Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

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Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#1 Post by Lions »


Day 2

... and then he brought the dagger down upon his victim.


At first nothing happened but soon Glons' face
began to alter. Hair began to sprout and his nose


The visage of a snarling wolf replaced Glons'
peaceful sleep, and while he lay there, a
blood curdling howl echoed throughout the hillside.

"Quick! Run!" everyone panicked.


Long after the crowd had left, Glons still
lay on the bench where he'd been slain,
his face having returned to normal. The
howl had merely been the dying breath
of evil leaving his body.


Despite what he had become, he was not
without friends. Sarah Dysioni, in particular,
couldn't believe that such an enthusiastic
reporter could have befallen such a fate.

She felt she needed to return and see for herself,
and when she found him, he looked just as peaceful
as he had previously.


"OMG, Rich! I can't, like, believe you were
really a werewolf!

"Oh, I knew something bad was gonna happen!
You know what you need? A cheer to send you off!"


"Rah! Rah! Sis boom bah!" she jumped.
"Werewolf's gonna eat ya!"


"You were cool before wolf drool.
Still I'm glad I got to meet ya!"


Elsewhere, another creature was stirring as
an adorable panda emerged from behind
the tree in front of the church.


Now panda's are the cutest and most
lovable of all the creatures in God's great
earth. However, this one, in the darkness
could barely be made out to be carrying a
pistol and silver dagger.


Quietly, he padded his way around to the Garden
of Reflection where Sarah had just finished
her eulogy cheer for Rich Glons.


The panda stood there watching Sarah as
she quietly stood and looked at Glons' corpse.

"Bang!" he said.

"Eek!" Sarah cried. "Why would you say that in
the dark when it's already creepy out here!"

"Oh, sorry!" said the panda.

*BANG* said the pistol.



The next morning, everyone gathered
back in the church.


"Well," Dowlon began. "That was quite
possibly the creepiest thing I've experienced!"

"I thought you knew what you were
doing," someone complained.

"Well sure I do," Dowlon replied, "but it's
not everyday I've actually killed a real live
werewolf like Rich turned out to be.

"I must say I'm quite impressed that
you nabbed one on the first day!"


"I knew it all along!" everyone said in unison.

"However, it looks like Sarah was killed
last night, too. I found her shot in the
Garden this morning, right next to Rich."

"Maybe she was a werewolf, too!"

"No, Sarah was a loyal member of
the Town."


"I hope you can all catch another one today!"

  1. Each player will be given a character to play who will be aligned with either the Town, the Werewolves, or niether. Town wins when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive. The werewolves win when they obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring. Any other party characters will have their own win conditions outlined in their roles.
  2. Each day you will vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format: Vote: Character (Forum Handle). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format: Unvote: Character (Forum Handle). No other format will be accepted. You may unvote and revote as many times as you like. Players must receive at least 50% of the votes to be lynched. If there is a tie, then no lynch will occur. Failing to post in the day thread will result in a vote penalty the following day equal to the remaining number of players divided by 4.
  3. A game day will last approximately 5 days. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end at the appointed time, unless the group are decided on a lynch and the moderator decides to end it early. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage. They will not be accepted after this deadline has passed.
  4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.
  5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you via PM, either by the host or another player. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage. Similarly, conversations held in private may be discussed in your own words.
  6. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread, via PM with other players, and through means designated by the host. Do not play the game elsewhere or post in old day threads. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game. Metagame at your own risk.
  7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.
  8. You may not edit your posts. Editing a post will result in a vote penalty the same day, equal to the number of remaining players divided by 4.
  9. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM. No other communication with the hosts will be accepted or acknowledged.
  10. Any interpretation of rules that require clarification is at the hosts discretion and the host's word is final.
  11. Violation of the above rules will result in vote penalties at the host's discretion, with the possibility of death for repeated offenses.
Neutral Characters
Larry Dowlon
Has some vague experience with werewolf killings... or so he says.

Active Players
Here is the listing of players... please note that all character assignments, role assignments, and affiliation assignments have been randomized. This includes returning character roles and affiliations. Any attempt to read into those assignments is done at your own risk.

Ezra Aferlaus - Played by Kevin (Evas)
Founder of Lycanthrope Removal Services

Marty Canoon - Played by Tim (Alleghenies)
A restauranteur

Tim Hernbar - Played by Mike (Hitmen)
A local artist

Brett Jonasco - Played by John (John)
The Clutcher's catcher and captain.

Ivanna Prerosky - Played by Dylan (Statesmen)
A wealthy benefactor of Bay City.

Harold Rannom - Played by James (Longshoremen)
An architect.

Sam Riethar - Played by Charlie (Shinkansen)
Professional snowboarder

Eli Solmirro - Played by Mike (Borealis)
A farmer

Julie Von Riesal - Played by Dan (Bureaucrats)
Clutchers team president

Eliminated Players
Image Image
Rich Glons - Played by Rory (Knights) - Lynched Day 1 - Werewolf
Beat writer for the Bay City Journal

Image Image
Sarah Dysioni - Played by Kevin (Featherheads) - Shot in the pompoms Night 1 - Town
One of the Clutchers cheerleaders


Day 2 has now begun. The day will last until Tuesday, February 25, 9pm PST (~5 days).
With 9 players, 5 votes is required for a lynch.
You may not vote for the first 24 hours.

