2033 Draft Chat Log

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2033 Draft Chat Log

#1 Post by Borealis »

Mike - Borealis 9:23 AM
Testing… Testing… is this mic working… Would the Gentleman from Bakersfield please put the bowling balls away…

Reg - Trendsetters 9:24 AM

Greg - Alleghenies 9:25 AM
What is a peba draft without bowling balls

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:26 AM
Such anger!
How do I make that clip disappear? It’s very disturbing.

Scott-Duluth 9:27 AM
I will admit to watching both bowling and midget wrestling as a youngster

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:27 AM
you had me at midget wrestling

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 9:29 AM
The irony is that bowling balls began to be brandished at the draft only AFTER Reno was no longer the Tenpinners! :man-shrugging:

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:29 AM
I am just adding text
To make that angry man disappear
Off the top of my screen!
Ah, success. He evaporated.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 9:30 AM
That’s no way to talk about our commissioner!

Ken - Farstriders 9:30 AM
the florida delegation has arrived... we're wearing shin guards this year looks at bakersfield menacingly

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:31 AM
Arlington has arrived, and we're ready to draft the future

Evan - Underground 9:32 AM
Anyone care for a spot of tea? :flag-gb:

Scott - Zephyrs 9:32 AM

Ken - Farstriders 9:32 AM
i would but streets made it clear we can only have four loko

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:32 AM
File from iOS
File from iOS

Scott - Zephyrs 9:33 AM
Bourbon, American Tea!

Scott-Duluth 9:35 AM
Started my day with Woodford Reserve in my coffee while I watch it rain out all the games in the area today.
Nap coming on. Smokey is on alert to handle everything between overall picks 6 through 100.

Mike - Borealis 9:35 AM
How bad is the draft class? Only 22 hitters with a contact of 5 or better… OSA says there is 34…

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:36 AM
slim pickings to be sure. Let us hope the RNG gods bless our picks with positive development

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:36 AM
It's actually fairly realistic to real drafts. Outside of the top guys, the rest are project players you hope can develop

Evan - Underground 9:37 AM
I don't have the budget to earn the favor of the RNG gods of development lol

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:37 AM
yes @Dylan - Wind Dancers but OOTP late picks rarely develop, unless "nudged"

Scott - Zephyrs 9:38 AM
Building through the draft is quite difficult

1 reply
4 days agoView thread

Ken - Farstriders 9:38 AM
looking forward to seeing how the Farstriders' R&D department did with their prospect sorting algorithm...

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:38 AM
Realistic, Dylan? In comparison to what? The defunct MLB ? We need to be better. We need a super draft! We need to be UNrealistic!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:38 AM
It's not like players regularly develop from late rounds IRL.

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:39 AM
true, but look at Zach McKinstry on the Dodgers. I believe he was picked like in the 33rd round, and he made his debut last year and was tearing through the league before his injury

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:40 AM
"tearing through the league" with 7 PA's?

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:40 AM
he had more this season

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:41 AM
58 PA's is no where near enough of a test size

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:41 AM
54 AB's, .296/.328/.556/.883. That's where the injury comes into play (edited)

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:42 AM
And that sample size is no where near enough to consider him a success

Mike - Borealis 9:42 AM
Still… 54 ABs is not an adequate sample size…
Give me 540 and we can talk…

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:43 AM
he was successful, then he strained his oblique

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:43 AM
54 AB's is not success in the majors

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:43 AM
it was certainly a start

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:43 AM
Ohtani hit .190 in 175 last year
Not enough of a sample size

Evan - Underground 9:44 AM
:heart_eyes: Ohtani :heart_eyes:

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:44 AM
He’s a pleasure to watch.

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:44 AM
Crushing it this year

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:44 AM
And regardless, a few players make sense, not regularly.

Marco.C - Calzoneros 9:45 AM
Ready and waiting :grin: #draftday

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:45 AM
I still haven’t seen him pitch in person, but his hitting has been impressive.
Ohtani, that is.

Andy - Harpoon 9:45 AM
we do have a potential Ohtani this draft here

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:45 AM

Scott-Duluth 9:45 AM
It used to be second time through the league was the test. Can the youngster adjust to the adjustments.

Justin - Bureaucrats 9:45 AM
I saw Bryce Harper for the first time in person a few weeks ago. Didn't perform very well, but it was great to see. I'll get a chance to see Fernando Tatis Jr. on Wednesday

Andy - Harpoon 9:46 AM
but knowing OOTP he wouldn't "survive" the development

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:46 AM
Ah, Tatis is dynamite, even when he’s making errors!
San Diego is transformed because of him. And I don’t just mean the Padres.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:48 AM
People constantly praise Ohtani's pitching because he racks up K's and throws hard but ignore that he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if you asked him to

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:49 AM
No, Dylan, he nails that barn broadside exactly 50% of the time!

Andy - Harpoon 9:49 AM
50% of the time he hit it the barn 100%.

Scott - Zephyrs 9:49 AM
I have hometown bias but Shane Bieber has been a plaesure to watch in person

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:50 AM
What hometown is that, Scott?

Scott - Zephyrs 9:50 AM
I also enjoyed Corey Kluber in his prime

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:50 AM
The other half of the time he drills the farmer working in the field 3 blocks away

Scott - Zephyrs 9:50 AM
not Reno

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:50 AM
Too bad. The Aces are a hot club again this year.

Evan - Underground 9:51 AM
I just enjoy watching a decent MLB pitcher whose also able to regularly launch balls like they are $DOGE -> to the moon!

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:51 AM
What does “$DOGE->” mean?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:51 AM
It means you hit your head too many times and aren't thinking clearly

Andy - Harpoon 9:51 AM
it's a cryptocurrency
that went up over the moon in value

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:52 AM
Neither of which I understand, he say, pounding the side of his head.
What makes a currency “crypto”? Does it have cryptonite?'

Ken - Farstriders 9:52 AM
i choose not to think about crypto... whenever i do, i take a tiny pill from the bottle bob gave me and i forget the last five minutes

Andy - Harpoon 9:52 AM
errr, it's like a company stock that somehow went up from say, $0.1 to $1000 per unit.
and I would take cryptonite currency

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:53 AM
I do NOT supply people with bottles of pills! Just soothing, healthy, water!

Ken - Farstriders 9:53 AM
you must have taken one of those pills after you gave me the bottle, bob

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:53 AM
"Somehow" as in it got meme'd into existence and boosted by the whole Gamestop/AMC debacle

Evan - Underground 9:53 AM
It's up 26,000% over the last 6 months

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:53 AM
Company stock … that’s like all the books on shelves at Amazon’s warehouse?

Andy - Harpoon 9:53 AM
as good a description as any

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:54 AM
You guys talk funny.

Andy - Harpoon 9:54 AM
not sure if the Amazon warehouse still have too many books nowaday though.

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:54 AM
The one outside Reno does! More than a million,.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:55 AM
Alright, back to the draft which is starting in 5 minutes

Andy - Harpoon 9:55 AM
Kindle's the thing.

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:55 AM
Close the window if there’s a draft.

Andy - Harpoon 9:55 AM
but I much prefer physical book.

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:55 AM
During the first year of Covid I read 200+ books and only 2 Kindle versions.

Andy - Harpoon 9:55 AM
nothing can replace touching it for real and the smell

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:55 AM

Andy - Harpoon 9:56 AM
and darn 200+ books

Scott - Zephyrs 9:56 AM
200 has to impress even the most avid readers

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:56 AM
What else is retirement good for? Reading and writing. I also finished a novel and started a play and wrote all those PEBA stories.
Of course, I didn’t go out to dinner or socialize or go to any plays or attrend any baseball games.

Lenny- Bears 9:57 AM

Ken - Farstriders 9:57 AM
thats quite a feat, bob! im excited to read your book

Lenny- Bears 9:57 AM

Ken - Farstriders 9:57 AM

Mike - Borealis 9:57 AM
(the doors to the Ballroom swing open and briskly moving to the podium, looking at his watch, is PEBA Commissioner ‘Harry’ Castle)

Lenny- Bears 9:57 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:57 AM
Ken, I will announce when the editing is finished and copies are available.

Hush up, Bob, it’s the Commish!

Mike - Borealis 9:58 AM
Welcome to the Asheville Hotel in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina for the 27th Annual PEBA Draft!
Today we welcome the future stars of baseball!!!
For today’s first day of the draft we will attempt to complete 5 rounds, and GMs will be allotted approximately 5 minutes to make their top two round selections, with further rounds limited to approximately 2 minutes. We strongly encourage you (‘Harry’ looks at his watch, again), in the best interests of the league, to be prepared and make your selections with diligence and speed. Keeping an updated list is StatsLab is always a solid plan – especially if you will be absent or miss a pick.
Selections are to be made in StatsLab, by selecting the player you want to draft and clicking the draft button. You may very well need to refresh your browser when it’s your turn.

Marco.C - Calzoneros 9:59 AM
:muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

Mike - Borealis 9:59 AM
If you anticipate missing a turn – or will be leaving, please inform Dylan so we can be prepared to move forward quickly. I will, for the first time ever, have to bail early today, so please do your part to make things easy for Dylan – he’s the champion behind the scenes!

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:59 AM
Go Dylan!

Mike - Borealis 9:59 AM
Slack will announce your pick in this channel, but PLEASE feel free to make that announcement yourself, as you see fit, and please discuss picks freely as I’m sure we ALL have opinions…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:00 AM
Who … us?

Dan - Ghosts 10:00 AM
No, us!

Michael - Malts 10:00 AM
Let’s get it!

Lenny- Bears 10:00 AM
Yes us.

Mike - Borealis 10:00 AM
Dylan will be processing the selections behind the scenes, and we will attempt to give teams a heads up when they are ‘on-deck’ and ‘in-the-hole’, so do try to be aware and following things so we can move as quickly as possible – ‘be present’. Be patient with the Win-D’s and Borealis picks, as we try to juggle two jobs here… Always try to have a back-up plan in the event the guy you are ‘locked in on’ is taken…

Lenny- Bears 10:00 AM
Wait…whos us?

Kevin - Evas 10:00 AM
Good luck everyone!

Andy - Harpoon 10:00 AM
my opinion is that everyone should pass till #14 (edited)

Mike - Borealis 10:00 AM
Lastly, if you have an export to make, please have it sent before we finish tomorrow’s Day 2…
I think I’ve covered everything – any other questions or comments?

Dan - Ghosts 10:01 AM
At your mark, commish.

Jaime - Kalamazoo 10:01 AM
Kalamazoo has arrive. It looks like the plane had a bumpy landing and the GM hit his head on the headrest in front of him.

Mike - Borealis 10:01 AM
With no further ado – I declare the 2033 PEBA Draft Live:
The Niihama-shi Ghosts are on the clock… the Yuma Arroyos are on deck… and the Tempe Knights are in the hole…

Dan - Ghosts 10:01 AM
With the first selection of the 2033 PEBA Amateur Draft, the Niihama-shi Ghosts select Curtin University standout John MacVurich out of Scotland. We don't know where he'll play but it will be at least in one place.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:01 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:01 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select 3B John MacVurich

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:01 AM

Lenny- Bears 10:01 AM
Shocked I say Shocked.

Ron - Akira 10:01 AM
There goes my draft list

Andy - Harpoon 10:01 AM
his nickname is Split, super fitting

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:01 AM
3rd in my mock draft

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:01 AM
So much for any drama around the 2-way player.
StatsLabAPP 10:01 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Michael Farmer

Kevin - Evas 10:02 AM
Most interesting player in the draft
Nice high floor.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:02 AM
Yuma picks a starting pitcher. Yawn.

Andy - Harpoon 10:02 AM
ooo a Farmer

Dan - Ghosts 10:02 AM
I'll take the free reliever while I suffer his terrible defense.

Brian - Tempe 10:02 AM
Tempe selects SP Tetsui Suzuki. But I need someone to enter it for me ;)

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:02 AM
Nice pick solid SP

Andy - Harpoon 10:02 AM
Yuma putting the farmer in the farm

Scott - Zephyrs 10:02 AM
2,3,1 according to my scout
StatsLabAPP 10:02 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.3: The Tempe Knights select P Tetsui Suzuki

Mike - Borealis 10:02 AM
List pick…

Ron - Akira 10:02 AM
Do you have a plan when you're trading him to Kevin?

Lenny- Bears 10:02 AM
Ok now it’s shot for me.
StatsLabAPP 10:03 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 3B Rien Leeuwenburgh

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:03 AM
@David - Claymores

Mike - Borealis 10:03 AM
My top guy still on the board…

Ken - Farstriders 10:04 AM
same here, mike! top 3 still available for me...

Mike - Borealis 10:04 AM
Scottish up, Duluth on deck

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:04 AM
We’ll get them soon enough, boys!

Dan - Ghosts 10:04 AM
The top of this board is not well agreed upon.

Lenny- Bears 10:04 AM
No it is not

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:05 AM
Makes life more interesting.

Ken - Farstriders 10:05 AM
thats definitely true... i think 10 different teams could have had the number 1 pick with 10 different selections...

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:06 AM
The Scottish are on list pick, Dylan.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:06 AM
Yep, but we need to make sure he wants auto'd first
There are a lot of people on Auto/List that are actually here

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:06 AM
He’s a rookie

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:06 AM
But he’s not on line.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:06 AM
Or rather they were
You can be online on mobile without the light being on
I'll auto at 1:08
Round 1, people get the time they need no matter what

Ken - Farstriders 10:07 AM
makes sense to not force an auto pick at #5...

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:07 AM
I hope he means 10:08

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:07 AM
Nope, you have to wait 3 hours Bob

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:07 AM
Nap time!

Greg - Alleghenies 10:07 AM
Bob stop by, I am lighting joint #3

Lenny- Bears 10:07 AM
The meds slow down time.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:08 AM
The nurse won’t let me out of this computer room, else I loose computer privileges for the day!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:08 AM
Alright picking for him
StatsLabAPP 10:08 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.5: The Scottish Claymores select SS Yoichibei Miura

Evan - Underground 10:08 AM
The sim reaper becomes the draft reaper

Lenny- Bears 10:09 AM
Good pick.. Not high on my list. :slightly_smiling_face:

Mike - Borealis 10:09 AM
Duluth up, Bears on deck

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:09 AM
Highest infielder on my list.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:10 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:11 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.6: The Duluth Warriors select P Will Taylor

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:11 AM
6th in my list

Dan - Ghosts 10:11 AM
Good pick Duluth

Mike - Borealis 10:11 AM
Bake up… CST on deck…

Dan - Ghosts 10:11 AM
Two years in a row with an excellent pick in the top of the draft.

Kevin - Evas 10:11 AM
I like that one too

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:11 AM
Will Taylor, or Won’t Taylor?
StatsLabAPP 10:12 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.7: The Bakersfield Bears select RF Marvin Alvarez

Scott-Duluth 10:12 AM
Hmm. On list pick . Not sure why I had to manually do it.
Blame the bourbon coffee

Brian - Tempe 10:12 AM
I thought for sure Taylor was gonna be my guy at 3

Mike - Borealis 10:12 AM
Charleston up, Codgers on deck

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:13 AM
@Jason - Statesmen

Michael - Malts 10:13 AM
We in the 3rd round yet :sweat_smile:

Mike - Borealis 10:13 AM
Manchester in the hole…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:13 AM
He may not be here, it's 2am in Korea

Evan - Underground 10:13 AM
Prime drafting time

Andy - Harpoon 10:13 AM
1am my place
I am trading health for picks

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:13 AM
Yea but you are a mad man Andy

Greg - Alleghenies 10:13 AM
I am thinking Manchester will pick the guy I want at 21

Andy - Harpoon 10:14 AM
Bob's the real mad man

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:14 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:14 AM
Bob, mad? Never. The drugs keep me happy.

Scott - Zephyrs 10:14 AM
You can drink without guilt Andy!

Andy - Harpoon 10:15 AM
hopefully you don't mean the Yuma water.
StatsLabAPP 10:16 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.8: The Charleston Statesmen select 2B Maurice Page

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:16 AM
so apparently, the guy I just picked is "Unknown" nationally, but on a local level is "Extremely Popular". Never seen that before

Dan - Ghosts 10:16 AM
Nice pick there, too.

