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Football Coach Needed

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:08 pm
by Rory
Special note: this is a sim game im talking about so no need to go out and rent a U-haul. You will be doing some virtual traveling by both virtual plane and virtual car. All your virtual travel expenses will be virtually paid by the virtual University of Northern Colorado Bears.

I just got hired as the new Head Coach for the University of Northern Colorado Bears. My coaching name is James Wilson. I'm looking to put my coaching staff together. I'll be hiring a Offensive and a Defensive coordinator. I would like to bring in a staff from the PEBA empire into their world and compete.

Job Description:
Offensive Coordinator: Handle Offensive play calling, depth chart, designing offensive plays for the playbook and help with recruiting high school and juco players on the east coast from the Ohio river to the Atlantic Ocean.

Defensive Coordinator: Handle Defensive play calling, depth chart, designing defensive plays for the playbook and help with recruiting high school and juco players in the mid section of the country from the rockies to the Ohio river.

I will handle the recruiting from the rockies to the Pacific Ocean, scrimmages, player evaluations, designing special teams plays along with weight and cardio training. The coaching staff will discuss our team needs and come up with a recruiting strategy for the year. The plays you design stay with you in your playbook throughout your career. So if you get a head coaching job somewhere your playbook goes with you.

If your interested in checking this out it's called Pigskin Empire. Here's a Wiki Link and here's my referral link which i think gets us more practice time. The game is free and browser based. Nothing to download. There is a pay option to buy extra practice time and travel money if you wanted to but isn't needed. A lot of coordinators will eventually go out and apply for head coaching jobs but some just like the coordinator jobs. There are NFL jobs as well. They draft from the college pool like Northern Colorado if a school has a player good enough for them to draft. Fun stuff.

Re: Football Coach Needed

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:03 am
by Simon
You need 3 guys to control one team? Holy, that must be one realistic football sim 8-o

Re: Football Coach Needed

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:05 pm
by Rory
There's actually 4 coaches including a special teams coach. You can get but with one if ya have to. It's better and more fun with a staff. But ya it's incredibly realistic. Except each week is a RL day.

More staff = make more plays for the playbook, more practice time, more time to evaluate players, workouts, drills, scrimmage and recruiting. Plus the games are played live. So you live play call against the other team. The more coaches the more chances someone can make it to play call the game that day or the ai will call it for you.

Each coach gets 60 hrs per week (1 day RL) to use. So 4 coaches you'd get 240 hrs to work with.

It's a pretty fun sim. You have to travel around a real google like map to recruit players, scout HS games or other opponents. You can take a car which takes more hrs but cost less to your budget and by plane, to fly to cities that are farther away. It costs more against your budget but takes less hours. It's also fun watching these HS players go through theyre career. From HS to college and to the pros if theyre good enough to get drafted.

Re: Football Coach Needed

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:17 pm
by Simon
If only i was following NFL football... ;)
This sure looks like fun