FROM THE VAULT: Farstriders Fail to Stride Far at Deadline

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FROM THE VAULT: Farstriders Fail to Stride Far at Deadline

#1 Post by KenH »

Farstriders Fail to Stride Far at Deadline

By: Harry Gerstshweltier

Jacksonville Tribune

July 24, 2034

If an outside observer or casual fan were to take a look at the coming trade deadline, they may think that Florida isn’t in the race. Their radio silence as the deadline looms stinks of apathy. For a team that once prided itself on bold, decisive moves to improve their team and leverage their wealth to improve in the now and the future, their queasy attitude towards this year’s deadline is an anathema to what we are used to from the club.

Now that we are at the precipice of the deadline, the Farstriders are, for better or worse, mostly the same team as they were at the beginning of the campaign. True, our line-up features a “murder’s row” of sorts near the top of the line-up, but there can be no doubt that our 7-9 bats have been severely en absentia for the entire year. Without the heroics of Gonzalo Gonzalez or the mid-year acquisition of a red-hot Mike Woodward, and the miserly production of our ever-rotating catcher platoon, the Farstriders don’t look like a team poised to topple the top competition in PEBA.

These are all situations that management clearly understands, yet they do not make moves to fortify the back third of the line-up, and the question clearly becomes why?
Since the winter meetings, the Farstriders have made exactly two trades. On February 5th, we traded for Pablo Flores – a young left-handed pitcher with control problems who has done quite well in Mexicali this year; and we had a blockbuster deal where we returned Ernie Weston (never heard of him? Don’t worry about it) to the Fargo Dinosaurs for (drum roll) one dollar. That’s it. That’s the extent of this team’s wheelings and dealings in a year where we are defending our title. If you are left feeling underwhelmed, don’t worry… you’re not alone. There’s a sizeable contingent of nay-sayers, nay-saying about this front office’s gun-shy ways. There are too many good pieces on the table for a team like Florida to not pounce on.

Take for instance Ramon Gonzales of the Kentucky Thoroughbreds. The 33 year-old Nicaraguan has been holding down a very good Kentucky rotation all year. Word is that he is available in the open market. Has Hannahs so much as even made a call? We just don’t know.

Similarly, one doesn’t have to look much further than our ever-floundering catching corps to see an easy area to improve. While catchers are never easy to guage (looking at you, FLOPPE ROS), it makes sense for the Farstriders to get a new catcher to help lead this team. The question is who do you even get rid of? Not because of how good the catchers have been, but just the opposite: our catchers have been atrocious by all measures. Why not take a flier on the red-hot Manchester Mauler, Marvin Hansen? The veteran backstop is having a resurgent year and may be showing a “return to form” that the team would love to have.

Sure, Hannahs has said he’s spoken at length with many clubs about various deals, but the fact that nothing has come to fruition, may speak volumes about the front office’s temperament on this team. The team is doing well. There’s no doubt about that. But when there are three glaring holes in your line-up and you have the resources the Farstriders have – how can these not be addressed?

It’s often said that not doing a trade is better than doing a bad one. And while that is true, as mentioned above, there are several teams that have strong players that could help us feel the gaps.

There is still time for Hannahs and co to satiate our desire for a perfect line-up, though the hindrance may be in the asking prices. Especially near the trade deadline, many teams are deciding whether to throw their hat in the ring or cast their line out for the future.
Ken Hannahs -- Farstriders GM (2023-2037)
2025, 2033, 2034, 2035 PEBA Champion
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Re: FROM THE VAULT: Farstriders Fail to Stride Far at Deadline

#2 Post by Sandgnats »

I love watching Super Mario cover the infield!
RJ Ermola
Vice President and General Manager of Baseball Operations
Crystal Lake Sandgnats

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