Adios, Junior

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Adios, Junior

#1 Post by Borealis »

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Adios, Junior

Aurora Owner’s Body Found
by Francis Ferry, NLN baseball beat writer

August 24, 2034: Rouzerville, Pennsylvania - The Pennsylvania State Troopers office and the FBI have confirmed that a body found along the Appalachian trail was indeed that of Aurora Borealis owner Michael Topham, Jr. The FBI released a statement earlier in the day, identifying Topham as the individual in question, based on dental records.

Authorities were unable to pinpoint exactly how long ago he had died, and at this time there has been no cause of death listed – pending further examination of the remains and toxicology reports. It is believed that he may have died as far back as 8 months, as he was reportedly last seen by Aurora broadcaster George Crocker, who was on a winter through-hike along the trail.

Karl Jorgusson, Special Agent of the FBI, addressed a group of reporters at the Rattlesnake Run Road staging area, near the location were Topham’s body was found. “As you may have heard, the body that was found at Tumbling Run Creek, not far from this location, was badly decomposed, after what we have to presume had been a lengthy period of time frozen before the spring thaw. The variable environmental conditions that the body has been exposed to, make it impossible to pinpoint even a rough timeframe in which Mr. Topham may have died. An immediate examination did not show obvious signs of foul play, but we are not discounting that possibility. No potential weapon were found in the vicinity, and Mr. Topham’s body was not found with any personal items – be it ID or that which one would expect if he had been hiking the trail and had died of a more natural cause. Nor…” he continued, “can we confirm that his death even occurred in the location that his body has been found.”

Special Agent Jurgusson elaborated further that numerous animal bite marks have been identified on the body and that it may even have been dragged to its discovery site. “We have no indication, at this time, of where he may have died or how he may have ended up in Pennsylvania after his disappearance in Virginia. With so many roads crossing the trail, he may well have been accosted at any point and taken to another location – to be killed or dumped. This is the premise we will be working with to start, as we believe that a lack of personal gear is a telling tale. We are in search of any witness who may have seen him alive, and we encourage anyone with information to come forward and assist our investigation.”

There has been wide speculation as to Topham’s whereabouts after his alleged sudden disappearance on Christmas Day while hiking northbound on the Appalachian trail with George Crocker. An anonymous tip had been passed on to the Virginia State Police, suggesting that Michael Topham, Jr. had gone missing and may be in great peril, and that they should investigate Crocker in connection with the disappearance. As Mr. Crocker arrived in Damascus, Virginia, police apprehended him and detained him for 24-hours before releasing him on grounds of ‘no evidence of a crime committed’.

During a round of questions from the press, I asked Special Agent Jurgusson if George Crocker was still considered a suspect, now that a body had been found, he replied “We may consider Mr. Crocker a person of interest – only under the conditions that he is the only known individual to have last seen Michael Topham. We have no credible evidence to link him to our body, and frankly it’s difficult to imagine a time-line of how he may be involved in a murder – if that’s what we have here, that may have happened hundreds of miles away. I think it’s likely that his role in Mr. Topham’s disappearance begins and ends at Rich Knob.”

A spokes-person for the Aurora Organization would only say that the entire Aurora Baseball Club, Golden Entertainment, and the Topham family were shocked at the news of Michael Topham, Jr’s death. The word from Golden Entertainment CEO Duane Castle was that the baseball side of the entertainment giant would continue to run as normal, with GM Will Topham – Michael Topham, Jr’s half-brother, temporarily taking on decision-making at the upper end of the organizational hierarchy. Castle was tight-lipped about a successor for the role of ‘president’ (his word), suggesting it may take weeks and months before the Organization names a replacement, saying only that it was ‘complicated’.

William Topham failed to comment and has not returned phone calls or email inquiries.


