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2031 Draft Chat Log

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:09 pm
by Borealis
Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:24 AM
@channel Hello Everyone, it's that time of the year again where we throw caution to the wind and draft a handful of young, promising ball-players that will surely disappoint us and have us saying "what if" later in their careers. But it's all worth it for those select few players that DO make it and because households names in the PEBA. It's been three years since Hurricane John forced us GM's to get uncomfortably close in the basement of PEBA HQ to pick our players of the future, and let's not forget how far we've come from those "dark" days. Welcome to the 2031 PEBA Draft.
This season, things will operate normally with the many system advantages that have been propped up over the past few seasons. Mike and I will be running the show as usual, so if you have any problems or need to step out for anything, please let one of us know.
WHEN? We would like for Mike to make his opening statement at 1pm Eastern (10am Pacific) and head straight into making picks. So please be in this channel and ready to go by then. On Sunday, we will also resume the later rounds at the exact same time and at a much quicker pace to get through everything. If you cannot make it, or need to leave partway through, please have a list prepared in StatsLab so that we may pick from that.
Pick Timer. As per usual, we do not enforce a pick timer. We like to give GMs about 5 minutes to pick and we GREATLY appreciate keeping things moving at a steady pace. On Sunday, I will speed things up and we expect picks to be made at a faster pace. Our drafts are now 20 rounds long and none of us want to spend our entire day in front of the computer in June.
Pick Announcements. Slack will automatically announce picks that are made so you don't necessarily need to do that yourself. That being said, we VERY MUCH encourage discussing picks. Mike or myself will announce the next team on the clock.
Draft Instructions For new GMs or any GM that needs a refresher. To pick a player during the draft, you will want to head to your Warroom in StatsLab. Your "Draft List" will be where you select players from so make sure it is populated with players by using the "add to List" button. When your team is on the clock (you may need to refresh the page) you can highlight a player in your draft list, and a button will appear letting you draft that player.
Again, if you have any questions, please let me know.
Bonus, The WIL will be having it's first ever live draft at 11am EST BEFORE the PEBA draft. Brian will be out so it will likely just be myself and Dan hanging out, but feel free to poke your head in and see what's going on #wil_draft

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 11:44 AM
Pretty sure the WIL draft will last all of five minutes, so if you wanted to check in, 11am EST is the time to do so. Thanks for running the show(s), Mike and Dylan. The draft is a great time and I can't wait to watch Florida ruin it for everyone.

Mike - Borealis 11:56 AM
I have to say, OOTP's inclusion of player IDs to their filter choices has saved me hours in creating my draft database... well, that and some duh, common sense moments...

Ditto the moveable columns...

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 7:16 PM
Not me! I refuse to learn.
(OK, the movable columns are cool)

Yuma:palm_tree: 7:33 PM
How can you move a column? Doesn’t the whole edifice collapse?

Mike - Borealis 7:36 PM

Evan - Underground 7:39 AM
I'll show you an edifice

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:04 AM
I await edification.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:05 AM
Who is this edifice we are waiting for? Is he like Godot?

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 9:08 AM
Oedipus Rex? The new SP stud?

Mike - Borealis 9:16 AM
There’s a natural nickname there, but I think we need to keep this rated PG…

Scott-Duluth 9:16 AM
was added to #draft by Greg - Alleghenies.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:16 AM
45 minutes before the commissioner's opening statement, the team representatives have begun making their way to their assigned tables and seats. (edited)

Jaime - Kalamazoo 9:18 AM
was added to #draft by Greg - Alleghenies.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:19 AM
The Florida representatives, unusually seated in the front row of tables, are complaining about rolled up paper balls being thrown at them from somewhere in the back of the room. (edited)

Lenny- Bears 9:19 AM
I threw the bowling ball. FYI.

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1 day agoView thread

Lenny- Bears 9:22 AM

Lenny- Bears 9:23 AM
DOOBIE AND ALL. Bakersfield is under new and very high management now.

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Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 9:23 AM
A small bag of marbles has been placed under each chair.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:24 AM
Seated next to them in the front row are our dutch contingent representing the Lions. GM Frank Esselink was not able to attend in person but is situated in his warroom back in Amsterdam with owner Paul Woodward
To the right of them, new Kalamazoo GM Jaime Stackpole gets his first taste of a PEBA draft. And rounding out the first row is Shin Seiki GM Kevin Vail. Mr Vail is pleasantly surprised that he isn't the one getting stuff thrown at him during the draft this time. (edited)

Lenny- Bears 9:27 AM

Ron - Akira 9:28 AM
Oh he will

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 9:28 AM
Malts owner William Marsten IV is attending today in place of GM Michael Czosnyka. Marsten is still upset Czosnyka traded away almost all of our picks in the first 5 rounds. He is joined by assistant GM Hoshi Shimizu.

Marsten is starting the day with a tall frothy stein of New Glarus Coffee Stout

Ron - Akira 9:29 AM
We're sitting behind him with spitballs

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1 day agoView thread

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:29 AM
In the 2nd row of tables we have Charleston GM David Barnett sitting menacingly as usual, next to West Virginia GM Greg Abcarian who was once again asked to stop trying to break into the PEBA server room.

Kevin - Evas 9:30 AM
Time to start my draft prep!

Greg - Alleghenies 9:31 AM
@Dylan - Wind Dancers

YouTubeYouTube | irulandotnet
All Your Base Are Belong to Us (Zero Wing Title Sequence)

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1 day agoView thread

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:31 AM
Vic Caleca is also in the 3rd row, Mr Caleca noticed an error in placement for one of his picks and brought it up before the draft started. Commissioner Mike was quick to fix the issue and then revoked Mr. Caleca's drink voucher as punishment for insubordination.

And next to the Claymores is new Duluth GM Scott Horness who demanded on being seated before his brother Eric, which woul;d have happened anyway

Ron - Akira 9:33 AM
*Kevin sorts by power potential and picks the guy on top

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1 day agoView thread

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:35 AM
The 3rd row starts with London GM Cyan Winters accompanied by his assistant GM Ben Bigalow. Mr. Bigalow, a former LRS player, has no management experience and was seemingly hired so Mr. Winters can laugh at his name all day.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:35 AM
Is his nickname Bam-Bam? (edited)

Lenny- Bears 9:37 AM
Wait. There are vouchers. We brought our own. (edited)

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:37 AM
Did you get that whiff of Cajun spice, alcohol and shame? New Orleans GM Reg LeBlanc is in the building. What happens when you put a Canadian in Cajun country? You get the first person to ever being arrested for driving under the influence in Sim Racing.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:38 AM
You're smart Lenny. They are watered down

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:39 AM
Seated next to him is the Frago representatives. I have not yet seen GM Christian Shofar enter the building, but Pat Watson is once again on the DL so we can only assume Mr Shofar is once again sacrificing goats the make Pat healthy again.

Cristian - Dinosaurs 9:40 AM
Goats, chickens, those chipmunks that have been tearing up my flower bed the past few weeks....whatever it takes!

Greg - Alleghenies 9:41 AM

YouTubeYouTube | GWHH19
220/221 Volts Whatever it takes?


Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:41 AM
And rounding out the 3rd row is Reno GM Scott Maynor. In honor of Reno leading the Desert Hills at this moment, Mr. Maynor was seen handing out sticky notes to his fellow Desert Hills GM's reminding them of the current standings.

Starting in the 4th row, we see Neo-Tokyo GM Ron Hiscock. Originally Mr Hiscock was slated to sit a few rows up, but requested to be seated directly in front of the Toyama representatives to "Remind them of their place" as he put it.

Angrily sitting next to them is Toyama GM Dylan Krupilis who is refusing to acknowledge the team to his left. (edited)
As per usual, the Yuma table is empty other than a TV with a direct feed to the "completely normal hospital, nothing crazy about it" that currently houses Bob Mayberry. The Yuma GM as been a mainstay in PEBA for many years and has managed to convince the nurses to give him computer access once again this year. Be sure to take those Meds Bob!

Greg - Alleghenies 9:48 AM
@Yuma and share the meds too!!!

Lenny- Bears 9:48 AM
Please share.
Dylan’s warm up the crowd act is on point. Mike is in trouble.

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:49 AM
At the arlington table we have set an intern at the chair, with a list of players to pursue and instructions to "improvise" when the list runs out

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:49 AM
And rounding out the 4th row is Hartford GM Andy Sim. Andy just recently came bursting through the door sweating like a Camel apologising for being so late, 30 minutes before the draft is supposed to start. It would appear Andy should also take some of Bob's meds

Kevin - Evas 9:50 AM
I didn't realize that OOTP got less descriptive on personality descriptions. Seems like we only have Low-Normal-High now. I don't see any Very Low or Very High

RJ - Sandgnats 9:50 AM

Ken - Featherheads 9:51 AM
hey @RJ - Sandgnats!

RJ - Sandgnats 9:51 AM
Good morning guys!

Mike - Borealis 9:51 AM
Hey RJ!

Greg - Alleghenies 9:51 AM
Morning RJ

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:51 AM
Aurora GM Will Topham starts out the 5th row, looking dapper as usual. But as we all know, beneath that calm, suave demeanor Mr Topham is ripping the hair he has left, out. Truly a master at numbing the pain on the outside.

Scott - Zephyrs 9:52 AM
Hello RJ, Mike, Kevin, Ken, Greg, Dylan...............
Who'd I miss

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:52 AM

Reg - Trendsetters 9:52 AM
hey Scott!

Andy - Harpoon 9:52 AM
a lot

Mike - Borealis 9:52 AM
Wait - I’m supposed to be in the back row - always the back row - how do you think I finished Lord of the Rings during my Biochem classes…
Hey Scott!!

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:53 AM
with subtitles

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:53 AM
Seated next to him is GM Lenny Banovez and his suspiciously empty bowling ball bag. I'm not saying Lenny threw the bowling ball, all I'm saying is I may know where the bowling ball came from.

Mike - Borealis 9:53 AM
Subtitles? DUDE!!! I’m talking the books!!!

Greg - Alleghenies 9:53 AM
@Mike - Borealis Wait, you mean you showed up for class?

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:53 AM

Mike - Borealis 9:53 AM
1983 - no movie…

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:54 AM
Hi y’all! The meds are here. Come and get ’em. Oh … you’re somewhere else. Well …

Lenny- Bears 9:54 AM
What are books.

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:54 AM
there was an animated one

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:54 AM
The hospital courier can get them to you in, oh, say a week?

Mike - Borealis 9:54 AM
It sucked so bad…

Andy - Harpoon 9:54 AM
it's fine, I can pay u a visit after the draft

Greg - Alleghenies 9:54 AM
Books are the funny things they cut down forests for back in the past. Just like a thing called I think newspapers..

Andy - Harpoon 9:54 AM
gonna go around the country talking to draftee anyway

RJ - Sandgnats 9:54 AM

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:54 AM
@Mike - Borealis but the hobbit one was quality

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1 day agoView thread

Ken - Featherheads 9:55 AM
apparently drew streets is giving a speech in the featherheads warroom
theres no tables. no papers. lots of people and chairs though (edited)

RJ - Sandgnats 9:55 AM
Sober @Ken - Featherheads ?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:55 AM
A possible accomplice in the bowling ball incident, Palm Springs GM Denny Hills as fallen asleep at his table. I would normally ask someone to wake him up, but odds are he will fall asleep again.

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1 day agoView thread

Ken - Featherheads 9:55 AM
as sober as you can expect, @RJ - Sandgnats

Greg - Alleghenies 9:56 AM
Where is draft taking place?

Lenny- Bears 9:56 AM
The ball was heavy…thanks Denny.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:56 AM
I know all-star game in WV

RJ - Sandgnats 9:56 AM
Greg needs a map

Andy - Harpoon 9:56 AM
Denny Hills the kind of student who sleep through classes and still get straight As

Scott - Zephyrs 9:56 AM
Some town called Slack

Greg - Alleghenies 9:56 AM
I need to know if management needs to leave the room, for the 5 minute bong-rips call

Ken - Featherheads 9:57 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:57 AM
GM RJ Ermola is here, what a rare sight! Mr Emola NOT being on a plane to a tropical paradise as usual shows just how important this draft is.

RJ - Sandgnats 9:57 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:57 AM
Heh, no one said hi. I’m sitting here in my hospital closet. Can you read me?

Greg - Alleghenies 9:57 AM
Hey Bob

Ken - Featherheads 9:57 AM
hi @Yuma bob!

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:57 AM
Ah, Ken, man who owns my draft picks!

Mike - Borealis 9:57 AM
Hey Bob!!

Andy - Harpoon 9:57 AM
We read you well, sir Bob.

Ken - Featherheads 9:58 AM
draft pick. singular. i traded everything else

Marco.C - Calzoneros 9:58 AM
Hi everyone! San Antonio front office is ready, Hope you're all doing well...ready for draft? :blush:
Writing my final exam during social distancing post-covid with my university closed is really stressful, sorry if i didn't showed up during the first months of the season

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:58 AM
Hi Greg. Thanks. I know they’ve connected me. Hospital staff cant always be trusted,

RJ - Sandgnats 9:58 AM
Is Bob picking first for you @Ken - Featherheads?

Ken - Featherheads 9:58 AM
hello @Marco.C - Calzoneros!

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:58 AM
all good here!

Ken - Featherheads 9:58 AM
i will allow him some input

RJ - Sandgnats 9:58 AM
Hi @Marco.C - Calzoneros !

Reg - Trendsetters 9:58 AM
Hi Marco!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:58 AM
Havana GM Shigeo Nagashima and Kentucky GM Duane Rudis are arguing about their playoff matchup last year. Kentucky won, but Havana isarguing THEY were the ones who deserved to get stomped by West Virginia.

Mike - Borealis 9:59 AM

Patrick - Havana 9:59 AM
well they said there'd be a draft here but i don't see any pints at all ...

Greg - Alleghenies 9:59 AM
Marco!!! He is alive!!!

Mike - Borealis 9:59 AM

YouTubeYouTube | Devil's Lair Comics
The Mask: It's Party Time

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:59 AM
Breeze, man, breezy kind of draft.

Ken - Featherheads 9:59 AM
are we planning on five rounds today?

Greg - Alleghenies 9:59 AM

YouTubeYouTube | yaominute
Frankenstein "It's Alive" Scene

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:59 AM
That “Mask” does not meet CDC standards.

Eric--Okinawa 9:59 AM

YouTubeYouTube | new-HD
Michael Buffer: Let's Get Ready To Rumble!! Starrcade 97

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:00 AM
And sitting in the back row where dunce caps are all of the GMs who traded away or lost their 1st rounds picks. These select few deserve shame and will complain all draft long about not being able to hear all the way in the back.

And with that

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:00 AM
Go jump on yourself!

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:00 AM
5 rounds? need to expand list then

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 10:00 AM
I can’t hear!!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:00 AM
Welcome to the 2031 PEBA Draft. Mr Commissioner, you are up.

Mike - Borealis 10:00 AM
(entering the Ballroom and striding to the podium in front of the collection of PEBA GMs is PEBA Commissioner ‘Harry’ Castle)

Scott - Zephyrs 10:00 AM
Just pick cool sounding names after round 2

RJ - Sandgnats 10:00 AM

Ken - Featherheads 10:00 AM

@Scott - Zephyrs is right

Mike - Borealis 10:01 AM
Welcome to the Asheville Hotel in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina for the 25th Annual PEBA Draft!
Today is when the future stars of baseball discover their fates!

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Mike - Borealis 10:01 AM
Will the Gentleman from Bakersfield please put his bowling balls away?

Lenny- Bears 10:01 AM
Done. Continue

Mike - Borealis 10:01 AM
Today’s first day of the draft will 5 rounds, and GMs will be allotted approximately 5 minutes to make their selections, but we encourage you, in the best interests of the league, to be prepared and make your selections with diligence and speed.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:02 AM
Send them to the hospital, Lenny. We have lanes but no balls.

Mike - Borealis 10:02 AM
Selections are to be made in StatsLab, by selecting the player you want to draft and clicking the draft button. You may very well likely need to refresh your browser when it’s your turn.

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:02 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:02 AM
Slack will announce your pick in this channel, but feel free to make that announcement yourself, as you like, and please discuss picks freely – just keep it classy PEBA… OK… Keep it Kinda Classy PEBA…

Scott - Zephyrs 10:03 AM
Quasi Clasy

Mike - Borealis 10:03 AM
Dylan will be processing the selections behind the scenes, and we will attempt to give teams a heads up when they are ‘on-deck’ and ‘in-the-hole’, so do try to be aware and following things so we can move as quickly as possible. Always try to have a back-up plan in case Florida selects Chris York right as you are about to…

Ken - Featherheads 10:03 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:03 AM
(True story)
I think I’ve covered everything – any other questions or comments?

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:04 AM
Featherheads law: Your pick will always be taken by the schmuck in front of you.

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:04 AM
what if we have curses or snide remarks?

Evan - Underground 10:04 AM
I say, has anyone seen my tea?

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:04 AM
in the boston hardbor you redcoat

Patrick - Havana 10:04 AM
T <- there it is

Andy - Harpoon 10:04 AM
If it's peach apricot tea I am drinking it

Ken - Featherheads 10:04 AM
the featherheads contingent's shirts seem a little more lumpy than usual
perhaps body armor?

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:04 AM
That was AMERICAN tea the Boston Tea Party dumped.

Scott - Zephyrs 10:04 AM
is it too early for a drink on the east coast?

Reg - Trendsetters 10:04 AM

Evan - Underground 10:04 AM
The hardbor you say? I see the American education system has not improved since the 1700s!

Greg - Alleghenies 10:05 AM
WV management back for 10 minutes until bong-rip break #11 of day...

RJ - Sandgnats 10:05 AM
Not at all on the west coast either @Scott - Zephyrs

Lenny- Bears 10:05 AM
I’ve been drinking for an hour. You’re good.

Scott - Zephyrs 10:05 AM
west coast?

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:05 AM

Patrick - Havana 10:05 AM
i see you have not seen Boston hardbor :) (edited)

Mike - Borealis 10:05 AM
With no further ado – I declare the 2031 PEBA Draft Live:
The Florida Featherheads are on the clock… the Florida F-heads are on deck… and the FLA F-heads are in the hole…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:05 AM

Evan - Underground 10:05 AM
begins booing loudly

Reg - Trendsetters 10:05 AM

Ken - Featherheads 10:05 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:05 AM

Lenny- Bears 10:05 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:05 AM
BooBoo boos too!

Patrick - Havana 10:05 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 10:05 AM
:Philadelphia boos:

Mike - Borealis 10:06 AM
Wait - why is Yuma booing??

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:06 AM
He stole my draft pick!

Evan - Underground 10:06 AM
Why does Yuma do anything they do?

Mike - Borealis 10:06 AM

Ken - Featherheads 10:06 AM
the featherheads are waiting until the japes die down

Ron - Akira 10:06 AM
He's booing his GM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:06 AM
The drugs, the drugs, the horror!

Ken - Featherheads 10:06 AM
[Tsumemasa Morimoto takes the stage in a crisp suit and tie] "With the first pick of the 2031 draft, the Florida Featherheads are thrilled to select first baseman Vito van Wondel, hailing from s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. The 4 year senior from University of Sydney holds career records for batting average, on-base percentage, slugging, total bases and wins above replacement in the ICOL and has swept batter of the year for four years in the league."
StatsLabAPP 10:06 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.1: The Florida Featherheads select 1B Vito van Wondel

Greg - Alleghenies 10:06 AM
By this time last year we were on pick 5 and one team didn't have 3 of the first 3 icks

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:06 AM
There will be no quieting of the japes.

Lenny- Bears 10:06 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:07 AM
By by Vito! Your career is over.

Scott - Zephyrs 10:07 AM
almost forgot to take off list pick

Patrick - Havana 10:07 AM
veni vidi Vito

Evan - Underground 10:07 AM
That's a slap in the face to Knopp

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:07 AM
He was never on mine. Silly first basemen. Anyone can play first.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:07 AM
Dang it! He was my next pick

Scott - Zephyrs 10:07 AM
thought it would be that Knopp guy

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:07 AM
Now Knopp is upset and wants out of Florida.

Evan - Underground 10:07 AM
Can't blame him!

Andy - Harpoon 10:08 AM
take Knopp 3rd

Greg - Alleghenies 10:08 AM
Knopp will go 3

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 10:08 AM
Pitchforks! Get the pitchforks!

Andy - Harpoon 10:08 AM
make him humble

Ken - Featherheads 10:08 AM
[Luis "Digger" Torres ascends to the podium holding a sheet of paper, he's obviously been practicing this for a while] "With the second pick of the 2031 draft, the Florida Featherheads select Arizona State center fielder Gordon Knopp. The West Virginia native stands alone as the most productive position player that has ever played in the USCBA, averaging 6.27 WAR per season. A well-rounded prospect, Knopp performs admirably in the batters box and in center field and holds top three spots in career zone rating in center field and career OPS among ALL eligible players."

Jaime - Kalamazoo 10:08 AM
Knopp coming to me at pick number 5

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:08 AM
It won't save you in bonus money, Ken!
StatsLabAPP 10:08 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.2: The Florida Featherheads select CF Gordon Knopp

Andy - Harpoon 10:08 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:08 AM
Amsterdam is a List pick, so Kzoo is on deck…

Jaime - Kalamazoo 10:08 AM

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:08 AM
Super boo

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:08 AM
begins guzzling whiskey, coughing between shots, knowing full well this draft is gonna be a shitshow for arlington

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:09 AM
I spoke with Knopp by phone yesterday. He says he will request a trade to Yuma.

RJ - Sandgnats 10:09 AM

Patrick - Havana 10:09 AM
Knopp... well he's no Vito van Wondel

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 10:09 AM
*Hoshi Shimizu throws peanut shells at the stage

Lenny- Bears 10:09 AM
Knopp is pissed he didnt go 1

RJ - Sandgnats 10:09 AM

Jaime - Kalamazoo 10:09 AM
I knew it wasn’t going to happen, but part of me was hopeful that knopp would make it to 5

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:09 AM
What’re you drinking?

Scott - Zephyrs 10:09 AM
my scout had them 1 and 2 only reversed

Mike - Borealis 10:10 AM

Patrick - Havana 10:10 AM
is that a draft?

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:10 AM
Breeze, man, breeze.

Ken - Featherheads 10:10 AM
[Kevin McNeill trades a fist bump with Torres as he ascends to announce the third pick] "With the third pick in the 2031 draft, the Florida Featherheads select Michael Roberts, a second baseman out of Los Angeles, California. Roberts holds the career record for WAR in the Interscholastic Federation. A strong fielder and hitter, Roberts has won three season awards each for both his elite offense and defense."
StatsLabAPP 10:10 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.3: The Florida Featherheads select 2B Michael Roberts

Patrick - Havana 10:10 AM
boooo boooo boooo!

Ken - Featherheads 10:10 AM
and with that, the champagne is uncorcked

Scott - Zephyrs 10:10 AM
well my scout is almost in line with Florida as usual

Ken - Featherheads 10:10 AM
the featherheads are done for the day

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:10 AM
Michael WHO?

Andy - Harpoon 10:11 AM

Patrick - Havana 10:11 AM
does that mean we have to stop booing?

RJ - Sandgnats 10:11 AM

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:11 AM
I'm nauseous

Andy - Harpoon 10:11 AM
start early, finish early

RJ - Sandgnats 10:11 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:11 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.4: The Amsterdam Lions select LF Sandor Vis

Mike - Borealis 10:11 AM
Amsterdam List pick - so Kzoo to be up and Evas on deck…
CST in the hole…

Reg - Trendsetters 10:12 AM
home grown talent going to Amsterdam

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:12 AM
Kalamazoo is up

Jaime - Kalamazoo 10:12 AM
Okay, how do I draft my guy?

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:12 AM

Jaime - Kalamazoo 10:12 AM
Derek Jeter was going to announce my pick but he tripped and broke his nose

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:13 AM
Call him on the phone …

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:13 AM
Team Warroom > Select the player in your list > Draft Player

Evan - Underground 10:13 AM
First you trade him to Florida
And then Florida picks them

Patrick - Havana 10:13 AM

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:13 AM
Go there, select your guy, then hit the draft player button

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:13 AM
Works for me!
StatsLabAPP 10:13 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Brenden Clymo

Andy - Harpoon 10:13 AM
then you trade the drafted player back?

Ken - Featherheads 10:13 AM
nice pick, jaime

RJ - Sandgnats 10:13 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:13 AM
Just not to Flordia.
StatsLabAPP 10:14 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.6: The Amsterdam Lions select C Iwao Yamamoto

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:14 AM
Shin Seiki is on the clock

Kevin - Evas 10:14 AM
Hrm... apologize in advance for being slow....

Mike - Borealis 10:14 AM
Charleston on deck…. Scottish in the hole

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:14 AM
Yamamoto is such a weird player. Extreme GB hitter.

Ken - Featherheads 10:15 AM
didn't expect yamamoto in the top 10

Greg - Alleghenies 10:15 AM
I did.

Mike - Borealis 10:15 AM
Extreme GB? Should be playing for Aurora - seems like thats all we hit lately…

Ken - Featherheads 10:15 AM
lol greg

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:15 AM
He was on my top ten list.

RJ - Sandgnats 10:15 AM
I gotta while to go.... who needs a drink?

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Andy - Harpoon 10:15 AM
Gonna nickname him Yamamoto Cannon

Cristian - Dinosaurs 10:15 AM
yeah my scout had him #4

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:15 AM
@Andy - Harpoon ayyy i got that reference

Mike - Borealis 10:16 AM
Is it 5 minutes yet?

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:16 AM
Skip him!

Andy - Harpoon 10:16 AM

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:16 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:16 AM
Kick him out of the league

Lenny- Bears 10:16 AM
Bowling balls up!!

Mike - Borealis 10:16 AM
(reaches for the bag of marbles)

RJ - Sandgnats 10:17 AM
Time up!

Ken - Featherheads 10:17 AM
peba's gotten so violent

Lenny- Bears 10:17 AM
All the good players are gone. What’s to think about?

Greg - Alleghenies 10:17 AM
They need to come over to WV table

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:17 AM
That’s what happens when you lock people away in rooms.

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:17 AM
I'm not sure how Ken survived the marbling of three top picks.
StatsLabAPP 10:17 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.7: The Shin Seiki Evas select LF Chris Krebs

RJ - Sandgnats 10:17 AM
I feel like I am back in Philadelphia @Ken - Featherheads

Andy - Harpoon 10:17 AM
oh damn
the Trump hater is gone

Lenny- Bears 10:17 AM

Ken - Featherheads 10:18 AM
lol everyone's just throwing batteries around

Lenny- Bears 10:18 AM
Throw the balls!

Mike - Borealis 10:18 AM
WHAT?? Power less then 8?

Andy - Harpoon 10:18 AM
No Trump!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:18 AM
@David - Charleston On the clock

Mike - Borealis 10:18 AM
Charleston up

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:18 AM
My brother is nothing if not a contrarian.

Ken - Featherheads 10:18 AM
I like Krebs. wish SS didn't get him but what are you gonna do

Mike - Borealis 10:18 AM
WV on deck…
StatsLabAPP 10:18 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Mike Robinson

Ron - Akira 10:19 AM
Not trade your pick to him

Mike - Borealis 10:19 AM
WV up… CST on deck….

Kevin - Evas 10:19 AM
I didn't even see the nickname until I had picked him. Very funny

Jaime - Kalamazoo 10:19 AM
His nick name needs to be Mike “Dirty Mike and the boys” Krebs. I will contribute CP for that name haha

Mike - Borealis 10:19 AM
Scottish in the hole…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:19 AM
Krebs making a political statement about 10-11 years too late

Jaime - Kalamazoo 10:19 AM
Shoot wrong players
Mixing up names here

Lenny- Bears 10:20 AM
My nickname in high school. “Scottish in the hole”

Kevin - Evas 10:20 AM
Maybe it's pro-Trump, as in "I'm No Trump" ?

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:20 AM
Very popular Bridge bid these days.
No Trump.

RJ - Sandgnats 10:20 AM

Kevin - Evas 10:20 AM
The best nickname I've even seen is still my AAA SS

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:20 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 10:21 AM
im still wearing my mask 11 years later

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:21 AM

Ron - Akira 10:21 AM
No one has fallen to me yet, all these picks I ranked above me

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:21 AM
i dont remember a time when ARL had a 1st round pick

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:21 AM
Then you must be king of the dunce caps

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:21 AM
i am
because it all blows up in my facec

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:22 AM
I beg to differ.

Reg - Trendsetters 10:22 AM
who is next to pick?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:22 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies

Mike - Borealis 10:22 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:22 AM
I’d be happy to.

Lenny- Bears 10:22 AM
Is it the Yuma pills or is this pick taking for forever too.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:23 AM
Yuma’s pills are in Camarillo.

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:23 AM
i just saw greg, he's definitely tripping out right now
StatsLabAPP 10:23 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.9: The West Virginia Alleghenies select 2B Ewan Kody

Ken - Featherheads 10:23 AM
dilated pupils

Lenny- Bears 10:23 AM
Damn. Good pick.

Reg - Trendsetters 10:23 AM
darn! lol

Mike - Borealis 10:23 AM
CST up

Andy - Harpoon 10:23 AM
gone is the Big Dipper

Mike - Borealis 10:23 AM
Scottish on deck…. NT in the hole

Andy - Harpoon 10:23 AM
goddamn u all be picking the cool nicknames
StatsLabAPP 10:24 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.10: The Charleston Statesmen select P Josh Vazquez

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:24 AM
Good nicknames add WAR

Ken - Featherheads 10:24 AM
why do you think they're going so high? because of their skill?

Mike - Borealis 10:24 AM
Scottish up…
NT on deck… Duluth in the hole…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:24 AM
All those ratings in numbers boggle me brain, so … names count BIG.
StatsLabAPP 10:25 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.11: The Scottish Claymores select P Kyle Colquhoun

Ken - Featherheads 10:25 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:25 AM
NT up

Ken - Featherheads 10:25 AM
colquhoun could be a beast

Greg - Alleghenies 10:25 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:25 AM
Get that man a decent 3rd pitch

Mike - Borealis 10:25 AM
Duluth on deck… London in the hole…

Eric--Okinawa 10:26 AM
You guys think some of these picks are taking a while....wait til @Scott-Duluth is up

Kevin - Evas 10:26 AM
I like Colquhoun

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:26 AM
How does he pronounce his name?
StatsLabAPP 10:26 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.12: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Bartolo Baca

Eric--Okinawa 10:26 AM
I didnt like him because of his work ethic

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:26 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:27 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:27 AM
That was my thought

Mike - Borealis 10:27 AM
My list is toast…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:27 AM
Col - que/ka - hoon

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:27 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:27 AM
Or Cokah - houn?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:27 AM
Well, @Scott-Duluth is OTC

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:27 AM
Or Cockhound?

Andy - Harpoon 10:27 AM
that should be his nick

Mike - Borealis 10:28 AM
Kyle pronounces it like the supposed COVID drug…

Andy - Harpoon 10:28 AM
Cockhound Colquhoun

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:28 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:28 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.13: The Duluth Warriors select LF Sergio Campos

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 10:28 AM
Surprised baca dropped to 12th
Had him much higher myself

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:29 AM
Me too. He’s 6th on my list.

Evan - Underground 10:29 AM
That changeup will probably never come around, so he's probably more of a ML reliever and there are better relievers out there, imo
Good personality though

Eric--Okinawa 10:29 AM
Bacas stamina might hurt him beong a SP

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:29 AM
Changeups are easy to learn.

Ken - Featherheads 10:30 AM
Just don't throw the ball as hard. Easy.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:30 AM

Lenny- Bears 10:30 AM
Like a Yuma fastball.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:30 AM
My pitching coach teachers all our pitchers 3 speeds of changeup.
Slow … slower … and BOWLING BALL!

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:31 AM
i can throw a great changeup, doesn't matter that it's my fastest pitch!

Lenny- Bears 10:31 AM
Sorry. Triggered.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:31 AM

Andy - Harpoon 10:31 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:31 AM
I was praying Chewie was going to last to 22 - but I knew he wouldn’t…

Ken - Featherheads 10:31 AM
7-10 SPLIT

Mike - Borealis 10:31 AM
London is up….
Trendies on deck… Fargo in the hole…

RJ - Sandgnats 10:31 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:32 AM

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:32 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:32 AM

DicebotAPP 10:32 AM
@Dylan - Wind Dancers rolled 4
2 2

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:32 AM
Not yet, Denny. We got a coupple years left.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:32 AM
Nothing guaranteed to us Codgers

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:33 AM
I’ll trade you one year guaranteed for your next draft pick.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:33 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:33 AM
@Evan - Underground Tick Tok

Mike - Borealis 10:34 AM
@Evan - Underground You’re up

Evan - Underground 10:34 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:34 AM
Is London still on the planet?

Evan - Underground 10:34 AM

Greg - Alleghenies 10:34 AM
I keep getting phone calls for extended car warranties. Give me your number @Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers and I'll forward them your number.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:34 AM
Damn Brits. Even drink their tea slowly.

Evan - Underground 10:34 AM
Difficult decision

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:34 AM
Oh perfect!

Eric--Okinawa 10:34 AM
Must have been good tea

Ron - Akira 10:34 AM
Baca was #5 on my list. Only concern is his stamina which our steroid program should fix

Evan - Underground 10:35 AM
After much deliberation

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:35 AM

Greg - Alleghenies 10:35 AM
@Evan - Underground is too busy eating fish fingers and custard

Evan - Underground 10:35 AM
Hailing from Manhattan, NY, though currently an Old Queen at Rutgers...

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:35 AM
Oh cut the drama!
StatsLabAPP 10:35 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.14: The London Underground select P Rich Jones

Mike - Borealis 10:35 AM
NO up… Fargo on deck… Reno in the hole…

Ron - Akira 10:35 AM
Sorry, that was supposed to be an internal memo

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:36 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters up

Greg - Alleghenies 10:36 AM
He definitely will be Rich now....

Ken - Featherheads 10:36 AM
I like rich jones. Looks like a good middle of the rotation sort of guy

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:36 AM
He’d be a superstar in Yuma.

Greg - Alleghenies 10:36 AM
Agreed @Ken - Featherheads

Evan - Underground 10:36 AM
Solid is all I need from the 14 spot haha

Reg - Trendsetters 10:36 AM
ok, just need a few to decide my pick

Ken - Featherheads 10:36 AM
Definitely. Nice pick

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:37 AM
A few seconds, Reg. SECONDS.

Greg - Alleghenies 10:38 AM
Remember how fast last year 1st round went? The good ole days

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:38 AM
Yeah, what’d we do differently?

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:38 AM
Consarned kids today and their deliberations

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:38 AM
Just wait until day 2

Greg - Alleghenies 10:39 AM
I am going to make sure my picks 15-20 are the best EVER

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 10:39 AM
Everyone had a list ready I think

Ron - Akira 10:39 AM
It was a crappy draft class so not much to think about

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:39 AM
There’s that.

Evan - Underground 10:39 AM
I'm done until the 4th, likely will not be able to stick around live for that

Greg - Alleghenies 10:39 AM
I blame @Dan - Ghosts (WIL) for leaving PEBA
StatsLabAPP 10:39 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.15: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Sylvester Mills

Mike - Borealis 10:39 AM
@Cristian - Dinosaurs up… @Scott - Zephyrs on deck…
StatsLabAPP 10:39 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.16: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 1B Augusto Castaneda

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:40 AM
I do enjoy my lists

Ken - Featherheads 10:40 AM
castaneda fell to 16... wild he had a great season

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:40 AM
a 1st round reliever pick? interesting

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:40 AM
Who was that Sylvester pitcher guy? Never heard of him.

Ken - Featherheads 10:40 AM
oh no wait

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:40 AM
Castaneda’s a first bagger. No reason to draft for that position.

Mike - Borealis 10:41 AM
Reno up

Ken - Featherheads 10:41 AM
i was thinking of someone else

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:41 AM
When will Tweety be drafted?

Mike - Borealis 10:41 AM
Yuma in the hole…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:41 AM
Yuma ready!

Ken - Featherheads 10:41 AM
but i like castaneda too

Greg - Alleghenies 10:41 AM
@Justin - Bureaucrats I have picked a first round rp in the past
StatsLabAPP 10:41 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.17: The Reno Zephyrs select 3B Alexander Bawden

Scott - Zephyrs 10:41 AM
Reno selects 3B Alexander Bawden

Greg - Alleghenies 10:41 AM
2 actually, 1 in LRS

Andy - Harpoon 10:41 AM
Mustache is off!

Greg - Alleghenies 10:41 AM
@Scott - Zephyrs Nice pick

Mike - Borealis 10:42 AM
Yuma on deck… Hartford in the hole

Greg - Alleghenies 10:42 AM
My scout over last 2 weeks really liked him

StatsLabAPP 10:42 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.18: The Toyama Wind Dancers select 1B Francisco Cabrera

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:42 AM
Yuma itching to go!

Ron - Akira 10:42 AM
Best 3B IMO
StatsLabAPP 10:42 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.19: The Yuma Arroyos select P George Moss

Lenny- Bears 10:42 AM
Well. There went my list back to back…. (edited)

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:43 AM
Cabrera was an animal this year

Greg - Alleghenies 10:43 AM
Damn was hoping Moss would fall. @Yuma Nice pick.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:43 AM
Thank you. He’ll convert nicely to a starter.

Lenny- Bears 10:43 AM
@Dylan - Wind Dancers yep.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:43 AM
He can't field or run, but he can swing a bat

Ken - Featherheads 10:43 AM
there goes cabrera to toyama. i was suprised to see him fall (edited)

Kevin - Evas 10:43 AM
Moss is a great value there

Ken - Featherheads 10:43 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:43 AM
@Andy - Harpoon up

Greg - Alleghenies 10:43 AM
@Yuma yes he will.

Andy - Harpoon 10:43 AM
aye give me time

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:43 AM
We successfully converted Hull last year, Moss next year.

Mike - Borealis 10:44 AM
@Cristian - Dinosaurs on deck…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:44 AM
:musical_note:Time time time, see what’s become of me, while I looked around for the draftabilities!
StatsLabAPP 10:44 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.20: The Hartford Harpoon select P Stuart Abernethy
PEBA Draft Pick 1.21: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Joseph Rhodes

Greg - Alleghenies 10:45 AM
Nice pick @Cristian - Dinosaurs

1 reply
1 day agoView thread

Cristian - Dinosaurs 10:45 AM
Was hoping Moss would be there, but Rhodes is pretty similar

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:45 AM
Yup, I had them both at the top of my list.

Ken - Featherheads 10:45 AM
rhodes looks terrifying. him and moss are great

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:46 AM
Good names in this first part of the doubt about it

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:46 AM
And the really good ones are still coming!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:46 AM
Rhodes threw 21.4 K/9 this year which is nothing short of disgusting

1 reply
1 day agoView thread

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:46 AM

Ken - Featherheads 10:46 AM
0.00 FIP

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:46 AM

Patrick - Havana 10:46 AM
best name still out there ... Douggie Blennerhassett

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:47 AM
I think it’s Chikafuji!

Ron - Akira 10:47 AM
That's impressive and I don't even know what FIP is.

Ken - Featherheads 10:47 AM
your picks coming up, @Patrick - Havana!

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:47 AM
Meaningless cybermetric mumbojumbo.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:48 AM
Fielding Independent Pitching

Evan - Underground 10:48 AM
For the triggered London GM it means Florida is Picking

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:48 AM
Fielding Independent Pitching is meaningless because pitching is always field dependent.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:48 AM
Basically how well a pitcher pitched without counting whether the defense behind him could make plays.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:48 AM
Which can’t be measured.
Unless, of course, you’re talking about Satchel Paige’s habit of sending his infield to the dugout while he pitched.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:49 AM
It can be useful, but is also very skewed by the type of pitcher. A groundballer will rely on his defense much more than a power pitcher striking everyone out.

Greg - Alleghenies 10:49 AM
I had it a tossup between Rhodes and Kody

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:49 AM
Rhodes is a great value pick
I really like Kody too

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:50 AM
A colossus of a pick

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:50 AM
Hopefully his knees don't break

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:50 AM
Or retires
I can make that joke since Frank isn't here

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:50 AM
or is sakced by goths

Ken - Featherheads 10:50 AM

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:50 AM
Happened to @Lenny- Bears recently

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:51 AM
Mike, is it your pick?

Mike - Borealis 10:51 AM
The Aurora Borealis with the 22nd overall selection, chose out of the Collegio San Carlo, CL Connor Smith…
StatsLabAPP 10:51 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.22: The Aurora Borealis select P Connor Smith

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:51 AM
Terrible pick. Boo!

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:51 AM
Which Smith?

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:51 AM
of course the ghost says boo

Greg - Alleghenies 10:51 AM

Ken - Featherheads 10:51 AM
also a 0.00 fip guy!

Andy - Harpoon 10:51 AM
the one at the corner

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:51 AM
Sorry I can't help it. Looks at Connor Smith for the first time.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:51 AM
I have all the Smiths on a separate sheet of paper, but no Connor Smith.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:52 AM
@Lenny- Bears OTC

Kevin - Evas 10:52 AM
Dang it. Smith was my next target

Ron - Akira 10:52 AM
They can play each other one on one

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:52 AM
Are they all brothers with beards?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:52 AM
That pick makes 4 relievers gone in the 1st round
StatsLabAPP 10:52 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.23: The Bakersfield Bears select LF Yuji Kichida

Ron - Akira 10:52 AM
Had him #18

Greg - Alleghenies 10:52 AM
@Lenny- Bears he is a bum!!!

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:53 AM
Lenny’s a bum?

Greg - Alleghenies 10:53 AM
I had him going 36 :wink:

Mike - Borealis 10:53 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers you’re up…

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 10:53 AM
LF very popular so far this draft

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:53 AM
I had him at 58.

Mike - Borealis 10:53 AM
SS on deck… @RJ - Sandgnats in the hole…

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:53 AM
Ooh I like that pick @Lenny- Bears

Andy - Harpoon 10:53 AM
Kichida great bat

Lenny- Bears 10:54 AM
That means I’m doing something right. If Greg and Yuma are confused. I’ll take it every time.

Greg - Alleghenies 10:54 AM
I am not confused.
I am taking Bong rip break #12

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:54 AM
sneaks an edibles break

Lenny- Bears 10:54 AM
That’s the first sign of being confused is saying you’re not.
StatsLabAPP 10:55 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.24: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Tsugiharu Kamimura

Evan - Underground 10:55 AM
Do you really need a break for edibles?

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:55 AM
thats why im sneaking it

Ken - Featherheads 10:55 AM
mr cool!

Greg - Alleghenies 10:55 AM
@Evan - Underground nope you don't

Lenny- Bears 10:55 AM
@Andy - Harpoon exactly. With a team that needs bats. I’ll take a bat like that at 23.

Evan - Underground 10:55 AM
Sure wish I lived in a legalized state :neutral_face:

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:56 AM
Nice pick, Denny!

Mike - Borealis 10:56 AM
@Kevin - Evas You’re up

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:56 AM
travel to colorado! best weed east of LA

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:56 AM
Since PS is a warm weather locale Mr Cool should help regulate the team’s temperature

Mike - Borealis 10:56 AM
CL on deck… @Duane - KyT - Thoroughbreds in the hole…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:56 AM
We got a nice room with weed here for you in Camarillo, Evan!
StatsLabAPP 10:57 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.25: The Shin Seiki Evas select P Seong-chin Kim

Ken - Featherheads 10:58 AM
imagine that.... the evas taking a left handed pitcher

Mike - Borealis 10:58 AM
@RJ - Sandgnats up…

Ken - Featherheads 10:58 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:58 AM
KTY on deck… @Patrick - Havana in the hole…

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:58 AM
im holding out hope for my potential pick. might be one of my best

Ken - Featherheads 10:58 AM
well we already know who patrick's taking

Kevin - Evas 10:59 AM
I know what i like!

Greg - Alleghenies 10:59 AM
@Ken - Featherheads a lefty pitcher from Asia no less

Vic (Claymores) 10:59 AM
I like Kim - he was high on my Rd 2 list.

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 10:59 AM
Power hitting, lefty pitching, and catchers.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:00 AM
I had him under Kimsideration as well

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:00 AM
:musical_note:Kim kim Seong-chin, Kim kim Seong-chin, Kim kim sharee!
Evas draft choice is lucky as lucky can be!

RJ - Sandgnats 11:01 AM
ok here go the Gnats....

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:01 AM
Flyswatter, please!

Ken - Featherheads 11:01 AM

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:02 AM
Where’s that Flit canister

RJ - Sandgnats 11:02 AM
Here is to the revolution...
StatsLabAPP 11:02 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.26: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select P Freddie Wilder

Ken - Featherheads 11:02 AM

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:02 AM
Freddie “Van” Wilder

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:02 AM
Guaranteed to be wilder than most pitchers.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:04 AM
Yes I would have expected a much lower Control rating

Ken - Featherheads 11:04 AM
there needs to be a winter ball option to decrease ratings

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:04 AM

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:05 AM
“I need this guy to become worse to fulfill his name’s destiny”

Ken - Featherheads 11:05 AM

Ron - Akira 11:06 AM
Isn't Kentucky autopick?
StatsLabAPP 11:06 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.27: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select CF Aaron Lawrence
PEBA Draft Pick 1.28: The Havana Leones select C Jason Etheridge

Mike - Borealis 11:06 AM
@Kevin - Evas up
@Ron - Akira on deck… Hartford in the hole X2

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:08 AM
The final pick of the first round is...
StatsLabAPP 11:08 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.29: The Shin Seiki Evas select P Shojiro Goto
PEBA Draft Pick S1.1: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Ben Littleworth

Kevin - Evas 11:09 AM
Yet another Japanese pitcher. This one's a righty though. Needed a matching set.

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:09 AM
First Round done! Not as fast as last year, but not bad.

RJ - Sandgnats 11:09 AM

Mike - Borealis 11:10 AM
@Andy - Harpoon you’re up - twice…
StatsLabAPP 11:10 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.2: The Hartford Harpoon select P Sotatsu Kobayashi

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:10 AM
Nice pick, Andy. He was my next choice.

Ron - Akira 11:10 AM
Almost chose him

Kevin - Evas 11:12 AM

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:12 AM
He was on my supplemental short list
StatsLabAPP 11:12 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.3: The Hartford Harpoon select P Cristian Rodriguez

Andy - Harpoon 11:12 AM
there are some batters I would like to have but they demand too much from me

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 11:13 AM
Long way to go to the 4th round.. this is what I hate about trading away picks

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:13 AM
Aurora up twice, followed by Bakersfield

Justin - Bureaucrats 11:13 AM
ugh, 13 more picks till im up

Andy - Harpoon 11:14 AM
I was late drafter two years in a row
pretty much just came here to hang out

Kevin - Evas 11:14 AM
I'm in the same position, Michael.
Kind of wish I had moved the 2 that I have left
I like a nice short draft

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 11:15 AM
I was thinking about the same Kevin. Could I just move the 4th rounders and just deal with tomorrow... but I don’t think I would get the value I perceive I can get from drafting myself.. so there’s that issue haha

Scott - Zephyrs 11:15 AM
Speaking as someone who has been an early drafter many times, it is nice to draft late as a result of not totally sucking the year before

Justin - Bureaucrats 11:16 AM
must be nice scott

Andy - Harpoon 11:16 AM
I always want to think I am getitng value with 4th and 5th
but then I just checekd my draft history and all my picks there are as good as a random 10th rounder

Justin - Bureaucrats 11:16 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 11:17 AM

Mike - Borealis 11:17 AM
Aurora selects with the 33rd pick in the draft, from the University of Alabama-Birmingham, CF Bill Smith…

StatsLabAPP 11:17 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.4: The Aurora Borealis select CF Bill Smith

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:17 AM
Another Smith!

Greg - Alleghenies 11:17 AM
Good pick :disappointed:

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 11:17 AM
I’ve historically gotten solid picks in rounds 3-5. I think I might even do better in those rounds

Kevin - Evas 11:17 AM
I just used the import list feature for the first time. That's kind of handy

Mike - Borealis 11:18 AM
Aurora selects with the 34rd pick in the draft, from the University of Michigan (as painful as that is), LF Marcus Bell…
StatsLabAPP 11:18 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.5: The Aurora Borealis select LF Marcus Bell

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:18 AM
Yes, mentioning UMich always pains me too, Mike.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:18 AM
Aurora rings the Marcus Bell

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:19 AM

Mike - Borealis 11:20 AM
Growing up a Buckeye fan… mom from Cleveland… :see_no_evil:

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:20 AM
@Lenny- Bears You're up

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:20 AM
Ohhh, I just taught in the state for 7 years and learned to hate UMich and MichState equally.

Mike - Borealis 11:20 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies on deck…
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers in the hole…
StatsLabAPP 11:21 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.6: The Bakersfield Bears select C Alfonso Zuniga

Justin - Bureaucrats 11:21 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:21 AM
Great pick, Lenny. My top choice at C.

Ron - Akira 11:21 AM
OSA loves him

Mike - Borealis 11:21 AM
That’s a good pick…
I forgot that guy…

Lenny- Bears 11:22 AM
Oh. Sorry. Not my line. :)

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:22 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies OTC

Greg - Alleghenies 11:22 AM
Nice pick

Lenny- Bears 11:23 AM
Consider him on the block. He was the best player there.

Mike - Borealis 11:23 AM
Codgers on deck… @Eric--Okinawa in the hole…

Justin - Bureaucrats 11:23 AM
@Lenny- Bears took my pick ya bum!

Lenny- Bears 11:24 AM
Come get him.
He says high.

Justin - Bureaucrats 11:24 AM
i'll give you a deep dish pizza
and a calzone

Ron - Akira 11:24 AM
Wouldn't have made it to you Justin

Justin - Bureaucrats 11:25 AM
he was so close

Marco.C - Calzoneros 11:25 AM
Sorry for my English but Bum means bust? :eyes:

Mike - Borealis 11:25 AM
Keep it moving @Greg - Alleghenies

Ron - Akira 11:25 AM
#17 on my board still available, who can guess...

RJ - Sandgnats 11:25 AM

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:26 AM
Marco bum means a lousy player

Ken - Featherheads 11:26 AM
something to read while you wait to draft

Eric--Okinawa 11:26 AM
#10 still on my board

Vic (Claymores) 11:27 AM
Bum =anyone on the Scottish roster ...
StatsLabAPP 11:27 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.7: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Seiichi Sakaguchi

Justin - Bureaucrats 11:27 AM
Bum, the entire Bureaucrats team

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:27 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers OTC

Marco.C - Calzoneros 11:27 AM
I see Vic :laughing:

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:28 AM
Greg, you were spozed to leave Sakaguchi for me!

Lenny- Bears 11:28 AM
Good pick @Greg - Alleghenies. He was the first arm I was gonna take.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:28 AM
WV just made my choice easy
StatsLabAPP 11:28 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.8: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Cesar Gonzalez

Mike - Borealis 11:28 AM
@Eric--Okinawa on deck…
StatsLabAPP 11:29 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.9: The Okinawa Shisa select CF Dan Bean

Lenny- Bears 11:29 AM

Eric--Okinawa 11:29 AM
Not a fan of his ask, but #10 on board had to take him

Greg - Alleghenies 11:30 AM
I like him Eric

Mike - Borealis 11:30 AM
@Patrick - Havana you’re going to be up

Ron - Akira 11:30 AM
Outstanding D

Mike - Borealis 11:30 AM
NT in the hole…

Evan - Underground 11:30 AM
There are some legit good players going in the supplemental

1 reply
1 day agoView thread
StatsLabAPP 11:30 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.10: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Valke Petiet

Re: 2031 Draft Chat Log

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:10 pm
by Borealis
Mike - Borealis 11:31 AM
@David - Charleston You’re kind of in the hole after auto picks…

Andy - Harpoon 11:31 AM
there goes Bean
I would have picked him if he didn't demand huge bonus
StatsLabAPP 11:31 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.11: The Havana Leones select RF Raul Moreno

Greg - Alleghenies 11:32 AM
UGH, I wanted him

Mike - Borealis 11:32 AM
Greg wants everyone…

Ken - Featherheads 11:32 AM
douggie is looking very dejected right now

Greg - Alleghenies 11:32 AM
As Ken
Ask Ken
My hatred for the LRS GM's grows :wink:

Patrick - Havana 11:33 AM
Douggie ain't coming to Havana His name doesn't translate well :slightly_smiling_face:

RJ - Sandgnats 11:33 AM
he already has a dance!
perfect walkout song

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:33 AM
At last! Round 2.

Mike - Borealis 11:33 AM
@Ron - Akira You’re up

Ken - Featherheads 11:33 AM
oh my... blennerhassett walking up to bat with his song blaring
beautiful imagery

RJ - Sandgnats 11:34 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:34 AM
The best thing about round 2?

Mike - Borealis 11:34 AM
That’s a hell f a name…

Ron - Akira 11:34 AM
One sec

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:34 AM
No Featherheads!

Mike - Borealis 11:34 AM
That’s a 15th round Amsterdam pick…

Ken - Featherheads 11:35 AM
if you think that's great, wait till you check out rounds 3-9 as well

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:35 AM
I’m digging it!
StatsLabAPP 11:35 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.1: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Senzo Matsuo

Lenny- Bears 11:36 AM
Wondering when he’d go.

Mike - Borealis 11:36 AM
Charleston on deck… @Greg - Alleghenies in the hole
StatsLabAPP 11:36 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.2: The Manchester Maulers select SS Charles Barnes

Mike - Borealis 11:37 AM
@David - Charleston your up
WV on deck… @Justin - Bureaucrats in the hole (edited)
StatsLabAPP 11:38 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.3: The Charleston Statesmen select CF Dale Muirhead

Greg - Alleghenies 11:38 AM

David - Charleston 11:38 AM
something wrong @Greg - Alleghenies

Mike - Borealis 11:39 AM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo you’re in the hole X2
Dang it’s a long way to #25 - all those comp picks…

Greg - Alleghenies 11:41 AM
That was the last guy on my list

Mike - Borealis 11:41 AM
Keep it moving @Greg - Alleghenies

Ken - Featherheads 11:42 AM
i like that mike reacted to his own message

Mike - Borealis 11:42 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 11:42 AM

Mike - Borealis 11:43 AM
I think that’s the longest line of reactions - EVER!!!

RJ - Sandgnats 11:43 AM
you're welcome Mike :slightly_smiling_face:

Mike - Borealis 11:43 AM
(insert Final Jeopardy theme)

Justin - Bureaucrats 11:44 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 11:44 AM
We need a clock in slack for next year Mike....

Can we borrow Drew Streets pocket watch @Ken - Featherheads

Ken - Featherheads 11:44 AM
streets has already left the building

RJ - Sandgnats 11:45 AM
His jet was my ride.... damn

Mike - Borealis 11:45 AM
WV selects Blesser… whatever it is…

Ken - Featherheads 11:45 AM
mine too...

RJ - Sandgnats 11:45 AM
Looks like we are walking home Ken

Ken - Featherheads 11:45 AM
i needed my 10k steps anyway

1 reply
1 day agoView thread

RJ - Sandgnats 11:46 AM
Earth to Greg?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:46 AM
5 minutes is a courtesy, we don't want to start forcing an actual pick timer.

Andy - Harpoon 11:46 AM
is Greg trying to see how long we actually wait before we auto-pick?

RJ - Sandgnats 11:47 AM
did he get stuck in a mineshaft?
StatsLabAPP 11:47 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.4: The West Virginia Alleghenies select RF Roberto Rodriguez

PEBA Draft Pick 2.5: The Arlington Bureaucrats select C Ken Jagger

Ron - Akira 11:48 AM
Here ya go Justin

Mike - Borealis 11:49 AM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo You’re up!

RJ - Sandgnats 11:49 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:49 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.6: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Matsuyo Sugiyama
PEBA Draft Pick 2.7: The Kalamazoo Badgers select 1B Walt Collins

Mike - Borealis 11:49 AM
@Lenny- Bears You’ll be on deck after an autopick

Lenny- Bears 11:49 AM
I’m ready. :slightly_smiling_face:
StatsLabAPP 11:50 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.8: The San Juan Coqui select C Leonardo Ortega

Andy - Harpoon 11:50 AM
darn it, there goes Walt Collis
StatsLabAPP 11:50 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.9: The Bakersfield Bears select CF Jeff Jenkins

Mike - Borealis 11:51 AM
@David - Charleston you
you’re up
StatsLabAPP 11:51 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.10: The Charleston Statesmen select P Euan MacKinlay

Mike - Borealis 11:51 AM
@Eric--Okinawa you’re on deck… @Vic (Claymores) you’re on deck
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers in the hole
StatsLabAPP 11:53 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.11: The Okinawa Shisa select P Jose Nufio
PEBA Draft Pick 2.12: The Scottish Claymores select P Masanobu Agano

Ken - Featherheads 11:54 AM
scots are having a good draft thus far. i like their picks a lot

Mike - Borealis 11:54 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers You’re up…
@Greg - Alleghenies on deck

Andy - Harpoon 11:55 AM
Agano definitely a good one

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:55 AM

Vic (Claymores) 11:56 AM
So you're saying picking names out of a hat is working for me? Awesome. Saves a lot of work!

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:57 AM
And it’s full of surprises! Without any disappointments.

Ken - Featherheads 11:58 AM
can't be disappointed if you dont know what youre missing

StatsLabAPP 11:58 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.13: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Sergio Castillo

Mike - Borealis 11:59 AM
OK Greg…

@Ron - Akira on deck… @Scott-Duluth in the hole

Greg - Alleghenies 11:59 AM
one second Mike.

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:00 PM
One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds, five seconds …

Mike - Borealis 12:00 PM
One Mississippi… Two Mississippi… Three Mississippi…
StatsLabAPP 12:00 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.14: The West Virginia Alleghenies select SS Tony Reyna

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:01 PM
Well done, Greg.
StatsLabAPP 12:01 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.15: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Hachemon Suzuki

Mike - Borealis 12:01 PM
He was on my list coming up…
@Scott-Duluth up…
@Reg - Trendsetters you’re in the hole

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:02 PM
Shortstops named Reyna are on my no-no list

Greg - Alleghenies 12:03 PM
Thanks @Yuma
StatsLabAPP 12:04 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.16: The Duluth Warriors select P Mike Bakker

Greg - Alleghenies 12:04 PM
Nice pick Scott. I had him or Reyna for my last pick
I didn't want to pay the 3 million to sign Bakker
StatsLabAPP 12:05 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select 1B Yoshiyuki Takahashi

Ken - Featherheads 12:05 PM
asking price of 3.2 ouch
looks like he has some talent though

RJ - Sandgnats 12:05 PM

Ken - Featherheads 12:05 PM
nice pick dylan

Andy - Harpoon 12:05 PM
not enough for 3.2

Mike - Borealis 12:06 PM
@Reg - Trendsetters you’re up
@Scott - Zephyrs you’re on deck

RJ - Sandgnats 12:06 PM
I was about to go mow the lawn... but we've picked up the pace :slightly_smiling_face:

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:08 PM
Have we? Feels plodding.

RJ - Sandgnats 12:08 PM
or did I speak too soon..... :walks outside:

Lenny- Bears 12:08 PM
I’m drunk. Jesus.

Scott - Zephyrs 12:08 PM
that supplemental round drags

Ken - Featherheads 12:09 PM
not drunk enough if you can still type, lenny

Lenny- Bears 12:09 PM

Ken - Featherheads 12:09 PM
lookit you fancy french boy. [eyes unfocus]

RJ - Sandgnats 12:09 PM

Mike - Borealis 12:09 PM
It’s the Comp picks that drag… Sign Your Draftees!!

Lenny- Bears 12:09 PM
Took three attempts to type that.

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:09 PM
This round is suddenly dragging.
If that’s not an oxymoron.

RJ - Sandgnats 12:10 PM
:hands the commish a whiskey: :tumbler_glass:

Ken - Featherheads 12:10 PM
all the champagne is gone.
i dont even know how that happened.

RJ - Sandgnats 12:10 PM

Mike - Borealis 12:10 PM

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:10 PM
We never get champagne here in the hospital.

Andy - Harpoon 12:11 PM
that's sad

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:11 PM
Is anybody awake down there in N’Orleans? It’s a sleepy kind of town.

Ken - Featherheads 12:12 PM
the big Z'zy

RJ - Sandgnats 12:12 PM
its too early for them down there...
StatsLabAPP 12:12 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.18: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Everton Wallwin

Lenny- Bears 12:12 PM
Let’s talk about Dan Bean.

Greg - Alleghenies 12:12 PM
Wallwin for the win!!!

Andy - Harpoon 12:12 PM
noooo, not my wallwin

Lenny- Bears 12:12 PM
How dare he ask that much.

Ken - Featherheads 12:12 PM
wow OSA like wallwin.
StatsLabAPP 12:12 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.19: The Reno Zephyrs select CF Orlando Garza
PEBA Draft Pick 2.20: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Tom Welsh

Mike - Borealis 12:13 PM
@Yuma up

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:13 PM
Yuma picks the pitcher with the best name: Naoki Chikafuji.

Mike - Borealis 12:13 PM
@Andy - Harpoon on deck…

Lenny- Bears 12:13 PM
Now we’re cooking.
StatsLabAPP 12:13 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.21: The Yuma Arroyos select P Naoki Chikafuji

RJ - Sandgnats 12:13 PM

Mike - Borealis 12:13 PM
@Cristian - Dinosaurs on deck… @Jaime - Kalamazoo in the hole

Scott - Zephyrs 12:13 PM
Let's hope my scout know his business. I got his number 11 and 17 with my 17 and 59 overall selections
StatsLabAPP 12:14 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.22: The Hartford Harpoon select LF Ramon Vera

Ken - Featherheads 12:15 PM
do you think tom "sundown" welsh even knows he was drafted yet?
StatsLabAPP 12:15 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.23: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 2B Yoshi Sakai

Mike - Borealis 12:15 PM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo you’re up

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:15 PM
I love the scouting system for that reason. I got my #2 and #4 guys with the 2nd and 8th picks in the WIL draft. The differences drive the whole developmental process.

Andy - Harpoon 12:16 PM
ngl I was pretty close to picking Sakai
StatsLabAPP 12:16 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.24: The Kalamazoo Badgers select 2B Ikki Nakashima

Greg - Alleghenies 12:16 PM
If I didn't go Kody in round 1 I would have taken Sakai

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:16 PM
Ooooh, ikkkki!

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:17 PM
Nickname him "Shuffle"

Andy - Harpoon 12:18 PM
there goes the last 2.5 stars of my board

Cristian - Dinosaurs 12:18 PM
Yeah Nakashima was next on my board as well

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:18 PM
Shuffle? Ikki shuffle?

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:18 PM
It's an ancient baseball reference I swear!

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:18 PM

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:19 PM
Let’s go Aurora :sleeping:

Greg - Alleghenies 12:19 PM
Jeez Mike :wink:

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:19 PM
Google says it’s a contemporary “Football” reference, Dan. You bad boy.

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:20 PM ... y-shuffle/
Baseball Ladder Workouts And Footwork Drills | Power Icky Shuffle
Kbands Training is a company focused on athletic performance and fitness training. Browse through our library of training and equipment now.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:20 PM

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:20 PM
It's a baseball workout reference...?

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:20 PM
Based on a football player’s name. Booooooooooooooo!

Mike - Borealis 12:20 PM
The Aurora Borealis with the 65th pick select from the Club Deportiva Zaragoza, SP Takashi Ikeda…

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:20 PM
I wouldn't know, I don't follow football, Bob
StatsLabAPP 12:20 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.25: The Aurora Borealis select P Takashi Ikeda
PEBA Draft Pick 2.26: The Bakersfield Bears select P Milton McLean

Greg - Alleghenies 12:21 PM
Down Home is picked up!!!

Lenny- Bears 12:21 PM

Ken - Featherheads 12:21 PM
bobs a big football fan

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:21 PM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:21 PM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers is up

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:21 PM
Fighting words!

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:21 PM
Even the word is despicable.

Ken - Featherheads 12:21 PM

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:22 PM
“Football” is of course the respected game we silly Americans call soccer.
StatsLabAPP 12:22 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.27: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Kyle Maynard

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:22 PM
What them men in helmets play with a rugby ball, I don’t care to name.
StatsLabAPP 12:22 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.28: The Hartford Harpoon select CF Mike Attwood

Ken - Featherheads 12:22 PM
codgers going with the "impossible" guy
really strong looking player but they'll have to shell out some dough to land him

Mike - Borealis 12:23 PM
@Yuma you’re up

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:23 PM
Yuma selects this following player solely for the story potential: Ken Schit.

Andy - Harpoon 12:23 PM
impossible for me too
StatsLabAPP 12:23 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.29: The Yuma Arroyos select CF Ken Schit

Andy - Harpoon 12:23 PM
but maybe not for Palm Springs

Ken - Featherheads 12:23 PM

RJ - Sandgnats 12:23 PM

Ron - Akira 12:23 PM
Crappy pick

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:24 PM

Ron - Akira 12:24 PM

Andy - Harpoon 12:24 PM
there's a Ken "Mad Bomber" Schmidt yet you go with this Ken

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:24 PM
Dough, you say? :doughnut::cookie:

Mike - Borealis 12:24 PM
@Patrick - Havana on deck
@Greg - Alleghenies in the hole

Ron - Akira 12:24 PM
Gotta have something to write about

Andy - Harpoon 12:25 PM
oh wow after round 3 I am done for th enight
we only do till r5 right?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:25 PM
Trade for the top 3 picks and the players start calling you Schit

RJ - Sandgnats 12:25 PM
oh boy.... lol

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:25 PM
Someone stole all my 4th round picks, so I will get the nurse to wheel me down to the commode.
StatsLabAPP 12:26 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.30: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select 3B Kanai Aliimalu

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:27 PM
@Patrick - Havana OTC
StatsLabAPP 12:27 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.31: The Havana Leones select P Fred Gross

Mike - Borealis 12:27 PM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo you’re next live pick

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:27 PM
@Greg - Alleghenies OTC

RJ - Sandgnats 12:27 PM
damn another Fred off the board

Scott - Zephyrs 12:28 PM
a gross fred

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:28 PM
Nickname him ","
Fred, Gross

Greg - Alleghenies 12:28 PM
One second just checking something on 2 guys

Andy - Harpoon 12:28 PM
shoutout to Aliimalu the lone Samoan representative

Patrick - Havana 12:29 PM
Gross is cheaper by the dozen
StatsLabAPP 12:30 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.32: The West Virginia Alleghenies select 3B Bailey Calvert

Mike - Borealis 12:30 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:31 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.1: The Manchester Maulers select 3B Reece Carne
PEBA Draft Pick 3.2: The Manchester Maulers select SS Reece Shaw

Mike - Borealis 12:31 PM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo you’re next live pick

Andy - Harpoon 12:31 PM
two Reece in a row

Greg - Alleghenies 12:32 PM
Manchester is getting monopoly on Reece's.
If you have one, he will pay top dollar
StatsLabAPP 12:32 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.3: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select C Norihisa Yokoyama

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:32 PM
He wanted to write a lot of Reece's pieces.

Lenny- Bears 12:32 PM

Mike - Borealis 12:32 PM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo you’re up

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:32 PM
Haha fair enough, Lenny.

Ken - Featherheads 12:33 PM
the round of reece has begun
StatsLabAPP 12:33 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.4: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Roelof Drenth

Mike - Borealis 12:33 PM
@Lenny- Bears you’re up
@David - Charleston on deck… @Eric--Okinawa in the hole
StatsLabAPP 12:33 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.5: The Bakersfield Bears select P Dave Phillips

David - Charleston 12:34 PM
im on auto
StatsLabAPP 12:35 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.6: The Charleston Statesmen select RF Takejiro Kawashima

Mike - Borealis 12:35 PM
@Vic (Claymores) on deck
StatsLabAPP 12:35 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.7: The Okinawa Shisa select P Fernando Garcia
PEBA Draft Pick 3.8: The Scottish Claymores select P Jonathan Bleazard

Ken - Featherheads 12:37 PM
claymores continue to do work.

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 12:37 PM
Chugging along! Almost there!

Mike - Borealis 12:37 PM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo you’re up
StatsLabAPP 12:37 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.9: The Kalamazoo Badgers select 1B Jimmy Richter

Mike - Borealis 12:37 PM
@Ron - Akira on deck… @Lenny- Bears ini the hole X2
StatsLabAPP 12:38 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.10: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Julio Lozano
PEBA Draft Pick 3.11: The Bakersfield Bears select P Earnest Hill
PEBA Draft Pick 3.12: The Bakersfield Bears select CF Jose Gomez

Ken - Featherheads 12:38 PM
love those two picks by bakersfield

nice lenny

Lenny- Bears 12:39 PM
I’m drunk. I got this.
StatsLabAPP 12:39 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.13: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Hideo Miura

Ken - Featherheads 12:39 PM

Andy - Harpoon 12:39 PM
there goes my pick

Mike - Borealis 12:39 PM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:39 PM
@Scott-Duluth OTC

Mike - Borealis 12:40 PM
@Scott - Zephyrs on deck… @Greg - Alleghenies in the hole
StatsLabAPP 12:40 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.14: The Duluth Warriors select CF Jeff Dimbleby

Ken - Featherheads 12:41 PM
jeff dimbleby is an 80 grade name

Lenny- Bears 12:41 PM
Alright. I’m stepping away for 30min. van Wondel better still be on the board when I get back. Or immma be pissed.

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:41 PM
Dimbleby is a little slow.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:42 PM
@Scott - Zephyrs OTC

Ken - Featherheads 12:42 PM
dimbleby is like a character in the monty python twit olympics
StatsLabAPP 12:42 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.15: The Reno Zephyrs select 3B Datu Dagdayan

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 12:42 PM
That's the vibe, no doubt.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:42 PM
@Greg - Alleghenies OTC

Andy - Harpoon 12:42 PM
nice, there goes the filipino

Scott - Zephyrs 12:43 PM
1st time today my guy got snatched the pick before me

Greg - Alleghenies 12:46 PM
sorry one second. Just saw it was my turn. flipping a coin between 2 guys now

Andy - Harpoon 12:47 PM

Ken - Featherheads 12:47 PM
douggie blennerhassett still on the board
StatsLabAPP 12:47 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.16: The West Virginia Alleghenies select LF Eichiro Arai

Ken - Featherheads 12:48 PM
douggie is in his parents' living room, sobbing like tom brady right now

Scott-Duluth 12:49 PM
If/when Dimbleby plays CF in Duluth at 6'6" he will stand a half foot taller than the center field wall. He will stand flat footed and rob you of home runs for disrespecting him.

Vic (Claymores) 12:49 PM
Cheer up, Douggie. I think you have a bright future in the personal services industry.

Mike - Borealis 12:50 PM
Out of Nassau HS, the Aurora Borealis select with the 89th pick, RF Tsugumichi Kawano…
StatsLabAPP 12:50 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.17: The Aurora Borealis select RF Tsugumichi Kawano

Ken - Featherheads 12:50 PM
dimbleby's family is so proud of him. just look at them


Mike - Borealis 12:51 PM
Aurora has drafted an entire outfield…
StatsLabAPP 12:51 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.18: The Hartford Harpoon select P Jim Pineau
PEBA Draft Pick 3.19: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 3B Vic Ordonez

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:51 PM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo OTC

Mike - Borealis 12:52 PM
@Justin - Bureaucrats on deck…
StatsLabAPP 12:52 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.20: The Kalamazoo Badgers select LF Randall Perry

Andy - Harpoon 12:52 PM
alright, if we are stopping at r5 I am done
do I trigger auto just to be safe?

Mike - Borealis 12:52 PM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers on deck

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:53 PM
We usually do rounds 1-4

Andy - Harpoon 12:53 PM
then I guess I will see you all tomorrow

Mike - Borealis 12:53 PM
We’re scheduled for 5… :grimacing:

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:53 PM
Yep, put yourself on list and auto

Andy - Harpoon 12:54 PM
eh, I can pick some names on the list
then I am out

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:54 PM
And I am back. Nurse wheeled me around the hospital after the usual visit to the toilet.

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 12:55 PM
Welcome back bob!

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:55 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:55 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.21: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 3B Carlos Madrid

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:56 PM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers OTC

Mike - Borealis 12:56 PM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo on deck
I know who Denny is considering…
StatsLabAPP 12:59 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.22: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Yo Kichida

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:59 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:59 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.23: The Kalamazoo Badgers select LF Ian Vader

Ken - Featherheads 12:59 PM

Lenny- Bears 1:00 PM
Good pick.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 1:00 PM
Brother of Chad

RJ - Sandgnats 1:00 PM

Lenny- Bears 1:00 PM
Chicks did the long ball darth.

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:02 PM
They already did him?

Mike - Borealis 1:03 PM
OK… he’s out for a while, but worth the gamble…

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:03 PM
He’s out with the chicks that did him?

Mike - Borealis 1:04 PM
The Aurora Borealis select with the 96th pick, from the Ponitificia Padres, SP Jacob Briggs…
StatsLabAPP 1:04 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.24: The Aurora Borealis select P Jacob Briggs
PEBA Draft Pick 3.25: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Tsuneo Yoshida

Mike - Borealis 1:05 PM
And Aurora done for the day…
@Patrick - Havana you’re up…
StatsLabAPP 1:06 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.26: The Havana Leones select P Greg Smith
PEBA Draft Pick 3.27: The Arlington Bureaucrats select LF Xian-gan Chen

Dylan - Wind Dancers 1:07 PM
@Yuma OTC

Mike - Borealis 1:07 PM
@Yuma you’re up… @Michael - Malts on deck

StatsLabAPP 1:07 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.1: The Yuma Arroyos select SS Pedro Moralez

Mike - Borealis 1:08 PM
@Michael - Malts you’re up
@Jaime - Kalamazoo on deck
StatsLabAPP 1:08 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.2: The Manchester Maulers select P Jeremy Perry

Mike - Borealis 1:09 PM
@Greg - Alleghenies you’re up soon
StatsLabAPP 1:11 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.3: The Madison Malts select P Geoffrey Bowman

Mike - Borealis 1:12 PM
Stay close @Michael - Malts you’re on deck
@Jaime - Kalamazoo you’re up

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 1:12 PM

Mike - Borealis 1:12 PM
@Eric--Okinawa you’re coming up soon…
StatsLabAPP 1:13 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.4: The Kalamazoo Badgers select 2B Stephen McKnight

Mike - Borealis 1:13 PM
@Greg - Alleghenies on deck… @Eric--Okinawa kinda in the hole

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 1:14 PM

Vic (Claymores) 1:14 PM
Curse you, Kalamazoo!

Mike - Borealis 1:15 PM
Whatever you do, Mikey #1, don’t take Greg’s guy…
StatsLabAPP 1:15 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.5: The Madison Malts select P Raul Hernandez
PEBA Draft Pick 4.6: The West Virginia Alleghenies select C Toby Marriott

Eric--Okinawa 1:16 PM

Mike - Borealis 1:16 PM
@Eric--Okinawa you’re up…

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 1:16 PM

Mike - Borealis 1:16 PM
@Vic (Claymores) on deck… @Ron - Akira in the hole

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 1:16 PM
Our scout’s second highest rated C!
StatsLabAPP 1:16 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.7: The Charleston Statesmen select LF Wayne Leggett

Eric--Okinawa 1:16 PM
Isnt charleston up
Oh there it is

Mike - Borealis 1:17 PM
@Scott-Duluth in the hole
@Evan - Underground coming up soon

Greg - Alleghenies 1:17 PM
I'll start my list for tomorrow since I have the 1,4,21 in round 5

Evan - Underground 1:18 PM
Going to be setting to list pick

Ron - Akira 1:18 PM
Not letting me to pick
Oh not my turn
StatsLabAPP 1:19 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.8: The Okinawa Shisa select P Takiji Yamada

Mike - Borealis 1:20 PM
@Vic (Claymores) you’re up
@Ron - Akira on deck… @Scott-Duluth in the hole
StatsLabAPP 1:20 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.9: The Scottish Claymores select 3B John Fox

Mike - Borealis 1:20 PM
@RJ - Sandgnats you’re not too far away…

RJ - Sandgnats 1:20 PM
im ready
i just ran inside from mowing
StatsLabAPP 1:21 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.10: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P John Thomas

Mike - Borealis 1:21 PM
@Scott-Duluth you’re up

Cristian - Dinosaurs 1:21 PM
Damn was hoping (mostly irrationally) that Thomas would fall to me in this round.

Mike - Borealis 1:21 PM
@Eric--Okinawa coming up soon
I liked Thomas, but his senior year put me off…
StatsLabAPP 1:22 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.11: The Duluth Warriors select 1B Jeff Barrett

Ron - Akira 1:23 PM
He was coasting like we all did as seniors

Mike - Borealis 1:23 PM

Vic (Claymores) 1:23 PM
So close ... I was really wanting to get Marriott, for the travel discount as much as anything.

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:23 PM
John Thomas is a big one.
StatsLabAPP 1:24 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.12: The London Underground select CF Eddie Bice
PEBA Draft Pick 4.13: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Shinichi Sugiyama
PEBA Draft Pick 4.14: The San Juan Coqui select LF Martin Butterworth

RJ - Sandgnats 1:24 PM

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:24 PM
Butterfingers Butterworth.

Mike - Borealis 1:25 PM
One of the great names…

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:25 PM
Butter up! (edited)
StatsLabAPP 1:25 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.15: The Reno Zephyrs select C Ron Vickers

Mike - Borealis 1:25 PM
@RJ - Sandgnats you’re up

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:25 PM
I might be tempted to trade some Schitt for some Butter!
StatsLabAPP 1:25 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.16: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Nelson Garza

Lenny- Bears 1:25 PM
Back!!! And we thought I was drunk before!

RJ - Sandgnats 1:26 PM
One moment gentlemen....

Mike - Borealis 1:26 PM
@Eric--Okinawa on deck…. @Cristian - Dinosaurs ini the hole
StatsLabAPP 1:27 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.17: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 1B Francisco Mata

RJ - Sandgnats 1:27 PM
with the 116th pick.... out of this world from the Purdue Astronauts USCBA COL
StatsLabAPP 1:28 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.18: The Okinawa Shisa select C Norogumi Nishida
PEBA Draft Pick 4.19: The Fargo Dinosaurs select C Akio Sakamoto

Mike - Borealis 1:28 PM
@Michael - Malts You’re up
@Lenny- Bears on deck… @Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers in the hole
StatsLabAPP 1:30 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.20: The Madison Malts select P Tom Dodd
PEBA Draft Pick 4.21: The Bakersfield Bears select SS Katsunan Ichihara

Mike - Borealis 1:31 PM
Ah… trading that pick comes back to haunt me…

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:31 PM
They always do.

Mike - Borealis 1:31 PM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers you’re up…

Lenny- Bears 1:31 PM
That’s it for me gents! No 5th. See you tomorrow! Twas a blast!
StatsLabAPP 1:31 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.22: The Palm Springs Codgers select SS David Wilson

Mike - Borealis 1:31 PM
@Kevin - Evas on deck… @RJ - Sandgnats in the hole…

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:32 PM
Bye bye, Lenny!

Lenny- Bears 1:32 PM

Mike - Borealis 1:32 PM
See Ya Lenny!

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 1:32 PM

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:32 PM
Bring your bowling balls tomorrow!

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 1:32 PM

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 1:32 PM
I am done as well for now, no picks till the 6th again. I will check back in soon though

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 1:33 PM
Bye Mike

Kevin - Evas 1:33 PM
Hrm... pretty picked over

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:33 PM
And the 6th will begin mañana.
Yes, Kevin, very picked over. So just grab and run!
StatsLabAPP 1:35 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.23: The Shin Seiki Evas select 3B Ienobu Rin

RJ - Sandgnats 1:36 PM
May I go commish?

Mike - Borealis 1:36 PM

RJ - Sandgnats 1:36 PM
A player known to be "On the loner side, but works hard analyzing the game's possibilities" from Matanzas HS El Poeta Hogai 'Outlaw' Kitamura!
StatsLabAPP 1:36 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.24: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 1B Hogai Kitamura

Ron - Akira 1:37 PM
Sounds like a hero

RJ - Sandgnats 1:37 PM
We can only hope....

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:39 PM
I got all ready cuz I thought Kentucky and Havana were on autopick.

Jaime - Kalamazoo 1:39 PM
Are we doing the 5th round today or does it end at this round?

Ron - Akira 1:39 PM
Not many on auto pick unfortunately

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:39 PM
Mike said 5 rounds today.
StatsLabAPP 1:40 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.25: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select CF Antonio Castillo

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:40 PM
Yup, there’s Kentucky on auto.

Greg - Alleghenies 1:41 PM

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:42 PM
Must be a problem.

Mike - Borealis 1:43 PM
I’m for moving through 5…

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:44 PM
Will we ever get through 4?

RJ - Sandgnats 1:44 PM
let's do this!
StatsLabAPP 1:44 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.26: The Havana Leones select P Manny Caraballo

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:44 PM
From deep in the bowels of the state hospital, we conclude our first day at the draft by selecting SP Pedro Cabrera.

Ron - Akira 1:44 PM
Nice job
StatsLabAPP 1:44 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.27: The Yuma Arroyos select P Pedro Cabrera

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:45 PM
Thanks, guys. I don’t have a pick in round five, but I have the first pick in six, so--nurse willing--I’ll talk to you all tomorrow morning!

Mike - Borealis 1:45 PM
WAIT??? WHAT??? A round without a Yuman Pick???


RJ - Sandgnats 1:45 PM

Mike - Borealis 1:46 PM
@Greg - Alleghenies you’re up

Yuma:palm_tree: 1:46 PM
Don’t mess it up!

Greg - Alleghenies 1:47 PM
cool one second

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 1:47 PM
StatsLabAPP 1:48 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.1: The West Virginia Alleghenies select 1B Pedro Salazar
PEBA Draft Pick 5.2: The Manchester Maulers select LF Yoriyoshi Ageda
PEBA Draft Pick 5.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Gonzalo Gonzalez

Mike - Borealis 1:50 PM
@Greg - Alleghenies you’re up
@Jaime - Kalamazoo on deck
@Eric--Okinawa coming up…

Greg - Alleghenies 1:52 PM
one sec
StatsLabAPP 1:53 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.4: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Eiichi Tanaka

Eric--Okinawa 1:53 PM
Crap again
StatsLabAPP 1:54 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select LF Jake Alexander

Ron - Akira 1:54 PM
Nice pick Greg
StatsLabAPP 1:54 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.6: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 1B James Brown

Greg - Alleghenies 1:54 PM
Thanks Ron.
Some soul coming to Arlington
StatsLabAPP 1:55 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.7: The Charleston Statesmen select 2B Orlando Perez

Mike - Borealis 1:55 PM
@Eric--Okinawa youre
@Vic (Claymores) on deck… @Ron - Akira in the hole…
StatsLabAPP 1:56 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.8: The Okinawa Shisa select P Bertrand Baverstock

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 1:56 PM
5th round seems to be humming along
StatsLabAPP 1:56 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.9: The Scottish Claymores select CF Garry Tidwell

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 1:56 PM
Thank you Mike and Dylan for all the work

RJ - Sandgnats 1:56 PM

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 1:57 PM
Tid Oh Well

Greg - Alleghenies 1:57 PM
I like Tidwell.

Mike - Borealis 1:57 PM
@Ron - Akira you’re up…
@Scott-Duluth on deck… @Ron - Akira in the hole
StatsLabAPP 1:59 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.10: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select C Vicente Rodriguez

Mike - Coqui 1:59 PM
Checking in. Couple college all-star hitterse for me:grin:

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 1:59 PM
Yep Mike, SK is killing it

Mike - Borealis 2:00 PM
@Scott-Duluth you’re up… with another coming up…

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 2:00 PM
And by SK I mean SJ
StatsLabAPP 2:00 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.11: The Duluth Warriors select SS Charles Pereira

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 2:01 PM
Unless the Coqui are moving to Saskatchewan

Mike - Borealis 2:01 PM
@Ron - Akira you’re up

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 2:02 PM
Did Duluth pick Pereira as a shortstop or a pitcher, I wonder?
StatsLabAPP 2:02 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.12: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select SS Angel Montoya
PEBA Draft Pick 5.13: The New Orleans Trendsetters select 3B Sergio Ortiz

Mike - Borealis 2:05 PM
@Scott-Duluth youre up
@Scott - Zephyrs on deck… @RJ - Sandgnats coming up

Mike - Coqui 2:05 PM
My draft list is empty on my phone though but can't be right.

RJ - Sandgnats 2:05 PM
StatsLabAPP 2:07 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.14: The Duluth Warriors select C Joep Zwager
PEBA Draft Pick 5.15: The Reno Zephyrs select SS Matt Smith
PEBA Draft Pick 5.16: The Toyama Wind Dancers select LF Masahiro Noguchi

RJ - Sandgnats 2:08 PM
is it my turn now Commish?

Mike - Borealis 2:08 PM

RJ - Sandgnats 2:08 PM
thank you sir

Mike - Borealis 2:08 PM
@Eric--Okinawa on deck
@Cristian - Dinosaurs in the hole
StatsLabAPP 2:09 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.17: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 2B Sjoerd Lubbers

Ken - Featherheads 2:09 PM
wow great name

Vic (Claymores) 2:09 PM
All name team for sure ...

Cristian - Dinosaurs 2:09 PM
Yeah fantastic name. Good ole Lubbers

RJ - Sandgnats 2:09 PM
haha thanks guys ahaha

Mike - Borealis 2:09 PM
I had my eye on that Canal Lubber…
StatsLabAPP 2:09 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.18: The Okinawa Shisa select P Bryan Keller

Mike - Coqui 2:10 PM
Opponents will call him flubbers

Vic (Claymores) 2:10 PM
Son of Flubber ...

RJ - Sandgnats 2:10 PM
StatsLabAPP 2:10 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.19: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 2B Joe Flores
PEBA Draft Pick 5.20: The Charleston Statesmen select SS Flynn Cole

Mike - Borealis 2:12 PM
@Greg - Alleghenies you’re up

RJ - Sandgnats 2:12 PM
on the clock Greg......

Mike - Borealis 2:12 PM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers on deck… @Kevin - Evas in the hole

Cristian - Dinosaurs 2:13 PM
Okay guys, I'm heading outta here!

RJ - Sandgnats 2:13 PM
see ya Cristian!

Mike - Borealis 2:13 PM
See ya Cristian!

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 2:14 PM
Bye Cristian!

Mike - Borealis 2:14 PM
We are soooooo close….
(looks at @Greg - Alleghenies)

Patrick - Havana 2:14 PM
chooglin' right along ...
StatsLabAPP 2:14 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.21: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Alfonso Cruz

Mike - Borealis 2:15 PM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers your up

Scott - Zephyrs 2:15 PM
Smooth first day. Nice job everyone
StatsLabAPP 2:15 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.22: The Palm Springs Codgers select SS Frazer Singer

Mike - Borealis 2:16 PM
@Kevin - Evas you’re up…

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 2:16 PM
StatsLabAPP 2:16 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.23: The Shin Seiki Evas select 1B Edgar Canseco

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 2:16 PM
The guy we drafted, ol’ whatshisname.

Mike - Borealis 2:16 PM
’Roids run in the family!!

Kevin - Evas 2:17 PM
Pretty happy to be bringing a Canseco to SS

Mike - Borealis 2:17 PM
@RJ - Sandgnats you’re up…

RJ - Sandgnats 2:17 PM

Mike - Borealis 2:18 PM
@Vic (Claymores) you’re up after 2 list picks…

Vic (Claymores) 2:18 PM
I'm all set ...

RJ - Sandgnats 2:18 PM
for pick 150....
from UCONN Klondikes
StatsLabAPP 2:18 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.24: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select LF Blake Morgan

Ken - Featherheads 2:19 PM
that guy is going to be hell on the base paths
StatsLabAPP 2:19 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.25: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select RF Wayne Hardin

Kevin - Evas 2:19 PM
My slate is complete. I'm heading out. Later, everyone.
Thanks for yet another smooth draft, Mike!

RJ - Sandgnats 2:19 PM
you know I love speed Ken :slightly_smiling_face:

Mike - Borealis 2:19 PM
Thanks Kevin!! See ya!
StatsLabAPP 2:19 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.26: The Havana Leones select P Lou Denton
PEBA Draft Pick 5.27: The Scottish Claymores select P Alfredo Tapia

Mike - Borealis 2:20 PM

Greg - Alleghenies 2:20 PM

Mike - Borealis 2:20 PM
Round 6 anyone?

Vic (Claymores) 2:20 PM
Uh ... no.

Mike - Borealis 2:20 PM

Greg - Alleghenies 2:20 PM
I am in :slightly_smiling_face:

Ken - Featherheads 2:21 PM
im just kicking back with an ice cold beverage watching the carnage
whatever works

Vic (Claymores) 2:21 PM
I need to get the feeling back in my legs ...

Mike - Borealis 2:21 PM
That was grueling…

RJ - Sandgnats 2:21 PM

Mike - Borealis 2:21 PM
Ditto, Vic…

RJ - Sandgnats 2:21 PM
great job guys!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 2:21 PM
Get ready for the speedrun tomorrow

Vic (Claymores) 2:21 PM
Scottish, meet autopick. Autopick, meet Scottish ...

Mike - Borealis 2:21 PM
Still left on the Board, the guy the Mock Draft had as my #1 pick…

Ron - Akira 2:22 PM

Ken - Featherheads 2:22 PM
what a steal!

Ron - Akira 2:22 PM

Ken - Featherheads 2:22 PM
alright. DnD time

Patrick - Havana 2:22 PM
well done all

RJ - Sandgnats 2:22 PM

Ken - Featherheads 2:22 PM
see you all tomorrow
where i will continue to not draft

Mike - Borealis 2:22 PM
At one point, anyway…

RJ - Sandgnats 2:23 PM
do you want to draft for me tomorrow Ken?

Mike - Borealis 2:23 PM
Good times Guys!!

RJ - Sandgnats 2:23 PM

Mike - Coqui 2:26 PM
Hope to be more present tomorrow but am about to get on a 9 seat Cessna with thunderstorm forecast so will see...

Mike - Borealis 2:27 PM
YIKES!! Where are you headed?
I must have done a better job this year - only 7 of my top 100 left on my list…

Mike - Coqui 2:29 PM
SF to Boston where am now. Next stop Cape Cod...17 minute flight

Ken - Featherheads 2:29 PM
i'd demand some peanuts, mike
don't let them off the hook

Mike - Borealis 2:31 PM
I could have waved…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 5:16 AM
@channel Day 2 of the Draft is here and we are going to start moving much quicker. If you are on list pick or auto, I will be making that pick immediately. So if you want to make the pick yourself, make sure you have those options turned off. Also, while we gave every 5 minutes yesterday to make picks, today, we will be giving you 1-2 minutes to make your pick since we have to get through 15 rounds. If everyone moves at a this pace, we can wrap things up in time.

Lenny- Bears 7:35 AM
We are at 1eastern again yeah?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 7:36 AM

Lenny- Bears 7:48 AM
Thanks man.

Marco.C - Calzoneros 7:55 AM
I'm currently doing some biking with my friends...i set the autopick,just in case i may arrive home late for the beginning of the draft :blush:

1 reply
Today at 8:19 AMView thread

Eric--Okinawa 8:07 AM
Anybody else have an issue in statslab where you are sorting by speed as one of the options and get no results? As soon as speed is taken out the results show up

Mike - Borealis 8:27 AM
It's working ok on my phone - I'll try my cpu in a bit...

Ken - Featherheads 8:29 AM
yeah it looks to be a weird thing if you search by speed... idk why that happens. I'm able to recreate
i sorted based on power > gap > speed like eric did and it doesn't work
im wondering if it's because "speed" isn't a batting rating so the system doesn't like it
as far as I can tell, trying to sort by baserunning, speed or steal will break it

Scott-Duluth 8:32 AM
I think Eric—Okinawa is just causing trouble because he never got seated at a table yesterday.

Mike - Borealis 8:46 AM
Ah… I had just clicked the column header - using the sort criteria, I did get the same result…

Greg - Alleghenies 8:52 AM
Maybe because you picked speed it's so fast you can't see the results

Mike - Borealis 8:52 AM
I bet that’s it…

Greg - Alleghenies 9:08 AM
Not a busy day here. 1 pick in the 6th round and then nothing until round 14
But I am around trying to trade :wink:

Lenny- Bears 9:17 AM
I got nothing till the 8th. So I’ll just be here...judging.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:23 AM
@Lenny- Bears Wouldn't you still judge if you had picks?

Lenny- Bears 9:24 AM
Yes. But only you. I’m too busy for the group when I have picks. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ken - Featherheads 9:24 AM
gosh i feel for you greg. he doesn't judge me yet threw a bowling ball at me yesterday...

i can imagine what lenny would do to people he judges

Lenny- Bears 9:25 AM
I was drunk yesterday. And Dan told me to.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:25 AM
@Lenny- Bears Judging... (edited)

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Ken - Featherheads 9:25 AM
that should be a good defense in court

Lenny- Bears 9:25 AM
It will hold.

Mike - Borealis 9:25 AM
I think that bowling ball came from the vicinity of the Desert Hills…

Lenny- Bears 9:26 AM
Oh. I threw it. But it was totes a conspiracy.
I believe it was said “we boo. Lenny you’ll bowl”.

Ken - Featherheads 9:28 AM
ah that makes sense. i couldn't hear you from where you were sitting
i was at the front... you were in the back. hard to hear.

Lenny- Bears 9:28 AM
Fun Lenny fact. I have a 220 avg. Bowling is a big deal in Wisconsin.

Dad was disappointed when I did the acting thing.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:29 AM
Nice. Your average is a lot higher than mine. 178.

Lenny- Bears 9:29 AM
Not bad though!!!
I was suppose to be a pro bowler or a minor league SS. Sorry fam.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:30 AM
@Lenny- Bears There is always time!!!

Mike - Borealis 9:30 AM
Bowling is my anti-golf, where 100 is the magic number…

Lenny- Bears 9:30 AM
Now i just play them in tv

Greg - Alleghenies 9:30 AM
I don't golf.

Reg - Trendsetters 9:30 AM
i can't bowl above 100, and I can't golf below 100

Greg - Alleghenies 9:31 AM
I got a hole in one and quit (wasn't a real hole in one, but went off the tee 35 feet or so and landed in the drainage pipe. I drop my bags and retired, true story, in Dayton circa 1997)

Lenny- Bears 9:31 AM
I golfed a bit. Well a lot. Then NYC stopped that.
So now when I golf it’s really a drinking game.
By the 10th I’m using bottle caps as Tees.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:32 AM
I'll go golfing with @Lenny- Bears

Lenny- Bears 9:32 AM
I’m in WV! Let’s do it.
I’m assuming you don’t live in WV.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:33 AM
Only during game days LOL. Otherwise in Chicago

Lenny- Bears 9:34 AM
Sweet. I’m from Kenosha.
So it’s like Chicago. But totally not.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:34 AM
Nice. Right above the border

Lenny- Bears 9:34 AM
Yep. Mars Cheese Castle!

Greg - Alleghenies 9:34 AM
Gurnee Mills!!! LOL

Lenny- Bears 9:34 AM
Oh lord. I went there all the time as a kid.
And six flags.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:35 AM
I am sure you did.

Mike - Borealis 9:35 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters but how’s your croquet bowling?

Lenny- Bears 9:35 AM
All right there.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:35 AM
My folks didn't do Six Flags so we never went that way
Croquet is getting huge here
Towns are building courts everywhere

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 9:36 AM
Croquet has courts? I thought you just randomly arranged the wire things.

Reg - Trendsetters 9:36 AM
@Mike - Borealis if we're talking candlepin bowling ... aka croquet bowling as Mike named it, then I'm a slightly-above-average bowler lol

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 9:36 AM
Although to be fair, I haven't played croquet since I was nine and I invented the rules.

Evan - Underground 9:36 AM
Best of luck today everyone

Reg - Trendsetters 9:36 AM
league average 105 , which is probably ..... 180 equivalent? in 10-pin

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 9:37 AM
Anyone been fowling?

Greg - Alleghenies 9:37 AM
@Dan - Ghosts (WIL) No but on the basketball court, I do foul.

Lenny- Bears 9:38 AM
^^^^this guy

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 9:38 AM
The best defense is illegal

Reg - Trendsetters 9:38 AM

Greg - Alleghenies 9:38 AM
12 years coaching basketball, I can teach you how to foul and not get caught same with soccer :wink:

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 9:39 AM
What's your stance on flopping.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:39 AM
Well is there a stance when flopping LOL
It sucks. I don't teach that.
I do teach how to take a charge though.

Dan - Ghosts (WIL) 9:39 AM
Anderson Varejao would say there is.

Mike - Borealis 9:40 AM
hate, Hate, HAte, HATe, HATE flopping…

Greg - Alleghenies 9:40 AM
Note to self, if @Mike - Borealis is ever coaching against me, have all players fall down.

RJ - Sandgnats 9:50 AM
set the channel topic: Live Draft PEBAcast

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:53 AM
set the channel topic: 2031 PEBA Draft

Andy - Harpoon 9:53 AM
power is back for me so I am here
no need for auto-roulette

RJ - Sandgnats 9:53 AM
set the channel topic: 2031 PEBA Draft - Dylan Rocks

RJ - Sandgnats 9:53 AM
set the channel topic: 2031 PEBA Draft

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:54 AM
@channel We are starting in 6 minutes. Reminder that if you are on list or auto, your pick will be made immediately. If you want to make your own pick, take yourself off of those options. (edited)

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:54 AM
With the good nurse’s assistance, Yuma is ready to render the draft speechless. If that makes any sense.

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 9:55 AM
Ready! 3 picks in the 6th for Madison

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 9:55 AM
Get ready to draft again you hoodlums!

Scott - Zephyrs 9:55 AM
That makes Bob sense

Marco.C - Calzoneros 9:55 AM
Hi everyone :blush:

RJ - Sandgnats 9:56 AM

Greg - Alleghenies 9:56 AM
Hey Marco. How was bike ride?

Mike - Borealis 9:56 AM
Hey Guys! Hey Marco!!

Mike - Coqui 9:56 AM
I am sticking to my list which should get me through at least a couple rounds. Will switch to auto pick if I catch in time. Otherwise don't wait for me.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 9:56 AM
Have picks in the 6th and 7th rounds, but not the 8th...think I will switch to auto at that point.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:56 AM
set the channel topic: 2031 PEBA Draft. Touch this announcement again and I will injure your players

Reg - Trendsetters 9:56 AM
the sim reaper has spoken

Mike - Borealis 9:57 AM
(‘Harry’ Castle enters the Ballroom at the Asheville Hotel…)

Scott - Zephyrs 9:57 AM
These rounds are all about organizational soldiers

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 9:57 AM
Jeez, even compliment Dylan and the guy gets sore

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:57 AM
Cannon Fodder
Bantha Poodoo

Mike - Borealis 9:57 AM
Welcome Back to the Asheville Hotel in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina for the 25th Annual PEBA Draft! While you are town, be sure to check out the brand-spanking new PEBA Hall of Fame in nearby Boone, North Carolina!

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:58 AM
Nearby my wheelchaired ass!

Mike - Borealis 9:58 AM
Today is Day 2, rounds 6-20 of the PEBA25 Draft!

RJ - Sandgnats 9:58 AM
woooo hooooooo

Mike - Borealis 9:58 AM
GMs will be allotted approximately 2 minutes to make their selections, but we STRONGLY encourage you, in the best interests of the league, time and expediency, to be prepared and make your selections with diligence and speed.

Ken - Featherheads 9:58 AM
fheads are working through a collective hangover

Patrick - Havana 9:58 AM
cheeky :monkey:s!

Greg - Alleghenies 9:58 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies That means you Greg!!! LOL

Mike - Borealis 9:58 AM
Did I mention STRONGLY?
Dylan will continue to process the selections behind the scenes, and we will attempt to give teams a heads up when they are ‘on-deck’ and ‘in-the-hole’, so do try to be aware and following things so we can move as quickly as possible. With a lot of teams on List or Auto, I will give the notice to the next none-list GMs only.

Greg - Alleghenies 9:59 AM
I got you Mike!!!

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:59 AM
Greg has decided to let Yuma make all his picks, in the interest of time.

RJ - Sandgnats 9:59 AM
So are the Gnats... that day 1 after party was awesome
So nice of Greg to do that Bob!

Mike - Borealis 9:59 AM
Two teams get byes on the time limits - the two behind the scenes keeping track…
I think I’ve covered everything – any other questions or comments?

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:59 AM

Greg - Alleghenies 9:59 AM
I hear @Yuma is an expert from rounds 14-20

RJ - Sandgnats 9:59 AM
set the channel topic: 2031 PEBA Draft. Touch this announcement again and I will injure your players (Dylan is the best)

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:00 AM
Yuma is an ex-spurt.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:00 AM
Tony Parker out for the season

RJ - Sandgnats 10:00 AM

Reg - Trendsetters 10:00 AM
rip sandgnats

Mike - Borealis 10:00 AM
With no further ado – the Yuma Arroyos are on the clock… the Madison Malts are on deck… Okinawa Shisa are in the hole… (see what I did there – only “live” GMs)…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:00 AM
Can I go? Can I go?

RJ - Sandgnats 10:00 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:00 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.1: The Yuma Arroyos select RF Martin Plomp

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:00 AM
A+ name

RJ - Sandgnats 10:00 AM
what name!

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:00 AM
Good luck everyone!
P.s. @Greg - Alleghenies Much needed! Need to burn some fat

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:00 AM
There you go to kick off the second day!
StatsLabAPP 10:00 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.2: The Manchester Maulers select C Jose Alvarado
PEBA Draft Pick 6.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Takao Shimizu

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:01 AM
@Marco.C - Calzoneros You are up but on auto, are you making your pick or am I autoing?
@Michael - Malts Up
StatsLabAPP 10:02 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.4: The Madison Malts select P Steve Herrera

Greg - Alleghenies 10:02 AM
Bummer, I debated him or Cruz with my 5-21 pick
StatsLabAPP 10:02 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.5: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Juan Rosas

Greg - Alleghenies 10:02 AM
Nice pick @Michael - Malts
StatsLabAPP 10:02 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.6: The Charleston Statesmen select LF Ken Parker

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:02 AM
@Dylan - Wind Dancers technically is set on auto...but it didn't pick automatically so i had to pick it manually :thinking_face: any idea why?

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 10:03 AM
Gracias. Trying to fill some low level holes

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:03 AM
I have to hit the button to auto it
StatsLabAPP 10:03 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.7: The Okinawa Shisa select CF Mike Sanchez

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:03 AM
Oh i see

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:03 AM
@Vic (Claymores) is up
StatsLabAPP 10:03 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.8: The Scottish Claymores select RF Tomas Olivas
PEBA Draft Pick 6.9: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Kevin Causey
PEBA Draft Pick 6.10: The Duluth Warriors select C Angel Durango

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:04 AM
If we are going this fast I'm going to pick manually until the 10th round..
StatsLabAPP 10:04 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.11: The London Underground select 2B William Joyce

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:04 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters is up
StatsLabAPP 10:04 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select CF Julio Mendoza
PEBA Draft Pick 6.13: The Arlington Bureaucrats select LF Leland Brace
PEBA Draft Pick 6.14: The Reno Zephyrs select C Wendel Veeneman
PEBA Draft Pick 6.15: The Toyama Wind Dancers select CF Jose Aguilera
PEBA Draft Pick 6.16: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 1B Ben May

Re: 2031 Draft Chat Log

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:10 pm
by Borealis
Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:05 AM
@Andy - Harpoon is up

Lenny- Bears 10:05 AM
Hell yes. Here we go.

Andy - Harpoon 10:05 AM
i could be slow, still trying to catch up

Greg - Alleghenies 10:06 AM
@Dylan - Wind Dancers nice pick. Was looking at him for 6-22
StatsLabAPP 10:06 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.17: The Hartford Harpoon select LF Scott Abercromby
PEBA Draft Pick 6.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Yvon Fortier

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:07 AM
@Mike - Borealis OTC

Ken - Featherheads 10:07 AM
oh, YVON?
thats a french ass name
StatsLabAPP 10:07 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.19: The Aurora Borealis select CF Kirk Carr

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:07 AM
@Michael - Malts OTC
StatsLabAPP 10:08 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.20: The Madison Malts select P Todd Miller

Ken - Featherheads 10:08 AM

Patrick - Havana 10:08 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:08 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers OTC
then @Greg - Alleghenies then @RJ - Sandgnats the schit stirrer (edited)

Patrick - Havana 10:08 AM
Ken's on point with the memes today it appears :slightly_smiling_face:

RJ - Sandgnats 10:08 AM
Thanks Dylan :slightly_smiling_face:

Ken - Featherheads 10:08 AM
im hastily building a draft list too...

Patrick - Havana 10:09 AM
renaissance man!

Ken - Featherheads 10:09 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:09 AM
Ken is drafting the players that will be servants to his first 3 picks (edited)

StatsLabAPP 10:09 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.21: The Palm Springs Codgers select LF William Keller

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:09 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:10 AM
Another KILLER PICK from the PS brain trust...William Keller!
Let’s hope his eye at the plate is better than Helen’s

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:10 AM
too soon

Evan - Underground 10:11 AM
lol omg

Mike - Borealis 10:11 AM

Greg - Alleghenies 10:11 AM
sorry was in pisser

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:11 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies ... id=5406593

(407 kB)

StatsLabAPP 10:12 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.22: The West Virginia Alleghenies select 3B Robin Dicker

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:12 AM
@RJ - Sandgnats

Greg - Alleghenies 10:12 AM
Just for my pisser, I get a Dicker

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:12 AM
Hold it until your pick, everyone knows the rules

RJ - Sandgnats 10:12 AM
Yes sir....

Patrick - Havana 10:12 AM
tough crowd today ...

RJ - Sandgnats 10:12 AM
From Brooklyn New York...The Gnats select...

Greg - Alleghenies 10:12 AM
Andy said he was behind and was going to take a bit
StatsLabAPP 10:13 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.23: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select RF Lou Hunt
PEBA Draft Pick 6.24: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select CF Ben Gibson
PEBA Draft Pick 6.25: The Havana Leones select P Brian Duran

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:13 AM
@Michael - Malts OTC
StatsLabAPP 10:13 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.26: The Madison Malts select 2B Joseph Buchanan

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:13 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:14 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.1: The Yuma Arroyos select 3B A.R. Jenkins
PEBA Draft Pick 7.2: The Manchester Maulers select 1B Bill Beasley
PEBA Draft Pick 7.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Steve Miller

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:14 AM
@Michael - Malts
StatsLabAPP 10:14 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.4: The Madison Malts select RF Ryuzaburo Yamaguchi
PEBA Draft Pick 7.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Bartolo Cuervo
PEBA Draft Pick 7.6: The Amsterdam Lions select CF Dennie Kruit
PEBA Draft Pick 7.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Roberto Gomez
PEBA Draft Pick 7.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Albert Arnold

Mike - Borealis 10:15 AM
San Antonio drafts a Smoker, a Joker, a Midnight Toker…

1 reply
Today at 10:17 AMView thread
StatsLabAPP 10:15 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.9: The Okinawa Shisa select CF Takeo Imano

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:15 AM
@Vic (Claymores)
StatsLabAPP 10:15 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.10: The Scottish Claymores select P Travis Eckerman
PEBA Draft Pick 7.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Yasunari Kimura
PEBA Draft Pick 7.12: The Duluth Warriors select RF George Davis
PEBA Draft Pick 7.13: The London Underground select C Pedro Olvera

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:16 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters
StatsLabAPP 10:17 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select SS Brad Quinn
PEBA Draft Pick 7.15: The San Juan Coqui select CF Bob Sullivan
PEBA Draft Pick 7.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Nathan Knox
PEBA Draft Pick 7.17: The London Underground select 3B Pablo Cabarcas

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:17 AM

Evan - Underground 10:17 AM
Well at least I got one kid for my rookie team so far

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:18 AM
then @Andy - Harpoon

Andy - Harpoon 10:18 AM
take your time Yuma
and take your pill too

StatsLabAPP 10:19 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.18: The Yuma Arroyos select C Steve Horton

Mike - Borealis 10:19 AM
My meager list has vanished this round, after surviving round 6…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:19 AM
The nurse was giving me a (edited).

Andy - Harpoon 10:19 AM
ooo, I thought it's Steve Hott

RJ - Sandgnats 10:20 AM
who is now a Gnat :slightly_smiling_face:

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:20 AM
Nah, this guy gives a Hoot.

Scott - Zephyrs 10:20 AM
What is the age limit for rookie league?

Greg - Alleghenies 10:20 AM

Reg - Trendsetters 10:20 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:20 AM
20 but mine's better

Scott - Zephyrs 10:21 AM
I better draft some high schoolers

Mike - Borealis 10:21 AM
They all think they are going to college…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:21 AM
How dare they
@Andy - Harpoon You're up btw

Mike - Coqui 10:22 AM
Yeah. Added a Lucky Rodent :grinning:

Andy - Harpoon 10:22 AM
yaeh i know
StatsLabAPP 10:22 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.19: The Hartford Harpoon select 2B Cameron Murchie
PEBA Draft Pick 7.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 3B Gerard Punchardon

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:23 AM
@Mike - Borealis
StatsLabAPP 10:23 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.21: The Aurora Borealis select RF Shigekazu Sugimoto

Greg - Alleghenies 10:23 AM
I was wondering when Punchardon was going
StatsLabAPP 10:24 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.22: The London Underground select 2B Robert Wright

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:24 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers

Greg - Alleghenies 10:24 AM
@Mike - Borealis is drafting only OF's

Mike - Coqui 10:24 AM
Sullivan hit 15 HRs in 181 at bats as a junior and only 3 his other 3 seasons. I want the imposter.

Andy - Harpoon 10:24 AM
punchardon is on my watchlist but his work ethic makes me not pick him

Mike - Borealis 10:24 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies that may be the last for a while…
StatsLabAPP 10:25 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select LF Tony Maez
PEBA Draft Pick 7.24: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Ralph Hamelton

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:25 AM
@RJ - Sandgnats

RJ - Sandgnats 10:25 AM
Thank you sir

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:25 AM
A-Maez-ing pick for the Codgers this round

RJ - Sandgnats 10:25 AM
from South Petherton, England the Gnats select....
StatsLabAPP 10:26 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select P Gael Allmark

Greg - Alleghenies 10:26 AM
I got 1 guy left on my list, lets see if he makes it to round 14

Mike - Borealis 10:26 AM
Gael - :flushed:
StatsLabAPP 10:26 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select 1B Yoritomo Shibata
PEBA Draft Pick 7.27: The Havana Leones select P Chris Davis

Mike - Borealis 10:26 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:26 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:26 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.28: The Yuma Arroyos select LF Bartolo Gonzalez
PEBA Draft Pick 8.1: The Yuma Arroyos select P Larry Smith
PEBA Draft Pick 8.2: The Manchester Maulers select C Izumo Chikafuji
PEBA Draft Pick 8.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Ray Perez

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:27 AM
@Michael - Malts
StatsLabAPP 10:27 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.4: The Madison Malts select LF Joe Allain
PEBA Draft Pick 8.5: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Perikles Papadopoulos
PEBA Draft Pick 8.6: The Amsterdam Lions select P Ryo Ota

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:28 AM

Greg - Alleghenies 10:28 AM
Webster's nephew got drafted. Mr. Papadopoulos
StatsLabAPP 10:28 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.7: The Yuma Arroyos select SS James Lee
PEBA Draft Pick 8.8: The Charleston Statesmen select 1B Tsumemasa Toyota
PEBA Draft Pick 8.9: The Okinawa Shisa select P Ron Johnson

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:29 AM
@Vic (Claymores)
StatsLabAPP 10:29 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.10: The Scottish Claymores select CF Toyozo Ishikawa
PEBA Draft Pick 8.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select 3B Moos Ippel
PEBA Draft Pick 8.12: The Duluth Warriors select 3B Jose Benavides
PEBA Draft Pick 8.13: The London Underground select 1B Owen Nisbet

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:29 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters

Evan - Underground 10:30 AM
Owen "Exorcist" Nisbet

Mike - Borealis 10:30 AM
T going for the All-Name team…

Evan - Underground 10:30 AM
Great nickname, shite player

Andy - Harpoon 10:30 AM
best nickname still on the board
StatsLabAPP 10:30 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select LF Dusty Martinez
PEBA Draft Pick 8.15: The San Juan Coqui select 3B Hideki Yoshioka

Andy - Harpoon 10:30 AM
there's a dude with like 2 nicknames
StatsLabAPP 10:30 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Millard Anderson
PEBA Draft Pick 8.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Rintaro Fukui

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:31 AM
@Andy - Harpoon

Greg - Alleghenies 10:31 AM
@Ken - Featherheads wasn't Millard Anderson a CF at one point?

Andy - Harpoon 10:31 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 10:31 AM
I believe so

Mike - Borealis 10:31 AM
Didn’t Reno have a Millard pitching at one time?

Greg - Alleghenies 10:32 AM
@RJ - Sandgnats There was :wink:

Scott - Zephyrs 10:32 AM
We have a leftie millard

RJ - Sandgnats 10:32 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:33 AM

Andy - Harpoon 10:34 AM
i am seaching dfor a dude in the warroom
StatsLabAPP 10:34 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.18: The Hartford Harpoon select 3B Manuel Carbajal
PEBA Draft Pick 8.19: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Tsuneo Hirano

Mike - Borealis 10:35 AM
Now there’s the guy who was at one time in the Mock draft, to be one of my Supplemental picks - nice movement, keeps him out until #226…
StatsLabAPP 10:36 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.20: The Aurora Borealis select 2B Darren Curran

Mike - Borealis 10:36 AM
There you go @Greg - Alleghenies…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:36 AM
@Lenny- Bears

Evan - Underground 10:36 AM
18 with low work ethic and no movement, damn. He could have been something special if he applied himself!

Greg - Alleghenies 10:37 AM
I hear Darren Curran wants to be a RF

Mike - Borealis 10:37 AM
Hirano actually graded 1st round for me - but never with that movement…
StatsLabAPP 10:37 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.21: The Bakersfield Bears select 3B Edmond Moody
PEBA Draft Pick 8.22: The Madison Malts select P Eric Martinez

Greg - Alleghenies 10:37 AM
At one point Punchardon was a supp pick
StatsLabAPP 10:37 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.23: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Scot Moore

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:38 AM
@RJ - Sandgnats

RJ - Sandgnats 10:38 AM
thank you Dylan

Lenny- Bears 10:38 AM
Sorry. Who long was I on the clock. I’m doing work on the side.

Andy - Harpoon 10:38 AM
Hirano listed as 2 way, but his batting is no better than a regular pitcher

RJ - Sandgnats 10:38 AM
with the 231 pick in the 3031 draft.... out of the Rikkyo University Bishops from Yonezawa

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:38 AM
Curious to see how Eric Martinez does...that was my pick traded to Malts
StatsLabAPP 10:38 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.24: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select RF Tadamasa Sato

Greg - Alleghenies 10:39 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers He already has 2 votes for the HoF

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 10:39 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:39 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.25: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select LF Dave Cummings

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 10:39 AM
I think he will top out at AAAA
StatsLabAPP 10:39 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.26: The Havana Leones select P Paul Olsen
PEBA Draft Pick 8.27: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Randy Annear

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:39 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:39 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.1: The Yuma Arroyos select P Domingo Roman
PEBA Draft Pick 9.2: The Manchester Maulers select C Iain de Blois

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:40 AM
@Marco.C - Calzoneros
StatsLabAPP 10:41 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select LF Hector Cantu
PEBA Draft Pick 9.4: The Madison Malts select P Ryutaro Iwasaki
PEBA Draft Pick 9.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Tim Lee
PEBA Draft Pick 9.6: The Amsterdam Lions select P Whit Scott
PEBA Draft Pick 9.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P John Davis
PEBA Draft Pick 9.8: The Charleston Statesmen select RF Sloan Anderson
PEBA Draft Pick 9.9: The Okinawa Shisa select 1B Myles Morris
PEBA Draft Pick 9.10: The Scottish Claymores select LF Marv Simmons

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:42 AM
@Vic (Claymores)

Reg - Trendsetters 10:43 AM
scottish picked
or, at least a pick was made
StatsLabAPP 10:43 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select 2B Ken Henderson
PEBA Draft Pick 9.12: The Duluth Warriors select C Hector Esparza
PEBA Draft Pick 9.13: The London Underground select P Tomas Ahezquita

Evan - Underground 10:44 AM
Yay, got the last pitcher on my list

Mike - Borealis 10:44 AM
Ah Ken… His grandpa played LF for the Giants…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:44 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters

Greg - Alleghenies 10:44 AM
@Mike - Borealis who Steve?
StatsLabAPP 10:45 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select RF Miguel Lopez

Mike - Borealis 10:45 AM
No, Ken…
StatsLabAPP 10:45 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.15: The San Juan Coqui select SS James Starr
PEBA Draft Pick 9.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Ricardo Luna

Greg - Alleghenies 10:45 AM
I remember Ken Henderson
StatsLabAPP 10:45 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select 2B Shirai Kichikawa

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:45 AM
@Andy - Harpoon

Greg - Alleghenies 10:45 AM
He finished with my Cubs, just about the time I started really learning stats :slightly_smiling_face:
StatsLabAPP 10:46 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.18: The Hartford Harpoon select LF Paco Vasquez

Mike - Borealis 10:46 AM
Sounds right, mid-late 70's…
StatsLabAPP 10:46 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.19: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Gregg MacLugash

Greg - Alleghenies 10:46 AM
Yeah he was awful for the cubs
Last 2 years in pros
Switch hitter who we joked sucked at both sides

Reg - Trendsetters 10:47 AM
Gregg MacLugash ... former star of the 'PEBA Name Draft' we did a while back :)

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:47 AM
MacLugash. There’s an ominous name!
Sounds like a man who beats his wife and kicks the dog.

Greg - Alleghenies 10:47 AM
Here comes another OF :wink:

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:48 AM
Isn’t there a Barton MacLugash somewhere in PEBA also?

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:48 AM
Probably, but he won’t admit it.

Greg - Alleghenies 10:48 AM
It wasn't MacLugash

Reg - Trendsetters 10:48 AM
he retired a few seasons ago

Greg - Alleghenies 10:48 AM
I had him
StatsLabAPP 10:49 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.20: The Aurora Borealis select 3B Lewis Adams

RJ - Sandgnats 10:49 AM

Greg - Alleghenies 10:49 AM
Or maybe I am thinking of a different guy

RJ - Sandgnats 10:49 AM
good one Mike
StatsLabAPP 10:49 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.21: The Bakersfield Bears select 2B George Cole

Reg - Trendsetters 10:49 AM ... _3507.html

Greg - Alleghenies 10:49 AM
Damn mike took last guy on my list

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:49 AM
No matter who we think of, Greg, we are always thinking of another guy.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:49 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers

Greg - Alleghenies 10:49 AM
I guess that was his name
I did have him.

Reg - Trendsetters 10:50 AM
look at those ratings. someone needs to give the guy a contract

Mike - Borealis 10:50 AM
I literally just was looking at Cole…

Lenny- Bears 10:50 AM
Lots going for him.
StatsLabAPP 10:50 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.22: The Palm Springs Codgers select 1B Pat Stuart

Mike - Borealis 10:50 AM
too old…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:51 AM
Too limited to the easiest postion on the field.
StatsLabAPP 10:51 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.23: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 1B Lester Cloete

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:51 AM
@RJ - Sandgnats

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:51 AM
Another feeble fielder.

Lenny- Bears 10:51 AM
So are we.

Mike - Borealis 10:51 AM
Plenty of those…

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:51 AM
Sure, Florida picked Vito Van Wondel...but we got Stuart in the 9th round who is basically the same player

RJ - Sandgnats 10:51 AM
thank you Dylan

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:51 AM
I mean, they are both 1Bs

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:52 AM
And you shall both live to regret the choice.

Greg - Alleghenies 10:52 AM
I love that Pat Stuart is loyal, yet he changed HS on the same day he joined the first.
StatsLabAPP 10:53 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.24: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select LF Shigemori Sakurai

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:53 AM
Depends on what he’s loyal to.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:53 AM
Maybe he is loyal to a particular soft drink brand

Greg - Alleghenies 10:53 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:53 AM
Ah, capitalistic loyalty!

Greg - Alleghenies 10:53 AM
He goes out of his way for RC
StatsLabAPP 10:53 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.25: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Neal Altena
PEBA Draft Pick 9.26: The Havana Leones select C Isamu Koyama
PEBA Draft Pick 9.27: The Yuma Arroyos select C Sergio Cruz

Reg - Trendsetters 10:54 AM
lifetime supply should be enough to sign him then

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:54 AM
Found out the first school had no RC in the campus vending machines
StatsLabAPP 10:54 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.1: The Yuma Arroyos select LF Manuel De La Torre

Greg - Alleghenies 10:54 AM
That would do it for me too @Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers

Mike - Borealis 10:54 AM
Dang - both catchers I had lined up next gone in successive order…
StatsLabAPP 10:55 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.2: The Manchester Maulers select LF Andrej Eenkhoorn

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:55 AM
@Marco.C - Calzoneros

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:55 AM
Still plenty of talentless catchers left, Mike.
StatsLabAPP 10:56 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select 1B Mark Morrison
PEBA Draft Pick 10.4: The Madison Malts select 1B Ed Starks
PEBA Draft Pick 10.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select 1B Hitomaro Hamada
PEBA Draft Pick 10.6: The Amsterdam Lions select P Roy Salcido

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 10:56 AM
chug chug chug along!
StatsLabAPP 10:56 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Ed Newell

Scott - Zephyrs 10:56 AM
A run on 1B

RJ - Sandgnats 10:56 AM
Morrison has an interesting in game photo verse html photo....
StatsLabAPP 10:56 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.8: The Charleston Statesmen select 1B Brendan Paling
PEBA Draft Pick 10.9: The Okinawa Shisa select P Emmett Gallo

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:56 AM
I'll autopick now...almost dinner time here!
StatsLabAPP 10:57 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.10: The Scottish Claymores select SS Billy MacTavish
PEBA Draft Pick 10.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select LF Thomas Allen

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:57 AM
Bye Marco!
StatsLabAPP 10:57 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.12: The Duluth Warriors select SS Ernest Everhart
PEBA Draft Pick 10.13: The London Underground select C Tadamichi Yamamoto

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:57 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters
StatsLabAPP 10:58 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Minoru Suzuki

Scott - Zephyrs 10:58 AM

YouTubeYouTube | RedPatchBoys
Moneyball It's Not That Hard It's Incredibly Hard

StatsLabAPP 10:59 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.15: The San Juan Coqui select 2B Armando Valencia
PEBA Draft Pick 10.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Wesley Eaton
PEBA Draft Pick 10.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select 2B Hisamitsu Ohayashi

Andy - Harpoon 10:59 AM
wait a second, is that wrestling legend Minoru Suzuki?
StatsLabAPP 11:00 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.18: The Yuma Arroyos select P Joe Ramirez

Reg - Trendsetters 11:00 AM
it's his grandson lol
StatsLabAPP 11:00 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.19: The Hartford Harpoon select RF Qian Mo

Andy - Harpoon 11:01 AM
too bad his grandson isn't as talented as his grandpa in his chosen sport
StatsLabAPP 11:01 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Will West

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:01 AM

Ron - Akira 11:01 AM
Hey all

Reg - Trendsetters 11:01 AM
i'll be working on that !

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:01 AM
Hi Rob
My phone doesn’t recognize you, sorry

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:02 AM
In one hour we drafted 127 players!

Reg - Trendsetters 11:02 AM
that's a player every 30 seconds!

RJ - Sandgnats 11:02 AM
127 lives changed in one hour....

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:02 AM

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:03 AM
Some for the better, others for worse

Ken - Featherheads 11:03 AM
yall need to calm down...

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:03 AM

Ron - Akira 11:03 AM
Nice, I drafted the best name in a draft.. Perikles Papadopoulos

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:03 AM
Good name, among top 3.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:03 AM
An obvious Scottish name

Ron - Akira 11:04 AM
2nd best is still on the board

Reg - Trendsetters 11:04 AM
who is next to pick?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:04 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:05 AM
I think the best two have already been selected, Ron: Kyle Cockhound and Ken Shit.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:06 AM
Does Mike know it’s Aurora’s pick? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::sleeping::timer_clock:
StatsLabAPP 11:06 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.21: The Aurora Borealis select RF Bob Patty

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:06 AM
I’m surprised you do, Denny.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:06 AM
@Lenny- Bears
StatsLabAPP 11:06 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Johnny Estes

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:06 AM
I am good at policing others, just not myself
StatsLabAPP 11:07 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select 1B Jose Flores

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:07 AM
It ain’t the policing, old friend, it’s the napping!

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:07 AM
The dream police

StatsLabAPP 11:07 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.24: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Pete Anderson

Vic (Claymores) 11:07 AM
Defund the Palm Springs police ...

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:07 AM
@Ken - Featherheads

Ken - Featherheads 11:07 AM
just a moment...

RJ - Sandgnats 11:08 AM
Make it a good one Ken!
I believe I traded this one to Ken

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:08 AM
:musical_note:One little two little three little moments …
StatsLabAPP 11:08 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.25: The Florida Featherheads select P Ryan McNeil

Patrick - Havana 11:09 AM

Ken - Featherheads 11:09 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 11:09 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:09 AM
The BooBirds of happiness speak!
StatsLabAPP 11:09 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select 3B Wendell Fry
PEBA Draft Pick 10.27: The Havana Leones select 1B Maurice Lindeboom
PEBA Draft Pick 10.28: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P John Howard

RJ - Sandgnats 11:10 AM
It's a language of love in Philadelphia @Yuma
StatsLabAPP 11:10 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.1: The Yuma Arroyos select C Joe Molina

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:10 AM
“I spent a week in Philadelphia one night.”

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:10 AM
Ok, well, I made it through ten rounds, got about 20 randos left on my draft list....think I will go auto now :robot_face:

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:11 AM
Wise move. Happy nappy!
That’s what my nurse always says.

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 11:11 AM
I am approaching that time soon as well Denny

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:11 AM

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 11:11 AM
I have been trying to find guys worth even adding to the list at this point
running out of options
StatsLabAPP 11:11 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.2: The Manchester Maulers select C Tim Grant
PEBA Draft Pick 11.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select C Luis Manuel Gonzales

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:11 AM
We’re all approaching the time of life when napping takes precedence over everything except baseball.

Andy - Harpoon 11:12 AM
oh man
StatsLabAPP 11:12 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.4: The Madison Malts select P Marvin Moon

Andy - Harpoon 11:12 AM
Yuma took the best nickname off the board

1 reply
Today at 11:13 AMView thread
StatsLabAPP 11:12 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select SS Pedro Cordero
PEBA Draft Pick 11.6: The Amsterdam Lions select P Jim Lewis

Andy - Harpoon 11:12 AM
+7 Vorpal Tanaka
StatsLabAPP 11:12 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Jiro Nakada
PEBA Draft Pick 11.8: The Charleston Statesmen select RF Robby Wright

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:12 AM
Marvin K Moon will you please pitch now
StatsLabAPP 11:12 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.9: The Okinawa Shisa select 1B Taisuke Ueda
PEBA Draft Pick 11.10: The Scottish Claymores select C Claudio Snel
PEBA Draft Pick 11.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select C Douggie Blennerhassett
PEBA Draft Pick 11.12: The Duluth Warriors select P Joe Hall
PEBA Draft Pick 11.13: The London Underground select 2B Chance Johnson

RJ - Sandgnats 11:13 AM

Ron - Akira 11:13 AM
Yes, 2nd best name

Andy - Harpoon 11:13 AM
oh damn, douggie gone

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 11:14 AM
Alright, I have a handful of guys left. After that, it is what it is. I don't see anyone else I am thinking will do much. Than you Mike and Dylan! Have fun everyone!
StatsLabAPP 11:14 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select LF Kelsey Ros

RJ - Sandgnats 11:14 AM

Mike - Borealis 11:14 AM
London giving Chance a chance…

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:14 AM
Hasta luigi, Miguel!
StatsLabAPP 11:14 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.15: The San Juan Coqui select CF Michael Garrett
PEBA Draft Pick 11.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Roberto Garcia
PEBA Draft Pick 11.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Miguel Tirado
PEBA Draft Pick 11.18: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Bill Velasquez

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:14 AM
Nice pick, Scott. I was hoping …

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:15 AM
@Andy - Harpoon
StatsLabAPP 11:15 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.19: The Hartford Harpoon select P Alfons van Uffelen

Ron - Akira 11:15 AM
To think Perkiles could be pitching to Douggie in a few weeks

RJ - Sandgnats 11:15 AM
amazing name

Mike - Borealis 11:15 AM
Ron get’s the Name Prize of this draft…

Ron - Akira 11:16 AM
19 still on my draft list

Ken - Featherheads 11:16 AM
theres still some amazing names out there...
StatsLabAPP 11:16 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 1B Iemochi Naito

Andy - Harpoon 11:16 AM
incredible name and control potential
StatsLabAPP 11:17 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.21: The Aurora Borealis select 1B Naizen Agano
PEBA Draft Pick 11.22: The Bakersfield Bears select SS Menachem Levi

RJ - Sandgnats 11:17 AM
Who is winning a ticket to Mogadishu this round....
StatsLabAPP 11:17 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select SS Rob Draper
PEBA Draft Pick 11.24: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Luis Torres

Ron - Akira 11:18 AM
I may have to throw some more darts at the draft pool on my wall

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:18 AM
@RJ - Sandgnats

RJ - Sandgnats 11:18 AM
thank you Dylan as always

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:18 AM
I use dice, Ron. Fewer holes to fill in later.

RJ - Sandgnats 11:19 AM
Winner of the 2029 International Collegiate Baseball Association International College Championship with the Oxford Dark Blues...... with the 314th pick. the Gnats select....
StatsLabAPP 11:19 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 2B Thomas MacEwan
PEBA Draft Pick 11.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Danny Doyle
PEBA Draft Pick 11.27: The Havana Leones select P Tony O'Connor
PEBA Draft Pick 11.28: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Lee Barker

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:20 AM
My turn! My turn!
StatsLabAPP 11:20 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.1: The Yuma Arroyos select 3B Gonzalo Hernandez
PEBA Draft Pick 12.2: The Manchester Maulers select 1B Luis Guzman
PEBA Draft Pick 12.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select LF Maurice Kemp
PEBA Draft Pick 12.4: The Madison Malts select P Arinori Okamura
PEBA Draft Pick 12.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Patrick Lamont
PEBA Draft Pick 12.6: The Amsterdam Lions select P Tadataka Matsushita
PEBA Draft Pick 12.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Luis Gonzales
PEBA Draft Pick 12.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Jan Overdevest
PEBA Draft Pick 12.9: The Okinawa Shisa select C John Burton

Ken - Featherheads 11:22 AM
only the best of the best being drafted now...
StatsLabAPP 11:22 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.10: The Scottish Claymores select SS Rory Reid
PEBA Draft Pick 12.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select LF Jose Montoya

RJ - Sandgnats 11:22 AM
truly Ken.... (edited)
StatsLabAPP 11:22 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.12: The Duluth Warriors select 1B Billy Stephens
PEBA Draft Pick 12.13: The London Underground select 2B Anderson Gunther

RJ - Sandgnats 11:23 AM
wow this is fast

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:23 AM
Gentle souls, the nurse just told me I’m assigned to early lunch, so she’s going to wheel me down to the smell-ateria for a quick bite and gag. I set my warroom to Draft from List, but I’ll be back as quickly as I can cough it all up!
StatsLabAPP 11:23 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select LF Wayne Dand

RJ - Sandgnats 11:23 AM
my front office is scrambling big time
StatsLabAPP 11:23 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.15: The San Juan Coqui select CF Jason Elmore

RJ - Sandgnats 11:23 AM
see ya soon Bob!
StatsLabAPP 11:23 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Subaru Abe

Reg - Trendsetters 11:23 AM
there he is
StatsLabAPP 11:23 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Keizo Hashimoto

RJ - Sandgnats 11:23 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:24 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.18: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Jonathan Alaniz
PEBA Draft Pick 12.19: The Hartford Harpoon select C Mark Barnes
PEBA Draft Pick 12.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select C Evan MacIan

Ken - Featherheads 11:27 AM
tap tap tap this thing on?

RJ - Sandgnats 11:28 AM
Is Mike in the restroom?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:28 AM
@Mike - Borealis

Mike - Borealis 11:28 AM
Coming… I had to catch up…

RJ - Sandgnats 11:28 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:28 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.21: The Aurora Borealis select CF Shoji Takeuchi
PEBA Draft Pick 12.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Larry Robertson

Mike - Borealis 11:28 AM
Picks moving so fast, it takes time to sort them out of the list…

RJ - Sandgnats 11:29 AM
i hear you Mike. I'm scrambling big time right now
StatsLabAPP 11:29 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select 1B Kawanari Katayama
PEBA Draft Pick 12.24: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Millard Johnston

RJ - Sandgnats 11:29 AM
Is it my turn Dylan?

Mike - Borealis 11:29 AM
<---- still faster than WV…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:30 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 11:30 AM
Thank you Dylan as always
With the 342 pick in the 2031 draft from the DeSoto Central HS Panthers.... the Gnats select
StatsLabAPP 11:31 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select RF Robert Wallace
PEBA Draft Pick 12.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select 2B Andres Ramos
PEBA Draft Pick 12.27: The Havana Leones select P Erik Eiland
PEBA Draft Pick 12.28: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Jose Ramirez
PEBA Draft Pick 13.1: The Yuma Arroyos select 3B Kyle Horton
PEBA Draft Pick 13.2: The Manchester Maulers select C Jonathan Jette
PEBA Draft Pick 13.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Rafael Marin
PEBA Draft Pick 13.4: The Madison Malts select P Fernando Moran
PEBA Draft Pick 13.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Bill Ray
PEBA Draft Pick 13.6: The Amsterdam Lions select 1B Kazuyoshi Kamida
PEBA Draft Pick 13.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Will Rodriguez
PEBA Draft Pick 13.8: The Charleston Statesmen select 1B Roberto Juarez
PEBA Draft Pick 13.9: The Okinawa Shisa select 1B Yosai Fujii
PEBA Draft Pick 13.10: The Scottish Claymores select P Fernando Aguilar
PEBA Draft Pick 13.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select RF Cody Lovell
PEBA Draft Pick 13.12: The Duluth Warriors select P Augusto Maestas
PEBA Draft Pick 13.13: The London Underground select C Don Parks
PEBA Draft Pick 13.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select CF Volmer Ouwerkerk
PEBA Draft Pick 13.15: The San Juan Coqui select 3B Darsanapala Choudhari

RJ - Sandgnats 11:33 AM
holy cow.... this is at warp 8
StatsLabAPP 11:34 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 13.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Jay MacClements

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 11:34 AM
I likey!

Mike - Borealis 11:34 AM
I give up…
StatsLabAPP 11:34 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 13.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Greg Daniel
PEBA Draft Pick 13.18: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Yu-eh Hsing

Michael - Malts:spiral_calendar_pad: 11:34 AM
Still creeping on my phone... :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

RJ - Sandgnats 11:34 AM
im with you Mike hahaha

Andy - Harpoon 11:34 AM
alright, I will hold the clock

Ken - Featherheads 11:34 AM
damn there goes cody lovell :disappointed:

Reg - Trendsetters 11:34 AM
PEBA just drafted it's first player from Bhutan

RJ - Sandgnats 11:34 AM

Reg - Trendsetters 11:35 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:35 AM
Thanks for waiting for me, guys! I’m back, all purged and ready to go.

RJ - Sandgnats 11:35 AM
welcome back to the 20th round Bob

Andy - Harpoon 11:35 AM
yeah, great to see Choudhari gets picked

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:36 AM
Thanks, RJ. Only … isn’t this the 14th round?

RJ - Sandgnats 11:36 AM
oh yes...
StatsLabAPP 11:36 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 13.19: The Hartford Harpoon select 1B Zack Bradshaw

RJ - Sandgnats 11:36 AM
at this speed it feels like the 20th already

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:37 AM
Faster than Nurse Quicklay’s lap around the quad in a wheelchair!
StatsLabAPP 11:37 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 13.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select C Derek Ladner
PEBA Draft Pick 13.21: The Aurora Borealis select P Gordon MacMurchie
PEBA Draft Pick 13.22: The Bakersfield Bears select 1B Takanori Kojima

RJ - Sandgnats 11:39 AM

Andy - Harpoon 11:39 AM
darn it Mac gone
StatsLabAPP 11:39 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 13.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select 3B Gene Herries
PEBA Draft Pick 13.24: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Benton Williams

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:40 AM
@RJ - Sandgnats

RJ - Sandgnats 11:40 AM
Thank you Dylan
From Miramar, Florida out of the Lakewood HS Lancers with the 370th pick....
StatsLabAPP 11:42 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 13.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 3B Nick Collins
PEBA Draft Pick 13.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Edgar Rodriguez
PEBA Draft Pick 13.27: The Havana Leones select P Matsuta Ikarashi
PEBA Draft Pick 13.28: The Yuma Arroyos select RF Jaime Perez
PEBA Draft Pick 14.1: The Yuma Arroyos select SS Santiago Butler
PEBA Draft Pick 14.2: The Manchester Maulers select C Conor Johnstone
PEBA Draft Pick 14.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select 1B Luis Hernandez
PEBA Draft Pick 14.4: The Madison Malts select P Kevin Kelley

Mike - Borealis 11:43 AM
Grrrrrrrr @RJ - Sandgnats

Greg - Alleghenies 11:43 AM
I swear RJ and my scout are the same
StatsLabAPP 11:43 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Carlos Gonzalez
PEBA Draft Pick 14.6: The Amsterdam Lions select C Ricardo Arroyo
PEBA Draft Pick 14.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Pieter Peltzer

Mike - Borealis 11:43 AM
I literally just put him at the top of my list as you picked him…
StatsLabAPP 11:43 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Jorge Lopez
PEBA Draft Pick 14.9: The Okinawa Shisa select 1B Charlie Duford

RJ - Sandgnats 11:43 AM
great minds think alike don't they @Mike - Borealis @Greg - Alleghenies

StatsLabAPP 11:44 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.10: The Scottish Claymores select P Corbin Topper
PEBA Draft Pick 14.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select SS Brian Wall
PEBA Draft Pick 14.12: The Duluth Warriors select 1B Patrick Harris
PEBA Draft Pick 14.13: The London Underground select LF Antonio Ibarra
PEBA Draft Pick 14.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select SS Jesus Martinez

RJ - Sandgnats 11:45 AM
Neil Patrick Harris was selected?

Greg - Alleghenies 11:45 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:45 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.15: The San Juan Coqui select 3B Soseki Kuhabara
PEBA Draft Pick 14.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Akira Ohayashi

Ron - Akira 11:46 AM
Oh I wanted Akira

StatsLabAPP 11:46 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select C Qian Xiao

Greg - Alleghenies 11:46 AM
@Ron - Akira That should be a RULE

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:46 AM
@Ken - Featherheads

Greg - Alleghenies 11:46 AM
If a guy is named after your team you get him

RJ - Sandgnats 11:46 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:47 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.18: The Florida Featherheads select LF Koryusai Omori

Greg - Alleghenies 11:47 AM
Jim Sandgnats!!!

RJ - Sandgnats 11:47 AM
I feel bad for that guy...

Reg - Trendsetters 11:48 AM
Trendsetter Jones

RJ - Sandgnats 11:48 AM
now that's a cool name

Mike - Borealis 11:48 AM
Aurora Teagarden… Oh, wait a sec…

Greg - Alleghenies 11:48 AM
Aloysius Allegheny

Mike - Borealis 11:48 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:49 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.19: The Hartford Harpoon select C Roberto Guerra

Mike - Borealis 11:49 AM
I’ll be fast if Hartford and Fargo don’t steal my guy…

Greg - Alleghenies 11:49 AM
I'll be fast if Mike and RJ don't steal my guy
StatsLabAPP 11:49 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select C Luis Ramirez

Greg - Alleghenies 11:49 AM
I'd add Kevin, but he is on list pick :slightly_smiling_face:
StatsLabAPP 11:49 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.21: The Aurora Borealis select P Ryo Nakamura
PEBA Draft Pick 14.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Jonathan Callahan
PEBA Draft Pick 14.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select 3B Jason Corbett

Greg - Alleghenies 11:50 AM
Patrick isn't lurking is he, he is another guy that has the same scout as me
StatsLabAPP 11:50 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.24: The Shin Seiki Evas select P Jamie Sonnborn

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:50 AM
@RJ - Sandgnats

Mike - Borealis 11:50 AM
Evas had a pick??

RJ - Sandgnats 11:51 AM
Thank you Dylan

Ken - Featherheads 11:51 AM
i thought sonnborn was already taken :face_with_monocle:
someone's getting fired over this

Greg - Alleghenies 11:52 AM
Fire RJ!!!

Ken - Featherheads 11:52 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 11:52 AM
from the Osaka Toin HS Eijisu Masters the Gnats select with the 398 pick, Winner of the 2030 International High School Athletic Association Round 3... and 2028 International High School Athletic Association All-Star.....
StatsLabAPP 11:52 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 2B Kiyonaga Kobayashi
PEBA Draft Pick 14.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Brad Lee
PEBA Draft Pick 14.27: The Havana Leones select P Cesar Velez

Greg - Alleghenies 11:53 AM
Finally RJ didn't steal my guy.

RJ - Sandgnats 11:53 AM
sheesh that only took me 2 mins :wink:
StatsLabAPP 11:53 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.28: The West Virginia Alleghenies select LF Kenzo Watanabe

RJ - Sandgnats 11:53 AM
nice name Greg!
StatsLabAPP 11:54 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.1: The Yuma Arroyos select P Charlie Taylor

Greg - Alleghenies 11:54 AM
RJ, Kenzo would be very interested in hearing you say that
StatsLabAPP 11:54 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.2: The Manchester Maulers select 2B Masaaki Nakai
PEBA Draft Pick 15.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select RF Alje van Eikeren
PEBA Draft Pick 15.4: The Madison Malts select 3B Devin Flynn
PEBA Draft Pick 15.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select 2B Carr Fowler
PEBA Draft Pick 15.6: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Stephen Roberts
PEBA Draft Pick 15.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Jose Aleman
PEBA Draft Pick 15.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Ken Lee
PEBA Draft Pick 15.9: The Okinawa Shisa select LF Finlay Robertshaw
PEBA Draft Pick 15.10: The Scottish Claymores select SS Todd Miller
PEBA Draft Pick 15.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select C Carlos Marquez
PEBA Draft Pick 15.12: The Duluth Warriors select P Sotan Samurakami
PEBA Draft Pick 15.13: The London Underground select 1B Masamichi Kuhabara

Reg - Trendsetters 11:56 AM
ju st a sec
StatsLabAPP 11:56 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select CF Mark Van buizen

Vic (Claymores) 11:56 AM
Khartoum can almost field a team now ... if you use the word "team" loosely.
StatsLabAPP 11:56 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.15: The San Juan Coqui select 2B Daniel Martinez

Mike - Borealis 11:56 AM
Ditto Montserrat… (edited)
StatsLabAPP 11:57 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Ramon Diaz
PEBA Draft Pick 15.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Matt Sanders

Reg - Trendsetters 11:57 AM
same in Bridgetown..

Ken - Featherheads 11:57 AM
wow. in the fifteenth round toyama took my guyt he pick before me
i can't

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:58 AM
I'll give him to you for Van Wondel

Ken - Featherheads 11:58 AM
ill consider!

Greg - Alleghenies 11:59 AM
If Ken if getting a future HoF'er it will be with this pick, not those crappy first 2 picks he had. (edited)

RJ - Sandgnats 11:59 AM
This is one of the guys that's going to clean those guys cleats (edited)
pick up their laundry

Mike - Borealis 12:00 PM
Wash their jock…
Put Icy Hot in it and then get released….

RJ - Sandgnats 12:01 PM

Mike - Borealis 12:01 PM
Let’s go Ken…
StatsLabAPP 12:01 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.18: The Florida Featherheads select C Ryan Roberts
PEBA Draft Pick 15.19: The Hartford Harpoon select 2B Teo Raaijmakers

Ken - Featherheads 12:02 PM
just threw a dart at a board...
StatsLabAPP 12:02 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Shosuke Ichihara

Ken - Featherheads 12:02 PM
had a good year in college though. maybe that'll mean something.
StatsLabAPP 12:03 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.21: The Aurora Borealis select RF Carlos Vasquez

Mike - Borealis 12:04 PM
You can never have enough crappy hitting outfielders…
StatsLabAPP 12:04 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.22: The Bakersfield Bears select C Felipe Hernandez

Ken - Featherheads 12:04 PM
but at least he works har---....
at least he's adapta---....
StatsLabAPP 12:05 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select 2B Jesus Jimenez
PEBA Draft Pick 15.24: The Shin Seiki Evas select P John Teague

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:05 PM
@RJ - Sandgnats

RJ - Sandgnats 12:05 PM
Thank you Dylan I appreciate it
from the Hosei University Avocat
StatsLabAPP 12:06 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select RF Pancho Pena
PEBA Draft Pick 15.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select 3B Dave Hinkle
PEBA Draft Pick 15.27: The Havana Leones select P Michael Townsend
PEBA Draft Pick 15.28: The Scottish Claymores select P Jim Hayes
PEBA Draft Pick 16.1: The Yuma Arroyos select P Harry Hotchkiss
PEBA Draft Pick 16.2: The Manchester Maulers select C Jimmy Peddle
PEBA Draft Pick 16.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select 3B Tetsunori Murakami

RJ - Sandgnats 12:07 PM
Nice pick Bob
StatsLabAPP 12:07 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 16.4: The Madison Malts select C Bobby Murphy

Vic (Claymores) 12:07 PM
Closing in on having an age-eligible bullpen!
StatsLabAPP 12:07 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 16.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Shoko Nakada
PEBA Draft Pick 16.6: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Pat Tyler
PEBA Draft Pick 16.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Mark Buckley
PEBA Draft Pick 16.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Brian Nadin
PEBA Draft Pick 16.9: The Okinawa Shisa select 2B Aluna Lokelani

Andy - Harpoon 12:07 PM
ooo Hotchkiss

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:08 PM
Thanks, RJ. I was afraid I’d waited too long.
StatsLabAPP 12:08 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 16.10: The Scottish Claymores select P Nakamaro Taniguchi
PEBA Draft Pick 16.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select 1B Charles Edwards
PEBA Draft Pick 16.12: The Duluth Warriors select 1B Pat Ramirez
PEBA Draft Pick 16.13: The London Underground select CF Mark Summers
PEBA Draft Pick 16.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Mario Rivera
PEBA Draft Pick 16.15: The San Juan Coqui select 3B Hector Mendoza
PEBA Draft Pick 16.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Mitsuharu Yoshida
PEBA Draft Pick 16.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select SS Chris Adams

Reg - Trendsetters 12:10 PM
I'm setting myself up on list for the rest of the way
StatsLabAPP 12:10 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 16.18: The Florida Featherheads select P Luis Gabriel

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:11 PM
Good idea, Reg. Since I just fell asleep, I think I’d better do that too. Can’t trust the nurse to wake me up before every new round. Happy huckleberry hunting, amigos!
StatsLabAPP 12:11 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 16.19: The Hartford Harpoon select 2B Lawrence Todd
PEBA Draft Pick 16.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Rob Barford
PEBA Draft Pick 16.21: The Aurora Borealis select C Henk de Rijk
PEBA Draft Pick 16.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Jim Yan
PEBA Draft Pick 16.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Richard Rodriguez
PEBA Draft Pick 16.24: The Shin Seiki Evas select 3B Frank Martin

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:13 PM
@RJ - Sandgnats

RJ - Sandgnats 12:13 PM
Thank you
I am very excited about this pick

Juan 'Pasta' Rosales

Greg - Alleghenies 12:14 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:14 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 16.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select P Juan Rosales
PEBA Draft Pick 16.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Lynwood Tovar
PEBA Draft Pick 16.27: The Havana Leones select P Zac Lavergne

Ken - Featherheads 12:14 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:14 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 16.28: The West Virginia Alleghenies select LF Bill Hanna

Mike - Coqui 12:15 PM
Didn't manage to draft a pitcher yet. Switching to auto pick from here.
StatsLabAPP 12:15 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 17.1: The Yuma Arroyos select P Joe Clark
PEBA Draft Pick 17.2: The Manchester Maulers select C Jack Potts
PEBA Draft Pick 17.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select 3B Yoshimatsu Imai
PEBA Draft Pick 17.4: The Madison Malts select P Jim Richards
PEBA Draft Pick 17.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Javier Garcia
PEBA Draft Pick 17.6: The Arlington Bureaucrats select LF Joshua Peden
PEBA Draft Pick 17.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 2B Chris McDonald
PEBA Draft Pick 17.8: The Charleston Statesmen select 1B Jimmy Palmer
PEBA Draft Pick 17.9: The Okinawa Shisa select LF Ramiro Martinez
PEBA Draft Pick 17.10: The Scottish Claymores select P Ryunosuke Tanaka
PEBA Draft Pick 17.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select LF Tommy Kline
PEBA Draft Pick 17.12: The Duluth Warriors select LF Kosami Yamada
PEBA Draft Pick 17.13: The London Underground select LF Quentin Goor
PEBA Draft Pick 17.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Tsutomu Matsumoto
PEBA Draft Pick 17.15: The San Juan Coqui select P Paco Correa
PEBA Draft Pick 17.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Scott Barker
PEBA Draft Pick 17.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select 3B Momoru Mori
PEBA Draft Pick 17.18: The Florida Featherheads select 2B Connor Quarry

RJ - Sandgnats 12:19 PM
thank you for slowing it down a sec woah

Ken - Featherheads 12:19 PM
half of round 17 in under a minute isn't toob ad
StatsLabAPP 12:20 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 17.19: The Hartford Harpoon select P Thurman Campbell
PEBA Draft Pick 17.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Duane James
PEBA Draft Pick 17.21: The Aurora Borealis select SS Brian McKinney
PEBA Draft Pick 17.22: The Bakersfield Bears select LF Norberto Espinoza
PEBA Draft Pick 17.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Ian Pallister
PEBA Draft Pick 17.24: The Shin Seiki Evas select 3B Roberto Luna

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:22 PM
@RJ - Sandgnats

RJ - Sandgnats 12:22 PM
thank you one moment i need to refresh my war room...

Andy - Harpoon 12:24 PM
I just saw a Kawaii on the board
StatsLabAPP 12:24 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 17.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select LF Steve Orr

Andy - Harpoon 12:24 PM
apparently he was picked by Shisa last year but not cute enough to stay

Ken - Featherheads 12:24 PM
my kawai is doing great
highly recommend everyone get one
StatsLabAPP 12:25 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 17.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Nobuhisa Yokoyama
PEBA Draft Pick 17.27: The Havana Leones select 2B Mark Ortiz

Greg - Alleghenies 12:25 PM
refreshing my draft list
StatsLabAPP 12:27 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 17.28: The West Virginia Alleghenies select 3B Anthony Black

Re: 2031 Draft Chat Log

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:11 pm
by Borealis
PEBA Draft Pick 18.1: The Yuma Arroyos select P Satoru Ito
PEBA Draft Pick 18.2: The Manchester Maulers select C Roberto Sanchez
PEBA Draft Pick 18.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select LF Mike Cherry
PEBA Draft Pick 18.4: The Madison Malts select P Frank Woodruff
PEBA Draft Pick 18.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Roberto Martinez
PEBA Draft Pick 18.6: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 1B Nick Bocanegra
PEBA Draft Pick 18.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Manolo Moran
PEBA Draft Pick 18.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Vicente Medina
PEBA Draft Pick 18.9: The Okinawa Shisa select LF Oliver Peterson
PEBA Draft Pick 18.10: The Scottish Claymores select SS Noah Truswell
PEBA Draft Pick 18.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Joe Miller
PEBA Draft Pick 18.12: The Duluth Warriors select P Robert McQuisten
PEBA Draft Pick 18.13: The London Underground select RF Keith Clark
PEBA Draft Pick 18.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Fujio Togo
PEBA Draft Pick 18.15: The San Juan Coqui select P Felix Gomez
PEBA Draft Pick 18.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Carl Willis
PEBA Draft Pick 18.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Kinji Kouyama

Greg - Alleghenies 12:30 PM
So will it be RJ or Mike this round that takes my guy...

Mike - Borealis 12:30 PM
What position?

Greg - Alleghenies 12:30 PM
Just ask your scout lol

RJ - Sandgnats 12:30 PM
you have the glorious honor of picking mr irrelevant Greg

Ken - Featherheads 12:31 PM
van wondel gets his teammate back...
StatsLabAPP 12:31 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 18.18: The Florida Featherheads select P Francisco Soliz

RJ - Sandgnats 12:31 PM

Mike - Borealis 12:31 PM
AND… He better be a good one!

Andy - Harpoon 12:31 PM
time for some macaroni
StatsLabAPP 12:31 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 18.19: The Hartford Harpoon select P Benjamin MacAlonie
PEBA Draft Pick 18.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Curt Miller
PEBA Draft Pick 18.21: The Aurora Borealis select P Matt Sharp
PEBA Draft Pick 18.22: The Bakersfield Bears select 1B Hisanobu Nishi
PEBA Draft Pick 18.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select RF Alexander Acheson
PEBA Draft Pick 18.24: The Shin Seiki Evas select P Javier Velasquez

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:32 PM
@RJ - Sandgnats

Andy - Harpoon 12:32 PM
darn it, there goes Alexander Acheson

RJ - Sandgnats 12:32 PM
Thanks Dylan

Greg - Alleghenies 12:34 PM
I need to start looking for Names for Mr. Irrelevent.
StatsLabAPP 12:34 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 18.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select P Nicholas Carter

Mike - Borealis 12:34 PM
That was next on my list…
StatsLabAPP 12:35 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 18.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Keith Miller
PEBA Draft Pick 18.27: The Havana Leones select 2B Jim Larson
PEBA Draft Pick 18.28: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Kevin Richards
PEBA Draft Pick 19.1: The Yuma Arroyos select 3B Octavio Vargas
PEBA Draft Pick 19.2: The Manchester Maulers select C Ryosei Takata
PEBA Draft Pick 19.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select LF Pepe Miranda
PEBA Draft Pick 19.4: The Madison Malts select P Bill Schneider
PEBA Draft Pick 19.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P John Ray
PEBA Draft Pick 19.6: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P John Henderson
PEBA Draft Pick 19.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Nori Taniguchi
PEBA Draft Pick 19.8: The Charleston Statesmen select 3B Jeff Longoria
PEBA Draft Pick 19.9: The Okinawa Shisa select CF Danny Ross
PEBA Draft Pick 19.10: The Scottish Claymores select P Shigeaki Miyazaki
PEBA Draft Pick 19.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select 2B Motoyuki Tamura
PEBA Draft Pick 19.12: The Duluth Warriors select P Donnie MacDonald
PEBA Draft Pick 19.13: The London Underground select C Mike Long
PEBA Draft Pick 19.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Francisco Moran
PEBA Draft Pick 19.15: The San Juan Coqui select 3B Hudson Cameron
PEBA Draft Pick 19.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Suezo Yamamoto
PEBA Draft Pick 19.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Yasuhide Ine
PEBA Draft Pick 19.18: The Florida Featherheads select P Pedro Sanchez
PEBA Draft Pick 19.19: The Hartford Harpoon select P Kyoichi Suzuki

Marco.C - Calzoneros 12:42 PM
Almost at the end...:eyes:
StatsLabAPP 12:42 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 19.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Mobumasu Higo

Andy - Harpoon 12:42 PM
I am taking a random for 20th round

Lenny- Bears 12:42 PM
Aren’t they all random at this point. :man-shrugging::skin-tone-3:

Andy - Harpoon 12:42 PM
let's see what the system gives me

Ken - Featherheads 12:42 PM
got my eye on a couple really good names...

Ron - Akira 12:42 PM
Looks like my draft list will make it to the end
StatsLabAPP 12:42 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 19.21: The Aurora Borealis select P Dave Atcheson

Ron - Akira 12:43 PM
Only myself to blame

RJ - Sandgnats 12:43 PM
nice timing for my browser to crash im back!
StatsLabAPP 12:43 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 19.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Tim Harding
PEBA Draft Pick 19.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Jose Garza
PEBA Draft Pick 19.24: The Shin Seiki Evas select LF Greg Peterson

Greg - Alleghenies 12:43 PM
I found a name or 2 if they don't get picked for the last pick

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:43 PM
@RJ - Sandgnats

RJ - Sandgnats 12:43 PM
thank you Dylan

Evan - Underground 12:43 PM
I'm taking a high schooler last
Didn't fix my list fast enough to take one in the 19th after just getting home lol

Greg - Alleghenies 12:44 PM
So if you have any suggestions for who you want to be Mr. Irrelevent feel free to DM their names to me.
StatsLabAPP 12:44 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 19.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 2B Tatsui Matsumoto
PEBA Draft Pick 19.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select SS Scott Russell
PEBA Draft Pick 19.27: The Havana Leones select P Pedro Ramirez
PEBA Draft Pick 19.28: The West Virginia Alleghenies select RF Nicholas Vogel
PEBA Draft Pick 20.1: The Yuma Arroyos select SS Nigel Bywaters
PEBA Draft Pick 20.2: The Manchester Maulers select C Dan Adams

Ken - Featherheads 12:45 PM
round 20!
StatsLabAPP 12:45 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.3: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select LF Mokichi Yamauchi

Mike - Borealis 12:45 PM
I just looked at Nigel!

RJ - Sandgnats 12:45 PM
congrats guys!
StatsLabAPP 12:45 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.4: The Madison Malts select 2B Jeff Moore
PEBA Draft Pick 20.5: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Larry Torres
PEBA Draft Pick 20.6: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Hector Trejo
PEBA Draft Pick 20.7: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 2B Hideki Saito

Evan - Underground 12:46 PM
I should know this but will there be a sim tonight to get these guys all in?
StatsLabAPP 12:46 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Joe Smith
PEBA Draft Pick 20.9: The Okinawa Shisa select CF Errol Garcia
PEBA Draft Pick 20.10: The Scottish Claymores select P Ron Crouch

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:46 PM
@Evan - Underground Yep, I will put up the file after this

StatsLabAPP 12:46 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.11: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Rick Jackson
PEBA Draft Pick 20.12: The Duluth Warriors select P Rod Mann
PEBA Draft Pick 20.13: The London Underground select SS Mitsuharu Hayashi
PEBA Draft Pick 20.14: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Richard Roe
PEBA Draft Pick 20.15: The San Juan Coqui select 1B Masahide Ito
PEBA Draft Pick 20.16: The Reno Zephyrs select P Harumi Morimoto

Vic (Claymores) 12:47 PM
Gentlemen, it's been real!
StatsLabAPP 12:47 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.17: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Don Vanbuskirk

Ken - Featherheads 12:47 PM
thats a good one dylan
for the featherheads final pick, we select a player whos name you can't say without blushing...
StatsLabAPP 12:48 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.18: The Florida Featherheads select P Gjelt van Dongen

1 reply
Today at 12:50 PMView thread

RJ - Sandgnats 12:48 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:48 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.19: The Hartford Harpoon select C Natsume Kobayashi
PEBA Draft Pick 20.20: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Harry Padgett

Lenny- Bears 12:49 PM

RJ - Sandgnats 12:50 PM
make it a good one Mike!
StatsLabAPP 12:50 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.21: The Aurora Borealis select P Buddy Belcher

Mike - Borealis 12:50 PM
Hows that?

RJ - Sandgnats 12:50 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:50 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.22: The Bakersfield Bears select RF Phil Murray
PEBA Draft Pick 20.23: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Manny Marin
PEBA Draft Pick 20.24: The Shin Seiki Evas select P Edward Murray

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:51 PM
@RJ - Sandgnats

Lenny- Bears 12:51 PM
Well. That is that.

Ken - Featherheads 12:51 PM
wow three murrays
or 2

RJ - Sandgnats 12:51 PM
Thank you Dylan I appreciate it

Ken - Featherheads 12:51 PM
sandwhiching a marin

RJ - Sandgnats 12:51 PM
With the 566th pick in the 2031 draft, from Redlands California out of the Annapolis HS Jaguars at 5' 10" and 155 lbs, with 50 Ks in 162 at bats, a left fielder...
StatsLabAPP 12:51 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select LF Millard Numbers

Reg - Trendsetters 12:51 PM
that was fun!

Lenny- Bears 12:51 PM
Thanks gents. That was awesome. And I stayed the whole time. Which is shocking to me.

Ken - Featherheads 12:52 PM
crystal lake's going crazy rn
StatsLabAPP 12:52 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.26: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Dave Simpson

Ken - Featherheads 12:52 PM
THE millard numbers
StatsLabAPP 12:52 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.27: The Havana Leones select P Anastasio Rodriguez

RJ - Sandgnats 12:52 PM
Millard "don't count my strike outs" Numbers

Mike - Borealis 12:52 PM
I would like to take a moment and thank Dylan for the Yeoman’s efforts behind the scenes, making this all happen!!!

Patrick - Havana 12:53 PM
Millard "Paint By" Numbers
StatsLabAPP 12:53 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.28: The West Virginia Alleghenies select C Thomas Thomas

RJ - Sandgnats 12:53 PM
horray for Dylan!!!!

Ken - Featherheads 12:53 PM
thomas thomas!
love it!

RJ - Sandgnats 12:53 PM
that is article deserving

Patrick - Havana 12:53 PM
well played sir

Greg - Alleghenies 12:53 PM
His parent's couldn't think of a name

Marco.C - Calzoneros 12:53 PM
Nice job!!

Patrick - Havana 12:53 PM
Thomas "Thomas" Thomas

Greg - Alleghenies 12:53 PM
It is little known his middle name is Thomas

Lenny- Bears 12:53 PM
I had to log back in for Thomas Thomas.
That was awesome.

Mike - Borealis 12:53 PM
Or is it ‘Tomas’…?

RJ - Sandgnats 12:53 PM
set the channel topic: 2031 PEBA Draft. Touch this announcement again and I will injure your players (Dylan is the best)
Dylan is our hero for this draft

Greg - Alleghenies 12:54 PM
and his nickname is Thomas

Ken - Featherheads 12:54 PM
gotta get him the nickname thomas

RJ - Sandgnats 12:54 PM

Ken - Featherheads 12:54 PM
yep lol

Reg - Trendsetters 12:54 PM

Lenny- Bears 12:54 PM
Thank you Dylan. And Mike!!

Ken - Featherheads 12:54 PM
thanks guys

RJ - Sandgnats 12:54 PM
well done guys!

Reg - Trendsetters 12:54 PM
Thomas 'Thomas' Thomas

Greg - Alleghenies 12:54 PM
He known at home as the 4-Tom's

Mike - Borealis 12:54 PM
Thank you all - we snuck this in just inside the time window!!

Marco.C - Calzoneros 12:54 PM
Well done!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

RJ - Sandgnats 12:54 PM
These events always refresh my love for the league. Bravo to all.

Patrick - Havana 12:54 PM
Thomas "Tom Tom" Thomas
nice work all. this draft has gotten much tougher these last few years. too many sharp GMs around these days!

Greg - Alleghenies 12:56 PM
It's bong-rip time for WV and Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas

Mike - Borealis 12:57 PM
Greg is already queing up to sign the rest of the pool as FAs…

Greg - Alleghenies 12:57 PM
I won't be signing anyone, I need to cut 17 people
I think we need 6 minor leagues btw :wink:

Ken - Featherheads 12:58 PM
agreed, greg

rookie league a and b team
lets go
35 players each

RJ - Sandgnats 12:58 PM
how about a grade school league

Greg - Alleghenies 12:59 PM
@RJ - Sandgnats Now we are talking!!!

Mike - Borealis 12:59 PM
I’m advocating for the Prenatal Lague…

RJ - Sandgnats 12:59 PM

Ken - Featherheads 12:59 PM

Mike - Borealis 12:59 PM
We can have two divisions: Sperm Division and the Ova Division…

Greg - Alleghenies 12:59 PM
I just like managing teams. Give me 20 minor league teams.

Ken - Featherheads 1:00 PM
heading out. thanks one and all

Mike - Borealis 1:00 PM
OK… time to shut the bars in WV…

RJ - Sandgnats 1:00 PM
cheers Ken!

Mike - Borealis 1:00 PM
Take care, Ken!

Greg - Alleghenies 1:00 PM
Mike I haven't had a drink in 2+ years
That won't effect me

RJ - Sandgnats 1:02 PM
This was epic. Take care guys!

RJ - Sandgnats 1:02 PM
set the channel topic: 2031 PEBA Draft. Touch this announcement again and I will injure your players (Dylan is the best)
Dylan is our hero for this draft.
Long Live Mike and Dylan

Mike - Borealis 1:04 PM
See Ya RJ!

Greg - Alleghenies 1:06 PM
Great job guys!!!