Ken - Farstriders 10:16 AM
nice pick. i like maurice

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:16 AM
maurice good

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:16 AM
Local pop should still be for their current feeder team

2 replies
Last reply 4 days agoView thread

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:16 AM
That's why

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:16 AM
Ok. Time to look at this year’s draft pool

Mike - Borealis 10:16 AM
Codgers up, MAN on deck… London in the hole

Greg - Alleghenies 10:16 AM
Some people call me Maurice....

Mike - Borealis 10:17 AM
I’m a joker, I’m a smoker, I’m a midnight toker…

Evan - Underground 10:17 AM
Looking like I am going to still have my pick of the litter at 11...makes me more nervous than if a bunch of my guys were gone lol

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:18 AM
Sorry, Evan, we are not picking pups out of a litter.

Mike - Borealis 10:18 AM
I’m with you Evan - with just a supp pick and then a 4th, I feel so much pressure not to screw up that first one…

Evan - Underground 10:18 AM
That's the difference between you and I, Bob

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:18 AM
What? You’re picking dogs?

Andy - Harpoon 10:19 AM

Greg - Alleghenies 10:19 AM
I feel no pressure as I an letting all my guys go back in draft except pick 21 and 56 (for 1st 3 rounds)

Evan - Underground 10:19 AM
If I get lucky my second choice at 11 will still be there at 19 but only a fool believes in luck

Greg - Alleghenies 10:19 AM
I am not even giving them a hat.

David - Claymores 10:19 AM
sorry, guys, was having dinner, at least got the top guy i wanted

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:20 AM
Dinner? At 10 am?

Ken - Farstriders 10:20 AM
the scottish do things a little differently

David - Claymores 10:20 AM
6pm hear

Mike - Borealis 10:20 AM
That’s like 6pm in the UK…

Greg - Alleghenies 10:20 AM
Bob doesn't do timezones

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:20 AM
You need to move to a later time zone, David.

Patrick - Havana 10:20 AM

Evan - Underground 10:20 AM
Bob also doesn't draft dogs. Something must be up with the water there..

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:20 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 1 minute
StatsLabAPP 10:20 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Mark Stanford

David - Claymores 10:21 AM
@Yuma i like knowing the future before others

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:21 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:21 AM
Is that the Mark Stanford out of Cal?

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:21 AM
But by the time it arrives on your doorstep, it’s already history,

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:21 AM
Nice pick

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:21 AM

David - Claymores 10:21 AM
Happy with my SS

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 10:21 AM
Hi all.

Evan - Underground 10:21 AM
Well guaranteed to get one of the two guys I want now at 11, at least

Mike - Borealis 10:21 AM
@Jeff Dudas - Maulers up, London on deck, @Reg - Trendsetters in the hole

Greg - Alleghenies 10:22 AM
I actually think Evan might take my guy. His scout and mine if I am correct think alike

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 10:22 AM
I’m driving kids around to sports today, so a bit here and there. Will try to be on for my picks

Evan - Underground 10:23 AM
I think you are right Greg but I am going a bit off list possibly here

Mike - Borealis 10:23 AM
You’re about 23 away @Frank - Amsterdam Lions

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 10:23 AM
Currently freezing at my daughter’s ice skating lessons

Mike - Borealis 10:23 AM
OH… been there, done that…

Greg - Alleghenies 10:24 AM
I made sure my kids do nothing outside in winter or cold indoor sports.

Kevin - Evas 10:24 AM
Alright. I need to bounce. No picks on the agenda this year.
Good luck to everyone. Lots of solid picks so far.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:24 AM
The nurses won’t let us have ice skates. Or kids.

Andy - Harpoon 10:24 AM
bye Kevin

Greg - Alleghenies 10:24 AM
Later Kevin.

Ken - Farstriders 10:24 AM
bye kevin

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 10:24 AM
Spring baseball can be pretty cold too
StatsLabAPP 10:24 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.10: The Manchester Maulers select LF Ivan Terrezas

Greg - Alleghenies 10:24 AM
My kids don't play baseball, but that is because oldest hated it so much poisoned the well for the youngest

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:25 AM
Poison! Greg, don’t drink that stuff.

Buy Colorado River Water.

Mike - Borealis 10:25 AM
@Evan - Underground up…

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 10:25 AM
I’m going to draft better this year because I’m less prepared

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:26 AM
I like that attitude.

Mike - Borealis 10:26 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters on deck…San Anton in the hole

Greg - Alleghenies 10:26 AM
My friend is in Colorado for weekend and I told them to bring me a vile of it home, they looked at me like I was from Mars. I guess they just don't know

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 10:26 AM
Only those who know, know

Dan - Ghosts 10:26 AM
Is a vile a unit of measurement of Colorado River Water?

Evan - Underground 10:26 AM
After much consideration during the last few minutes I have decided to follow my scout's lead and select #2 on my draft board. From just up north of Her Majesty's England (though currently pitching for Hosei University)...
StatsLabAPP 10:26 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.11: The London Underground select P Andrew Bevan

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:26 AM
i think it's Vial

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:27 AM
No, Vail, Colorado.

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 10:27 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:27 AM
Vail is vile.

Dan - Ghosts 10:27 AM
Vail is not Vile!

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:27 AM
Yes it is!

Ken - Farstriders 10:27 AM
nice pick evan

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:27 AM
I almost took Bevan with my pick

Reg - Trendsetters 10:27 AM
working on my pick now

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:27 AM
Vail is expensive

Dan - Ghosts 10:27 AM
I hear it's pretty overpriced so maybe you're right.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:27 AM
It’s an environmental disaster.

7 replies
Last reply 4 days agoView thread

Mike - Borealis 10:28 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters up… Calzones on deck, Hartford in the hole

Dan - Ghosts 10:28 AM
Evan likes the Bevan pick, no kidding.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:29 AM
Guys I just noticed an issue....SA’s pick at 13 should belong to PS

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:30 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:30 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Lou Long

Evan - Underground 10:30 AM
While the sun does sadly set on the British Empire of 2033, I am pleased to be able to bring in a gentleman who still resides within the Empire. Even if he is a Scot..

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:30 AM
I'm just looking at the same thing

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:30 AM
It was fixed in game but not in Statslab apparently

Greg - Alleghenies 10:31 AM
Someone is getting fired !!!!

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:31 AM

Cristian - Dinosaurs 10:31 AM
Damn was hoping Long would fall. Good pick

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:31 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:31 AM
We’re firing Danny? Never!

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:31 AM
What do we do?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:31 AM
I'll update it, one sec
Okay we're good

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:32 AM
Sorry i just noticed it now

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:32 AM
Nice work, Dylan!

Greg - Alleghenies 10:32 AM
@Dylan - Wind Dancers is our hero

Evan - Underground 10:33 AM
Dylan Dylan he's our man if he can't do it nobody can (in a timely fashion at least)

Andy - Harpoon 10:33 AM

David - Claymores 10:33 AM
more pay for @Dylan - Wind Dancers

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:33 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:33 AM
Not in-game because I don’t see that in my file…

Dan - Ghosts 10:33 AM
Double his pay!

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:33 AM
Yuma will donate a case of river water to Dylan … as well as any of our draft picks tomorrow!

Mike - Borealis 10:34 AM
There’s a reason we post things for review…
Just saying…

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:34 AM
Now unfortunately NO took the obvious next pick, so I have to do some research

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:34 AM
Oh, heavens, no, Denny. Don’t stoop to research! Intuition, man, intuition.

Ken - Farstriders 10:35 AM
gotta go with your gut
for instance: funniest name

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:35 AM
Or your head or your heart or … yeah, something silly like names!

Ken - Farstriders 10:35 AM
you are guaranteed the funniest name at this point in the draft

Reg - Trendsetters 10:35 AM
the "awesome name mock draft" was great a few years ago

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:35 AM
Sieb Angelbeek!

Ken - Farstriders 10:36 AM
we need to do it again!

Reg - Trendsetters 10:36 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:36 AM
It's been 5 minutes since I updated the pick

Mike - Borealis 10:36 AM
tick… tick… tick… Denny…

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:36 AM
Hang on

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:36 AM
Sadly, Denny is trying to do research. What that can possibly mean, no one knows.

Andy - Harpoon 10:37 AM
the world's biggest roulette wheel with 1000 numbers

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:37 AM
Yee haw!

Evan - Underground 10:37 AM
Denny is working on a trade to move the recently fixed pick back to the Calzones

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:37 AM
When in doubt, pick a dutch player

Mike - Borealis 10:37 AM
I say Masaharu Suzuki, #1230 in my list…

Ken - Farstriders 10:37 AM
the dutch are clutch

Dan - Ghosts 10:37 AM
Just ask Vinnie de Brouwer!

Greg - Alleghenies 10:37 AM
You have a list that long?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:37 AM
Favorite name in this draft is Guido Westerbos (edited)

Greg - Alleghenies 10:37 AM
I don't even have 1 on my list

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:37 AM
Ah, sweet Vinnie!

Patrick - Havana 10:38 AM
the dutch are clutch, we know that much but if you need a win hire a Finn!

Dan - Ghosts 10:38 AM
Shady Vinnie!

Andy - Harpoon 10:38 AM
Suzuki would be 1st round pick in a beard draft
StatsLabAPP 10:38 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.13: The Palm Springs Codgers select 3B Bill Johnson

Ken - Farstriders 10:38 AM
i only have 1162 on mine

Mike - Borealis 10:38 AM
I just export the whole class, sort it, and upload it…

Reg - Trendsetters 10:38 AM
@Patrick - Havana nice :smile:
StatsLabAPP 10:38 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.14: The Hartford Harpoon select P James Berridge

Scott - Zephyrs 10:38 AM
50 more picks before my 1st pick

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:38 AM
Too bad, Denny,you let sense ruin your drafting day.

Dan - Ghosts 10:39 AM
Good pick there, Andy.

Mike - Borealis 10:39 AM
Best pick right there…

Greg - Alleghenies 10:39 AM
Nice pick

Evan - Underground 10:39 AM
The first reliver off the board, yeah?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:39 AM
@Duane - KyT - Thoroughbreds

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:39 AM
There go the relievers!

Andy - Harpoon 10:39 AM
thank you Berri much

Evan - Underground 10:39 AM
First reliever off the board is always a stud

Andy - Harpoon 10:39 AM
now to sleep till 3rd round

Mike - Borealis 10:40 AM
He was my #1… a little winter ball and he’s a quality starter…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:40 AM
The second third and fourth relievers ain’t too shabby neither.

Evan - Underground 10:40 AM
For sure..

Ken - Farstriders 10:40 AM
even fifth!

Andy - Harpoon 10:40 AM
winter ball is my line of thought exactly (edited)

Evan - Underground 10:40 AM
My scouts absolute pure favorite of the draft is still out there, even if he isn't my absolute pure favorite

Mike - Borealis 10:40 AM
@Mike - Coqui on deck… CST and @Cristian - Dinosaurs to follow…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:41 AM
My #3 is still out there. And WV will 100% pick him

Andy - Harpoon 10:41 AM
I don't know which supplementary pick of WV is from me, but I am interested in who is picked there.

Mike - Borealis 10:41 AM
I knew Berridge was never getting past the Win-D’s…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:41 AM
Not if you tell me who he is and I pick him BEFORE Greg! @Dylan - Wind Dancers

Andy - Harpoon 10:41 AM
darn WV has so many supp. 1st and 2nd

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:42 AM
He bought them.

Greg - Alleghenies 10:42 AM
I tried to trade them
StatsLabAPP 10:42 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select 1B Doug Knox

Dan - Ghosts 10:42 AM
@Andy - Harpoon I'll refer you to the compensatory free agent discussion.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:42 AM
The unsignable Mr. Knox.

Mike - Borealis 10:42 AM
@Mike - Coqui up…
@Cristian - Dinosaurs in the hole

Dan - Ghosts 10:43 AM
Dang, very good pick, @Duane - KyT - Thoroughbreds

Andy - Harpoon 10:43 AM
I feel like my scout is biased toward 18 yo
never rate them high

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:43 AM
That’s an awfully big hole with the Dinosaurs in it.

Greg - Alleghenies 10:43 AM
I like Knox

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:43 AM
Thank you, I made it for him

Dan - Ghosts 10:43 AM
He might be an "ability" guy, Andy

Evan - Underground 10:43 AM
Well they fit pretty neatly since they're all bones

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:44 AM
Did SJ Mike say something about not being around?

Evan - Underground 10:44 AM
I don't recall him saying anything today, which is sort of the same thing

Dan - Ghosts 10:45 AM
He said he'd miss today

Andy - Harpoon 10:45 AM
I get that Dan but my scout just doesn't grade 18 yo too well in the past either lol, but I guess for 18 yo it's a gamble and accuracy be darned

Dan - Ghosts 10:45 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:45 AM
Thanks @Dan - Ghosts

Evan - Underground 10:45 AM
18 year olds are a gamble both in development and, my least favorite game; "will they even sign?"
StatsLabAPP 10:45 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.16: The San Juan Coqui select P Barry Rodriguez

Andy - Harpoon 10:45 AM
oh yeah

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:45 AM
Knox won’t sign,.

Andy - Harpoon 10:45 AM
true on that
StatsLabAPP 10:46 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.17: The Charleston Statesmen select SS Jose Ordonez

Andy - Harpoon 10:46 AM
knox is extremely hard for me

Evan - Underground 10:46 AM
Signability is one of my draft list categories for that reason haha

Ken - Farstriders 10:46 AM
barry is good there. another WB guy

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:46 AM
I'm glad they got rid of impossible though

Dan - Ghosts 10:46 AM
Knox would sign with us, so the game says.

Andy - Harpoon 10:46 AM
Ordonez is nice.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:46 AM
Anyone can technically sign

Andy - Harpoon 10:46 AM
future golden glove

Greg - Alleghenies 10:46 AM
He will sign just a lot of money

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:46 AM
If you pay enough

Mike - Borealis 10:47 AM
@Cristian - Dinosaurs up and London on deck… Yuma in the hole…
StatsLabAPP 10:47 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select LF Jordan MacNeil

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:47 AM
Not always. I offered 2 18 year olds DOUBLE what they were asking last year and both said no.

Andy - Harpoon 10:47 AM
double ain't enough

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:47 AM

Dan - Ghosts 10:47 AM
Maybe they needed some water, Bob.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:47 AM
Damn! I needed MacNeil.

Evan - Underground 10:47 AM
Yeah I don't have the money to pay those foolish kids

Andy - Harpoon 10:48 AM
oh I like this pick

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:48 AM
Christian is now on my reaping list. Watson had one hell of a career

Dan - Ghosts 10:48 AM
MacNeil is a very nice pick there.

Evan - Underground 10:48 AM
Alright well my second choice at 11 is still here so this is easy enough

Ken - Farstriders 10:48 AM
surprised macneil made it that long

Andy - Harpoon 10:48 AM
super well-rounded

Greg - Alleghenies 10:48 AM
So close

Cristian - Dinosaurs 10:48 AM
Is it me or are all the higher ranked OF's in this class all poor fielders.... MacNiel won me over because of his bat and my scout thinks he can jump right to A ball....but not loving the defensive range....

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:48 AM
surpirsed MacNeil lasted this long

Ken - Farstriders 10:49 AM
you're right cristian... its an oddity for sure

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:49 AM
McNiel is an easy WB candidate and he'll be a good fielder

Andy - Harpoon 10:49 AM
yeah the high ranked OFs are alll batting-first it seems

Mike - Borealis 10:49 AM
I had McNeil at 8…
@Evan - Underground you’re up

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:49 AM
Yuma is itching on deck.

Andy - Harpoon 10:50 AM
calm your itch

Evan - Underground 10:50 AM
Playing for the Notre Dam Fighting Evangelists and hailing from the big apple...
StatsLabAPP 10:50 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.19: The London Underground select C Mike Roberts

Mike - Borealis 10:50 AM

Andy - Harpoon 10:50 AM
first C off the board

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:50 AM
Yuma grabs an outfielder before they’re all gone.
StatsLabAPP 10:50 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.20: The Yuma Arroyos select CF Oniji Kichikawa

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:50 AM
i still have 6 players left on my board. impressive

Andy - Harpoon 10:51 AM
nice range Oniji

Mike - Borealis 10:51 AM
OK @Greg - Alleghenies
@Lenny- Bears on deck…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:51 AM
He’s gonna need it in Yuma’s outfield.