Death Inconclusive, FBI Says
by Francis Ferry, NLN baseball beat writer

September 19, 2034: FBI Field Office, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – After nearly a month of examination of the remains of Aurora owner, Michael Topham, Jr, the FBI has declared that the cause of death is inconclusive.

“We do not see any signs of blunt-force trauma to the head or torso of Mr. Topham, nor do we see indications of strangulation or a stabbing.” Special Agent Karl Jurgusson announced. “Toxicology studies of the remaining tissue suggest there had been ingestion of multiple narcotics, including ayahuasca, LSD, as well as traces of cannabis – none of which we would expect to have led directly to his death.”

Michael Topham, Jr disappeared on a northbound journey of the Appalachian Trail, along with George Crocker when, according to Crocker’s testimony, ‘he awoke in the morning and he (Topham) was gone.’ The police questioned Crocker and released him. Crocker is currently on the road with the ball club, in Japan. Before boarding the team flight, he reiterated to local press that ‘I know nuttin’, I heard nuttin’, I saw nuttin’, I smelled nuttin’!’.

“As of now, we are at a loss to explain what happened to Mr. Topham, as well as where and when. Barring any tangible evidence,” Special Agent Jurgusson said “the FBI is prepared to close this case with an ‘indeterminant death’.

Aurora GM William Topham has continued to be silent when it comes to issues related to his half-brother’s death, preferring to focus on the battles on the diamond – and in particular the current series at the Shin Seiki Evas, as the club strides towards a division title and yet another playoff spot. Speculation in social media has run amok, trying to determine why the GM continues to remain mum. Though not suspected of any wrong-doing related to Topham, Jr’s death – he was attending family Christmas activities at their home in San Francisco, it is well known that the siblings were not close in any capacity.

Golden Entertainment has subsequently issued a statement that reads “We will continue to pray for a resolution to this tragic case. Once there is closure on the legal front, Golden will address the management vacancy at the top of the ball organization. We are hopeful that we will have an announcement by the winter meetings.”

Michael Topham, Jr was the third man to serve as ‘owner’ of the Borealis. John Rodriguez, Sr, who was instrumental in the birth of the PEBA and the Aurora Borealis - he also served as the League’s commissioner over the PEBA’s first four years, died in March of 2011 - leaving the team to ‘war buddy’ Michael Topham, Sr and Golden Entertainment. The senior Topham served in the capacity of owner into the 2022 season before his own undisclosed death led to the unlikely, unforeseen and controversial naming of Topham, Jr as the owner (president) of the club. He was 46.


Crocker Detained by FBI, More Questions
by Francis Ferry, NLN baseball beat writer

September 25, 2034: Denver, Colorado – Although the FBI has all but closed the case on the death of Michael Topham, Jr, they have returned to their original person of interest – George Crocker, broadcaster for the Aurora Borealis, who they have brought into the FBI’s Denver Field Office for additional questioning. As the Borealis landed following their road trip to Japan and Yuma, Arizona, the FBI were waiting for George Crocker at Denver International Airport and took him into custody as he deplaned.

Apparently, the FBI believes there are connections between the toxicology report that was completed on Topham’s remains, and items that either had George Crocker’s fingerprints or belong to him; items that had been collected from Rich Knob site just off the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina.

Special Agent Karl Jurgusson, the lead investigator for the FBI out of their field office in Pittsburgh, flew to Colorado to lead the questioning of Crocker – now a potential murder suspect. Once the questioning was completed, Crocker was seen leaving the FBI office and heading south, towards Aurora for tonight’s game against Tempe.

“The FBI had received a credible tip that Mr. Crocker had been dealing in narcotics and that the death of Mr. Topham, Jr may have been the result of ‘a drug deal gone bad.’” The press pressed the Special Agent on this point “We found traces of the same substance found in Topham’s remains on items that belonged to Mr. Crocker - at the location he claims was the last place he saw Michael Topham.”

But that was not the only bombshell.

