what would you have done

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what would you have done

#1 Post by ScottH »

Really curious about what you guys would have done in this situation that happened to me Friday night/Saturday morning.

My street was a pretty rough area for our town (which has very little crime) with some rental houses and being close to the university campus. But it had really calmed down the last few months. During the pandemic I've had a couple weapons in different rooms just in case, and I have had them out three times the last year.

3:30 am Saturday I wake up to a sound that makes me think I left a window open and the blinds are blowing. As I get out of bed I realize the sound is coming from my front door and I can see the handle is turning. The dead bolt keeps the door locked. Then, someone starts knocking on the door and turning the handle. I grab and load a shotgun and go to the door. There's a heavy door and a screen/storm door. When they stop turning the handle I unlock and open the door and point my shotgun right at the individual.

It's a young woman, maybe early 20's. Years ago she would have been a "person of interest" as we single guys used to say. She has nothing in her hands, no shoes on her feet. She's saying nothing. She reaches for the handle of the storm door but I grab and hold it shut while holding my weapon on her. She doesn't even blink, just stares right at me like she doesn't see the weapon aimed at her chest. I holler, "You have the wrong house. Go home." She says she wants to come in. I repeat, "Go home!" I shut and lock the heavy door and call the police. I got some adrenalin going at this point. She begins ringing the doorbell continuously.

Less than a minute I got a police car and a deputy sheriff outside so I unload my weapon and go outside. She seems pretty out of it. About 6 blocks from where she says she lives. They get her in a car and talk to her then take her away.

What would you guys have done? Call police before you open the door. Not open the door? Ask her if she needs help?

Yesterday I start feeling kind of bad about not doing more for her. I tell my sister-in-law that the young woman seemed a bit lost. No shoes, no phone. She's out of it. I didn't even ask her if she was hurt or trying to get away from someone. My sister-in-law spoke to a couple officers and they got the report on the gal. It includes a second report stating the next day the police were back at her place because her 4-year-old was walking around in the street and nobody else was home.

Now, what would you do if someone is at your door at 3:30 am? Honest guys. This really happened. And, here in South Dakota, so many people never use their locks. It's amazing.
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Re: what would you have done

#2 Post by Borealis »

Well, I hate to be this way, but as an older guy, I think you made the right choice. I think we all would prefer to offer the 'damsel in distress' assistance, but there are probably more guys who end up in legal trouble than receiving medals of honor in circumstances like that...

Again, I hate being that way, but as a wise sage once said, 'the world has moved on'...
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Re: what would you have done

#3 Post by MikeB »

It’s actually not terribly unusual. I had an inlaw relative with Alzheimers that was going into people’s homes.
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Re: what would you have done

#4 Post by Hitmen »

Think you made the right moves.

A lot is situational as well, you have protection. When the riots began in Chicago this past year (front of our building is a store front), all I could do was watch the security feeds like a hawk.

Calling the cops was the smart move; and like you, I would never have exited the home or let the person in. Can’t harm asking a question or two, but from the sounds of it, it wouldn’t have gotten you anything.

I remember seeing a disturbing video recently on one of my social media feeds of a man who came to someone’s door at an odd hour and started knocking then ringing the door bell.

The owner spoke to them (eventually after hoping they would just leave) on their ring doorbell camera. The man who was clearly disturbed then spoke to the camera like it was someone random and explained how he wanted to come inside and rape and kill everyone.. then he casually walked away into the night. Very disturbing. But he was at the door ringing and knocking for a good 10+ minutes, explaining in detail everything he was going to do.
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Re: what would you have done

#5 Post by Alleghenies »

We have instincts for a reason. You assessed that she wasn't in danger herself, but maybe a danger to you. Then you called the police to then come resolve said conflict.
I don't know your profession, but honestly what were you going to do invite her in and have a conversation and a drink with her and try and solve her problem?
Gregory Abcarian
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