Looking at our Interactive Owner Map (a link to which is available when you're logged into the homepage), we have four PEBA owners (besides myself) living within Ohio:
- Tyler of West Virginia
- Chris of Tempe
- Brad of Canton
- Joel of Duluth
- Dan of Arlington
- Bryan of Omaha
- Jared of Yuma
- Matt of New Jersey
- Bobby of Kalamazoo
- Jon and Aric of Bakersfield
- Benjamin and David of Gloucester
- Duane of Kentucky
- Dean and Bill of Crystal Lake
- Paul of New Orleans
The plan is to construct a get-together primarily around a Cleveland Indians ballgame. I've picked out a number of dates in the month of May and I'd love to hear back from you guys on which of these dates you might possible be able to make it to Cleveland. The game time and opponent is listed next to the day (all times PM and ET). Dates in green feature the cheapest tickets, dates in red are the most expensive, and dates in purple are in between.
- Friday, May 8 (7:00 - DET)
- Saturday, May 9 (7:00 - DET)
- Sunday, May 10 (7:00 - DET)
- Tuesday, May 12 (7:00 - CWS)
- Wednesday, May 13 (12:00 - CWS)
- Tuesday, May 26 (7:00 - TB)
- Wednesday, May 27 (7:00 - TB)
- Friday, May 29 (7:00 - NYY)
- **Saturday, May 30 (7:00 - NYY)
Note that although the header says "PEBA get-together", LRS owners are more than welcome to join in! The difficulty in organizing LRS owners is that I have none of you mapped. Not knowing where you live, it's difficult to plan around you. If you happen to live within driving distance and can make one or more of these dates, though, feel free to jump into this thread and make it known.
Right now I'm planning on a one-day gathering where owners will head back home as soon as the get-together is finished. That will change if some of our more far-flung owners want to get involved; I'm happy to make space for you at the house.
In addition to the game I have a few other potential plans in mind. For now, though, let's just see what everyone's availability is. So sound off! Let us know if any of these dates work for you.