Current CP Rewards Rules

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Board of the PEBA
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Current CP Rewards Rules

#1 Post by Board of the PEBA »

Standard Contribution Rewards

Fan Interest: Exchange 20 CP for a one point FI increase. May not be used to increase FI beyond 85.
Cash: Exchange 40 CP for $1,000,000 in cash, not to exceed the cash maximum.
  • NOTE: If a team lacks the available cash to pay for their Standard Contribution Reward choices, this reward can be chosen to pay for any other rewards – not to exceed the sum of CP available to a GM.
Change Ownership: Exchange 100 CP + an article on new ownership to alter details of your team owner. This benefit may be selected once every six seasons. You may submit new details including: name, nickname, date/location of birth, nationality, height/weight and a new picture. All owner details must be approved by the Board. Your new owner’s personality traits will be randomly determined. An owner created/altered through the Change Ownership reward is protected from OOTP-generated ownership changes for five seasons – at the GM’s discretion. New league members may select this reward during the offseason of their first full-season with the league, regardless of when the team last changed owners. New owners are required to remain as generated for a minimum of three seasons before they can be improved or changed.
The cost of changing a CP-generated owner, and generating a new owner earlier than the six-year commitment is as follows:

- After 3-seasons: 160 CP + article
- After 4-seasons: 140 CP + article
- After 5-seasons: 120 CP + article

Improve Owner: Exchange: 100 CP + article. GMs can seek to improve one element of their owner’s character just once over that owner’s tenure with the club. Owners who already have two or more categories that are “blue or green” are not eligible, nor are categories that already exist as ‘blue or green’ eligible for a change.

Owner Involvement and Priority may only improve one level. Owner Patience and Spending can only improve a max of two levels.

An owner that has been improved must serve the remainder of their 6-year commitment, ie. If altered after year 3, they must stay for the remaining 3-seasons before they can be removed. A newly generated in-game owner must wait the three-year period before any improvement can occur, and must also remain for the 6-year total before an ownership change is made. (NEW)

New Ballpark Picture: Exchange 50 CP to have a custom rendering of your major league park created, or 25 CP for a rendering of one of your minor league parks. You may supply your own rendering if you prefer, which must be approved by the Board. This picture will display during your in game home park replays.
Add Nickname: Exchange 5 CP + an article explaining the nickname. You may add a nickname to any one player. All nicknames must be approved by the Board. Please use good taste!
Add Personnel Nickname: Exchange 5 CP (normal personnel) or 20 CP (GM/team owner) + an article explaining the new nickname. You may add a nickname to any one personnel, GM or team owner. All nicknames must be approved by the Board. Please use good taste!
Change Facial Hair: Exchange 5 CP + an article explaining the new facial hair. You may select a new facial hair style for your player from any of these options. Selections will remain in place for three seasons or until the player is no longer under contract with his current team, whichever comes first. This reward may only be selected twice per year.
Define Feeder Player: Exchange 15 CP + an article about the selected player. You may choose a first-year feeder player’s name and hometown (nationality may not be altered). You may also provide a picture for FaceGen conversion or request a custom FaceGen photo be made to your specifications. For an extra 5 CP, you may add a nickname. Only newly generated feeder league players who have not appeared in a game or players who entered your team’s international complex during the previous season and have not accrued any service time as a professional, are eligible to be defined by this reward. All details must mesh with a player’s nationality and be approved by the Board. In the event that two members select the same player to define, priority will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. This reward may only be selected once per year.
Define Personnel: Exchange 25 CP + an article about the selected individual. You may choose any free agent personnel – coach, scout or trainer, that has zero (0) years experience – and was not a former-player, sign them to a contract and then alter their personal details: Name, nationality, age, race, gender, etc. Team and League histories will be corrected to reflect the change. You may also provide a picture for FaceGen conversion or request a custom FaceGen photo be made to your specifications. For an extra 5 CP, you may add a nickname. Only zero experience personnel are eligible to be defined by this reward. All details must be Board approved. The individual’s base ratings are not altered by this reward. This reward may only be selected once per year.
Improve Personnel: GMs may improve the rating in any category of any personnel who has spent at least one full season within their organization. Exchange 30 CP to purchase one die roll, with a maximum of three rolls. Each die roll determines the rating gain the personnel earn. If you chose multiple rolls, you may spread your rolls over multiple personnel. The chances for gains are as follows (NOTE: Scale below reflects OOTP’s internal ratings scale, not the 1-10 ratings scale visible on the Personnel page):

15 point gain – 50 % chance
10 or 25 point gain – 20% chance each
5 or 30 point gain – 5% chance each

Convert Player to Personnel: Exchange 20 CP + an article explaining the new role to convert a retired player into a coach or Scouting Director for your organization. Players who retired from your organization or played the majority of their major league careers for your organization can be converted immediately; others require a 3-year wait after their retirement. GMs can specify what kind of coach (Manager, Bench, Hitting, Pitching) they want the converted player to become. Upon conversion, new personnel will be assigned ratings by OOTP. For players converted to manager or pitching/hitting coach, an additional 120 points for upgrading ratings will be granted to GMs selecting this reward, but no more than 50 in any one category. Players converted to Scouting Directors will receive 200 points to be distributed to ratings at will. ALL coaches created this way are restricted to the team for which they were hired for 1 season. This reward may be used no more than of twice a season.

Altering Team Details
  • Change Minor League Affiliate Details: Exchange 20 CP + an article on the changes to alter details of one of your minor league affiliates. You may change as many details as you like (city, name, logo, colors, ballpark, etc.). Selection of this reward must be announced to the Board prior to the conclusion of your league’s regular season, and all desired changes must receive Board approval. This reward may be selected once every three seasons for each affiliate.
  • Change Major League Team Details: Exchange 60 CP + an article on the changes to alter details of your team. You may change as many of these details as you like: nickname, logo, team colors, cap and jersey. Selection of this reward must be announced to the Board prior to the arrival of your league’s All-Star break, and all desired changes must receive Board approval. This benefit may be selected once every six seasons.
    PEBA takes its history very seriously. Before considering team detail changes, please keep the following notes in mind:
    New GM’s may not alter team details until they have spent one full season with the league
    Any desired change to major or minor league team details must be announced to the Board well in advance. See the respective reward descriptions for details.
    For desired location changes, the geographical distribution of other teams in the changing team’s division/league and the appropriateness of the population of the desired new location relative to the changing team’s league must be considered. Locations that are deemed inappropriate for either of those reasons will be disallowed. In some cases, a location change may be possible with realignment involving one other team. In these instances, if all else is acceptable, the Board will speak with the GM of the other team to determine if realignment would be acceptable.
    Team nickname changes must bear some relevance – historical, cultural, etc. – to the team’s location (Exceptions to this will be allowed if the relocating team retains its previous nickname). Name changes that bear no association with the team’s location will be disallowed
    While a GM requesting an art change is welcome to send in a sample, the Board reserves the right to reject submitted art samples. Samples may be used by the PEBA art team as inspiration for a unique design. The GM will be provided with multiple samples to choose from but should be aware that his own art submission may not be used.
Off-Season Player Improvement

There are two categories to choose from: “Winter Ball” and “Special Coaching”.

Winter Ball

A GM can send no more than two players (total) multiple players to participate in either an off-season Winter Ball (WB) or Special Coaching program to work on certain baseball skills, with a maximum number of CP spent on these programs being 220 CP. This results in increases to “actual” ratings, but “potential” ratings would remain unchanged. Players with larger separation between “actual” and “potential” ratings will benefit most from Winter Ball. Players with little separation between “actual” and “potential” ratings are not ideal candidates for winter ball. Note that any ratings that only have an “actual” value are guaranteed to improve (e.g. Running Speed, Stealing Ability, etc.).
Working on any qualified area will always result in a real improvement. But because scouts differ in their evaluations of players’ ratings and because of the large skill range represented by each point on the 1-10 scouting scale, Scouts may not report a change to the player’s rating. However, WB improvements are “true” improvements made within OOTP’s player editor and will translate into on-the-field performance. Gains may increase – sometimes dramatically – depending on the breakthrough factors listed below.

• Focusing on fewer areas
• A low “actual” rating in the area(s) being worked.
• A high “potential” rating in the area(s) being worked.
• A large gap between “actual” and “potential” ratings.
• Focusing on ratings versus Left/Right-handers only

To be eligible for winter ball, a player must meet all of the following criteria:

• The player must have been in the Organization all season – no recent draftees or players acquired in trade after PEBA Opening Day.
• Must be between the ages of 20 and 26 years old.
• Players drafted out of a college must have at least 1 year of professional service time. All other players must have at least 2 years of professional service time.
• Must not have more than 1 year of major league service time. EXCEPTION: If the player spent time on the 60-day DL during their first year of major league service time and remained injured at the end of the winter meetings, the major league service time restriction may be waived the following off-season if they have at least a “Normal” rating in both “Loyalty” and “Work Ethic”.
• Must not have previously been selected for any off-season improvement.
• Must not be injured as of the conclusion of the Winter Meetings.

