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James McCoy Gives Back to the Community

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 1:55 pm
by Bureaucrats
In El Monte, California, James McCoy has helped to refurbish local little leagues to grow involvement from families in need. Shovel in hand, with dirt crusted gloves, James took a minute of his busy day to speak with me as I cover the off-season going-ons of the Bureaucrats.

"I remember being a kid myself, growing up. We didn't have a whole lot, but my mom made sure I could play in the little leagues," he said, nodding at the weed-strewn baseball diamond he is helping to pick clean for the upcoming season "That was were I truly felt like I belonged somewhere. All my friends were here, and it was the best of times. That is the opportunity I want to give the kids of this area. The chance to experience the greatest game there is at the greatest level of play; little league."

He chuckles, as we observe wheelbarrows of fresh dirt passing us.

"These days, I give my mom most of my pay. She makes a decent living for herself as a secretary for a law firm, but I want to make sure she's comfortable, so she gets the money to help her. She always refuses it, but I guess I'm a poor listener. Always was, growing up and all. The very day I got drafted, she wanted me to keep my signing bonus all for myself. I remember laughing at her, and giving her a cashier's check for $600,000. You should have seen the look on her face. Never seen her that angry before. I guess I figured $300,00 would be enough to get me through the minors."

He chuckles, and shakes his head. He wipes sweat from his brow, which is covered by a sun-hat. Despite the fall temperatures, it is still a clear and sunny day, and the risk of sunburn is always present.

I ask him how he feels going forward.

"About the field? It'll definitely improve. I mean, look behind first base," he says, ignoring the intent behind my question and pointing to a patch of clear dirt, where weeds once proliferated "We'll have this ready by Opening Day for sure!"

He neglects to mention anything about the outfield, which is currently brown dirt, and hasn't been seeded. Opening Day for El Monte Little League is in three or four months, and the conditions will soon be not optimal for grass growing. He doesn't seem worried about it, though.

"Grass can grow pretty quickly. We'll see that swath of brown turn green soon enough. Good enough for kids to dive and dirty their uniforms. Hey man, I appreciate the chat, but I gotta get back out there. I promised I'd help set the next base stands."

Re: James McCoy Gives Back to the Community

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 11:51 pm
by Sandgnats
Wow what a Socially conscience team! :lol: