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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#76 Post by Vic »

That’s quite the divergence of opinion between Mandy and Grumpy Joe (my hero). Hard to believe they’re watching the same team!
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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#77 Post by DrewV »

Mandy Scott, Senior PEBA Analyst

Play Ball: Long 3 Weeks for Warrior Nation

Warrior baseball is underway, and so far, it looks like another year of unpredictable heartbreak amidst the occasional pleasant surprise.

The hot bats of Spring Training have cooled significantly for the Warriors, leaving them with the second-fewest runs in the Great Lakes and 4th in OBP. Andy Sharp has had, by all accounts, an abysmal start to the year, batting .189 in his first 18 appearances. This is insult to injury for a $28 Million Crowd Pleaser. Likewise, Dewitt Barry, another expensive contribution that came at the hands of flamethrower Takahiro Takaki, started the season even worse--though he recovered splendidly in the third week of play.

The most painful story of the week is closer Vincente Medina, who has already blown as many saves in 2029 as he did in 2028. He has utterly collapsed, giving up an unfathomable 12 runs in 7 innings pitched as a closer. He gave up only 21 runs in 2028. Fully blowing two saves, he's also nearly blown another two--combined with two other blown 9th-inning fiascos from other relievers, the closer collapse in Duluth is the difference between 7-11 and 11-7.

Duluth may have an unpleasant decision to make if Vincente gives up another save anytime soon.

In lighter news, the Warrior staff has been phenomenal so far, with 4/5 starters under 3.50 ERA (The exception is the old bull Kata Nakamura, who pitched a lights-out game last week against Reno). Henry Carter, who was cold in Spring Training, is at 3.33 ERA over 18 innings, whose 1.07 WHIP is among the best in the SL. "Jetstream" Mendoza is right there with him at 3.33 ERA as well, with a WHIP of 1.11. Even lefty Soetsu Hirai, the newcomer to Duluth and former reliever, has pitched 18 outstanding innings at 2.50 ERA. All this to say the staff of Duluth is holding their own--and Nakamura seems out of the slump that gripped him in the middle week of April.

The Bullpen, save the collapse of Medina, is all over the board. Geoff Lawson is leading PEBA in holds, and Kyoji Uchiama isn't far behind with 2 runs over 8.2. idol Steve "Steve Hott" Hott hasn't given up a run in his last five innings of relief, but he started slow and is working down a 5.55 ERA.

They may not be household names, but reliable hitters like Dmitri Hill, Jack Flynn, and the warhorse David Morrison have come through to compensate for the sluggish start of Andy Sharp and Dewitt Barry. Most expected Garry Charron to have more than 4 homers by now, but his .535 SLG and 13 RBIs are more than doing their part.

In terms of team statistics, Duluth is squarely in the middle for the Sovereign League and in close contention with Canton in most metrics. For 2029, the story for Duluth is whether or not they can unseat the Longshoremen for the #3 spot in the Great Lakes. So far, it's a toss-up.

A rough week looms for the Warriors, who (after two games against white-hot Yuma) will face the powerful Bakersfield hitting machine, followed by the Akira, who swept them last bout.

If Andy Sharp can heat up, along with Dewitt Barry, and Medina can come around, Duluth will perform well--as long as the rest of the team can hold the line.

Amanda Scott is a Staff Writer and Senior PEBA Analyst for the Duluth Times.

Follow us on Twitter: @MandyScottDT

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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#78 Post by KenH »

Duluth shouldn't worry too much about Sharp. He's a notoriously slow starter. He'll come around soon enough.
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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#79 Post by DrewV »

Mandy Scott, Senior PEBA Analyst

On and Off: Settling into the Season

Last week started hot for Warrior Nation, with Soetsu Hirai leading a 5-0 shutout against his former team, Yuma. Hirai, coming off an excellent year in Yuma, is leading an even more explosive start for the Warriors, 4-0 this year at 1.97 ERA. Hirai pitched into the 9th and allowed only 4 hits, with Geoff Lawson coming in to quickly put the Bulldozers away. The Warriors certainly benefit from Yuma's struggling pitching, scoring 5 runs on only 6 hits. Yuma starter Ed Madison pegged John Howe in two consecutive at-bats. Jack Flynn and spare catcher Ju-Chan Park shared a pair of RBIs each, in an otherwise inelegant offensive game. Hirai was undoubtedly the reason for success in the opening game with the Dozers.

Rounding out the homestand, Duluth put Yuma away again in the second match, in a lukewarm performance from SP Orlando Trujillo, who gave up 9 hits in 6 innings--but managed to keep Yuma to three earned runs due to some fantastic plays from the Duluth infield. SS Dmitri Hill managed 3 hits on the day, and Carlos Galvan drove in John Howe in the bottom of the 8th for the game-winning run. The second game capped off a short series with commendable pitching from the 'pen to keep Yuma behind.

Then Bakersfield came to town. In a deflating end to the homestand, Christian Webb and Alex Bothwell proved once again to be devastatingly effective against the aging Kata Nakamura, hitting a home run each off the old war horse. With the best of the Duluth bullpen expended against Yuma, a struggling trio of Orinsuke Yokoyama, Vincente Medina, and Cain Bright all struggled against the Bakersfield powerhouse, giving up a collective 7 runs (4 from Nakamura over 7 innings). Duluth had no problem getting on base against a medicore Bakersfield pitching performance (outhitting the Bears 10-9), but left 6 runners in scoring position and remained unable to capitalize on hitting productivity. It was a strange game, with only singles produced from either team and 4 double-plays from Bakersfield.

After the double-defeat against Bakersfield, the Warriors shipped out to Neo-Tokyo for a 3-game series. Henry Carter was hooked after only 2 innings for giving up five runs--uncharacteristic for the young starter--and while Steve Hott managed a solid hold, Elek Klum gave up another 2. It was an all-out rout in Neo-Tokyo, with 16 hits given up by Duluth.

The next day, John Howe lead a revenge-win on Neo-Tokyo, doubling twice and homering off Jose Fernandez in the 6th. The Warriors finished off the Akira 5-3. Soetsu Hirai notched his 4th win and Geoff Lawson, who is still serving as Closer over Vincente Medina, captured another save.

On the final day of the Neo-Tokyo series, a shootout between Orlando Trujillo and Jose Santos ended in a narrow victory for the Akira, with only 5 hits per team. Two errors from Andy Sharp that allowed a run in the 4th gave Neo-Tokyo the narrow 2-3 victory.

Weekly Summary

Duluth continues to be a mixed bag offensively, with the most anticipated pieces (Andy Sharp and Dewitt Barry) still significantly under-performing. The unexpected collapse of closer Vincente Medina is another irreconcilable blow to the club--though Geoff Lawson has stepped up well and still has not given up a run this season. Orinosuke Yokoyama, who's given up 6 runs over 3 innings in relief, was waived yesterday to make room for Beau Phillips, the Australian reliever formerly from the Florida franchise.

Looking ahead, the Warriors face white-hot Fargo in a Divisional bout before two series each against Palm Springs and Shin Seiki.

Amanda Scott is a Staff Writer and Senior PEBA Analyst for the Duluth Times.

Follow us on Twitter: @MandyScottDT

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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#80 Post by Fishermen »

I would support Grumpy Joe if he has a Patreon. ;-D
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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#81 Post by DrewV »


Grumpy Joe's Tuesday Grumbles:
Look Upon My OPS+, Ye Mighty, and Tremble

May 5th, 2029

Well, leave it to the fungal rot assimilated under the guise of the 2029 Duluth Warriors to prove that they can play just as bad as you expected, in the ways you completely didn't expect.

A team that nearly led the SL in slugging last summer has ossified like Argonauts under Medusa's gaze, shrinking pathetically to a vomitous .336--the lowest in all the Sovereign League. Did the trio of Gary Charron, Dewitt Barry and Andy Sharp journey to a backwater wilderness in March and invoke the wrath of a witch doctor? Whatever spiteful priestess (I suspect a Canton fan) is controlling their voodoo dolls--please, on behalf of Minnesota, put them out of their misery already. At least we'd open up our 26-man.

Speaking of which--if I were Ricky McCoy I'd already be packing my bags for Heard Island, Australia--which is as far away from Duluth, Minnesota as a man can be while still being on earth. Hell hath no fury like a fanbase watching the $28 Million disaster you have to pay for another 4 seasons in the form of PEBA All-Star-turned-banana-slug Andy Sharp. Can anyone think of a better way to spend $28 Million a year?

"But Joe!" you cackle like whipped hyenas, slaves of the Baseball Industrial Complex. Fan Interest has improved drastically! The Clubhouse seems happier than ever! As if any decent baseball-loving citizen of the Minnesotan Commonwealth could give three mangy hoots for fan interest and team morale. We want wins, McCoy! We want a team that can hit the ball and run the bases! Is that too much to ask? What sort of quarter-slot gumball machine did they roll this pay-to-play GM out of? Is Ricky McCoy a closeted reptile sent from the outer rims to personally destroy baseball in the Land of Lakes?