There is a monetary cost associated with sending a player to Winter Ball that is determined by how much CP is being spent on the player:
  • 20-55 CP: $500,000
  • 56-110 CP: $1,000,000
A maximum of 110 CP may be used on any one player.

The following is a complete list of the areas a player can work on in winter ball and the CP cost to work each area. The “Total Package” option can be purchased to improve every rating in the category, but to a lesser degree than specializing. Each category list is ordered by difficulty – it will be easier to improve areas at the beginning of the list than those towards the bottom.

  • Total Package (Improves all four): 110 CP
  • Eye: 50 CP
  • Eye v. L/R: 65 CP
  • Power: 60 CP
  • Power v. L/R: 75 CP
  • Gap: 30 CP
  • Gap v. L/R: 45 CP
  • Avoid Ks: 30 CP
  • Avoid Ks v. L/R: 45 CP
Miscellaneous Offense
  • Total Package (Improves all five): 80 CP
  • Bunt for Hit: 20 CP
  • Sacrifice Bunt: 20 CP
  • Base running Instincts: 40 CP
  • Stealing Bases: 55 CP
  • Running Speed: 55 CP
  • Catcher Ability (Catchers only): 40 CP
  • Turn Double Play (Infielders only): 30 CP
  • Arm (Non-catchers only): 50 CP
  • Arm (Catchers only): 70 CP
  • Error (Non-catchers only):60 CP
  • Range (Non-catchers only): 70 CP
  • Control: 55 CP
  • Control v. L/R: 70 CP
  • Movement: 55 CP
  • Movement v. L/R: 70 CP
  • Hold Runners: 25 CP
  • Stamina: 60 CP:
  • Pitcher Defense Total Package: 40 CP
  • Pitch Perfection – Improves a single pitch that the player current knows (Can be used twice on two different pitches): 55 CP
Special Coaching

GM’s may select up to one player per off-season to receive special one-on-one coaching with their team’s roving instructor during the off-season and Spring Training. These opportunities are much more intense than attending Winter Ball, requiring the player to be dedicated in giving their complete focus on the goal of their training. The monetary cost associated with this coaching is $1,000,000 per player.
To be eligible for this special assignment, a player must meet the following criteria:
  • Players must meet all Winter Ball criteria.
  • Players must have a Work Ethic rating of “Normal” or higher.
  • Must have at least 2 years of professional service time.
Special Coaching CP Reward Options:
  • Learn New Position: 110 CP
    This is an extremely intensive training and requires the player’s total focus on gaining this new proficiency. You may select the positions to be learned. The final results aren’t guaranteed, but you should expect a minimum rating of 2 in the new position. A player must have at least one positional rating of 3 or higher according to OSA to be eligible for this improvement. The rating of the newly learned position will not exceed the player’s highest current positional rating. The new rating is greatly influenced by the position you’re trying to learn and the player’s current defensive ability. The defensive spectrum is as follows (with progressing difficulty from left to right): 1B – LF – RF – 3B – CF – 2B – SS. Players trying to learn an easier position will have a greater chance of a breakthrough. Players currently proficient in difficult positions will have an easier time learning a hard position. No player may gain proficiency at catcher or pitcher via this improvement.
    [*]Pitch Focus: 90 CP
    Remove one pitch from pitcher’s repertoire and improve remaining pitches. You may select the pitch to be removed and designate how you would like your pitcher’s talent improvements to be distributed amongst his remaining pitches (e.g. 50% towards fastball, 40% towards slider, 10% towards curve). The great the pitcher’s talent in the removed pitch, the more gain will be realized in his remaining pitches.
  • Learn New Pitch: 110 CP
    This is an extremely intensive training and requires the player’s total focus on gaining this new proficiency. The player is guaranteed to learn the new pitch, though the final ratings aren’t guaranteed. Both Current and Potential talent are increased by this reward. The ratings of the newly learned pitch will not exceed the player’s highest Current/Potential pitch ratings.
Ballpark Rewards

Members must have participated in the PEBA for one full season before qualifying to select any Ballpark Reward with the exception of Additional Seating. Cash costs of ballpark rewards will first be deducted from a team’s available cash. Unless noted, all Ballpark Rewards require an article about the reward to be submitted prior to the start of the upcoming season.