Patrick - Havana 10:52 AM
Bummed about Mike Roberts being off the list. Was hoping to get him. When I was a kid, had a buddy Mike Roberts whom we nicknamed 'Boo' Wanted to draft Roberts just to pin his proper nickname to him. "Boo' Roberts was a great guy.

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:52 AM
I would draft Boo Radley, if he’d ever get off his porch,.

Greg - Alleghenies 10:52 AM
Sorry guys pick coming up.

Brian - Tempe 10:52 AM
Evan the dream crusher

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:53 AM
Patrick maybe you can bribe London to give him the appropriate nickname

Patrick - Havana 10:53 AM
LOL I thought about it...

Evan - Underground 10:53 AM
Now that is an excellent idea Denny

Andy - Harpoon 10:53 AM
just trade for him down the line

Evan - Underground 10:53 AM
$500,000 for nicknaming rights
Or better yet, Bob Gorman vs Nickname rights for Mike Roberts. I can put it on the forum right now (edited)

Mike - Borealis 10:55 AM
We need to pick up the pace, folks - 8 picks left in round 1 and we are already at an hour…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:55 AM
I think Greg is smoking again.
StatsLabAPP 10:55 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.21: The West Virginia Alleghenies select LF Yo Ito

Mike - Borealis 10:55 AM
*almost at

Ken - Farstriders 10:55 AM
thats who i figured greg was going to take... good fit in wv

Patrick - Havana 10:55 AM
Sometimes you gotta just let go. Something along the lines of : "Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."

StatsLabAPP 10:55 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Austin Moore

Mike - Borealis 10:55 AM
@Lenny- Bears up…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:55 AM
If he signs. Maybe Greg has enough money to persuade him.

Mike - Borealis 10:56 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters in the hole

Andy - Harpoon 10:56 AM
just write a rap
name it Yo, Ito

Evan - Underground 10:56 AM
Buy a Cameo from Scott Hall
"Hey yo..."
StatsLabAPP 10:57 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select RF Takeichi Kobayashi

Patrick - Havana 10:57 AM
Hey Yo, where you going with that ball in your hand?

Mike - Borealis 10:57 AM
@Yuma coming up… @Brian - Tempe coming up

Evan - Underground 10:57 AM
Sadly I doubt Scott Hall makes it to 2033

Reg - Trendsetters 10:58 AM
working on mine now

Brian - Tempe 10:58 AM
Thanks, mike. What pick number am I? 27?

Mike - Borealis 10:58 AM

Brian - Tempe 10:58 AM
Sorry don’t have stats lab open on the road
StatsLabAPP 10:59 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.24: The New Orleans Trendsetters select LF Steve Doss

Andy - Harpoon 10:59 AM
I realize not a lot of good battting infield this year

Ken - Farstriders 10:59 AM
nice reg

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:00 AM
I couldn’t find any, Andy./

Andy - Harpoon 11:00 AM
just defensive stud and..."potential"

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:01 AM
WE have a truckload of those guys already in Yuma.

RJ - Sandgnats 11:01 AM
Howdy all!

Mike - Borealis 11:01 AM
Hey RJ!

Reg - Trendsetters 11:01 AM

Ken - Farstriders 11:01 AM
hi rj!

RJ - Sandgnats 11:02 AM
I'll be working the bar in the back if anyone needs anything ! :beers:

Andy - Harpoon 11:02 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:02 AM
English breakfast tea, RJ! With lotsa honey.
StatsLabAPP 11:02 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.25: The Manchester Maulers select P Hector Velasquez

Mike - Borealis 11:02 AM
We are @Yuma @Brian - Tempe @Yuma and @Greg - Alleghenies coming up

Patrick - Havana 11:02 AM
two Taiwan Boogies and a Purple Haze Reg if you please :slightly_smiling_face: (edited)
StatsLabAPP 11:02 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.26: The Yuma Arroyos select P Jimmy Reynolds

Dan - Ghosts 11:03 AM
I like that pickup Bob

RJ - Sandgnats 11:03 AM
Coming up!

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:03 AM

Dan - Ghosts 11:03 AM
JR will be a fine Yuman.
Even if he was a terrible Texan.

RJ - Sandgnats 11:03 AM
Nice pick @Yuma

Brian - Tempe 11:03 AM
Tempe selects SS Armando Leon

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:03 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:04 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 1.27: The Tempe Knights select SS Armando Leon
PEBA Draft Pick 1.28: The Yuma Arroyos select CF Ryoma Nishimura

Ken - Farstriders 11:04 AM
best fielding CF in the draft

StatsLabAPP 11:05 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.1: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Christopher MacWhirter

Mike - Borealis 11:05 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies up, @Frank - Amsterdam Lions and @Cristian - Dinosaurs coming up

Dan - Ghosts 11:05 AM
Damnit, Greg.
Great pick :rage:

Reg - Trendsetters 11:06 AM
10 picks in the first 5 rounds. hopefully this will help our Trendies come back from the abyss

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:06 AM
That's the guy whose coach benched him for 3 years and he lit up his senior year (edited)

Greg - Alleghenies 11:06 AM
That's why my other pick took so long. Debated between those 2 and who would drop to this pick
StatsLabAPP 11:06 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.2: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select RF Kyle Ferguson
PEBA Draft Pick S1.3: The San Juan Coqui select P James McCoy

Mike - Borealis 11:08 AM
@Frank - Amsterdam Lions

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:08 AM
@Frank - Amsterdam Lions with 2

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 11:08 AM

Mike - Borealis 11:08 AM
@Cristian - Dinosaurs on deck
@Lenny- Bears @Dan - Ghosts after Aurora
StatsLabAPP 11:09 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.4: The Amsterdam Lions select 2B Jimmy Bradford
PEBA Draft Pick S1.5: The Amsterdam Lions select P Jo Takahashi

Ken - Farstriders 11:09 AM
love jimmy there. great picks frank

Cristian - Dinosaurs 11:09 AM
Damn was hoping Bradford would be there....I think he can play SS and also hit
StatsLabAPP 11:10 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.6: The Fargo Dinosaurs select SS Takayuki Yamada

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 11:10 AM
Needs some work to be a star, but could be a solid bench bat if he just does what my scout thinks
I like the versatility

Andy - Harpoon 11:10 AM
yup, really like Yamada's toolset

Cristian - Dinosaurs 11:11 AM
Yeah it's going to be a question if Yamada can hit well enough, but my scout see's him playable in both CF and SS, so safe floor as a bench bat at least.

Scott - Zephyrs 11:12 AM
Somewhere around Yuma's 4th pick in the 2nd round, I need to get serious about my list

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:12 AM
Let me know how I can help, Scott.

Andy - Harpoon 11:13 AM
start by not picking what he wants :thinking_face:

Mike - Borealis 11:13 AM
The Aurora Borealis, with the 35th overall selection take LF Toshinobu Nakao, out of Rikkyo University…
StatsLabAPP 11:13 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.7: The Aurora Borealis select LF Toshinobu Nakao

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:13 AM
Such an Aurora pick

Can't hit homers, but hit's over .300 in college

Ken - Farstriders 11:14 AM
i was thinking that when i saw him in the pool, dylan

Mike - Borealis 11:14 AM
It was Roberts who I had targeted…

Ken - Farstriders 11:14 AM
i was like "oh thats a mike guy"
StatsLabAPP 11:14 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.8: The Bakersfield Bears select P Leon Zamora

Dan - Ghosts 11:14 AM
Extending the reach of the Queen further, the Ghosts select P Blaine Julien out of Windsor, Canada.

StatsLabAPP 11:14 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.9: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Blaine Julien

Dan - Ghosts 11:15 AM
@Lenny- Bears Zamora was my other guy at that spot,

Mike - Borealis 11:15 AM
@Evan - Underground up

Evan - Underground 11:16 AM
Got it, just a sec

Mike - Borealis 11:16 AM
@Ken - Farstriders and @Greg - Alleghenies coming up (edited)

Lenny- Bears 11:16 AM
Friends I have to disappear for a bit. :disappointed: Work….

Mike - Borealis 11:16 AM
Take care Lenny!

Andy - Harpoon 11:16 AM
bye Lenny

RJ - Sandgnats 11:16 AM

Dan - Ghosts 11:16 AM
Later, Lenny!

Ken - Farstriders 11:16 AM
cya lenny!

Patrick - Havana 11:17 AM
adios Lenny!

Lenny- Bears 11:17 AM
Sucks…I love this. But Pandemic Theatre doesnt rest.

Cristian - Dinosaurs 11:17 AM
see ya Lenny

Evan - Underground 11:17 AM
Alright my friends, from the Guantanamo High School

Brian - Tempe 11:18 AM
Please let me know when I’m up
StatsLabAPP 11:18 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.10: The London Underground select P Antonio Mata

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:18 AM
Personality ssuperstar that pick

Evan - Underground 11:18 AM
My favorite kind of prospect

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:18 AM
Best kind of HS prospect

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 11:19 AM
And a lefty to boot

Brian - Tempe 11:19 AM
Should be static in 15 and able to get on statslab

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:20 AM
@Ken - Farstriders is up

Ken - Farstriders 11:20 AM
With the 39th pick in the draft, the Florida Farstriders select center fielder Melvin James out of Winter Springs High School.

Marco.C - Calzoneros 11:20 AM
Guys, my first pick is in the 7th round! I followed the first round! Some very interesting players were picked! Maybe I'll write a comparison between my draft prediction and the actual first round! See you tomorrow!!!

StatsLabAPP 11:20 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.11: The Florida Farstriders select CF Melvin James

Ken - Farstriders 11:20 AM
expensive but id ont have a lot of high draft picks so... why not

Patrick - Havana 11:21 AM
adios Marco!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:21 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies with 2

Greg - Alleghenies 11:21 AM
Well the first pick I make is a very big change from WV past drafts.

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 11:21 AM
I need to run for a bit. May try to check in for my 4th/5th rounders, but otherwise, I'll be on list
StatsLabAPP 11:21 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.12: The West Virginia Alleghenies select C Masashige Hamada

Mike - Borealis 11:22 AM
Grrrrrrrrrrrr…. Never thought he’d make it to 4.1… (edited)

Andy - Harpoon 11:24 AM
4.1 is just too far

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:24 AM
Too 4 (.1)

Greg - Alleghenies 11:24 AM
pick coming soon, I just realized guy I was trying to input was drafted by Tempe

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:25 AM
Typically that is frowned upon

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:25 AM
1.5 hours to get through 1,5 rounds, gotta pick it up

Brian - Tempe 11:25 AM
Let’s trade!

Patrick - Havana 11:25 AM
Dear slack,
US /ˈnev.ɚ/ UK /ˈnev.ər/
not at any time or not on any occasion:
We've never been to Australia.
I've never heard anything so ridiculous.
Never enable notification on this computer.
StatsLabAPP 11:26 AM
PEBA Draft Pick S1.13: The West Virginia Alleghenies select 2B Al MacPherson

Scott - Zephyrs 11:26 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:26 AM
@Yuma with 2

Evan - Underground 11:26 AM
Might want to consider lowering the timer next year. I recall we had a similar pace early last draft as well before people started leaving and list picks sped it up

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:26 AM
To open round 2, Yuma selects the best named player in the draft …

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:26 AM
Just wait until day 2
StatsLabAPP 11:26 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.1: The Yuma Arroyos select SS Sieb Angelbeek

RJ - Sandgnats 11:26 AM
What a name @Yuma

Scott - Zephyrs 11:26 AM

Evan - Underground 11:26 AM
Round 2 yeah always flies by
StatsLabAPP 11:27 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Shuncho Nakagawa

Reg - Trendsetters 11:27 AM
Yuma going for the 'awesome name' approach, I see

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:27 AM
@Brian - Tempe

Brian - Tempe 11:27 AM
Tempe selects SP Eichiro Ogawa
StatsLabAPP 11:27 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.3: The Tempe Knights select P Eichiro Ogawa

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:27 AM
@Justin - Bureaucrats
StatsLabAPP 11:28 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Ken Cole

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:28 AM
@David - Claymores
StatsLabAPP 11:28 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.5: The Scottish Claymores select C Jose Gonzales

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:28 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:29 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.6: The Yuma Arroyos select 2B Mendel de Kok

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:29 AM
Teams are either taking the exact guy I wanted, or someone not even on my list

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:29 AM
A+ name

Ken - Farstriders 11:29 AM
yuma's having a great draft
StatsLabAPP 11:29 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.7: The Manchester Maulers select P Jimmy Walton
PEBA Draft Pick 2.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Nathan Moore

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:29 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:29 AM
@Ken - Farstriders Thank you!

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:29 AM
I think this guy might have a better name than your previous pick Bob

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:30 AM

Andy - Harpoon 11:30 AM
Interceptor what a fitting nickname for a 2B

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:30 AM
Mendel de Kok sounds like a dick joke made in a high school baseball locker room

Ken - Farstriders 11:30 AM
obviously he's dutch... so he's going to be an all-star

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:31 AM
That’s what we’re counting on.
StatsLabAPP 11:31 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Lyndon Hoath

Mike - Borealis 11:31 AM
I was targeting him so de Kok could play with de Kook...

Andy - Harpoon 11:31 AM
dutch uprising

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:31 AM
Boring name, Denny.
Good pitcher, though,.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:31 AM
Well they can’t all be winners

Andy - Harpoon 11:32 AM
not if they go to WV

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:32 AM
Hoath is 21 with the 5-o-clock shadow of a 45 year old

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:32 AM
I was just happy to take a fellow with the nickname “Cabfare” earlier

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:32 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:33 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.10: The Yuma Arroyos select P Fraser MacNaughton
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Re: 2033 Draft Chat Log

#2 Post by Borealis »

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:33 AM
@Evan - Underground
@Reg - Trendsetters up next

Andy - Harpoon 11:33 AM
I am liking the Hosei logo

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:33 AM
It's the real school logo

Dan - Ghosts 11:33 AM
Killing it, Bob, killing it.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:34 AM
The Toyko Big6 is a very real and fun to watch college baseball league

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:34 AM
Thank you, Dan.

Evan - Underground 11:34 AM
Several years ago this man was drafted 51st overall out of HS. He didn't sign for the Codgers that day, went to college where he mashed (although never learned to play 1B like...at all) but here we are at #52 drafting from the Indiana Big Daddies
StatsLabAPP 11:34 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.11: The London Underground select 1B Corey Navarro

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:35 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters

Reg - Trendsetters 11:35 AM
on it

Andy - Harpoon 11:35 AM
big daddy ain't there to learn 1B
he's there to smash

Dan - Ghosts 11:35 AM
Damnit, @Evan - Underground

Patrick - Havana 11:35 AM
Evan again! Dang! My #1 pick
Dreamcrusher indeed

Evan - Underground 11:35 AM
I really have Patrick's number today haha
I think I've disappointed someone with each of my picks, so a successful draft so far :joy:

Patrick - Havana 11:36 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:36 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Ricardo Pineda

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:37 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers

Scott - Zephyrs 11:37 AM
I swear if the 3 guys left that I want go before my pick I am going to auto pick out of spite

Dan - Ghosts 11:37 AM
Back to back Ghosts dream killers... Nice pick @Reg - Trendsetters!

Reg - Trendsetters 11:37 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:37 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.13: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Haywood Pierson

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:38 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies with 2 then a 3rd after KYT

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:38 AM
We may not have a big enough wallet to sign this guy

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:39 AM
I'll trade cash for picks next year

Cristian - Dinosaurs 11:40 AM
Yeah I think he was asking for the most of any player
StatsLabAPP 11:40 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.14: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Sergio Rivera
PEBA Draft Pick 2.15: The West Virginia Alleghenies select 2B Miguel Picado
PEBA Draft Pick 2.16: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Carlos Diaz

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:41 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies once more

Patrick - Havana 11:41 AM
hmmm our list of allies grows thin

Mike - Borealis 11:42 AM
Hey Folks! The Commish has to bow out for now… I may lurk, but with just one more pick for today (4.1), I have unbelievably double-booked myself, so have a good draft day 1 and be speedy!! Help Dylan out by being on top of things!!

Ken - Farstriders 11:42 AM
cya mike
StatsLabAPP 11:42 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.17: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Fernando Sanchez

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:42 AM
Thanks, Mike!

