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Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:39 pm
by John
Cline has been nothing short of a monster during the playoffs. :shock:

Trendsetters drop 2 of 3 at home, return to New Jersey

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:39 am
by Reg
by Scott Plack

10/20/2008- Nobody has gone to panic mode, but most of the coaches, fans, and players are none to pleased. All New Orleans needed to do was win 2 out of the 3 games at home and rest and get ready for the PEBA Championships, instead they lost two and must return to New Jersey and win one of the two remaining games.

"It could have been easier, but hey, thats water under the bridge. Our focus is on the next game and if we have to play it, games seven," explained Jeff Cline.

Coleman will get the chance to close the door on the Hitmen in Game 6 and if necessary McCullough will be responsible for game 7.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:05 am
by Sandgnats (Bill)
So, what is the Trendsetters world view being tied at 2 games in the PEC?

I'm thinking CL and NO will each win one of the next 2 games and it will be a great showdown in game#7. If the schedule of pitchers holds up, it will be 'Booker' Stewart versus the incomparable Conan McCullough.

Notice anything about those 2 names? They both won their respective league's golden arm award for 2007. For them to meet in Game#7 of the championship would be like a fairy tale come true. The only drawback is that one team will have to lose that game. I hope that happens and we go to an epic 16 inning affair! That would put a stamp on PEBA for years to come. As badly as I want to win this championship, if I face McCullough in Game#7-I do not think we will win. Can we? Yes, but it's unlikely. I cannot wait to watch this unfold. :grin: :grin: :grin:

Bayou Brief: Questions with Tanner

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:43 am
by Reg
By Scott Plack

10-29-08 – GM Tanner graciously sat with me over lunch to answer a few questions.

SP: What is your take on the series so far?

PT: Other than the fact that I am overjoyed that CL didn’t just hand our butts to us in four games. I mean I love our team, but CL has been dominating over in the Sovereign League to the tune of 118 wins that over 70 % of the games. And things weren’t exactly looking bright after the first run in with Pickles. With New Jersey and Arlington we knew what we were getting into, we beat on each other all season long, Crystal Lake was a big question mark.

SP: So what about the march to the PEC, legendary or just run of the mill?

PT: Luck comes to mind. I mean seriously you run those playoff series back and 2 out of three times you would get a different imperial league champ. There is a tremendous amount of talent in the Imperial league, and in the Sovereign league as well, I guess. So we played hard and came out on top, I believe it was the best two playoffs series to watch so far in PEBA’s young existence.

SP: Has manager David Parks earned some job security with this playoff run?

PT: Sure, Parks has always had job security. He is a great, but inexperienced manager. And besides I can’t say anything bad about him.

SP: Because you are so nice of a person?

PT: No, because he made me put it in his contract. GM may not say derogatory remarks about manager, I mean the guy is …(Tanner paused and then made a circling motion in the general area of his head)…. I mean after every loss he calls me and asks if we are still friends, it has gotten to where I turn my phone off after games, and now when I turn it back on I get an average of ten text messages from him.

SP: The other night you referenced Spaghetti-arm Mehaffey, who was he?

PT: Mehaffey was a minor leaguer in the old MLB who threw the best knuckle curve anyone had ever seen. Only problem was it was his only pitch. His fastball had BP speed, and everything else he threw fell short of the plate. Towards the second year of his minor league career he threw one too many knuckle curves and all he tendons in his right arm snapped and disintegrated. So now it looks like a wet noodle all wobbly and stuff. It’s a fate I wouldn’t wish on anyone, except maybe Cal Edwards…yeah, wouldn’t be too sad about that.

SP: Who has been the biggest surprise this series?

PT: The great Gatesby of course. I still miss seeing Deschamps but it has been fun to watch Gates play. He has been quite the spark plug this series, and more than likely will be the starter at second base next year. He is your classic nine holer…can’t hit, but can play defense and has good wheels.

SP: Who has been the biggest disappointment?

PT: Really to me it’s a tie between Conard and Hansen. Conard has gotten some hits, but I pay him a lot of money and I expect a lot out of him. I might need to send Hansen in to get his eyes checked, although he has been a great source of hilarity with his ability to receive IBB.

SP: Any predictions for the rest of the series?

PT: Nope, it is too close to call. Each game has been close, even if the score hasn’t reflected it. A hit here, a defensive slip there and the tides turn. We are like two heavyweight fighters taking shots to the body, and everybody is waiting around to see the final knockout, because it ought to be spectacular. Especially if it goes to game seven and McCullough and Stewart will face of for all the marbles.

SP: Thanks for your time!

PT: No prob, now don’t misquote me you two bit hack.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:34 pm
by John
The latest Talking Trends blog entry has been promoted to the homepage. Interesting to watch Gates' star rise while perhaps seeing Hansen's fall (something some observers have been watching for).

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:08 pm
by Reg
If the trend continues Trendsetter faithful will be singing praises of the front office once again. Recent addtion Claudio Cordova stepped into the number two spot in the lineup by going 5 for 12 with 3 walks and 4 runs scored. Offseason pickup Roberto Rodriguez belted seven homeruns to shake the dust off his bat and get ready for the season.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:53 pm
by Reg
In hopes of bringing recognition to players of all levels of the Trendsetter Organization a new feature will choose players of the week for each team, one batter and one pitcher.