Improvements to an existing Ballpark
  • Additional Seating: 20 CP per 1,000 seats. Additional seats must be purchased in blocks of 1,000. No more than 10,000 seats may be purchased in an off season. No Ballpark may exceed 65,000 seats.
  • Grass – Convert field to grass turf for $2,000,000
  • Artificial Turf – Install artificial turf for $4,000,000
  • Permanent Roof – Convert your ballpark into a dome for $10,000,000. This renovation cannot be undone once selected.
  • Retractable Roof – Add a retractable roof for $15,000,000. This renovation cannot be undone once selected.
  • Move Fences – Alter your ballpark’s dimensions by raising/lowering or bringing in/pushing out your outfield fences. The cost is $1,000,000 + $50,000 per foot of change. Moving the fences will alter your ballpark’s factors (exact changes to be determined by the Board). Final dimensions must be approved by the Board.
Ballpark Naming Rights
Teams may sell the naming rights to their stadium in exchange for either fan interest or cash. This allows GMs to rename an existing stadium. There are two ways to choose this reward:
  • “Responsible Renaming” – Teams choosing this path recognize that fans prefer a less corporate, more community-oriented name for the ballpark. Exchange 40 CP + $500,000 (ballpark funds may not be used to pay this cash cost). Your fan base rewards your responsibility with +2 Fan Interest (cannot be used to increase FI beyond 85). New ballpark names must be approved by the Board. This reward may only be selected once every ten seasons.
  • “Corporate Sellout” – Teams choosing this path recognize that the highest dollar can be had by selling out to the highest bidder. Receive 50 CP + $4,000,000 Cash. This cannot increase team cash beyond the maximum. Fan dissatisfaction with your mercenary ways results in -1 Fan Loyalty. New ballpark names must be approved by the Board. This reward may only be selected once every ten seasons.
New Ballpark Construction
Constructing a new 35,000 seat ballpark in your current city costs 100 CP base cost + $50,000,000, and you must submit a news release at least 1,000 words in length announcing plans for the new ballpark. At the time this reward is selected you may elect to increase the new ballpark’s capacity to 45,000 for an additional $10,000,000 or to 55,000 for an additional $25,000,000 above the base cost. Additional CP may be exchanged at the time of purchase to offset construction costs; every 10 CP spent will lower the construction costs by $1,000,000 (to a minimum of $25,000,000).
Ballpark construction costs are eligible for a Construction Loan (see below).
There are a number of benefits to constructing a new ballpark:
  • Fan loyalty increases by 1
  • Market size increases by 1
  • +3 Fan Interest points from four years from announcement
  • New ballparks open one full season after being selected as a reward. GMs may choose the type (open / retractable roof / dome) and turf (grass / artificial) of their ballpark. Dimensions and wall heights may also be determined by GMs, although final plans are subject to approval by the Board and a surcharge may be levied in the case of particularly unusual designs. A name and unclaimed picture may also be chosen for the new ballpark. Teams must stay in their new ballparks for a minimum of 10 years.
Team Relocation
Any GM may elect to relocate his team (the Board must approve your team’s new location). Details are essentially the same as the Ballpark Construction reward. Certain teams may have extra incentive to relocate, however, while others may have incentive to stay put. There are 6 criteria that are checked when you elect to relocate:
  • Fan interest 60 or less
  • Fan loyalty “Slightly Above Average” or less
  • Market size “Average” or less
  • Five consecutive losing seasons
  • Team not profitable over the previous three seasons
  • Attendance less than 65% of stadium capacity in both the previous two seasons
GMs who meet 3 of the 6 criteria qualify for double the Ballpark Construction reward (+2 Fan Loyalty and Market Size). GMs who meet 1 of the 6 criteria will receive the same benefit as the Ballpark Construction award. GMs who don’t meet any of the criteria will still gain +1 Market Size but will take a penalty of -1 to Fan Loyalty (reflecting the “mercenary” ways of team ownership). In all circumstances, relocation confers the additional benefit of allowing a team to change major league details as if the “Change Major League Details” reward had been selected (no additional CP or cash expenditure required, but the required article on changes still applies).

Construction Loans
Ballpark Construction and Team Relocation (but not Renovation) costs are eligible for a Construction Loan. GM’s may apply to the PEBA Board for a loan to cover the cost of the Ballpark construction. If the Board agrees to the loan, the GM will be given a repayment schedule from the board stating over how many years you have to repay the loan and the annual amount to repay. Interest will be added to the annual loan repayment at 1% of outstanding amount at due date (Loan repayments will be made on Jan 1st or thereabouts of each year.
Defaulting on a first payment will result in a fan interest penalty and an interest charge of 30% on your next payment. Defaulting on a second consecutive payment repeats the punishment and may well result in foreclosure of the loan which would result in repossession of the new ballpark.
Current PEBA Board Members
Mike Topham (Borealis) - Commissioner
RJ Ermola (Sandgnats)
Dylan Krupilis (Wind Dancers)
Reg LeBlanc (Trendsetters)

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