Brian - Tempe 11:42 AM
Bye, Mike - thank you!

Dan - Ghosts 11:42 AM
Bye Mike, and thank you!

Andy - Harpoon 11:42 AM
later Mike!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:43 AM
Dad's gone, y'all are screwed now

StatsLabAPP 11:43 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select C Yoshitsune Maeda

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:43 AM
Ouch. Nice pick.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:44 AM
@Matt - Shisa

Cristian - Dinosaurs 11:44 AM
He was the last decent position player on my list, happy to grab him here for sure.

Mike - Borealis 11:44 AM
Might as well be - my list of crappy players is vanishing..

Andy - Harpoon 11:45 AM
#7 on the OOTP ranking, would be interesting to see if he can make that grading a reality

Greg - Alleghenies 11:45 AM
I thought about him with last pick, but the fact I actually drafted 1 catcher is a miracle, 2, the world would end.

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:47 AM
The crop of catchers seemed particularly thin this year,.

Dan - Ghosts 11:47 AM
@Matt - Shisa?

Greg - Alleghenies 11:47 AM
He is probably sleeping

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:47 AM

Greg - Alleghenies 11:47 AM
He is in China
StatsLabAPP 11:47 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.19: The Okinawa Shisa select P John Murphy

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:48 AM
@Patrick - Havana

Dan - Ghosts 11:48 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:48 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.20: The Havana Leones select P Skip Foster

Dan - Ghosts 11:48 AM
That he went to Okinawa is doubly hurtful. I need to beat at least one team in the RS.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:48 AM
Lenny is gone right?

Evan - Underground 11:48 AM
You're having a rough go of it here Dan

Reg - Trendsetters 11:48 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:48 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.21: The Bakersfield Bears select LF Raul Rodriguez

Ken - Farstriders 11:49 AM
john murphy looks very good... i was concerned about his shoulder

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:49 AM
Oh baby

Scott - Zephyrs 11:49 AM
edge of my seat

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:49 AM
Well gentlemen, it's time
The legend continues. Son of HoF and PEBA legend Rob Raines, nephew of SS Royce Raines, the 3rd in the Raines line of baseball players LF Reggie Raines
StatsLabAPP 11:49 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.22: The Toyama Wind Dancers select LF Reggie Raines

Brian - Tempe 11:49 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:49 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.23: The Reno Zephyrs select SS Vincent Taylor

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:49 AM
All name, no talent.

Brian - Tempe 11:50 AM
Good pick there

Scott - Zephyrs 11:50 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:50 AM
True, but that name is worth CP

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:50 AM
Great glove, Scott!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:50 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters

Reg - Trendsetters 11:50 AM
working on it now

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:51 AM
Mike put the newest Raines story in motion 3 seasons ago

Mike - Borealis 11:51 AM
AND.., I don't think anyone ever made the connection in four seasons...

Dan - Ghosts 11:51 AM
Hah, I missed it for sure.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:52 AM
He's even from Arlington

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:52 AM
Me too,.

Mike - Borealis 11:52 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:52 AM
Born in 2014 while Rob was having his best ever season in Arlington (edited)

Mike - Borealis 11:52 AM
We were hoping someone would notice...
StatsLabAPP 11:52 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.24: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Luis Cerda

Cristian - Dinosaurs 11:53 AM
Alright guys, I'm running out for a couple errands, Will hopefully be back for another pick or so. Good luck ya'll
StatsLabAPP 11:53 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.25: The Yuma Arroyos select CF Jesus Mercado

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:53 AM
AND born on the 4th of July, the kid bleeds red, white, and blue

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:53 AM
That sounds unpleasant.

Mike - Borealis 11:53 AM
And is headed to Japan.. :joy:

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:53 AM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo
StatsLabAPP 11:53 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.26: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Akira Nakagawa

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:54 AM
He's heading to Japan to fix his colored blood issue
StatsLabAPP 11:54 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 2.27: The Yuma Arroyos select C Hikaru Fujii
PEBA Draft Pick 2.28: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select RF Torvald Bouwman
PEBA Draft Pick 2.29: The Yuma Arroyos select P Jose Figueroa

Jaime - Kalamazoo 11:55 AM
My pick better let me sign him. I spent my only pick in the first 3 rounds on him

Brian - Tempe 11:55 AM
Darn, Bouwman was my next pick

Dan - Ghosts 11:55 AM
2x Platinum Stick Awardee!
StatsLabAPP 11:55 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.1: The Yuma Arroyos select 3B Roberto Matta

Reg - Trendsetters 11:55 AM
just throw hella money at him. eventually it might stick

Evan - Underground 11:55 AM
Yuma takes the first pick not in my top 157 with Fujii
StatsLabAPP 11:56 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.2: The Yuma Arroyos select 2B Alex Miller

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:56 AM
@Brian - Tempe

Mike - Borealis 11:56 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:56 AM
Why do you cheer him?
StatsLabAPP 11:57 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.3: The Tempe Knights select P Jack Ring

Mike - Borealis 11:57 AM
He was a feeder name change four years ago... let's call it artistic license...

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:57 AM
Ah, nice.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:57 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies

Dan - Ghosts 11:58 AM
@Brian - Tempe Ring is a nice consolation prize, next guy on my board,

Brian - Tempe 11:58 AM

Dan - Ghosts 11:59 AM
Sounds like he should be a boxer.

Mike - Borealis 11:59 AM

Roberto Matta
Roberto Sebastián Antonio Matta Echaurren (Spanish pronunciation: [roˈβeɾto ˈmata]; November 11, 1911 – November 23, 2002), better known as Roberto Matta, was one of Chile's best-known painters and a seminal figure in 20th century abstract expressionist and surrealist art.

1 reply
4 days agoView thread
StatsLabAPP 11:59 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.4: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Alberto Martinez

Scott - Zephyrs 12:00 PM
1 pick in the first 120 selections makes for a slow draft.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:00 PM
@David - Claymores
StatsLabAPP 12:01 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.5: The Scottish Claymores select LF Ronald Collins

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:01 PM

Patrick - Havana 12:01 PM
too bad Ron's not still a GM, would have been fun to see Ron Collins select Ron Collins :)

StatsLabAPP 12:02 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.6: The Yuma Arroyos select LF Brandon Scragg

Reg - Trendsetters 12:02 PM
haha , Patrick , I was just thinking that!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:02 PM
@Evan - Underground

David - Claymores 12:02 PM
Right i'm off for night, set to auto to keep things moving

Evan - Underground 12:02 PM
From the UAB Dragons
StatsLabAPP 12:02 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.7: The London Underground select SS Thomas Galindo

Reg - Trendsetters 12:02 PM
hve a good evening, David!

Dan - Ghosts 12:02 PM
Cheers, David
StatsLabAPP 12:02 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Brant Metcalf

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:02 PM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers

Patrick - Havana 12:02 PM
adios David!
StatsLabAPP 12:04 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Tadamichi Jouon

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:04 PM
Picking for Madison as he requested (edited)
StatsLabAPP 12:04 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.10: The Madison Malts select LF Adam Barnes

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:04 PM
@Evan - Underground

Evan - Underground 12:05 PM
From Kisarazu Sogo HS a contender for best name of the draft (he's Dutch, of course)
StatsLabAPP 12:05 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.11: The London Underground select P Guido Westerbos

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:05 PM
There it is
My favorite name

Dan - Ghosts 12:05 PM
@Michael - Malts nice pickup at this point in the draft. And there goes Evan picking my top guy again...

Mike - Borealis 12:05 PM
He's a GOT guy!!

Evan - Underground 12:06 PM
Is that three times now Dan? lol

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:06 PM
@Reg - Trendsetters

Dan - Ghosts 12:06 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:06 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select SS Thomas Johnston

Andy - Harpoon 12:06 PM
darn it, I wanted Westerbos

Evan - Underground 12:06 PM
My scout has your scout's number even more than Greg's

Dan - Ghosts 12:07 PM
Joke's on you, I don't trust my scout
StatsLabAPP 12:07 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.13: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Mike Travis

Evan - Underground 12:07 PM
Guido is gonna be tough to sign anyway so you'll have another chance in a few years

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:08 PM
@Andy - Harpoon
StatsLabAPP 12:08 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.14: The Hartford Harpoon select RF Kenny O'Herlihy

Mike - Borealis 12:09 PM
Keep Rolling Guys!!!
StatsLabAPP 12:09 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select RF Carlton Andrews
PEBA Draft Pick 3.16: The San Juan Coqui select P Salvador Robles

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:10 PM
@Cristian - Dinosaurs
I think he's out running errands
StatsLabAPP 12:11 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.17: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Doug Averett
PEBA Draft Pick 3.18: The Manchester Maulers select RF Jim Daly

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:11 PM
@Dan - Ghosts
StatsLabAPP 12:11 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.19: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Antonio Garcia
PEBA Draft Pick 3.20: The Havana Leones select P Yoriyoshi Taniguchi
PEBA Draft Pick 3.21: The Bakersfield Bears select 2B Jesse Oglethorpe

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:12 PM
@Ken - Farstriders

Evan - Underground 12:12 PM
After all these years Dan you get Antonio Garcia back :wink:

Ken - Farstriders 12:12 PM
thanks bakersfield...
StatsLabAPP 12:13 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.22: The Florida Farstriders select 2B Don Orr

Reg - Trendsetters 12:13 PM
I had been debating between Oglethorpe and Johnston for my last pick

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:13 PM
@Evan - Underground

Dan - Ghosts 12:13 PM
Risky pick up for Manchester, bringing in 75 year old alcoholic former golf pro Jim Daly in.

The lesser known Daly.
StatsLabAPP 12:15 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.23: The London Underground select 3B Keith Thompson

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:15 PM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers

Andy - Harpoon 12:16 PM
I like Thompson

Evan - Underground 12:16 PM
I don't think his contact will ever get to where it needs to be but if it does he could be a sleeper success
StatsLabAPP 12:17 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.24: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Ichiro Takeuchi

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:17 PM
@Yuma with 2

Andy - Harpoon 12:17 PM
yeah, that's my thought if I were to draft him
StatsLabAPP 12:17 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.25: The Yuma Arroyos select 3B Shigetoki Fukuda

Andy - Harpoon 12:17 PM
just hope he gets his contact up to an acceptable level
StatsLabAPP 12:18 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.26: The Yuma Arroyos select 3B Alfredo Dominguez

Dan - Ghosts 12:18 PM
Sounds vaguely profane

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:18 PM
@Ken - Farstriders
StatsLabAPP 12:19 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 3.27: The Florida Farstriders select P Robert Haines
PEBA Draft Pick 3.28: The Yuma Arroyos select RF Hui-ying Yang

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:19 PM
@Mike - Borealis

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:20 PM
Believe it or not, Yuma has no picks in round 4. Nap time!

Ken - Farstriders 12:20 PM
florida's done for the day. yard work, ho!

Mike - Borealis 12:20 PM
Give me a sec
StatsLabAPP 12:22 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.1: The Aurora Borealis select C Carmine Miller

Evan - Underground 12:23 PM
Mike finally gets his catcher

Mike - Borealis 12:23 PM
Here's hoping he looks good in-game...
I needed one...
StatsLabAPP 12:23 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.2: The Duluth Warriors select P Joe George

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:23 PM
@Brian - Tempe
StatsLabAPP 12:23 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.3: The Tempe Knights select LF Elton Dwennon

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:23 PM
@Justin - Bureaucrats
StatsLabAPP 12:24 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select RF Mitsuhide Nii
PEBA Draft Pick 4.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Robin Carroll
PEBA Draft Pick 4.6: The Manchester Maulers select P Paul Hay
PEBA Draft Pick 4.7: The Charleston Statesmen select LF Koji Matsuoka

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:24 PM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:25 PM
Argh all my picks just got taken!
StatsLabAPP 12:26 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.8: The Palm Springs Codgers select RF Jon Holloway

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:27 PM
@Michael - Malts
StatsLabAPP 12:27 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.9: The Madison Malts select SS Billy Steward

Dan - Ghosts 12:27 PM
Denny nice drafting today

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:27 PM
@Evan - Underground
StatsLabAPP 12:27 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.10: The London Underground select 2B Roberto Lopez

Michael - Malts 12:27 PM
Yay! I made it back in time to make a pick

Dan - Ghosts 12:28 PM
Evan your board has been straying

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:28 PM
@Reg - Trendsetters

Reg - Trendsetters 12:28 PM
on it
StatsLabAPP 12:28 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.11: The New Orleans Trendsetters select CF Tommy Murdoch

Evan - Underground 12:29 PM
My board has been what Dan?
StatsLabAPP 12:29 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.12: The Arlington Bureaucrats select C Yorikane Morita

Evan - Underground 12:29 PM
Straying from the path of stealing your picks?

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:29 PM
@Andy - Harpoon

Dan - Ghosts 12:30 PM
Yes, Evan, I'm somehow disappointed.

Andy - Harpoon 12:30 PM
give me some time

Evan - Underground 12:30 PM
Well I am sorry to somehow disappoint you

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:31 PM
I think Evan is spreading the player-stealing around

Dan - Ghosts 12:31 PM
That's something, at least.

Evan - Underground 12:31 PM
I have lots of guys left but they all pretty much fall into the "well, I hope this blindfolded dart throw works out"
Think I am going to bail after my next pick
StatsLabAPP 12:31 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.13: The Hartford Harpoon select LF Bill Jenkins
PEBA Draft Pick 4.14: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select LF Royce Greene
PEBA Draft Pick 4.15: The London Underground select P Ramon Pena

Dan - Ghosts 12:33 PM
Nooo Royce Green

Evan - Underground 12:33 PM
Switching over to list pick, gonna bounce. Was fun hanging out today, bye everybody! :flag-gb:

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:33 PM
@Frank - Amsterdam Lions

Dan - Ghosts 12:33 PM
Later Evan!

Reg - Trendsetters 12:34 PM
cya Evan!

Michael - Malts 12:34 PM
Later Evan!

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:34 PM
Bye Evan!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:34 PM
Frank appears to still be out

Brian - Tempe 12:34 PM
Good ye, dream crusher :facepunch:
StatsLabAPP 12:34 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.16: The Amsterdam Lions select P Jose Montano
PEBA Draft Pick 4.17: The Fargo Dinosaurs select C Kiyonobu Takahashi

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:34 PM
I only had one pick this fourth round....felt real strange

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:34 PM
@Michael - Malts
StatsLabAPP 12:35 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.18: The Madison Malts select CF Masahiko Takata

Mike - Borealis 12:35 PM
After a slow start - we're rolling!!

Michael - Malts 12:35 PM
Thank you sir
StatsLabAPP 12:35 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.19: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Jordan Morgan
PEBA Draft Pick 4.20: The Havana Leones select P Joe Taylor
PEBA Draft Pick 4.21: The Bakersfield Bears select P Brad Flynn
PEBA Draft Pick 4.22: The Toyama Wind Dancers select 2B Sergio Gonzalez

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:38 PM
@Scott - Zephyrs

Brian - Tempe 12:38 PM
Alright guys I’m off to list, moving again. See you all tomorrow! :wave:
Thanks, Dylan

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:39 PM
Later Brian (edited)

Reg - Trendsetters 12:39 PM
cya Brian

Patrick - Havana 12:40 PM
adios Brian!

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:40 PM
Bye Bri

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:42 PM
Hmm, Scott is on list but is online
StatsLabAPP 12:43 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.23: The Reno Zephyrs select CF Noboru Fujita

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:43 PM
@Reg - Trendsetters
StatsLabAPP 12:43 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.24: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Owen Goater
PEBA Draft Pick 4.25: The Manchester Maulers select 1B Joshua Stewart

Michael - Malts 12:44 PM
Man late start for me this 1st day. Excited to see what’s left over for tomorrow though (edited)

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:44 PM
@Ron - Akira

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:45 PM
The charred smoking remnants of the draft pool

Ron - Akira 12:45 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:45 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.26: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select SS Thom Reed

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:45 PM
@Dan - Ghosts

Greg - Alleghenies 12:45 PM
Nice pick

Ron - Akira 12:45 PM
Came up fast
StatsLabAPP 12:46 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.27: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Hector Pacheco

Ron - Akira 12:46 PM
Exactly who I was taking
StatsLabAPP 12:46 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.28: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Rafael Mendoza

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:47 PM
@Greg - Alleghenies

Dan - Ghosts 12:47 PM
Sorry Ron
StatsLabAPP 12:47 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 4.29: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Liam Gamble

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:47 PM
@Yuma with 2

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:48 PM
He awakens from his nap just in time!
StatsLabAPP 12:48 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.1: The Yuma Arroyos select CF Shimpei Hatsutori
PEBA Draft Pick 5.2: The Yuma Arroyos select SS Inejiro Hayashi

Dan - Ghosts 12:49 PM
Ok guys, the Ghosts are out of picks for the day. Best of luck to everyone!
StatsLabAPP 12:49 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.3: The Tempe Knights select RF Kiyomori Mori

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:49 PM
@Greg - Alleghenies

Yuma:palm_tree: 12:50 PM
That’s it for Yuma as well. Thanks all. See you bright and early tomorrow!
StatsLabAPP 12:50 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.4: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Paul Sanders

Scott - Zephyrs 12:51 PM
Sorry, I stepped away for 5 min. I got my guy though.
StatsLabAPP 12:51 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Fred Marshall
PEBA Draft Pick 5.6: The Manchester Maulers select 1B Hideaki Arai
PEBA Draft Pick 5.7: The Charleston Statesmen select C Jason Bain

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:51 PM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers
StatsLabAPP 12:52 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.8: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Steve Murdock

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:52 PM
Finally the guy I had lined up was still available for once
StatsLabAPP 12:52 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.9: The Madison Malts select P Iemitsu Kato

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:52 PM
Steve Murdock and his big dumb fastball and slider
StatsLabAPP 12:53 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.10: The London Underground select SS Adrian Gutierrez

Michael - Malts 12:53 PM
And done for the day! Ugh.. sorry I wasn’t more active today guys! See you all tomorrow!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:53 PM
@Reg - Trendsetters
StatsLabAPP 12:53 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.11: The New Orleans Trendsetters select CF Millard Petty

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:54 PM
@Greg - Alleghenies
StatsLabAPP 12:56 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.12: The West Virginia Alleghenies select LF Joshua MacLaine

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:57 PM
@Andy - Harpoon

Greg - Alleghenies 1:00 PM
@Dylan - Wind Dancers I threw it on list for my last 2 picks in the round

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 1:01 PM
I am going to step out I think....no more picks this round :man-shrugging:
Farewell until tomorrow! :airplane_departure:
StatsLabAPP 1:01 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.13: The Hartford Harpoon select 3B Marcos Gomez
PEBA Draft Pick 5.14: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Bob Kirk
PEBA Draft Pick 5.15: The San Juan Coqui select P Marvin Ruddle
PEBA Draft Pick 5.16: The Amsterdam Lions select P Juan Nunes

Andy - Harpoon 1:02 PM
wow thankfully i got someone on my list
StatsLabAPP 1:02 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.17: The Fargo Dinosaurs select C Tom Schmidt

Dylan - Wind Dancers 1:02 PM
@Ron - Akira

Ron - Akira 1:03 PM
StatsLabAPP 1:03 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.18: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Kisho Kamuta

Dylan - Wind Dancers 1:03 PM
@Reg - Trendsetters

Reg - Trendsetters 1:05 PM
on it
StatsLabAPP 1:06 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.19: The New Orleans Trendsetters select C Hector Hernandez
PEBA Draft Pick 5.20: The West Virginia Alleghenies select 2B Elton Peyto
PEBA Draft Pick 5.21: The Bakersfield Bears select P Leon Vega
PEBA Draft Pick 5.22: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Wendell Phillips

Dylan - Wind Dancers 1:07 PM
@Scott - Zephyrs

Cristian - Dinosaurs 1:07 PM
Popping back in. Are we going through 7 rounds today or just 5?
StatsLabAPP 1:07 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.23: The Reno Zephyrs select CF Roberto Padilla

Dylan - Wind Dancers 1:07 PM
Just 5

@Reg - Trendsetters

Reg - Trendsetters 1:07 PM
working on mine now

Scott - Zephyrs 1:08 PM
we really picked up speed. nice job Dylan!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 1:08 PM
Tomorrow will be quick. Everyone on list or auto will get picked for right away. So if you want to pick manually, have those off

Jaime - Kalamazoo 1:09 PM
Do we get an export today? Or is that tomorrow?

Scott - Zephyrs 1:09 PM
thanks for another great draft day!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 1:09 PM
StatsLabAPP 1:10 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.24: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Isei Yano
PEBA Draft Pick 5.25: The Duluth Warriors select P Matt Taylor

Dylan - Wind Dancers 1:11 PM
@Jaime - Kalamazoo with 2
StatsLabAPP 1:11 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.26: The Kalamazoo Badgers select SS Kinji Akiyama
PEBA Draft Pick 5.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Brad Allen

Ron - Akira 1:12 PM
StatsLabAPP 1:12 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 5.28: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Kenneth McLean
PEBA Draft Pick 5.29: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Adam Thomson

Reg - Trendsetters 1:13 PM

Ron - Akira 1:13 PM
Thx Dylan

Dylan - Wind Dancers 1:13 PM
Alright, Round 6 will continue tomorrow @channel

Reg - Trendsetters 1:13 PM
same bat time, same bat channel

Greg - Alleghenies 1:13 PM
Thanks dylan

Cristian - Dinosaurs 1:13 PM
Thanks Dylan, pretty smooth day 1

Ron - Akira 1:13 PM
I have 20 hrs to decide

Scott-Duluth 1:16 PM
Good job guys.

RJ - Sandgnats 1:17 PM
Well done!

Andy - Harpoon 1:26 PM
good job on the smooth day 1

Mike - Coqui 2:10 PM
About an hour late.
Looks like got some underdeveloped pitchers but four with high ceilings.

Dan - Ghosts 2:36 PM
I picked a terrible year to tank.

Mike - Coqui 3:04 PM
Not sure where we find the draft prospect ranking full list but going by stars, I scored with my first two picks. Not so much ranking-wise. But got a PR native top so all good.

Dan - Ghosts 3:59 PM
I'm not sure that list is published anywhere

Dan - Ghosts 4:14 PM
While "splits" is a solid name for a two way guy, I kinda want to redub MacVurich something like Baron or Lord.
Willing to accept input. Any of our monarchical friends have input, @Evan - Underground?

Evan - Underground 4:16 PM

Jason - Statesmen 4:32 PM
I just woke up. I think I got good results. :beers:

Dan - Ghosts 4:40 PM
Jason, my scout thinks Maurice Page was a steal

Dylan - Wind Dancers 4:40 PM
You basically signed your (hopefully) future middle infield pairing

Jason - Statesmen 4:41 PM
@Dan - Ghosts @Dylan - Wind Dancers Thanks :i_love_you_hand_sign:

Dylan - Wind Dancers 4:42 PM
I think MacNeil to Fargo at 18 was the biggest steal (edited)

Evan - Underground 4:44 PM
I think this is the happiest I've been with a haul of prospects after day 1

Dan - Ghosts 4:46 PM
@Dylan - Wind Dancers if not it's close.

Jason - Statesmen 4:47 PM
@Evan - Underground and me have similar tastes when choosing draft picks. Mata was my #5.

Dan - Ghosts 4:47 PM
Evan I was lying about your picks being coveted by Niihama. Since we're friends and you're in a rough spot with a terrible draft class, we'll buy them all off you.

Evan - Underground 4:51 PM
I'll think about it
Ok I thought about it. No.

Signing this many guys I like will set us back a bit though :joy: (edited)

Dylan - Wind Dancers 5:42 PM
I think this was the least amount I've spent on a draft unintentionally. Which sucks because I need to spend some cash.

Mike - Borealis 5:43 PM
Lesson about the draft - just go with the f-ing list… That was a horrible end-round I called…

Justin - Bureaucrats 8:40 AM
I think this will be the most I'll spend on a draft. Years of avoiding the dreaded "($)" now to give in to my urges for a good farm system

Dylan - Wind Dancers 8:47 AM
@channel Early reminder, rounds 6-20 will kick off in 1 hour 15 minutes. You will be given about 1-2 minutes to make your pick, at most. ANY person with AUTO or LIST pick on will be auto'd right away. If you want to choose your pick MANUALLY, deselect both of those options.

Mike - Coqui 9:19 AM
Lots of decent Puerto Ricans in the middle rounds.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 9:23 AM
Justin, it doesn’t really hurt much to take the $ guys in the first five rounds....worst case scenario they don’t sign, and you get another pick the next year

Lenny- Bears 9:23 AM
Let’s do this.
Some soild autopicks yesterday….not too mad. :slightly_smiling_face:

Marco.C - Calzoneros 9:33 AM
Hi everyone:blush:

Dan - Ghosts 9:35 AM
Hey Marco!

Lenny- Bears 9:35 AM
Mr. M!

Mike - Borealis 9:35 AM
Hey Marco!!

Lenny- Bears 9:39 AM
FYI. NOT hungover today. :slightly_smiling_face: (edited)

I know everyone was wondering.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 9:45 AM
A bad sign for your drafting prospects Lenny

Dan - Ghosts 9:50 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers I think the compensation for unsigned draft picks only goes through round 3 is PEBA, or am I wrong?

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:54 AM
I have extra waffles for anyone who’s hungry!:waffle::waffle:

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 9:54 AM
Oh, you might be right. It used to be through round 5
Was changed a few years ago

Dan - Ghosts 9:54 AM
@Mike - Borealis?

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 9:55 AM
In my head it’s still 2025!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:55 AM
I'm pretty sure it's still 5 rounds, and that's a game feature (edited)
Oh wait
You mean comp stuff

Dan - Ghosts 9:56 AM
I remember it being through round 5 - or at least I know that was the OOTP default at least fairly recently, but then I also recall an in game message saying through round 3.
Yeah for unsigned picks.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 9:56 AM
IDK why I was thinking about draft pick signing

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 9:56 AM
I know you no longer get a comp pick after round 3 nowadays

YouTubeYouTube | SquidwardTentacles90
Living In The Past-Jethro Tull

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:59 AM
:teapot: Tea, anyone?

Mike - Borealis 9:59 AM

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 9:59 AM
I'll be on auto today, guys. Draft list is ready to go. Have fun!

Mike - Borealis 9:59 AM
Everyone remember the rules of engagement?

Yuma:palm_tree: 9:59 AM
And away we go!

Ken - Farstriders 9:59 AM
no retreat... no surrender

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:00 AM
Engagement? I’m not engaged.

Frank - Amsterdam Lions 10:00 AM
2 months salary is it?

Mike - Borealis 10:00 AM
I believe Dylan will go ahead and make selections for those on Auto…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:00 AM
@channel Reminder, if you don't want to be auto'd, turn off auto/list

Mike - Borealis 10:00 AM
Which means, Yuma will be on the clock…

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:00 AM
Kicking off round 6

Mike - Coqui 10:00 AM
I will start with list but may click off as we go

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:00 AM
Tic toc!

Mike - Borealis 10:00 AM
Then Codgers and NO…
StatsLabAPP 10:00 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.1: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Kane Womack
PEBA Draft Pick 6.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Stan Norman

Dan - Ghosts 10:01 AM
Top of my list too, strong start by NT
StatsLabAPP 10:01 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.3: The Tempe Knights select LF Bartho Schoof

Ken - Farstriders 10:01 AM
ahhhh the knuckler!
it was only a matter of time
StatsLabAPP 10:01 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Mal Schmidt

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:01 AM
Waited as long as I could.
StatsLabAPP 10:01 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.5: The Scottish Claymores select 2B Antonio Garza

Reg - Trendsetters 10:01 AM
waited too long

Mike - Borealis 10:02 AM
Florida and codgers after me

RJ - Sandgnats 10:02 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:02 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.6: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Curt Merrill
PEBA Draft Pick 6.7: The Manchester Maulers select P Pat Nicholson
PEBA Draft Pick 6.8: The Charleston Statesmen select SS John Caldwell

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:02 AM
We’ve been after you for years Mike!

StatsLabAPP 10:03 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Yoshiaga Nakashima
PEBA Draft Pick 6.10: The Madison Malts select CF Tim Davis

Andy - Harpoon 10:03 AM
oh crap this is fast
StatsLabAPP 10:03 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.11: The London Underground select P Tommy Martinez

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:03 AM
15 rounds to get through

Evan - Underground 10:03 AM
Won't be able to make it today gents. Am set to list pick already. Best of luck!
StatsLabAPP 10:03 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select 2B Freddy Liriano

Patrick - Havana 10:04 AM
nice touch on the pick labeling ("PEBA Draft Pick n.n") ; helps with following where we are in the draft

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:04 AM
I was too Leary of him to pick him.
StatsLabAPP 10:04 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.13: The Aurora Borealis select SS Bobby Leach

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:04 AM
Nickname: BLeach

Dan - Ghosts 10:04 AM
So you decided to Stan your ground?

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:05 AM
Stan an fi.

Dan - Ghosts 10:05 AM
Bobby Leach sounds like a Miami discount car salesman.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:05 AM
@Ken - Farstriders

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:05 AM

Lenny- Bears 10:06 AM
He is

Mike - Borealis 10:06 AM
He’s who you go to is you need a little blood letting

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:06 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:06 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.14: The Florida Farstriders select P Roberto Rodriguez

Mike - Borealis 10:06 AM
@Ken - Farstriders up

Dan - Ghosts 10:06 AM
@Lenny- Bears and is likely to remain so being drafted in PEBA's 6th round.
StatsLabAPP 10:06 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Tsugumichi Kobayashi
PEBA Draft Pick 6.16: The San Juan Coqui select RF Darrell Barnes

Reg - Trendsetters 10:07 AM


Mike - Borealis 10:07 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers up

Dan - Ghosts 10:07 AM

StatsLabAPP 10:07 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.17: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Emerson MacDonald

Mike - Borealis 10:07 AM
@Matt - Shisa up

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:08 AM
@Cristian - Dinosaurs is up

Mike - Borealis 10:08 AM
Cristian is set at list

Cristian - Dinosaurs 10:08 AM
Signing in actually

Mike - Borealis 10:08 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:08 AM
Not on my screen

Mike - Borealis 10:08 AM
It just refreshed (edited)

Cristian - Dinosaurs 10:09 AM
Should be just 30 secs

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:09 AM
You boys stop your quibbling!

Mike - Borealis 10:09 AM
The solution to quibbling - an appointment with Dr. Leach…

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:10 AM
And the good doctor’s favorite “solution”? BLeach!

Mike - Borealis 10:10 AM
Nothing like a little blood-letting to calm the souls

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:10 AM
Calm you right into purgatory.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:11 AM
judge judy (897 kB)
https://media0.giphy.com/media/l46Cgctd ... y.gif&ct=g

Shared with the Giphy shortcut | GIF by Lifetime Telly

Mike - Borealis 10:11 AM
@Cristian - Dinosaurs….

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:11 AM
Who or what is that old lady spanking? (edited)

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:11 AM
1-2 minutes MAX to pick
StatsLabAPP 10:11 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select CF Juan Coronado

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:11 AM
@Matt - Shisa
Matt is in China right?

Cristian - Dinosaurs 10:12 AM
Sorry about that.

Reg - Trendsetters 10:12 AM
I believe so

Mike - Borealis 10:12 AM
Maybe that’s Jason

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:12 AM
Jason is Korea, Matt is China

Reg - Trendsetters 10:12 AM
yeah and he's set on 'do not dusturb' so he likely won't get the notification if we ping him here
StatsLabAPP 10:12 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.19: The Okinawa Shisa select P David Truscott

Mike - Borealis 10:13 AM
And my first selected before me…

Reg - Trendsetters 10:13 AM
to be fair, it's an automatic thing when it's overnight

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:13 AM
Always plan for that, Mike.

Ron - Akira 10:13 AM
Love having the first pick of a day

Dan - Ghosts 10:13 AM
@Ron - Akira it was a nice pickup for R6
StatsLabAPP 10:14 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.20: The Aurora Borealis select P Hyobe Miura

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:14 AM
@channel Reminder to those joining late, if you want to pick manually TURN OFF auto/list or you will get auto'd

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:14 AM
Next season, Ron, I’ll swap you first pick of days two for your first round pick!0

Dan - Ghosts 10:14 AM
I like Denny's pick too

Mike - Borealis 10:14 AM
@Lenny- Bears up
StatsLabAPP 10:14 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.21: The Havana Leones select LF Johnny Densmore
PEBA Draft Pick 6.22: The Bakersfield Bears select SS Motoichi Yamada

Mike - Borealis 10:14 AM
@RJ - Sandgnats coming up

RJ - Sandgnats 10:15 AM
I should be on my list...
StatsLabAPP 10:15 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Bill Frederick
PEBA Draft Pick 6.24: The Reno Zephyrs select P Raul Martinez
PEBA Draft Pick 6.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select P Chris Peoples
PEBA Draft Pick 6.26: The Yuma Arroyos select 1B Terry Frost

Reg - Trendsetters 10:16 AM
Chris "Man Of The" Peoples

RJ - Sandgnats 10:16 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:16 AM
A first for Yuma: drafting a first baseman!

Mike - Borealis 10:17 AM
@Ken - Farstriders up
StatsLabAPP 10:17 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select RF Timmy Eenkhoorn
PEBA Draft Pick 6.28: The Florida Farstriders select 1B Tadataka Murakami

Mike - Borealis 10:17 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers heads up

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:17 AM
@Ron - Akira You are on auto, did you want to pick manually?

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:17 AM
That darn Havana took someone from my list

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:18 AM
Which in your planning you no doubt anticipated, right?

Ron - Akira 10:18 AM
No, auto

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:18 AM
Fortunately I have a vast backlog of other marginal prospects to choose from
StatsLabAPP 10:18 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 6.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Doug Wilson
PEBA Draft Pick 6.30: The Arlington Bureaucrats select RF Angel Oliveros
PEBA Draft Pick 7.1: The Duluth Warriors select P Jose Moreno
PEBA Draft Pick 7.2: The Tempe Knights select SS Shoji Matsumoto

Mike - Borealis 10:19 AM
Doug Wilson gave up coaching hockey for his childhood dream - Baseball!
Round 7!
StatsLabAPP 10:19 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.3: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 1B Shimei Saikawa
PEBA Draft Pick 7.4: The Scottish Claymores select P Cameron MacBride
PEBA Draft Pick 7.5: The Duluth Warriors select RF Christopher McGaughey
PEBA Draft Pick 7.6: The Manchester Maulers select RF Ramon Gonzalez
PEBA Draft Pick 7.7: The Charleston Statesmen select CF Ernie Gibson

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:19 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers

Ron - Akira 10:20 AM
Couple of good specs considering it's rd 6
StatsLabAPP 10:20 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.8: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Shojiro Abukara
PEBA Draft Pick 7.9: The Madison Malts select 3B Tomomi Hayashi
PEBA Draft Pick 7.10: The London Underground select 3B Seishiro Ikarashi

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:20 AM
Had to refresh muh browser, heh

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:20 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters
StatsLabAPP 10:21 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.11: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Richard Hughes
PEBA Draft Pick 7.12: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Lucio Domingo

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:21 AM
@Andy - Harpoon

Andy - Harpoon 10:21 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:21 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.13: The Hartford Harpoon select RF Trevor Weijers
PEBA Draft Pick 7.14: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Anthony Maynard
PEBA Draft Pick 7.15: The San Juan Coqui select CF Stu Groves
PEBA Draft Pick 7.16: The Amsterdam Lions select LF Cedric Wilson

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:21 AM
@Cristian - Dinosaurs

Ken - Farstriders 10:21 AM
good ol one dog

StatsLabAPP 10:22 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.17: The Fargo Dinosaurs select RF Herman Martin
PEBA Draft Pick 7.18: The Okinawa Shisa select P Jose Rojas

Mike - Coqui 10:23 AM
Top two guys on my board fell to me, not that I scouted beyond a quick look
StatsLabAPP 10:23 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.19: The Aurora Borealis select P Dave Gregory
PEBA Draft Pick 7.20: The Havana Leones select P Bob Powell

Mike - Borealis 10:24 AM
@Lenny- Bears up
@Ken - Farstriders coming up

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:24 AM
this is moving fast

Mike - Borealis 10:26 AM
@Lenny- Bears…

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:26 AM
As Ferris Bueller said, “drafts move pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Dan - Ghosts 10:26 AM
@Justin - Bureaucrats nice pick at the end of R6
He then went on to rule several hundred acres of African savannah and took several wives.

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:27 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:27 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.21: The Bakersfield Bears select C Fernando Rodriguez

Dan - Ghosts 10:28 AM
Denny that emoji is beautifully well placed.
StatsLabAPP 10:28 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.22: The Toyama Wind Dancers select SS Bill Benson

Mike - Borealis 10:28 AM
Lenny called it - drafts better hungover
StatsLabAPP 10:28 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.23: The Florida Farstriders select SS Ramon Hernandez

Reg - Trendsetters 10:28 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 10:28 AM

Mike - Borealis 10:29 AM
@Yuma on deck
StatsLabAPP 10:29 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.24: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select P Iemochi Matsuoka

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:29 AM
Roger that!
StatsLabAPP 10:29 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.25: The Yuma Arroyos select C Munemori Hara
PEBA Draft Pick 7.26: The Kalamazoo Badgers select 1B Jamy Aalbers

Mike - Borealis 10:30 AM
@Ken - Farstriders
StatsLabAPP 10:30 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.27: The Florida Farstriders select P Mike Reyes
PEBA Draft Pick 7.28: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Trevor Ross

Marco.C - Calzoneros 10:30 AM
The 7th round is :airplane:
StatsLabAPP 10:30 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 7.29: The West Virginia Alleghenies select 2B Alan Chiesman

Mike - Borealis 10:30 AM
Round 8

Dan - Ghosts 10:31 AM
Ghosts select Garry Charron

Greg - Alleghenies 10:31 AM
Damn, I just missed my pick

Mike - Borealis 10:31 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:31 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.1: The Yuma Arroyos select 1B Motoyuki Sanu

Mike - Borealis 10:31 AM
@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers coming up
StatsLabAPP 10:31 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.2: The Tempe Knights select 3B Irving Schut
PEBA Draft Pick 8.3: The West Virginia Alleghenies select 3B Harry Seitzinger

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:31 AM
NT took one of my crappy list guys! shakes fist
StatsLabAPP 10:31 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.4: The Scottish Claymores select CF Reginald O'Sullivan
PEBA Draft Pick 8.5: The Duluth Warriors select RF Owen Dorsey
PEBA Draft Pick 8.6: The Manchester Maulers select 3B Hubert Caldwell
PEBA Draft Pick 8.7: The Charleston Statesmen select SS Kohei Ogawa
PEBA Draft Pick 8.8: The Palm Springs Codgers select LF Corey Thompson
PEBA Draft Pick 8.9: The Madison Malts select P Yasuhiro Kobayashi

Mike - Borealis 10:32 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters
StatsLabAPP 10:32 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.10: The London Underground select RF Kohei Yamauchi

Ken - Farstriders 10:32 AM
irving schut is a good name. not a bad ball player either
StatsLabAPP 10:32 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.11: The New Orleans Trendsetters select RF Michael MacWilliams
PEBA Draft Pick 8.12: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Gilberto Flores

Mike - Borealis 10:33 AM
@Andy - Harpoon

Andy - Harpoon 10:33 AM
on it
StatsLabAPP 10:34 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.13: The Hartford Harpoon select 2B Lorenzo Garcia
PEBA Draft Pick 8.14: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Adrian Dooley
PEBA Draft Pick 8.15: The San Juan Coqui select SS Guillermo Salazar
PEBA Draft Pick 8.16: The Amsterdam Lions select 1B Larry Ryan
PEBA Draft Pick 8.17: The Fargo Dinosaurs select CF Jorge Avalos
PEBA Draft Pick 8.18: The Okinawa Shisa select 1B Claudio Quinonez

Ken - Farstriders 10:37 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:38 AM
@Mike - Borealis

Mike - Borealis 10:38 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:38 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.19: The Aurora Borealis select CF Felipe Ramirez
PEBA Draft Pick 8.20: The Havana Leones select P John McClure

Reg - Trendsetters 10:39 AM
John "Not Troy" McClure

StatsLabAPP 10:39 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.21: The Bakersfield Bears select P Henry O'Day
PEBA Draft Pick 8.22: The Toyama Wind Dancers select CF Tatsukichi Shimizu

David - Claymores 10:39 AM
i'm here but on auto, so will just lurk in the background
StatsLabAPP 10:39 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.23: The Reno Zephyrs select 3B Naosuke Okazaki

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:39 AM
Sorry for the delay in my pick guys, someone was at the door :disappointed:
StatsLabAPP 10:39 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.24: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select LF Earl Bagnell
PEBA Draft Pick 8.25: The Duluth Warriors select P Gonzalo Bueno
PEBA Draft Pick 8.26: The Kalamazoo Badgers select 3B Joe Atkins

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:40 AM
I’ll just go on auto from here on

Greg - Alleghenies 10:40 AM
I am going to make one pick and then go on auto

Ken - Farstriders 10:40 AM
1 sec

Greg - Alleghenies 10:40 AM
So I can say I made a pick today

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:41 AM
Wait a minute....we didn’t even get to my next pick yet! I APOLOGIZED FOR NOTHING

Dan - Ghosts 10:41 AM
The waste!

RJ - Sandgnats 10:41 AM

Andy - Harpoon 10:41 AM
coward, go auto and pick your 20th round

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:41 AM
We’ll give you credit, Denny!
StatsLabAPP 10:41 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.27: The Florida Farstriders select P Miguel Avila
PEBA Draft Pick 8.28: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Ken Sanchez

Dylan - Wind Dancers 10:41 AM
@Greg - Alleghenies
StatsLabAPP 10:42 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 8.29: The West Virginia Alleghenies select LF Ogai Sano

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:42 AM
This preemptive apologizing will make people think I’m Canadian
StatsLabAPP 10:42 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Dave Lopez

Greg - Alleghenies 10:42 AM
Alright guys have a great day

Reg - Trendsetters 10:42 AM
sorry :flag-ca:

Dan - Ghosts 10:42 AM
I'm on list

Greg - Alleghenies 10:42 AM
Happy Mother's day to all your mom

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:42 AM
Ciao, Greg!

Reg - Trendsetters 10:42 AM
cya Greg!

Andy - Harpoon 10:42 AM
see ya

Justin - Bureaucrats 10:43 AM
bye greg!

Mike - Borealis 10:43 AM
See Ya Greg
StatsLabAPP 10:43 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Nikita Stroo

Mike - Borealis 10:43 AM
@Reg - Trendsetters coming up
StatsLabAPP 10:43 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.3: The Tempe Knights select C Kosaku Tanaka
PEBA Draft Pick 9.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 2B Phil Hinojosa
PEBA Draft Pick 9.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Michael Bane
Michael Topham, President Golden Entertainment & President-CEO of the Aurora Borealis
2019, 2021, 2022, 2023 PEBA Champions
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Re: 2033 Draft Chat Log

#3 Post by Borealis »

Reg - Trendsetters 10:44 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:44 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.6: The Duluth Warriors select P Carlos Davila
PEBA Draft Pick 9.7: The Manchester Maulers select LF Takafumi Shimizu
PEBA Draft Pick 9.8: The Charleston Statesmen select SS Cary Rainey
PEBA Draft Pick 9.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select SS Sugimoto Ohayashi
PEBA Draft Pick 9.10: The Madison Malts select CF Aaron Long

Reg - Trendsetters 10:44 AM
damn nvm

StatsLabAPP 10:44 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.11: The London Underground select 3B Luis Chavez

Reg - Trendsetters 10:44 AM
on it

Mike - Borealis 10:46 AM
@Andy - Harpoon coming up

Mike - Coqui 10:46 AM
Duluth muscling in on my Puerto Ricans
StatsLabAPP 10:47 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Melvin Dixon

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:47 AM
StatsLabAPP 10:47 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Nobuatsu Kobayashi

Reg - Trendsetters 10:48 AM
sorry for the delay .... my computer was glitching out trying to select a player

StatsLabAPP 10:48 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.14: The Hartford Harpoon select P Dean Willing
PEBA Draft Pick 9.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Yasuhiro Kurota
PEBA Draft Pick 9.16: The San Juan Coqui select LF Arturo Rodriguez
PEBA Draft Pick 9.17: The Amsterdam Lions select C Shaun Taylor
PEBA Draft Pick 9.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Ray Lortie

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:48 AM
Sure Reg. We know you’re actually driving a racecar
StatsLabAPP 10:48 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.19: The Okinawa Shisa select 1B Torazo Abe

RJ - Sandgnats 10:49 AM
Ray Lortie Jr!

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:49 AM
Never draft and drive! :face_with_monocle:

Michael - Malts 10:50 AM
Man, it’s flying on Mother’s Day

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:50 AM
Never draft and raft!

Ken - Farstriders 10:50 AM
we all got places to be!

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:50 AM
I don’t.

Michael - Malts 10:50 AM
@Ken - Farstriders yup, made me miss most of both days. Not thrilled about it

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:50 AM
Just this tiny computer room.
No mothers to celebrate here.
StatsLabAPP 10:52 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.20: The Aurora Borealis select RF Noboru Yamasaki
PEBA Draft Pick 9.21: The Havana Leones select 1B Nathan Sotelo
PEBA Draft Pick 9.22: The Bakersfield Bears select 1B Ron Poff

Yuma:palm_tree: 10:53 AM
No borrow you, no borrow me Yamasaki!

StatsLabAPP 10:53 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select 2B Iwao Narita
PEBA Draft Pick 9.24: The Reno Zephyrs select P Larry Romero
PEBA Draft Pick 9.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select CF Masaharu Nakagawa
PEBA Draft Pick 9.26: The Yuma Arroyos select P Ricardo Chavez
PEBA Draft Pick 9.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select LF Cliff Ax

Dan - Ghosts 10:54 AM
Cliff Ax, what a badass!
StatsLabAPP 10:54 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.28: The Florida Farstriders select P Edward O'Halloran

Andy - Harpoon 10:54 AM
5/5 name
StatsLabAPP 10:54 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 9.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select 2B Pablo Laro
PEBA Draft Pick 9.30: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select SS Mitsuoki Yamashita
PEBA Draft Pick 10.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Masato Hayashi
PEBA Draft Pick 10.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Tim Parker

Mike - Borealis 10:55 AM
Round 10!

StatsLabAPP 10:56 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.3: The Tempe Knights select P Ernest Smith
PEBA Draft Pick 10.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select SS Edgardo Ramirez
PEBA Draft Pick 10.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Dan Bradley
PEBA Draft Pick 10.6: The Duluth Warriors select P Travis O'Keefe
PEBA Draft Pick 10.7: The Manchester Maulers select 3B Josuke Ogawa
PEBA Draft Pick 10.8: The Charleston Statesmen select SS Mario Ramirez
PEBA Draft Pick 10.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select RF Ubaldo Capasso

Ken - Farstriders 10:56 AM
aww i wanted o'keefe :disappointed:
StatsLabAPP 10:56 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.10: The Madison Malts select C Carl Jessup
PEBA Draft Pick 10.11: The London Underground select 3B Gary Flowers

RJ - Sandgnats 10:57 AM
Lol me too

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:57 AM
Enrico Palazzo

RJ - Sandgnats 10:57 AM
I'm going manual from here on out!

StatsLabAPP 10:57 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Jose Rivera
PEBA Draft Pick 10.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Lee Arbuthnot

Reg - Trendsetters 10:57 AM
just wanted to draft a guy nicknamed 'horseface'

Andy - Harpoon 10:57 AM

Ken - Farstriders 10:58 AM
thats 100% fair

Andy - Harpoon 10:58 AM
the baseball Ronaldinho

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 10:58 AM
RJ I misread that ad “going natural”
StatsLabAPP 10:58 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.14: The Hartford Harpoon select P Brian Carson
PEBA Draft Pick 10.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Roosevelt Clemons
PEBA Draft Pick 10.16: The San Juan Coqui select P Tony Rodriguez

Mike - Borealis 10:58 AM
While Hartford drafts a guy called Brian…
StatsLabAPP 10:58 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.17: The Amsterdam Lions select 1B Raul Sosa

RJ - Sandgnats 10:58 AM
Hahaha @Denny Hills -@Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers
StatsLabAPP 10:58 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 3B Jeff Jones
PEBA Draft Pick 10.19: The Okinawa Shisa select 3B Derek Ladds

Mike - Borealis 10:59 AM
I have watched Jeff Jones go four rounds and was just finally going to take him…

Reg - Trendsetters 10:59 AM
i'm gonna go auto from this point on
** list

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:00 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 11:00 AM
Common @Reg - Trendsetters go natural

Reg - Trendsetters 11:00 AM
no one wants that

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:02 AM
This is why our drafts have the video turned off

StatsLabAPP 11:03 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 10.20: The Aurora Borealis select P Victor Smith
PEBA Draft Pick 10.21: The Havana Leones select P Wilson Webster
PEBA Draft Pick 10.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Albert Salgado
PEBA Draft Pick 10.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select RF Burt Bly
PEBA Draft Pick 10.24: The Reno Zephyrs select P Vaughan Crabtree
PEBA Draft Pick 10.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 1B Jose Salas
PEBA Draft Pick 10.26: The Yuma Arroyos select P Yasushi Raikatuji
PEBA Draft Pick 10.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select LF Walt Frost
PEBA Draft Pick 10.28: The Florida Farstriders select P Ernesto Ramirez
PEBA Draft Pick 10.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select 3B Michael Whittingham
PEBA Draft Pick 10.30: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Ed Conley
PEBA Draft Pick 11.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Yodo Nakayama

Mike - Borealis 11:06 AM
Round 11
StatsLabAPP 11:06 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Kokushi Onishi

RJ - Sandgnats 11:06 AM

StatsLabAPP 11:06 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.3: The Tempe Knights select C Corey Chiasson
PEBA Draft Pick 11.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select RF Ken Owen
PEBA Draft Pick 11.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Luis Perez
PEBA Draft Pick 11.6: The Duluth Warriors select P Jeff Franklin
PEBA Draft Pick 11.7: The Manchester Maulers select 1B Dudley Smith
PEBA Draft Pick 11.8: The Charleston Statesmen select C Javier Carvajal
PEBA Draft Pick 11.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select 3B Shigemasa Taniguchi
PEBA Draft Pick 11.10: The Madison Malts select RF Mike Vera
PEBA Draft Pick 11.11: The London Underground select 1B Declan Kyrle

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:07 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:07 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Sugimoto Saito
PEBA Draft Pick 11.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select 2B Ismael Alvarado

Andy - Harpoon 11:08 AM
on it
StatsLabAPP 11:09 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.14: The Hartford Harpoon select 2B Barney Donaldson
PEBA Draft Pick 11.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select 3B River Edwards
PEBA Draft Pick 11.16: The San Juan Coqui select CF Pablo Pena
PEBA Draft Pick 11.17: The Amsterdam Lions select 3B Frank Smith
PEBA Draft Pick 11.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select P Emilio Garcia
PEBA Draft Pick 11.19: The Okinawa Shisa select P Hidetsugu Kondo
PEBA Draft Pick 11.20: The Aurora Borealis select 3B Ron Rice
PEBA Draft Pick 11.21: The Havana Leones select P Lee Reyes
PEBA Draft Pick 11.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Peter Hill
PEBA Draft Pick 11.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select CF Antonio Chaves
PEBA Draft Pick 11.24: The Reno Zephyrs select P Matthew Wilson

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:15 AM
Stepping out for 1-2 minutes to grab my food

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:15 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:16 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select C Matthew MacGregor
PEBA Draft Pick 11.26: The Yuma Arroyos select P Todd Webber

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:16 AM
Two minutes is a lifetime during the draft!

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:17 AM
Only if you’re as old as we are, Denny!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:17 AM
alright back
StatsLabAPP 11:17 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select LF Lynn Greene

Ken - Farstriders 11:17 AM

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:17 AM
You missed Denny’s whole lifetime, @Dylan - Wind Dancers.

Ken - Farstriders 11:17 AM
how does that happen int he 11th round
StatsLabAPP 11:18 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.28: The Florida Farstriders select 3B Julio Perez

Dan - Ghosts 11:18 AM
I objected to drafting at the edge of a black hole but no one would listen...
StatsLabAPP 11:18 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 11.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select LF Albert Collen
PEBA Draft Pick 11.30: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Ramon Lozano
PEBA Draft Pick 12.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Cobus Kools

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:19 AM
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana

RJ - Sandgnats 11:19 AM
What's that @Dan - Ghosts? I can't quite hear u...

Ken - Farstriders 11:19 AM
wow dan
StatsLabAPP 11:19 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Paco Barbosa

Ken - Farstriders 11:19 AM
that name

RJ - Sandgnats 11:19 AM

Dan - Ghosts 11:19 AM
Haha I know, he got boosted up the list like ten spots :joy:

Mike - Borealis 11:19 AM
Cobus needs a Gang…

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:19 AM
I swear NT has hacked into the Palm Springs prospect list!

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:19 AM
That’s it for me, guys! Hasta luego!
StatsLabAPP 11:19 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.3: The Tempe Knights select C Nobuhisa Ine

Mike - Borealis 11:20 AM
See ya Bob!
StatsLabAPP 11:20 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 1B Kenny Sanders
PEBA Draft Pick 12.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Ed Bowles

Dan - Ghosts 11:20 AM
Bye Bob!
StatsLabAPP 11:20 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.6: The Duluth Warriors select P Ryan Anderson

Marco.C - Calzoneros 11:20 AM

Ken - Farstriders 11:20 AM
bye bob!
StatsLabAPP 11:20 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.7: The Manchester Maulers select 1B Bob Swift

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:20 AM
Bye Mike! Switching to auto.

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:20 AM
Farewell Bob!
StatsLabAPP 11:20 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.8: The Charleston Statesmen select C Jimmy Webber

Yuma:palm_tree: 11:20 AM
Bye all!:wave:
StatsLabAPP 11:20 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select 3B Patrick Reive
PEBA Draft Pick 12.10: The Madison Malts select 1B Jeff Clark
PEBA Draft Pick 12.11: The London Underground select LF Ieyoshi Mori
PEBA Draft Pick 12.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select 1B Pat Paxton
PEBA Draft Pick 12.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Larry Arias
PEBA Draft Pick 12.14: The Hartford Harpoon select LF Ken Neal

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:21 AM
And with the selection of Patrick Reive, my artisanal hand-curated list of draftees has been exhausted
StatsLabAPP 11:21 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select LF Errol Blevins
PEBA Draft Pick 12.16: The San Juan Coqui select P Daryl Castillo
PEBA Draft Pick 12.17: The Amsterdam Lions select C Roberto Rodriguez

Andy - Harpoon 11:21 AM
ieyoshi mori, that's a name straight from the warring states

StatsLabAPP 11:22 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 1B Joseph Chaundler
PEBA Draft Pick 12.19: The Okinawa Shisa select 1B John McMullen

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 11:22 AM
For rounds 13 through 20 I must cast my fate to Statslab’s tender autodrafting mercies
StatsLabAPP 11:25 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.20: The Aurora Borealis select P Powell Johnson
PEBA Draft Pick 12.21: The Havana Leones select SS Billy Stewart
PEBA Draft Pick 12.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Ramon Rafien
PEBA Draft Pick 12.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select 1B Seinosuke Yamanaka
PEBA Draft Pick 12.24: The Reno Zephyrs select P Mike Walsh
PEBA Draft Pick 12.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select RF Emilio Moran
PEBA Draft Pick 12.26: The Yuma Arroyos select P Zak Howgill
PEBA Draft Pick 12.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select 1B Ichiyo Hakui

Ken - Farstriders 11:29 AM
on it
StatsLabAPP 11:29 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 12.28: The Florida Farstriders select 1B Juan Gallo
PEBA Draft Pick 12.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Shichirobei Takeuchi
PEBA Draft Pick 12.30: The Yuma Arroyos select P Lucio Andrade

Mike - Borealis 11:31 AM
Round 13!!
StatsLabAPP 11:31 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 13.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Manny Ramirez
PEBA Draft Pick 13.2: The Yuma Arroyos select C Todd Lancaster
PEBA Draft Pick 13.3: The Tempe Knights select 2B Hisanobu Kanno
PEBA Draft Pick 13.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select 1B Miguel Hernandez
PEBA Draft Pick 13.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Ryan Koch
PEBA Draft Pick 13.6: The Duluth Warriors select 3B Axel Tillett
PEBA Draft Pick 13.7: The Manchester Maulers select RF Cristobal Melendez
PEBA Draft Pick 13.8: The Charleston Statesmen select 2B Naofumi Nakano
PEBA Draft Pick 13.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select 1B Katsunan Sugiyama
PEBA Draft Pick 13.10: The Madison Malts select LF Jack Foley
PEBA Draft Pick 13.11: The London Underground select LF Jorge Rodriguez
PEBA Draft Pick 13.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Nate Hall
PEBA Draft Pick 13.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Mark Cruz

Andy - Harpoon 11:33 AM
time for the special pick I hold till the round of death
StatsLabAPP 11:33 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 13.14: The Hartford Harpoon select 1B Shohei Daisen

Andy - Harpoon 11:33 AM
the (0.)5 tools player

StatsLabAPP 11:33 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 13.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select 1B Marvin Wooten
PEBA Draft Pick 13.16: The San Juan Coqui select P Mauro Ul
PEBA Draft Pick 13.17: The Amsterdam Lions select C Masafumi Tanaka
PEBA Draft Pick 13.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 1B Quinn Moore
PEBA Draft Pick 13.19: The Okinawa Shisa select CF Jesse Mendoza

Mike - Borealis 11:35 AM

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:36 AM
You're giving me time to eat
StatsLabAPP 11:36 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 13.20: The Aurora Borealis select 1B Alfie Copeland

Mike - Borealis 11:37 AM
Child #1 calling at the wrong time… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
StatsLabAPP 11:38 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 13.21: The Havana Leones select P Rob Sinden
PEBA Draft Pick 13.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Naoya Suzuki
PEBA Draft Pick 13.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Tetsu Kikuchi
PEBA Draft Pick 13.24: The Reno Zephyrs select P Pedro Blanco
PEBA Draft Pick 13.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select LF Gustavo Randin
PEBA Draft Pick 13.26: The Yuma Arroyos select C Shojiro Ando
PEBA Draft Pick 13.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Cameron Bing
PEBA Draft Pick 13.28: The Florida Farstriders select RF Duane Brooks
PEBA Draft Pick 13.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select 1B Alfredo Rodriguez
PEBA Draft Pick 13.30: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Manuel Clemente

Mike - Borealis 11:41 AM
Round 14!!

StatsLabAPP 11:41 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select SS Steven Rojas
PEBA Draft Pick 14.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Luke Beadle
PEBA Draft Pick 14.3: The Tempe Knights select 1B Angel Torres
PEBA Draft Pick 14.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Muneyaki Okabe

Mike - Borealis 11:41 AM
Yuma drafted his LUKE!!
StatsLabAPP 11:41 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.5: The Scottish Claymores select 2B Allen Bailey
PEBA Draft Pick 14.6: The Duluth Warriors select 2B Alonso Lopez
PEBA Draft Pick 14.7: The Manchester Maulers select 3B Jesus Valdes
PEBA Draft Pick 14.8: The Charleston Statesmen select 3B Jose Gonzalez
PEBA Draft Pick 14.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Coen Santegoeds
PEBA Draft Pick 14.10: The Madison Malts select P Nathan Robertson
PEBA Draft Pick 14.11: The London Underground select P Timmo Compagne
PEBA Draft Pick 14.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Alberto Acosta
PEBA Draft Pick 14.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Dave Daniels

Andy - Harpoon 11:42 AM
on it
StatsLabAPP 11:44 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.14: The Hartford Harpoon select P Hsin-ta Dong

Ken - Farstriders 11:44 AM

Ron - Akira 11:44 AM
I'm resorting to OSA ratings at this point

RJ - Sandgnats 11:44 AM

Mike - Borealis 11:45 AM
That’s probably not a bad plan…
StatsLabAPP 11:45 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Brian Arteaga
PEBA Draft Pick 14.16: The San Juan Coqui select C Francisco Davila
PEBA Draft Pick 14.17: The Amsterdam Lions select RF Juan Sanchez

Ron - Akira 11:45 AM
Is a bad plan better than no plan?
StatsLabAPP 11:45 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 1B Carlos Jimenez

Ken - Farstriders 11:45 AM
in my experience, osa is usually much better at dreaming about what could be...

Andy - Harpoon 11:45 AM
I resorted plenty of rounds ago lol
StatsLabAPP 11:45 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.19: The Okinawa Shisa select P Enrique Hernandez

Ron - Akira 11:46 AM
My scout gave up after rd 6
StatsLabAPP 11:46 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.20: The Aurora Borealis select 3B Bas Kooijman
PEBA Draft Pick 14.21: The Havana Leones select P Mike Greenhaw

Andy - Harpoon 11:47 AM
after a while it's all 1.5 stars same thing
StatsLabAPP 11:47 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Esteban Bryant

Andy - Harpoon 11:47 AM
might as well bet on OSA
StatsLabAPP 11:47 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Yoshimatsu Komatsu
PEBA Draft Pick 14.24: The Reno Zephyrs select P Minoru Kono
PEBA Draft Pick 14.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 3B David Morin
PEBA Draft Pick 14.26: The Yuma Arroyos select RF Edward Bogers
PEBA Draft Pick 14.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select LF Mo Blenkin
PEBA Draft Pick 14.28: The Florida Farstriders select LF Brandon Hopper

Ken - Farstriders 11:48 AM
the bashing beanpole!

RJ - Sandgnats 11:48 AM

Andy - Harpoon 11:49 AM
what a nickname
StatsLabAPP 11:49 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 14.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select 1B Jose Martinez
PEBA Draft Pick 14.30: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Charlie Mabty

Mike - Borealis 11:49 AM
Round 15!!

Dylan - Wind Dancers 11:49 AM
I wish I had time to look at players
StatsLabAPP 11:49 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select 1B Daniel Holton
PEBA Draft Pick 15.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Bonifacio Hernandez
PEBA Draft Pick 15.3: The Tempe Knights select P Philip Gettingby
PEBA Draft Pick 15.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Raul Perez
PEBA Draft Pick 15.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Manuel Estrada

Ken - Farstriders 11:50 AM
"hows phillip?" "oh, he's gettingby"

StatsLabAPP 11:50 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.6: The Duluth Warriors select SS Antonio Calderon

Andy - Harpoon 11:50 AM
sounds like a slacker
StatsLabAPP 11:50 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.7: The Manchester Maulers select RF Robert Fox
PEBA Draft Pick 15.8: The Charleston Statesmen select LF Jack Dunston
PEBA Draft Pick 15.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Bryce Carver
PEBA Draft Pick 15.10: The Madison Malts select P Nobukazu Kobayashi
PEBA Draft Pick 15.11: The London Underground select P Toshimichi Mori
PEBA Draft Pick 15.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select RF Arthur Parker
PEBA Draft Pick 15.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select 2B Tim Downing

Andy - Harpoon 11:51 AM
on it
StatsLabAPP 11:52 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.14: The Hartford Harpoon select 2B Alex Guerrero
PEBA Draft Pick 15.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Tom Williams
PEBA Draft Pick 15.16: The San Juan Coqui select 2B Jose Santana
PEBA Draft Pick 15.17: The Amsterdam Lions select SS Kiyohira Takahashi
PEBA Draft Pick 15.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select LF Cris Velez
PEBA Draft Pick 15.19: The Okinawa Shisa select P Tommy Bryant
PEBA Draft Pick 15.20: The Aurora Borealis select LF Yasushi Onishi

Andy - Harpoon 11:54 AM
ooo sushi
StatsLabAPP 11:55 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.21: The Havana Leones select P Felix Vallepando
PEBA Draft Pick 15.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Ben Williams

Ken - Farstriders 11:55 AM
thats not MYsushi... thats yasushi

RJ - Sandgnats 11:55 AM

StatsLabAPP 11:55 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select 3B Shingen Ito
PEBA Draft Pick 15.24: The Reno Zephyrs select C Tom Duffy
PEBA Draft Pick 15.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select P Greg McNeal
PEBA Draft Pick 15.26: The Yuma Arroyos select 3B Danny Puckett
PEBA Draft Pick 15.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Zak Filmer

Mike - Borealis 11:56 AM
Zak should go into movies and give up baseball…
StatsLabAPP 11:57 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.28: The Florida Farstriders select LF Henry Loverock

Mike - Borealis 11:57 AM

Ken - Farstriders 11:57 AM

RJ - Sandgnats 11:57 AM
StatsLabAPP 11:57 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 15.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select C Yeijiro Hara
PEBA Draft Pick 15.30: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Mike Melton
PEBA Draft Pick 16.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select 1B Jose Lopes

Mike - Borealis 11:57 AM
Round 16!!!
StatsLabAPP 11:57 AM
PEBA Draft Pick 16.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Clancy Hawkins
PEBA Draft Pick 16.3: The Tempe Knights select P Jeffrey Greer
PEBA Draft Pick 16.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Dan Ortiz
PEBA Draft Pick 16.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Juriaan Quik
PEBA Draft Pick 16.6: The Duluth Warriors select C Hidekazu Suzuki
PEBA Draft Pick 16.7: The Manchester Maulers select P Finlay Crosse
PEBA Draft Pick 16.8: The Charleston Statesmen select SS Ken Ward
PEBA Draft Pick 16.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Sukejuro Abe
PEBA Draft Pick 16.10: The Madison Malts select P Sam Carter
PEBA Draft Pick 16.11: The London Underground select P Alfredo Gonzalez
PEBA Draft Pick 16.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Jermaine Livingston
PEBA Draft Pick 16.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select 3B Lucio Aguilera

Mike - Borealis 11:59 AM
Andy’s doing a great job of letting me catch-up with the list!

Andy - Harpoon 12:00 PM
cuz i am cathcing up too

Mike - Borealis 12:00 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:01 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 16.14: The Hartford Harpoon select SS Hayden Trick
PEBA Draft Pick 16.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select 3B Jon Padgett
PEBA Draft Pick 16.16: The San Juan Coqui select 1B Billy Evenson
PEBA Draft Pick 16.17: The Amsterdam Lions select 1B Roberto Rivera
PEBA Draft Pick 16.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 1B Paul Pittman
PEBA Draft Pick 16.19: The Okinawa Shisa select P Fernando Madrid

RJ - Sandgnats 12:06 PM
Did I freeze?

Ken - Farstriders 12:06 PM

RJ - Sandgnats 12:06 PM
Lol thanks

StatsLabAPP 12:06 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 16.20: The Aurora Borealis select P Alex Morris
PEBA Draft Pick 16.21: The Havana Leones select P Ira Christensen
PEBA Draft Pick 16.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Antonio Salazar
PEBA Draft Pick 16.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select P Kiyonobu Sakurai
PEBA Draft Pick 16.24: The Reno Zephyrs select CF Dave Alvarado
PEBA Draft Pick 16.25: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select RF Rob Dale
PEBA Draft Pick 16.26: The Yuma Arroyos select P Lloyd Berry
PEBA Draft Pick 16.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Tom Jackson

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:10 PM
@Ken - Farstriders
StatsLabAPP 12:10 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 16.28: The Florida Farstriders select CF Carl Eager
PEBA Draft Pick 16.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Tamotsu Nagata
PEBA Draft Pick 16.30: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Stephen Atkins
PEBA Draft Pick 17.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Ken Ellison
PEBA Draft Pick 17.2: The Yuma Arroyos select 3B Alfredo Soto
PEBA Draft Pick 17.3: The Tempe Knights select P Tyler Tattershall
PEBA Draft Pick 17.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Thomas Buchan
PEBA Draft Pick 17.5: The Scottish Claymores select 1B Ogai Hatsutori
PEBA Draft Pick 17.6: The Duluth Warriors select RF Julio Torres
PEBA Draft Pick 17.7: The Manchester Maulers select P Phillip York
PEBA Draft Pick 17.8: The Charleston Statesmen select 3B Ray Guerrero
PEBA Draft Pick 17.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Fergus Hookway
PEBA Draft Pick 17.10: The Madison Malts select P Lee Pruitt
PEBA Draft Pick 17.11: The London Underground select P Jim McGee
PEBA Draft Pick 17.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Rob Clarke
PEBA Draft Pick 17.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select 2B Daniel Encarnacion
PEBA Draft Pick 17.14: The Hartford Harpoon select P Takanobu Tanaka
PEBA Draft Pick 17.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Jesus Franco
PEBA Draft Pick 17.16: The San Juan Coqui select 1B Dewitt O'Melaghlin
PEBA Draft Pick 17.17: The Amsterdam Lions select 1B Luke Wright
PEBA Draft Pick 17.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select LF Marco Irvegas
PEBA Draft Pick 17.19: The Okinawa Shisa select P Ralph Martinez
PEBA Draft Pick 17.20: The Aurora Borealis select 2B Julio Ortiz
PEBA Draft Pick 17.21: The Havana Leones select P Henry Barfoot

Mike - Borealis 12:15 PM
Who also can pitch!
StatsLabAPP 12:15 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 17.22: The Bakersfield Bears select LF Lawrence Marsh

RJ - Sandgnats 12:15 PM
My man
StatsLabAPP 12:15 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 17.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select C Wei-liang Li
PEBA Draft Pick 17.24: The Reno Zephyrs select P Dave Cleare
PEBA Draft Pick 17.25: The Florida Farstriders select P Mark Oglethorpe
PEBA Draft Pick 17.26: The Yuma Arroyos select P Jack Green
PEBA Draft Pick 17.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P George Keijzer

RJ - Sandgnats 12:16 PM
Oh man I regret trading back now @Ken - Farstriders lol

Ken - Farstriders 12:16 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:16 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 17.28: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 1B Sergio Alarcon

Ken - Farstriders 12:16 PM
were you looking at oglethorpe?

RJ - Sandgnats 12:16 PM
Of course! Nice Georgia name lol

StatsLabAPP 12:16 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 17.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P David Washington
PEBA Draft Pick 17.30: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Ben Mayes
PEBA Draft Pick 18.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Timmo Weerheim
PEBA Draft Pick 18.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Reijiro Takeuchi
PEBA Draft Pick 18.3: The Tempe Knights select P Ben MacAsgill
PEBA Draft Pick 18.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Angel Gomez
PEBA Draft Pick 18.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Dave McConnell
PEBA Draft Pick 18.6: The Duluth Warriors select 2B Willie Burke
PEBA Draft Pick 18.7: The Manchester Maulers select 2B Kenny Correa
PEBA Draft Pick 18.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Hamish Maxwell
PEBA Draft Pick 18.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Terry Murdoch
PEBA Draft Pick 18.10: The Madison Malts select P Anastasio Loucel
PEBA Draft Pick 18.11: The London Underground select P Lex Ploeg
PEBA Draft Pick 18.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Gonzalo Melendez
PEBA Draft Pick 18.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Doug Peoples

Mike - Borealis 12:18 PM
All the Peoples are drafted…

StatsLabAPP 12:20 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 18.14: The Hartford Harpoon select LF Harry Jenkins
PEBA Draft Pick 18.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Riley Bosomworth
PEBA Draft Pick 18.16: The San Juan Coqui select 2B Carlos Martinez
PEBA Draft Pick 18.17: The Amsterdam Lions select 3B Rob Robertson
PEBA Draft Pick 18.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 1B John Mason
PEBA Draft Pick 18.19: The Okinawa Shisa select P Jack Gutierrez
PEBA Draft Pick 18.20: The Aurora Borealis select C Lucio Pineda

Marco.C - Calzoneros 12:21 PM
The end is neeeeeear
StatsLabAPP 12:22 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 18.21: The Havana Leones select P Eisuke Fujita
PEBA Draft Pick 18.22: The Bakersfield Bears select LF Jamie Benjamin
PEBA Draft Pick 18.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select RF Ray Nance

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:22 PM
auto'd myself
StatsLabAPP 12:22 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 18.24: The Reno Zephyrs select RF Robbie Sullivan
PEBA Draft Pick 18.25: The Florida Farstriders select P Doug Bermudez
PEBA Draft Pick 18.26: The Yuma Arroyos select P Logan Aspinwall
PEBA Draft Pick 18.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Yasushi Kino

Ken - Farstriders 12:23 PM
its going to take years to recover from that blunder, dylan

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:24 PM
Or 5 minutes when I cut whoever I drafted anyway

Mike - Borealis 12:24 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:24 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 18.28: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 2B Alejandro Gomez
PEBA Draft Pick 18.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Yoshii Yamamoto
PEBA Draft Pick 18.30: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Bill Nash
PEBA Draft Pick 19.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Shintaro Kichida
PEBA Draft Pick 19.2: The Yuma Arroyos select LF Masayoshi Kimura
PEBA Draft Pick 19.3: The Tempe Knights select P Joey van Doren
PEBA Draft Pick 19.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P James Boyd
PEBA Draft Pick 19.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Dermot Watcham
PEBA Draft Pick 19.6: The Duluth Warriors select RF Ralph Clark
PEBA Draft Pick 19.7: The Manchester Maulers select P Tokutomi Masuda
PEBA Draft Pick 19.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Ichiro Matsuura
PEBA Draft Pick 19.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Cedric Horrocks
PEBA Draft Pick 19.10: The Madison Malts select P Kyle Dyer
PEBA Draft Pick 19.11: The London Underground select P Tynan Alexander
PEBA Draft Pick 19.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select P Jose Gonzales
PEBA Draft Pick 19.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select 2B Brent Gray
PEBA Draft Pick 19.14: The Hartford Harpoon select C Aurelio Martinez
PEBA Draft Pick 19.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select 1B Curtis Alexander
PEBA Draft Pick 19.16: The San Juan Coqui select CF Steve McDonald
PEBA Draft Pick 19.17: The Amsterdam Lions select 3B R.J. Rogers
PEBA Draft Pick 19.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 1B Cam Howard

RJ - Sandgnats 12:26 PM

Ken - Farstriders 12:26 PM

RJ - Sandgnats 12:26 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:26 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 19.19: The Okinawa Shisa select P Louis Boyd

Ken - Farstriders 12:26 PM

RJ - Sandgnats 12:27 PM
Dammit lol

Dylan - Wind Dancers 12:27 PM

RJ - Sandgnats 12:27 PM
Looks like I need a trade for RJ....

Mike - Borealis 12:27 PM
It’s Mother’s Day - need to pick the player named for my Daughter…
StatsLabAPP 12:27 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 19.20: The Aurora Borealis select 2B Jeffrey Farrell

Ken - Farstriders 12:27 PM
ugh. mike. why
StatsLabAPP 12:27 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 19.21: The Havana Leones select P Jose Valdes
PEBA Draft Pick 19.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Oliver Juarez

Ken - Farstriders 12:27 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:27 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 19.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select 1B Kenzaburo Ishii

Dan - Ghosts 12:28 PM
Yet another Steve McDonald. He's got big shoes too fill.
StatsLabAPP 12:28 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 19.24: The Reno Zephyrs select P Tony Skinner

Andy - Harpoon 12:28 PM
I am just searching for a name I like fo rnext round

StatsLabAPP 12:28 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 19.25: The Florida Farstriders select P Jose Ortiz
PEBA Draft Pick 19.26: The Yuma Arroyos select 2B Ricardo Garcia
PEBA Draft Pick 19.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Moromao Kono
PEBA Draft Pick 19.28: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 1B Young-kwang Hutchinson
PEBA Draft Pick 19.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Julio Guerrero
PEBA Draft Pick 19.30: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Carl Beard

Mike - Borealis 12:29 PM
I’m locked in at 20!
StatsLabAPP 12:29 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.1: The Niihama-shi Ghosts select P Pjotr Krijger

Dan - Ghosts 12:29 PM
https://c.tenor.com/hBfKstt_E-cAAAAM/archer-krieger.gif (edited)

(76 kB)

StatsLabAPP 12:29 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.2: The Yuma Arroyos select P Yoichibei Abe
PEBA Draft Pick 20.3: The Tempe Knights select 3B Benedict Stobart
PEBA Draft Pick 20.4: The Arlington Bureaucrats select P Johnny Strong
PEBA Draft Pick 20.5: The Scottish Claymores select P Fernando Mallano
PEBA Draft Pick 20.6: The Duluth Warriors select CF Dan Stroud
PEBA Draft Pick 20.7: The Manchester Maulers select 1B Will Ensor
PEBA Draft Pick 20.8: The Charleston Statesmen select P Kenshin Hirose
PEBA Draft Pick 20.9: The Palm Springs Codgers select P Juan Castro
PEBA Draft Pick 20.10: The Madison Malts select P Pete Miller

Andy - Harpoon 12:30 PM
darn it young-kwang hutchinson drafted
StatsLabAPP 12:30 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.11: The London Underground select P Raul Perez
PEBA Draft Pick 20.12: The New Orleans Trendsetters select 1B Scott Clark
PEBA Draft Pick 20.13: The San Antonio Calzones of Laredo select P Ivan Ramirez

RJ - Sandgnats 12:31 PM
Last manual pick... worth the trade @Ken - Farstriders

StatsLabAPP 12:31 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.14: The Hartford Harpoon select 1B Kojuro Kawai

Andy - Harpoon 12:31 PM
let's see if this Kawai can be as good as that Kahwi
StatsLabAPP 12:31 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.15: The Kentucky Thoroughbreds select P Jonathan Walter
PEBA Draft Pick 20.16: The San Juan Coqui select 3B Jesse Gonzalez
PEBA Draft Pick 20.17: The Amsterdam Lions select 3B Larry Willis
PEBA Draft Pick 20.18: The Fargo Dinosaurs select 2B Gerald Lee
PEBA Draft Pick 20.19: The Okinawa Shisa select P Ron Kelley
PEBA Draft Pick 20.20: The Aurora Borealis select SS Justin Morgan

Mike - Borealis 12:33 PM
Both those last picks play excellent outfield!! (edited)
StatsLabAPP 12:33 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.21: The Havana Leones select P Zach Parks
PEBA Draft Pick 20.22: The Bakersfield Bears select P Jorge Cantu

Andy - Harpoon 12:33 PM
the file later is just after the draft, but no day advancement, right?

Mike - Borealis 12:33 PM
Hey Guys, I’m off!! Excellent job today moving it along!! Thanks @Dylan - Wind Dancers for your hard work behind the scenes!!!
StatsLabAPP 12:33 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.23: The Toyama Wind Dancers select C Kosho Inoue

RJ - Sandgnats 12:33 PM
Thx guys!!
StatsLabAPP 12:33 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.24: The Reno Zephyrs select P Kozue Oishi
PEBA Draft Pick 20.25: The Florida Farstriders select 1B Brandon Farquharson

PEBA Draft Pick 20.26: The Yuma Arroyos select P Oscar Loder
PEBA Draft Pick 20.27: The Kalamazoo Badgers select P Sosa Mizuno

RJ - Sandgnats 12:34 PM
Oh yes....

Dan - Ghosts 12:35 PM
:raised_hands: Nicely done, gents! Thanks for a good time! :raised_hands:

RJ - Sandgnats 12:35 PM
From Club Deportiva Zaragoza Toros..... a 6'7' 215lb 18 year old......

StatsLabAPP 12:35 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.28: The Crystal Lake Sandgnats select 1B Zi-xing See-to

Ken - Farstriders 12:35 PM
StatsLabAPP 12:35 PM
PEBA Draft Pick 20.29: The Neo-Tokyo Akira select P Masahide Kokawa
PEBA Draft Pick 20.30: The West Virginia Alleghenies select P Jonathan Colby

Ken - Farstriders 12:36 PM
thanks guys! lots of fun, as always

RJ - Sandgnats 12:36 PM
Thanks Dylan for keeping it rolling!

Andy - Harpoon 12:37 PM
Draft went silky smooth, well done

Lenny- Bears 12:39 PM
Yay draft!

Marco.C - Calzoneros 12:42 PM
Another great Draft! good job everyone!

Denny Hills - Palm Springs Codgers 12:56 PM
Great draft! :trophy:

Mike - Coqui 1:51 PM
As soon as I stopped paying attention there was a run of high schoolers on my board and I got a few too many 21-year olds.

Mike - Borealis 2:30 PM
The key - balance!
Michael Topham, President Golden Entertainment & President-CEO of the Aurora Borealis
2019, 2021, 2022, 2023 PEBA Champions
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