“The anonymous source reported that they had seen Crocker in possession of large quantities of the same identified substance prior to his meeting up with Mr. Topham. Another informant claims that they saw Mr. Topham and Mr. Crocker having a heated discussion before they began hiking together at Watauga Dam.” Special Agent Jurgusson stated the facts of the investigation succinctly. “We are doing our best to corroborate these claims and are encouraging the anonymous tipsters to come forward. At this moment in time, we will treat these as facts worth further investigation. I might add that we are also taking a closer look into allegations by the Mexican government that accused Mr. Crocker of drug trafficking in that country.”

George Crocker’s involvement in drug trafficking – dating back to February of 2013, was never substantiated, nor has there been any follow-up by either the Mexican or US governments. The FBI has remained mum regarding their source of information, while George Crocker has stated that “it was Steve Hott’s car, Steve Hott’s drugs, and Steve Hott’s men who found the drugs; knew where to look for them – I know that’s who the G-men are talking to!”

Northern Lights News reached out to Steve Hott, who only replied that “George Crocker is a known buffoon. I throw George Crocker under the bus and categorially deny any knowledge of his claims. I feel sorry for a once-wannabe legend.”


Case Closed: Topham Death of Indeterminant Cause
by Francis Ferry, NLN baseball beat writer

October 2, 2034: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – The FBI announced today that they are closing the book on the death of Aurora owner, Michael Topham, Jr, after they conclusively determined that there was no clear and apparent cause of the owner’s death, and that the lone suspect – Aurora broadcaster George Crocker, had no known motive and there was no link to Topham’s death and Crocker’s movements on the day of - and subsequent days after, his suspected death.

“We do not see any credible way Mr. Crocker could have killed Mr. Topham in the vicinity of Rattlesnake Run Road, Tennessee, when all evidence points to his being in Virginia at the time. It is not conceivable that he had kidnapped Mr. Topham, disposed of the body and made it to the Appalachian Trail in time for the Damascus Sheriff’s department to apprehend Mr. Crocker.”

Special Agent Karl Jurgusson continued “There is also no evidence that Mr. Crocker had involvement in a drug trafficking scheme – other than second-hand information.”

With the PEBA playoffs on the cusp of beginning, George Crocker is freed to resume his job as the Aurora Borealis host the opener of Divisional Round with Kalamazoo in a few days. When asked for a comment, Crocker would only say, “Me! George Crocker - I put Kzoo on the map!” a reference, no doubt, to his short playing career with the Badgers.

Aurora GM, William Topham, the deceased-owners half-sibling, has been silent up to this point, but in speaking on behalf of the family and Golden Entertainment, said “We are focused as an overall Organization on the task at hand – that being the Kalamazoo Badgers. Once the postseason is past us – hopefully after the PEC, we will address the hole in the baseball organization.” When he was asked if he would take over at the top, he replied with a brisk “Nocomment”.
Michael Topham, President Golden Entertainment & President-CEO of the Aurora Borealis
2019, 2021, 2022, 2023 PEBA Champions
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Re: Adios, Junior

#2 Post by Arroyos »

The PEBA bodies are beginning to stack up!
Bob Mayberry
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Re: Adios, Junior

#3 Post by DrewV »

What a thriller! The Tophams could have their own HBO miniseries.
Drew Visscher (GM Ricky McCoy) | Duluth Warriors
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Re: Adios, Junior

#4 Post by Borealis »

Harpoon wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:43 pm What a thriller! The Tophams could have their own HBO miniseries.
It almost feels that with, with George Crocker playing the roll of Greg, and Junior that of Tom...
Michael Topham, President Golden Entertainment & President-CEO of the Aurora Borealis
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Re: Adios, Junior

#5 Post by Apollos »

Arroyos wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:24 pm The PEBA bodies are beginning to stack up!
Feel like it’s been a rough year to have been associated with the PEBA for sure :-o
Brian Hazelwood - GM, Tempe Knights
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