2039 Winter Meetings Transcript

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Board of the PEBA
League President
League President
Posts: 3021
Joined: Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:41 pm

2039 Winter Meetings Transcript

#1 Post by Board of the PEBA »

Mike - Borealis
10:00 AM
Beautiful Asheville, situated in the Appalachian Mountains – the home of the Planetary Extreme Baseball Alliance, is once more the host of the Annual PEBA Winter Meetings, located in the Grand Ballroom of the Asheville Hotel. This year the GMs awake to an unseasonably warm day, skeletal ash trees rising over the ridges of the surrounding hills, a hint of mist lingering amongst them.

:palm_tree: 10:00 AM
Mist? You see mist? I see rain clouds.

Lenny- Bears
10:01 AM

:palm_tree: 10:01 AM
Lenny sees bowling balls?

Matt - Shisa
10:01 AM
Okinawa checking in, as it's 1am locally get your Shisa deals in early!

:palm_tree: 10:01 AM
Hi Matt!

Jaime - Kalamazoo
10:02 AM
Good morning everyone. Or goodnight, Matt?

Matt - Shisa
10:02 AM
Hey Bob!

:palm_tree: 10:02 AM
How’s the weather in the South Pacific?

Mike - Borealis
10:02 AM
Hey Matt!
The podium is on the stage at the north end of the Ballroom, and entering from a side door, the PEBA Commissioner ‘Harry’ Castle walks to the stage…

Matt - Shisa
10:02 AM
Weather is good so far, just flew in from Colombia via Dallas where the weather wasnt so hot. Had to wait 3 hours boarded at Dallas for a pilot!

:palm_tree: 10:03 AM
Those lazy pilots!

Thad - Farstriders
10:03 AM
Strange wind brewing in florida (also snowing here where I'm at)

Matt - Shisa
10:03 AM
Headlining out of Okinawa - Stars SS Pablo Ortiz and 3B Juan Ramos available among others

:palm_tree: 10:03 AM
Where’s that, Thad?

Mike - Borealis
10:03 AM
Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen – welcome to the 33rd Annual PEBA Winter Meetings!!

:palm_tree: 10:03 AM
Thirty-third!?!? I been here too long.

Mike - Borealis
10:04 AM
You and me

:palm_tree: 10:05 AM
Yes, we enjoyed that … oops, it’s gone!

Sean - Claymores
10:05 AM
Sounds like a highway to hell…

:palm_tree: 10:05 AM
A disappearing highway to hell. Where’d it go?

Mike - Borealis
10:06 AM
Our DJ hopes you enjoyed his rendition of the ‘8-Levels of PEBA Offseason Hell’: It begins, it rolls on, you find that big bat, you pray he’ll sign, then you find yourself squirming – waiting for a response, then throw so much money at them it defies logic, waiting in anticipation…

:palm_tree: 10:06 AM
Here he comes again!

Mike - Borealis
10:06 AM
Sorry - didn’t need those links to pop up like that again…

:palm_tree: 10:06 AM
Thank you. They do clutter the screen.

Mike - Borealis
10:07 AM
Welcome everyone – GM’s, owners, and the few media members who have been permitted to attend the events. Today we have a few items of League interest to discuss – but I’m sure that the bulk of the discussions will happen behind curtains, at the bar – have a seat Lenny – it’s not time yet. We may even see conversations under the tables of the Ballroom …

:palm_tree: 10:07 AM
I ain’t crawling under no table to discuss nothing.

Sean - Kentucky
10:08 AM
Wait until I have a few drinks then I am in

Mike - Borealis
10:08 AM
Before we get to the mundane, I want to congratulate the Florida Farstrider organization and former-GM
Amaado for their record season – culminating in their seventh Rodriguez Cup.

:palm_tree: 10:08 AM
Too many! We need to cap these Cups at 3 or 4, give the rest of us a chance.

Mike - Borealis
10:09 AM
We’d also like to congratulate the 2039 Sovereign League Champion Reno Zephyrs and their GM
@Scott - Zephyrs
for another fine season, appearing in their 2nd PEC – and first since the 2018 season led by Tony Carmona. It was Reno’s 5th post-season in 8-years. (edited)

:palm_tree: 10:09 AM

Kevin - Evas
10:10 AM
Hey. everyone!

