Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#16 Post by Shinkansen »

Sam Riethar: Anyone have any ideas of who could be another werewolf?
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#17 Post by Evas »

Ezra Aferlaus:

Well that's enough twisting in the wind for me. We need to set a new target for tonight. Last night we got lucky and bagged ourselves a monster. Good for us. We need to be just as decisive today.

Looking at the voting from last night... the late voters deserve special attention.

Assuming the monsters all know who each other are (which would be expected for pack animals) they were probably trying to string to voting along, hoping that the gathering execution of Mr. Glons wouldn't gather a quorum. So, for today, I'll ignore voters 1 through 5 as that was the group that got the vote up to the edge. The 6th vote was Sarah, and we now know for certain she was a townie. That leaves the following:

  • 7. Brett Jonasco:
    8. Tim Hernbar
    9. Julie Von Riesal:
    10. Marty Canoon:

We still don't have a ton of data to go on, so the best I can muster is a guess going with my gut. At this point I am leaning towards Tim Hernbar as the next target. He has been silent today and he really only acted to draw things out the first day. Seems suspicious to me.

I am willing to be convinced if anyone has some evidence to clear Mr. Hernbar or a better argument for someone else. Other wise, let's get keep the momentum going!

VOTE: Tim Hernbar
Kevin V. - GM of the Shin Seiki Evas.

Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#18 Post by Shinkansen »

Sam Riethar: What do we've got to lose? We have some bare minimal information to go on, so picking someone and running with it is probably in our best bet.

VOTE: Tim Hernbar (Hitmen)

Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#19 Post by richard_v »

Ivanna Prerosky: I agree with Sam and Ezra

VOTE: Tim Hernbar (Hitmen)
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#20 Post by DanD »

Julie Von Riesal: Ezra's argument is the best I've heard so far. Until someone comes forward with new evidence:

VOTE: Tim Hernbar (Hitmen)
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#21 Post by John »

Evas wrote:Ezra Aferlaus: Assuming the monsters all know who each other are (which would be expected for pack animals) they were probably trying to string to voting along, hoping that the gathering execution of Mr. Glons wouldn't gather a quorum. So, for today, I'll ignore voters 1 through 5 as that was the group that got the vote up to the edge. The 6th vote was Sarah, and we now know for certain she was a townie. That leaves the following:

  • 7. Brett Jonasco
Brett Jonasco <to Ezra Aferlaus>: Like I said, go back and check the tape. Sarah and I spoke up against Gloins simultaneously. If she was vote #6, I was vote #6B. Don't feel like getting lumped into the "to lynch" crowd because some cheerleader's shrill rah-rah drowned out my own.

Brett Jonasco <to the group>: As for today ... why the rush to judgment? Sure, the fancy-pants artist hasn't spoken up yet. If he stays quiet, I'll happily be the first (or fifth) to throw fastballs high and tight at him. But we still have a few more hours before nightfall. Give the guy a chance to say something on his behalf, and don't forget we've got plenty of other quiet types in this damnable church.

That includes you, Ezra. Didn't hear a peep from you until you piped up to point the finger at the artist. Feels kind of sudden to me, like you're painting the artist's guilt as a black-and-white issue. Right now, things seems gray as a wolf's pelt to me. So I'm going to wait and listen before I cast my vote.
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#22 Post by Evas »

Ezra Aferlaus: to Brett Jonasco:
  • I didn't make any specific accusations against you yet, Brett. I was only pointing out that the votes of people 7-10 themselves didn't actually do anything to advance the cause of the town. That makes them more suspect than votes 1-6 in my book.

    It is a little curious that even now you haven't cast a ballot before the decision was already made. You were close the first night, but came in just after the deciding vote had been cast. That is either unlucky timing on your part, or a solid tactical move. We can investigate that later if need be.
Ezra Aferlaus: to All:
  • For now, we need to come to come to a quorum.

    So, who's in and who's out?
Kevin V. - GM of the Shin Seiki Evas.
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#23 Post by Lions »

Current Vote Tally:
4 - Tim Hernbar (Hitmen) - Ezra (Kevin-SS), Sam (Charlie-HYA), Ivanna (Dylan-CST), Julie (Dan-ARL)

Day 2 will end Tuesday, February 25, 9 pm PST. You have about 2.5 days.

