Canton at the Deadline

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Canton at the Deadline

#1 Post by Coqui »

Canton at the Deadline
by Frank Terry, Canton Repository

8/1/2007: Canton, OH - The Canton Longshoremen came to the end of July with an admirable attempt to make a decent showing for themselves. The club’s first month over .500 did not, however, prevent some carnage at the big league level.

Juan Otero, disappointment to everyone but his mother, was made no more than extra parts with the May 10 trade for Arron Campbell and never really had a chance to find his hitting groove. Canton's front office respected the effort that Otero gave his bench sitting job every day and sent him to the warmer climes of San Antonio as a reward (accompanying him was Donald Hawkins, a catching prospect). Coming the other way was Ryuichi Yamauchi, a AAA pitcher sporting a WHIP of 1.03. Also involved were Jing Duan, called "garbage" by his former GM, Sadao Ichihara, a 20 year-old reliever already at AAA, and a 2nd round draft pick.

"Honestly," said GM Brad Dobney, "I think we got a lot back in this one. I hated parting with Hawkins but I'll take high level pitching any day. God knows we need it." This trade could possibly help the Longshoremen as soon as next season, when Yamauchi is expected to fight for a place in the rotation.

In another move, Dobney swapped Cedrick Roy and Dave Brooks for AAA pitcher Matthew Chandler. Chandler has an ERA of 3.14 to go with his WHIP of 1.12 at the AAA level. "I didn't even know Roy and Brooks were in the organization," said the GM. "They [West Virginia] wanted some position prospects so I gave them some. It is really simple if you think about it. I hate Chandler's mustache though."
The trade deadline was just as noteworthy for deals that did not get done. Rumour had Otero heading to Bakersfield for pitching or to Japan for a new car for the GM. When Otero eventually went to San Antonio both of these rumours, for obvious reasons, dissipated.

-----Campbell's Corner-----

Campbell's Corner will be a new, semi-regular feature in which Canton CF Jack Campbell breaks down pop culture. Without further ado, here is Jack:

I am going to start today with the Oscars, or whatever award show was on recently. Here is a heads-up to Hollywood; no one watches your self-aggrandizing awards shows. Does anyone else remember this episode of South Park? That is what these things are like.

Now onto the topic of the Corner this time: good music. We listen to a lot of music on road trips, in the clubhouse, in clubs, in our cars and generally wherever we go. Frankly, most of my teammates taste in music sucks. Let me recommend a band that is sure to please you if you have good taste. (If you don't have good taste I just don't care). Brand New has quietly put together three of the best albums ever released. Do yourself a favour: grab one, throw it in the player and enjoy some of the best new rock you will ever hear.
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#2 Post by John »

What is it about PEBA players named "Jack" that makes them so especially colorful? At any rate, I think this is a great way to get a little message of your own across. In this case it's new music, and you'll find Jack's suggested band Brand New linked to on the homepage article. I've never heard of them, but you can bet I'll be checking them out now!
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#3 Post by Coqui »

I'll second Jack on this one, Brand New is one of the best bands I have ever heard. The newer stuff being the better of all of it.
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