And of course, like a Shakespearean tragedy, the only part of the team doing it's job well is the part no one expected--that part that should, by all laws of reason, be one of the worst in baseball--the pitching staff. Somehow, this beleaguered band of broken toys that makes up the Duluth pitching staff is 4th in Sovereign League ERA. An utterly unknown left-handed reliever in Soetsu Hirai is a 4-1 starter, while the $8 Million Vincente Medina cannot stop giving up runs. This team is platooning three positions and still unable to generate decent OPS. Like the famed remains of Ozymandias, the Duluth Warriors are but an eroded monument to the arrogance of man.

Gaze, readers, upon the irony of a team that laid down her draft picks at the altar of bigger bats, risking a mediocre pitching ensemble, only to see the pitching staff perform wonderfully and your moneyball-OBS-machine offense utterly unravel.

It only hurts when I laugh.

Joe Larsen is a contributor for the Duluth Times.

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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#82 Post by Vic »


Could Grumpy Joe be any grumpier? This, of course, is a rhetorical question - a thought experiment among humanity's thorniest. For example, "How dark is dark matter? Or, could Picasso's paintings be any cubier? Or, could Bob Weir sing any further off key?

One wonders if Ricky doesn't secretly long to set out for Heard Island ... or, at least, rent an efficiency apartment for Andy Sharp overlooking the glaciers there ...
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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#83 Post by Borealis »

Warriors wrote:A team that nearly led the SL in slugging last summer has ossified like Argonauts under Medusa's gaze, shrinking pathetically to a vomitous .336...

"But Joe!" you cackle like whipped hyenas, slaves of the Baseball Industrial Complex...
OMG - gotta be two of the great lines in PEBA history...
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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#84 Post by Vic »

The baseball industrial complex. Heh.
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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#85 Post by DrewV »

Mandy Scott, Senior PEBA Analyst

Duluth's Springtime Slump Continues

Weekly Recap

Duluth gave their worst performance of the season so far last week, easily swept by the Shisa and going 1-3 against Shin Seiki at home. RP Jesus Guerra, 9.31 ERA on the season, teamed up with Steve Hott to blow a 4-3 lead in the Eighth, giving up 4 runs between them. Guerra took the loss. The following night, Kata Nakamura was beat up by the Shisa offense, giving up 4 runs in the first four innings. The Shisa wouldn't score again for another 9 innings, with a brilliant performance from the Duluth pen--until a beleaguered Jesus Guerra gave up the Okinawa walk-off in the 13th--his second blown game in as many days. The Warriors are 1-6 in extra innings, due largely to the under-performance of Vincente Medina and Cain Bright. In the final bout of the series, J.J. Mendoza pitched 8 innings, but faltered late in the game, giving up 4 runs on 12 hits. A series of unpalatable offense saw Duluth swept in Okinawa.

In a 3-game homestand against Shin Seiki, Henry Carter gave up two homers in the first game, and the powerful Evil Empire offense proved too much for a struggling Duluth setup team. Soetsu Hirai was shred in game 2, giving up two singles, a double, and a 2-run homer in the 1st to give SS a 4-0 start. Despite early homers from John Howe and Garry Charron, Duluth was unable to catch up with the white-hot Evas bats and continued their losing streak to 8 games. The following night, Duluth showed how powerful their arsenal against leftys can be, barreling Declan Littleworth and an arsenal of lefty relievers with 15 hits. Andy Sharp, finally warming up after a sluggish start to the season, hit .299 in May and shows signs of improving. He's up to 24 stolen bases on the year. Orlando Trujillo gave a dominant performance, allowing just 1 run and 5 hits over 7 innings before Geoff Lawson cleaned the Evas up for a 7-1 win, officially ending the 2-week losing streak.


Monday, May 28th, 2029
  1. Purchased the contract of RP Won-taek Kim from Triple A Racine.
  2. Optioned RF Dewitt Barry to Triple A Racine.
  3. Purchased the contract of RF Sean Kirkland from Triple A Racine.

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2029
  • 2B Ichiro Kanno was claimed off waivers by Arlington.

Big news at Warrior Hall, as slumping young Right Fielder Dewitt Barry was optioned to Racine to make room for Sean Kirkland, who posted a 1.138 OPS at AAA before his call-up. Dewitt Barry was meant to be a key offensive piece to Duluth this season, who was gained at the loss of flamethrower setup man Takahiro Tahaki. Barry, hitting .178 on the season, is at -.09 WAR. Kirkland, meanwhile, already has 18 Home Runs in Racine, leading the league in homers, Slugging and OPS. Also a lefty, he will fill the DH slot in a struggling Duluth offensive slump.

