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Gnats' Bench Coach Dan Stephens Extends Contract 2 Years

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 5:44 am
by Sandgnats

Gnats' Bench Coach Dan Stephens Extends Contract 2 Years
Updated: December 10, 2032 – 11:30 AM

By Howard Heskin, Gnats Beat Writer and ESPN PEBA Correspondent – Twitter @HowardHeskin1

Bench Coach Dan Stephens and the Crystal Lake Sandgnats announced an agreement to extend their contract for an additional 2 years through the 2036 Season. Stephens, 61 years old from Lubbock, Texas has been with the Gnats organization since 2014 and has managed at each level within the Gnats organization from Short A through AAA including his current position at Gnats bench coach. He has held the bench coach position since 2027 except for half of the 2031 season where he split time between AAA Evansville and the PEBA level organization. Stephens notably helped bring the single A, El Cajon Virus to 7 playoff appearances in 8 years, including one league championship at the A level.

Stephens is well regarded as a field general. He has earned that reputation by sticking to a balanced, measured approach. Dan is a stable presence in the club house and well down across the league for running a tight ship with Legendary Manager Joe Matterson . The present extension will extend his deal one year beyond Joe Matterson's contract.

Appearing before the media Stephens simply stated: “I have to be a better coach next year for this team, and that’s my goal. We’re working really hard to find different ways for each of us to get better. As we move forward in this offseason, we’ll see how it all shakes out and see what it looks like, but in the meantime, the focus is definitely we have to get better.”

Manager Joe Matterson also was quoted, "As we sit here in December, my focus and our focus as a staff and as a team is we have to get better. We have to improve, and as coaches, really pull this thing apart and find ways to improve schematically. We have to evolve or fall behind. I appreciate the collaborative part process that both Dan and I share”

When asked about his management philosophy Stephens explained, "You know my 2.2 innings pitched in PEBA after being called up by Canton were less than memorable, but I try to express to the men on our team not to take for granted a single season, series, game or pitch - cause it all could end in the blink of an eye. So have no regrets."

Stephens was a former ball player in his own right. He previously pitched in 15 years of professional baseball previous to the formation of PEBA. He played one season of AAA and PEBA level baseball in 2007 at the age of 35 before calling his playing career quits.

“For me, it’s all about the relationships with the players and families that I coached,” Stephens said. “Yes I love the game of baseball. But that is not enough to sustain the grind and to sustain that passion. But what is, is just being a coach and having this amazing opportunity to really speak into the lives of these young men. I have been blessed over my 18 years with the Sandgnats Organization and all of the players that I have coached. Now, they’re all over the world. All over the country doing these amazing things whether they are playing baseball or not. To me that matters most."