This thread is exclusively for active participants in the game. In-character posts only, please.
Frank Esselink
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#2 Post by Shinkansen »

Sam Riethar: I'm voting for whatever Harold votes, he got it right yesterday, so I trust he can get it right again today and get this thing over with.
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#3 Post by John »

Brett Jonasco: <to Harold Rannom> You and I still got unfinished business, mafioso boy. Right now, though, I'm too worried about becoming a snack for some overgrown bipedal mutt to cling to grudges. You led the charge against Gloins yesterday, and you led us right. I'm going to trust you from here on out on one subject and one subject only: lycanthropes. Help us get out of this church with the skin on our backs and you'll have my thanks ... and then you'll have my retribution.
John Rodriguez
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#4 Post by richard_v »

Ivanna Prerosky: Had I not started the voting process with Harold, Rich may have survived and taken someone's life, I deserve some credit here too!
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#5 Post by Alleghenies »

Marty Canoon: Wait a second. I thought we killed the werewolf? Now it seems that there's another killer on the loose. People, let's pray for Sarah's soul. Rest in peace young lady...
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#6 Post by Borealis »

Eli Solmirro - Phew... that was close. Nailing one of those lupin beasts was like a drought -busting storm: a God send. What is equally disturbing is that poor Sarah was shot. Harold, I wan't to believe your innocence, and that's tough to do with your past history. You may have simply lucked out pointing us towards Rich - maybe you saw something in him. I can see you want to help us, but if you're not a wolf, how do we know you weren't Sarah's assassin? You mentioned you found something that may help us, and, perhaps we all may have. Now might be a time to divulge. Had Sarah been mauled, I'd believe your innocence. Her being shot... that leaves some questions.
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#7 Post by Coqui »

Harold Rannom, FAIA, RA, CCM: Sam, Brett, thanks for the confidence - even your passive-aggressive confidence, Brett - but I'm not sure it's well-founded. I'd like to say that I expected that, but it was truly little more than dumb luck that we were able to save Rich's soul on the first day.

[crosses self - mumbles prayer in Latin]

Anyway, we now have a whole day's worth of information at our disposal. We should look over the voting records - who voted for whom when, and that sort of thing - to see whether we can draw any inferences from that. Hopefully we also have a whole night's worth of data. Can anyone report anything that happened after going to bed?

[Turns to Eli Solmirro] I'm glad to see that someone remembered, after the excitement of Rich's exorcism and death, that I mentioned that I had found something. At this point, I've disclosed all that I believe is prudent to disclose about that, namely that what I found was of a nature that leads me to believe that some others of you may have found something similar. Maybe I'm wrong, as no one has shared any similar experience yet. I will say this - whether my happenstance finding helps us exterminate the werewolves or not is something that I can't determine yet. But I hope that it - and hopefully similar findings by others - will help us identify each other as non-werewolf. And please, if this subject makes some sense to some of you after having had the night to sleep on it, let's be careful about what we disclose about what we have found. We either need to speak in very general terms along the lines that I have spoken about this subject, or in private. That's really all that I should say at this point.

[Turns to others] But first, what happened last night? Is there an app for that?
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#8 Post by Borealis »

Eli Solmirro - Harold, it's puzzling, what you found, and I'm positive that more disclosure will prove your value to the town. When we piece things together as a group, we may even discover why and who shot Sarah. Why is that being glossed over? I thought we were dealing only with wolves, but do we have one of your old mafia buddies infiltrating our presence as well, Harold. If so, we're searching for more than wolves!
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#9 Post by Coqui »

Borealis wrote:Eli SolmirroWhen we piece things together as a group, we may even discover why and who shot Sarah. Why is that being glossed over? I thought we were dealing only with wolves, but do we have one of your old mafia buddies infiltrating our presence as well, Harold. If so, we're searching for more than wolves!
Harold Rannom, FAIA, RA, CCM: Eli, are you trying to deliberately confuse the situation? That seems rather suspicious to me, frankly. As I see it, there are two possibilities for Sarah's death, one far more likely than the other:

1) The remaining werewolf(ves?) killed her. The method that they used would seem to be irrelevant. Whether she was torn asunder by wolf teeth or shot, does it matter? Maybe unbeknownst to us, but known to the wolves, she was Sarah the Werewolf Slayer and had a stiletto-sharp sterling silver bobby pin that doubled as a werewolf weapon and rather than take chances they shot her from long range? Who knows? The point is that she is just as dead. That she was a werewolven night kill is by far the most likely explanation for Sarah's death.