Won-Taek Kim, the $63 Million IFA who ruptured his UCL 17 pitches into 2028, was promoted to provide bullpen duties, posting a 3.49 ERA as a Racine starter in April and May. Kim gives the 'pen much-needed middle relief stamina and expertise against lefty power-hitters.

To make room, underutilized Ichiro Kanno was DFAd and placed on waivers, claimed just days later by Arlington. Kanno was batting .208 in just 28 plate appearances for the Warriors.

Monday, May 21st, 2029
  • Assigned RP Juan Bravo to Triple A Racine.

Wednesday, May 16th, 2029
  • Signed free agent RP Juan Bravo to a minor league contract with a $300,000 signing bonus.

Juan Bravo is a long reliever with a nasty fastball and slider. He posted a 1.42 ERA over 12 innings for the Codgers AAA affiliate Provo Missionaries before his conditional release to free agency, where he was quickly picked up by the Warriors. Bravo helps replenish a Racine bullpen that has sent several pieces to the PEBA already this year.

Minor League Notes
  • Andres Holguin, the 2028 Duluth Minor League Pitcher of the Year, is pitching a 1.06 ERA as a starter over 42 innings. He is dominating AAA at ERA+, with a score of 311, nearly 50 over the next-highest.
  • AAA RP Christian Contreras leads AAA at K/9 with 10.9.
  • AA RP Raul Rey has given up only 1 run over 15 innings of relief.
  • AA opponents are batting only .188 against Medicine Hat SP Bob Hodge.

Final Thoughts

Duluth has been quiet on the trading scene. It's unclear yet if they will look to sell at the deadline, or even before the draft. There are rumors of trade discussions for draft picks that include some of Duluth's young pitching staff, but it's unlikely the Warriors will give up their one solid building block without a hefty fee.

Andy Sharp's salary remains a shadow over Warrior Hall, with four long seasons left to go. However, he seems to be slowly coming alive, nearly hitting .300 in May after a dismal April. Ticket sales continue to show improvement from last year, and the added fan interest should help get Duluth in the green after a disastrous 2028 financial collapse. There's hope that adding the AAA-dominating Sean Kirkland at DH will combine with Sharp's bat to start turning the OBP over Canton and Kalamazoo for the 3-slot in the Division.

With almost no draft picks and a weak lower-farm, Duluth has some serious gaps to fill in their prospect department, and will likely posture for a strong 2030 draft. This may mean selling at the deadline to a tight IL race.

Amanda Scott is a Staff Writer and Senior PEBA Analyst for the Duluth Times.

Follow us on Twitter: @MandyScottDT

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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#86 Post by Vic »

Hopeful signs from Sharp! Hope he can keep it going. Feel bad for Guerra - he was actually decent for the Claymores, and of course was good in the clubhouse. Maybe he can pull out of the tailspin. Hang tough, Warriors.
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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#87 Post by DrewV »

Mandy Scott, Senior PEBA Analyst

Sharp Warms Up, Medina Stays Cool, Trujillo Sizzles

Weekly Recap

It's been a 4-3 June for Duluth so far--which is about as much as a Warriors fan can hope for, given the season to-date. Rookie Sean Kirkland, recently called up to replace slumping Dewitt Barry, hit a walk-off homer in the 10th against Okinawa--about as good of a debut as you can ask for. Orlando Trujillo took the loss for game 2, with one of his weaker performances of a 2.87 ERA season. In game 3 of the series, the warhorse Kata Nakamura pitched an 8-inning, 3-hit shutout against the Shisa, with 6 runs in 10 hits that included another blast from Garry Charron.

Duluth then split games in a short series with Crystal Lake up against the draft, with J.J. Mendoza notching another win and Henry Carter taking a loss with no help from his offense on a 2-0 shutout against the 'Gnats for game 2.

Travelling to Colorado for a 3-game stand against the Borealis, Duluth fell 1-2 games against a restructuring Aurora offense, including a loss against former Warrior SP Bartolo Esquivel.

An ominous week looms ahead for Duluth, moving from Crystal Lake to Bakersfield.


Saturday, June 2nd, 2029

  • Signed international amateur CF Demetrio Carpinteiro out of Brazil to a minor league contract.

Demetrio Carpinteiro, 16, is a star from the Campeonato Brasileiro de Beisebol (Junior League), with ++ speed and the potential to develop into a serious defender. Not likley a future star, but worth some attention from PEBA.

