Daydreaming with Yamamato

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Daydreaming with Yamamato

#1 Post by Hitmen »

Some time in March... far, far away on a minor league field...

It's so dark out there, a calm before the next clash. The Gamilons are hiding just outside of view. Earth is a hellscape after they dropped their bombs on the planet, but there is some hope out there after a strange message from Mars was received...

"Yams! Pay attention!" 

... the Zerg numbers are overwhelming. The sky is dark with the mass of Zerg mutalisks and guardians, controlled by the hive mind. Our battlecruiser and wraiths can only do so much against the sheer number of foes. 

"Yams! What are you doing? You missed that groundball. Easy double play!"

Huh? My bad Mossy. I got the next one. 

"What were you doing man? You in your head again? Get it together Yams, we need to come back stronger this year and make the Crooners proud. But let's be honest, you will probably get called up to Clifton of Camden this next season and are "too big" now for us small fry."

Stop with the potato jokes man, my names not "Yams". It's Yamamoto. And the nicknames "Cannon"...

... we must make the first move. We need to decrease their numbers. Our best bet is an all-out cannon salvo. We need to cut through the Gamilons!..

"What did you just say? What the heck is a gamilon?"

... Fire the Yamato gun!!! Fire everything!

"Dude... now you are just mixing references. Was that Star Trek? What's a yamato gun? You watching anime again?"

Ugh... did I say that all out loud. Sorry, was playing some Star Craft recently and rewatched some Space Battleship Yamato as well. Just a bit distracted. But seriously, stop calling me "Yams", the name is Cannon.

Laughing hysterically, "...whatever man, I'm not calling you Cannon. Just field the damn ground balls. We don't have times for shenanigans. I'm here to play, not be stuck in your random fantasy land confusion... and Star Wars is better anyway."

First off... it's sci-fi, not fantasy, get your genres right at least. Jeez. And how dare you with your blasphemy. We are not friends anymore. If you don't understand the subtle brilliance of the Star Trek universe and storytelling, then don't talk to me. 

Giggling like a schoolgirl, "Lens flare bro, so much lens flare."

Sigh... don't talk to me bro, I don't like you anymore. Let's just play baseball...

... Space, the final frontier. "Come on man!" These are the voyages of the starship... "Shut up!" Enterprise... no Yamato... "you're mixing your references again!". Shut up man! ...It's continuing mission: to explore strange, "...field the balls man!" worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, "I'm going to go look for new teammates..." to boldly go where no one has gone before! "I'm going home is where I am going..."

You're ruining it man!...

"YAMS! Play damn ball or give me 20 laps around the field, NOW!", "Oh coach has got you now! Ha!"

Sorry coach! I'm on it! grumbling... damn you Mossy.
Michael Czosnyka

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