Batter: C Jeff Cline - 7 hits, 1 HR, 5 RBI's and a great start to the new season

Pitcher: SP Conan McCullough - 2 W, 14.0 IP's, 4 r, 15 k's, earning that fancy new contract

Weird stat line: 2B Qu - batting average .118, on base average .400

Fayetteville Braggarts

Batter: RF Ben Cook - 11 h, 2 hr, 12 rbi's, that's 2 rbi's per game...

Pitcher: Ricardo Agulierra- 1 w, 2 r, 11.0 innings, 11 k's, solid work, solid work

Delaware Diamonds

Batter: SS Kelvin Taylor - adjusting to AA batting grabbing ten hits and scoring six runs

Pitcher:Roberto Robles - 9.0 innings of relief and 2 wins, henceforth known as the Vulture

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:21 pm
by Reg
Team doctors confirmed today that Conard will not see another pitch this season....Conard never really got going in the first week of the season, and the burden shifts even more onto several role players to pick up the slack...

on the brighter side of life, 3B Desi James seems to have recovered somewhat from his sophmore slump and leads the Imperial league in RBI's with 13

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:32 pm
by John
Just an Aurora fan popping over here to express condolences over Sourface. Though I'm not a fan of your team, I'm a fan of great baseball players and you never want to see one as great as Conard go down like that. Hope you guys end up discovering a great player who steps up in his absence.

-- briteSkye, Cherry Creek Chronicles regular

Re: Talking Trends - Team Blog (short thoughts)

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:37 am
by Reg
Another week, another injury...Hansen went down for a month and a half and now Gates is sidelined for a couple of weeks. However, I love the qoute from Tanner's blog at"It's weeks like these that make me look like a genius." Of course Tanner is refrencing the signing of CF Ángelo González and the return of 1B slugger Augusto Valdéz. González has three things going for him, as I see it, his defense, his above average ability to not strike out (think the anti-Hansen), and team sources indicate that he brings a prescence to the locker room that had previously been lacking in that area. One of the first things he did upon signing with the team was to call Claudio up and tell him to stop hitting like a girl, Claudio responded with 9 hits, 2 hr's and 7 rbi's. Augusto reclaimed his old locker and his form rather quickly (Tanner is hoping Gusto will replace the power lost with Conard on the DL). Augusto added 2 hr's and 7 rbi's in his first week of play.

3B Desi James is erasing the memory of last seasons slow start with one of the best April's by any player this season. James has benefitted from the batters in front of him consistently being on base and in scoring position, out of his 90 AB's this year 37 of then have come with runner's in scoring position. Out of those 37 attempts James has gotten a hit 17 times for a bawrisp of .459, and a Imperial league leading 26 RBI's. James gives credit to Gagne who played 3b for the Trendsetters during the second half of last season for teaching him how to approach each at bat. James who is only 22 seems to be intent to lock at the job at 3B for the Trendsetters for many years to come. I say lock this kid up for the next ten to twenty years. (contractually speaking)

posted by trndsttrfanwithtoomuchtime

Re: Talking Trends - Team Blog (short thoughts)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:24 pm
by Reg
Shatner drafts dead player causes uproar

---quotes from Tanner's personal blog-----

I am not sure what all the commotion is over Shatner's actions. It was an honorable thing to do if you ask me...the kid won't ever play professional baseball, but at least his family can look back (down the road after the grief has passed) and say hey it was his dream to get drafted..and he got drafted. I commend time I see him..the round is on me...


This is just a wierd story that the media has blown out of proportion once again, just because it involves Shatner...let the family mourn in peace....


posted by trndstterfan

Re: Talking Trends - Team Blog (short thoughts)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:05 pm
by Duane
Can't wait to read about that dead guys brother going postal and 'hunting' that Shatner feller

posted by sticks


in my opinion it was either kill the kid or kill shatner - that kid had no talent - easy choice if you ask me

posted by takeittodaman


Kentucky just scored big in my book, what a genuine gesture by their owner (what's his name Blattner??)

posted by Junior Doggins

Re: Talking Trends - Team Blog (short thoughts)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:28 am
by Duane
Hello ... this .. is my ..... first ... post ... here. I do want ... to .. thank you ... for ... your support. Markus Patterson called me this morning ... to thank ... the Kentucky .. organization ... for making Martin's dream come true. You see, the ... funeral... was delayed until the ... start ... of Barrow's season. Flowers ... did arive ... and you all have read about ... the ... patch ... and ... retired number ... Barrow has dedicated to Martin. Did you know that ... Martin was laid to rest in his Barrow Frozen Bullies uniform?

posted by Bill Shatner

Re: Talking Trends - Team Blog (short thoughts)

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:04 am
by Reg
Word on the street has Hansen being involved in something real details, just rumors and fans offering baseless opinions...whatever it is, I fear it doesn't bode well for the Trendsetters organization.....

trndsttr fan 0007

Re: Talking Trends - Team Blog (short thoughts)

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:28 am
by John
Trendsetters wrote:Word on the street has Hansen being involved in something real details, just rumors and fans offering baseless opinions...whatever it is, I fear it doesn't bode well for the Trendsetters organization.....

trndsttr fan 0007
I've got a baaaaaaaad feeling about this.... 8-o