Monday, June 4th, 2029

  • RP Jesús Guerra was designated for assignment and placed on waivers.
  • Purchased the contract of RP Juan Bravo from Triple A Racine.
  • RP Jesús Guerra was designated for assignment and placed on waivers.
  • Placed RP Juan Bravo on the 40-man roster.
  • Purchased the contract of RP Juan Bravo from Triple A Racine.

As anticipated, Duluth promoted RP Juan Bravo from AAA after recently acquiring him via Free Agency. Jesús Guerra, who is slumping in relief with a 10.22 ERA, was placed on waivers to make room for Bravo. As Guerra is out of options, he will need to clear waivers before demotion.

Minor League Notes
  • Bob Hodge, who has dominated AA with a 2.17 ERA over 78 innings, was promoted to Racine this week.
  • Andres Holguin continues his hot streak in Racine: 5-1, 1.09 ERA, 0.93 WHIP.
  • RF Hugh Howell, AAA, is third in the GBB in Slugging and second in OPS+.

Final Thoughts

An analysis of the Duluth draft will be published this weekend. Suffice to say that Duluth leveraged 2028 picks to clear financial loss and had no real teeth in the 2028 draft--although 3rd-rounder Scotty Weeks does have some power potential worth discussing.

Andy Sharp is showing more signs of life, finally over .300 in June. Orlando Trujillo is becoming popular on the national scene--a 5th-hole finesse pitcher south of 3.00 ERA and a 1.14 WHIP. Rumors of trade discussions ahead of the draft proved false--though most speculate a talent dump ahead of the deadline for Warrior Hall.

It's not all dire news--The Warriors seem to be squarely on the road to financial recovery after the $70 Million collapse last year--and may even end in the green for 2029. Ticket sales are still up 14.5% over 2028.

Amanda Scott is a Staff Writer and Senior PEBA Analyst for the Duluth Times.

Follow us on Twitter: @MandyScottDT

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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#88 Post by DrewV »

Mandy Scott, Senior PEBA Analyst

Big Trades Send Carter, Mendoza west

A Farewell to Arms

Wasting no time after the draft, Duluth opened up the pre-deadline trade frenzy with two blockbuster salvos over the weekend.

In a small conference at Warrior Hall, GM Ricky McCoy announced to a handful of invited guests that two of Duluth's prized young pitchers, Henry "Cold Smoke" Carter and Jeffrey "Jetstream" Mendoza, were headed to Bakersfield.

"This is about the future," McCoy explained, taking the opportunity to announce Duluth's official rebuild strategy after a disappointing 26-41 start to the season. "We will miss Henry and J.J. a great deal."

McCoy touched briefly on the many accomplishments of the two young pitching talents, including Carter's rookie All-Star appearance in 2028 and Mendoza's 3.29 rookie ERA.

Carter, a home-grown product of the Duluth farm system was the 25th pick of 2026. Medoza was drafted by the Toyama Wind Dancers the same year (pick 13) and traded to Duluth that winter for Paul Norris.

In exchange for the two prized pitchers, the Warriors received #8 PEBA prospect Antonio Herrera, along with two first round draft picks, two second round picks, one third round pick, and one fifth round pick.

The trade also saw struggling closer Vincente Medina (and his large salary for a MR) and utility outfielder Jack Flynn shipped off to Bakersfield.

The sweeping move confirms the suspected commitment to a rebuild from the Front Office--with only two years of service time left for either pitcher, the clock was running out on a pre Free-Agency value to teams competing for the Division like Bakersfield.

The arsenal of gained picks, combined with a top-rated power hitter in A ball, positions Duluth well for a loaded lower farm in 2030.

"We're confident that this move postures us for the future of the franchise," McCoy read from the podium in Warrior Hall, "the first step to a new Warrior dynasty. No more questions, please."

Let the rebuild begin.

Amanda Scott is a Staff Writer and Senior PEBA Analyst for the Duluth Times.

Follow us on Twitter: @MandyScottDT

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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#89 Post by DougO »

Looks like a lot of pressure on the front office to turn these trades into gold via the draft. I hope it turns out as there's nothing more fearsome than a band of angry Duluthonians (?) holding sharpened wooden oars.
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Re: Warrior Beat: Duluth Times Blog

#90 Post by DrewV »

Fun fact, Doug: Ricky McCoy is burned in effigy nightly across the Duluth waterfront.
Drew Visscher (GM Ricky McCoy) | Duluth Warriors
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