2) One of us non-werewolves had a special night kill power and guessed wrong. I don't have that power, and I don't know if anyone else does. Presumably, according to lore, that would be accomplished with a silver bullet, right Ezra? Our kingdom for a medical examiner who could perform an autopsy and examine the bullet. Even assuming that anyone has a silver bullet or six, however, which is a stretch, I would be surprised if anyone would use such a power on night one given the lack of information. It would be a true shot in the dark, so to speak. A townie with poor judgment is still a townie, after all. I find this possibility remote at best.

Until we receive real information, not just speculation, we have to assume that Sarah was a werewolven night kill. If she was an erroneous town night kill, it doesn't change what we need to do - investigate and root out the werewolves.

That's why we need to hear whether anyone saw anything last night. Or heard anything. I neither saw nor heard anything. Speak up folks.
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#10 Post by Borealis »

Longshoremen wrote:
Borealis wrote:Eli SolmirroWhen we piece things together as a group, we may even discover why and who shot Sarah. Why is that being glossed over? I thought we were dealing only with wolves, but do we have one of your old mafia buddies infiltrating our presence as well, Harold. If so, we're searching for more than wolves!
Harold Rannom, FAIA, RA, CCM: Eli, are you trying to deliberately confuse the situation? That seems rather suspicious to me, frankly. As I see it, there are two possibilities for Sarah's death, one far more likely than the other:
1) The remaining werewolf(ves?) killed her. The method that they used would seem to be irrelevant. Whether she was torn asunder by wolf teeth or shot, does it matter?... That she was a werewolven night kill is by far the most likely explanation for Sarah's death.
2) One of us non-werewolves had a special night kill power and guessed wrong. I don't have that power, and I don't know if anyone else does... A townie with poor judgment is still a townie, after all. I find this possibility remote at best.

Until we receive real information, not just speculation, we have to assume that Sarah was a werewolven night kill. If she was an erroneous town night kill, it doesn't change what we need to do - investigate and root out the werewolves... That's why we need to hear whether anyone saw anything last night. Or heard anything. I neither saw nor heard anything. Speak up folks.
Eli Solmirro - No, Harold, I am not trying to confuse things, I'm simply asking a question. I had not considered that perhaps the moon is in the wrong phase and thus the wolf would have to result to more 'human' means of killing. Nor did I consider that one of us would be carrying a silver bullet and took it upon themselves to take a chance. Whether these theories are true or not, we may have to consider that the werewolves are not alone - and considering Bay City's history, is that really a bad idea?

As for me, I heard nothing last night. I may be a just garlic farmer, but I followed your leadership early on when you said...
Longshoremen wrote:Harold Rannom, FAIA, RA, CCM: ... Why not me? It would be a bad idea.
... despite your history. I trusted you were with us, not against us, and I'm confident that trust is well founded. I, for one, would like to hear more about your puzzling discovery. I'm heading over to that confessional to catch some zzz's, so you know where I am if you want to chat about it.
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#11 Post by DanD »

Julie Von Riesal: Well, that's one step forward and one step back. Poor Ms. Dysioni - her squad will be heart broken.

Putting emotions aside, I agree that we need to know if anyone saw or heard anything helpful last night.

From the voting evidence - Sarah's was the deciding vote so we could have been pretty sure she wasn't a werewolf. Sadly, we're definitely sure now.

Ezra was urging for the deciding vote against Glons, so I suppose that give him a pass for now.

Other than that, it's hard for me to figure much else at the moment. It was pretty clear that Rich's silence had him in everyone's cross hairs from the start and no one was really trying to shift our attention to another suspect.
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#12 Post by John »

Longshoremen wrote:1) The remaining werewolf(ves?) killed her. The method that they used would seem to be irrelevant. Whether she was torn asunder by wolf teeth or shot, does it matter?
Brett Jonasco <to Harold Rannom>: Are you saying werewolves stalk their prey with guns? That's as ridiculous as suggesting that mafioso like you conduct hits with sharp tacks, or that coconuts migrate. No wolf did in that cheerleader. Werewolves don't prey on cheerleaders. You'd know that if you ever watched the movies.
Bureaucrats wrote:From the voting evidence - Sarah's was the deciding vote so we could have been pretty sure she wasn't a werewolf. Sadly, we're definitely sure now.
Brett Jonasco <to Julie Von Riesal>: Point of fact: me and the cheerleader spoke up at the same time. Check the tape. We are tape recording our conversations here, aren't we?

Brett Jonasco <to the group>: The only thing I saw last night was visions of myself on the mound, throwing strike three to win the Series. Didn't hear nothing but snores. At least the killer is taking business quietly. Don't like having my sleep disturbed.
John Rodriguez
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#13 Post by Lions »

Voting has been open for a few hours so... you're welcome to vote!
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#14 Post by Borealis »

Eli Solmirro - ZZZZZZZ... Sure is quiet around here... Any ideas? Ezra, where are You?
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Re: Mafia! Under Cover of Darkness: Day 2

#15 Post by Borealis »

Eli Solmirro - (cough... snort... wheeze) Oh... Oh... I'm sorry... I think I really fell asleep there. Dang these confessionals are uncomfortable. Did I miss anything?
Michael Topham, President Golden Entertainment & President-CEO of the Aurora Borealis
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