really. We already talked with Sato about it and he felt more comfortable with the kid in the #1 spot with me right behind him. Kind of a one two punch, really, when you thing about it." He leans over to pet Maisey during a lull in the action. Maisey leans into the scritches.

"Look, whatever happens this season happens. I'd love a ring, and I'll always push for one, but I already got mine. I can retire knowing that I achieved the pinnacle of the sport. I can, with all certainty, say that I can retire at peace with how my career went, regardless of the results of whatever I have left in the tank."

Re: Joe Arnold Volunteers At The Local Dog Shelter

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:50 pm
by Sandgnats
Who knew Joe was such a good guy... never did this kind of stuff in CL :lol: