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Off-Season Acquisition Yasutoki Ine Loses Closer Role

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:02 am
by Sandgnats

Off-Season Acquisition Yasutoki Ine Loses Closer Role
Updated: May 29, 2028 – 11:30AM CDT

By Howard Heskin, Staff Writer – Twitter @HowardHeskin1

"They understand and I understand, you know?" Ine said. "I'm not the guy to go into the manager's office and say, 'Why am I not in the lineup? I want to play.' He knows what he's doing and I know what I'm capable of doing. Every single day when I come in, I'm 100 percent mentally ready to be in the lineup and I'm ready to play. If I'm not in the lineup I have to get relaxed and just try to do everything I can to make an adjustment, and when I'm in the lineup, I'll do my job."

That was the comment by Yasutoki Ine when it was announced that Joshua Hall would take over the closer role. Ine was expected to be an upgrade at closer this season, but has failed to meet expectations. Some have questioned his work ethic and effort to start the season. Ine has rumored to be repeatedly been late for team meetings and missed key film sessions with the rest of the pitching staff. Manager, Joe Matterson should send a message to his slumping, lazy and apathetic closer -- not to mention his team. If he was willing to bench the beloved Jim Klein, why not Ine for even worse behavior besides performance. The ever consistent Josh Hall has earned his role at closer and should stay there the rest of the season. Don't be a dope Matterson - stick to it.

Ine, however, said he wasn't sure why he had been benched and that Matterson hadn't given him an explanation. "Who cares, Matterson is king here. He does whatever he wants. I got brought here to help and I'll do whatever he tell me to do. But really I don't care, I'm still getting my game checks."

I had the chance to catch up with Joe Matterson to get his opinion on the record. "I bring in a lot of guys," Matterson said. "I talk to guys one-on-one. I had Jim Klein in here for another reason. Not everybody sees that. But my meetings are short and to the point when I have one because I don't believe in prolonged meetings. I'd rather see guys one-on-one and tell them what I like that they are doing, or what they should be doing, or what they are doing and I don't like, or just try to motivate them, but keep them positive, but quite frankly we have 9 million reasons to be disappointed in him."

"Everyone is allowed to have their opinion," Ine had said earlier Thursday. "That doesn't make it right, but he's the manager so he gets to have the last say."

Re: Off-Season Acquisition Yasutoki Ine Loses Closer Role

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 11:00 pm
by Vic
Man, Ine sounds like a piece of work! Love the little glimpse of the players and clubhouse life. Nice.