A minimum of 5 votes is required for a lynch.
Frank Esselink
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#24 Post by Borealis »

Eli Solmirro - I'm more than willing to recant my vote, but I see how this is going. Tim, speak up, please...

Vote: Tim Herbar (Hitmen)
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#25 Post by John »

Brett Jonasco: The only thing I know right now is that I'm not voting to lynch Mr. Mafioso. Can't believe I'm saying this, but he's the only one I trust right now. If the artist still hasn't spoken in his defense when night starts to fall, I'll vote against him. Until them, I'm going to watch and wait.
John Rodriguez
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#26 Post by Evas »

Ezra Aferlaus: to Brett Jonasco:
  • Brett Jonasco wrote:Brett Jonasco: The only thing I know right now is that I'm not voting to lynch Mr. Mafioso. Can't believe I'm saying this, but he's the only one I trust right now. If the artist still hasn't spoken in his defense when night starts to fall, I'll vote against him. Until them, I'm going to watch and wait.
    I think everyone who has voted has expressed a willingness to give the artist as shot and to change their minds. The difference between their behavior and yours is that they all advanced that ball towards a successful lynch. You haven't. This makes 2 days in a row where you didn't vote before a decision was made.

    Why not vote and offer to recant if evidence presents itself, like everyone else has? Interesting.
Ezra Aferlaus: to All:
  • Well we have our majority now. Nice work everyone!

    Good luck to everyone tonight. If I get taken out, please remember how key it is to reach out to other townies and to be sure to take out someone every day. Other wise we have no shot at coming out of this alive.
Kevin V. - GM of the Shin Seiki Evas.
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#27 Post by John »

Evas wrote:I think everyone who has voted has expressed a willingness to give the artist as shot and to change their minds. The difference between their behavior and yours is that they all advanced that ball towards a successful lynch. You haven't. This makes 2 days in a row where you didn't vote before a decision was made.
Brett Jonasco <to Ezra Aferlaus>: You keep saying that, Mr. Werewolf Expert, and I keep saying "check the record." I did vote before a decision was made. Me and the dead cheerleader spoke up at precisely the same moment. The fact that you're trying so hard to split hairs makes me wonder if this is some kind of "divide and conquer" gambit, which makes me wonder why you'd be playing divide and conquer in the first place.

I got my eye on the clock, and I have no intention of waiting until the last moment to vote. Didn't do that last night and I won't tonight, either. But I'm not going to yell "LYNCH" while the sun is still high in the sky. The artist is going to get his fair chance to speak up before I vote him down.
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#28 Post by Coqui »

Harold Rannom, FAIA, RA, CCM: I'm with Brett, but I'll go a bit further with my thoughts. I don't trust Tim, but there are others about whom I have greater suspicions. I'm withholding my vote for now.

A rush to judgment when only three people have come clean about what, if anything, they saw last night? Me, Eli, and Brett have spoken up. Did anyone else see or hear anything?
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#29 Post by Hitmen »

Tim Hernbar: Well I must say, staying in my room trying to paint this image that keeps me awake at nights has really sullied my name apparently. For no reason other than for the love of my art and the precious sleep I lose trying to put to canvas what I keep envisioning; I am declared to be a night walking, hairy, toothed, beast that is out to kill? I think not sirs.

If only I could make you understand how much this image claws at me demanding to be seen by the masses, I must put it on canvas! I must I tell you! Have I not said I am painting the next master piece of this age? Or at least this town? Unfortunately my mind is clouded and I cannot piece it together when I try to create it! Oh why must I be troubled in my work and then yet again troubled here by you good folk.

Unfortunately I have no sage advice as of yet to give for whom to best accuse next, but I can only attempt to assure you I am not this toothed monster you seek!
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#30 Post by Shinkansen »

Sam Riether: That works for me Tim, I'm changing pace and voting for someone else.

Unvote: Tim Hernbar (Hitmen)

VOTE: Ezra Aferlaus (Evas)

Ezra has just been a little too anxious to get tomorrow and lynch Tim, will be listening to anyone who thinks I'm wrong.
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