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Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:30 am
by Nigel
I wish I could have made it this year but .....

The good news is that by next season I will have taken early retirement (probably Nov. 1st) so a chunk of my lump sum will be put aside to ensure I make the 2013 PEBA meet-up!

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:56 am
by Hitmen
Reviving a post from 2012? Sure!

So I've been away from the forums pretty bad the past two years. I've been in the process of trying to transfer at work and move back to IL. Well that all finally happened right before the holidays and after living in WI for 12 years I am finally back to Chicago.

It's not much of an excuse of why I've been away, but I am putting in that extra effort to be on the boards again and give more time to my rebuilding team.

With that, I was thinking back to when we got a chance for a couple of us to meet and go to a game for the defunct MLB ;)

Well 4 years late, but is anyone interested in going to a game again this season? I would be particular to the Cubs like last time, and it's a bonus that they are doing well now, but I would even be open to catching a weekend game in another state. I know some people traveled last time. I think Jason was seeing about getting a game in Boston potentially as a next destination.

Ideas? Where do we have the largest concentration of people and is there interest?

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:32 pm
by Duane
Hey Mike, Every year I catch at least 1 game in Milwaukee ... yes CUBS. Last year I took my daughter fro graduation. Got tickets right behind the Cubs dugout and she got a ball tossed to her from Rizzo. Way cool

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:18 pm
by Bill
I would potentially be game for this. Chitown would work for me too. My sister lives there and I travel there somewhat routinely for work. It would also be easy for me in the general Ohio area (including Detroit or Pittsburgh).

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:26 pm
by Borealis
I think it would a fun idea - I was thinking of heading to New England at the end of July as the Giants are at Fenway and Yankee for a week long trip... But Chicago is always a blast!!!

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:48 pm
by Hitmen
So just from comments, potential cities/areas to see a game in:

Milwaukee ++
Chicago ++-
Boston ++
Ohio ++
Detroit +
Pittsburgh +
New England +
St. Louis ++

I would be willing to travel to the majority of these places for a game. Cleveland I think puts us in John's neck of the woods.

EDIT: Added St. Louis to our list, and a very general and abstract completely made up scoring on each potential location so far.

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:54 pm
by Matt
St.Louis is the most convenient spot for me, for a variety of reasons. It's not real hard for me to get there in the course of my work since the company I work for is headquartered near there. The others are more of a crapshoot for me. Chicago and Detroit are possibilities, but Detroit is fairly remote as a possibility, and Chicago is sort of a hassle.

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:37 pm
by Alleghenies
Chicago and Milwaukee work,best for me. Though now the Cubs are good harder to get tickets, though I do have 4 season tickets to them ;).
Also Detroit is a remote possibility.
This summer I don't have much time for,other traveling unfortunately.

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:42 pm
by John
Let me say what a blast it was the last time we did this (and I have the pictures to prove it). I'm going to be watching this thread with interest. Depending on when and where you decide to meet up, yes, I might be able to join. Obviously, the closer to Cleveland, the easier it is for me to make the trip, but I'll certainly make an effort to work it out no matter what you guys settle on.

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:21 pm
by Arroyos
A ballgame?
In the nostalgic old MLB?
Like a time through time.

I'd love to, but the only time I'm anywhere near the Midwest is the weekend of April 1-3, when I'm in KC for the annual Baseball in Literature conference. Coincidentally, the Royals host the Mets for their home opener on Sunday, the 3d, at 7 pm. I could hang around KC until the game and fly back the next morning if other folks were interested.

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:01 am
by roncollins
Not sure I can make things...but I'm open to the idea depending on schedules. I love Chicago, and my wife would be happy to go shopping. I have friends in St. Louis, and Louisville (hence Cincy works). My Daughter is in Detroit, so that can work double-duty.

I'm currently living north of Tucson, so the Diamondbacks are on my radar screen. Never been there. :)

Spring training could work, too!

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:49 am
by Apollos
Awesome idea, Mike, this would be a lot of fun and I'd love to make it. Unfortunately, living in Europe, I have no idea when or where I'll be back in the states and thus can't committ to a game. That said, if I was back in the states during the suggested time frame, Chicago is one of two places I'd likely be (along with Washington). Please keep us all posted of the details as you guys plan and if I just so happen to be coming back around then, count me in!

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:58 pm
by Denny
Well, living in Minneapolis as I do, a Twins game would be by far the easiest for me to get to :grin: I am not at all a Twins fan, but Target Field is a very nice park.

As far as the other cities listed, Chicago/Milwaukee/Kansas City would be the places further afield at which I could realistically maybe attend a gathering, depending on dates, times, etc.

Actually I might even be able to get to Denver for a Rockies game, as I grew up in Wyoming and might be back there a time or two this summer.

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 11:57 pm
by Rory
This sounds fun.

Cincinnati is closest to me. But Chicago, Milwaukee and St' Louis are all within striking distance. If i can make either of those last 3 cities I'll prolly hit 2 games to make the most out of the trip.
Schedules pending of course.

Re: Anyone up for a real-life MLB baseball game?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:41 pm
by Jason
Fenway or Yankee Stadium would obviously be easiest for me.

However, there is an outside chance Chicago could work given my wife has friends out there and maybe that could be the clincher.

Oh - Colorado too. I can couple the trip with a visit to my brother.