I'm torn between it; I do know that if the fee was considerable I probably wouldn't simply for economic reasons(I blow enough money as it is, my wife would probably kick my arse if I was spending $100 a year on OOTP online leagues hehe)Borealis - Commissioner wrote:Thanks guys, both for the feedback and the kind words. Donations are always welcome but are absolutely not required. In all honesty, server upkeep through AllSimBaseball is very reasonable and I don't mind paying it. The fun I have with this league makes it completely worth it. I can assure you this much: as long as I'm running the show, no one will be required to pay a fee for upkeep costs.
I'm still interested in hearing owner opinions on a pay-to-play setup that pays out money for both winning and participation. We've heard a couple nay votes - are there any owners who like the idea? Do you believe the stakes would be enjoyably raised for you if you put in, say, $20 at the start of each season and had the chance to win $200 in championship money and $300 in participation money? Or would it be an undue financial burden and/or a distraction from your casual enjoyment of the PEBA? Do share your opinions with us.
but I am a bigtime fantasy football owner and pay a fee for that---and it DEFINITELY makes me more interested in it than if I wasn't paying the fee; it also makes the thrill of victory and agony of defeat(which I know well) much more intense
And that was the intent of the other league's fees really----to help create a system where you have dedicated, caring owners; and as a handful of owners in that league have voiced, they don't feel they should have to do that---they feel they are dedicated and caring anyway
I will say that if I stick around this league, I plan on making a donation----nothing to dislike about it so far(except I really dislike the makeup of my team---which is absolutely not a PEBA issue, that's a Tenpinner issue, and not a slam against the former owner; I just have some work to do in the offseason to make it the way I want it)