Sean - Claymores
10:10 AM
huzzah (1 MB)
https://media2.giphy.com/media/QADXqcH4 ... y.gif&ct=g

Posted using /giphy | GIF by CBS

Mike - Borealis
10:10 AM
Hey Kevin!

:palm_tree: 10:10 AM
Hi, Kev.

Scott - Zephyrs
10:10 AM
Hello all. I almost forget about the WM

Mike - Borealis
10:11 AM
Procedurally, please send any trades you have in a Direct Message to me, Dylan and your trade partner. Please be sure to include the ACTUAL (not what you think) minor league level of any minor league player dealt. Once we announce the trade, please post it in the forums as normal. The Commish will then confirm the trades and adjust the Draft Pick Trade Tally as needed.

:palm_tree: 10:11 AM
Forgot?!? We just honored you, Scott.

Dan - Ghosts
10:11 AM
Scott is just casually the SL champ.

:palm_tree: 10:11 AM
Someday soon he’ll casually be the PEBA champ,

Mike - Borealis
10:12 AM
We will move through the four days of Winter Meetings (plus one day) throughout our time here and any announcements of signings will be made at that time. When we are done, we will have a new file posted for you to download.

Rob - Codgers
10:12 AM
Gentlemen. I am here
The Codgers are open for business. Who is sending me a couple power bats?

Mike - Borealis
10:12 AM
Hey Rob!!
ALERT: One of the most important things to remember is if you have Rule 5 players to protect, you must do so before Tuesday’s sim!!! Or forever hold your peace. No roster moves are allowed between Tuesday and Thursday’s sims. This is very important if you’ve traded for a Rule 5 eligible player!

Matt - Shisa
10:13 AM
Okinawa only has power bats Rob!
Also, welcome!

Mike - Borealis
10:13 AM
@Dylan - Wind Dancers
, do you have anything to add?

Brian - Tempe Apollos
10:13 AM
i know where this is going...

:palm_tree: 10:14 AM
Yeah, Tempe and Yuma will be fighting it out for the cellar again.

Sean - Claymores
10:14 AM
Shots fired

:palm_tree: 10:15 AM
Under the tables! Hide!

Dylan - Wind Dancers
10:15 AM
Looking at the Evas position in the standings last season, no I don't have anything else to say

Brian - Tempe Apollos
10:15 AM
i stand corrected

Chuck - Trendsetters
10:15 AM
Afternoon all (or morning)

RJ - Sandgnats
10:15 AM
Everyone: Also remember that those signed in FA between Tuesday and Thursday sims are protected from the Rule 5 draft just because well no rostering can occur during that time. We will make a list of those players and post it - so please don't add them to your rule 5 list. Make Dylan's life easier.

:palm_tree: 10:16 AM
Thanks for the reminder, RJ.

Mike - Borealis
10:16 AM
I will also make every attempt to sweep up any FA who may sign in the next sim…

Matt - Shisa
10:16 AM
Who has that 1 excel file with all the Vials so you can remember who is who?

Mike - Borealis
10:18 AM
Then, let us get this party started…
We have our first trade of the 2039 Winter Meetings to announce!

:palm_tree: 10:18 AM
Oh no.

Mike - Borealis
10:18 AM
Shall we begin with a BANG! or a whimper?

Sean - Claymores
10:18 AM
it's showtime (2 MB)
Posted using /giphy | GIF by Freeform

:palm_tree: 10:18 AM
BANG us baby!

Chuck - Trendsetters
10:19 AM
Thats what she said

Thad - Farstriders
10:19 AM
gong (802 kB)
https://media2.giphy.com/media/10ovsMSa ... y.gif&ct=g

Posted using /giphy | GIF by Tytanium Academy

:palm_tree: 10:19 AM
No, that’s what HE said, i.e., me.

Greg - Alleghenies
10:19 AM
Hello everyone

Jaime - Kalamazoo
10:19 AM
Let’s start slow and finish strong. Save the Florida big 3 breakup trades for another day.

Brian - Tempe Apollos
10:19 AM
That line has never once worked for me, fwiw

Kevin - Evas
10:20 AM
Hey. Greg

:palm_tree: 10:20 AM
Howdy, Greg!

Justin - Bureaucrats
10:20 AM
Hello Greg

Matt - Shisa
10:20 AM
Hey GReg

Chuck - Trendsetters
10:20 AM
Hey Greg!

RJ - Sandgnats
10:20 AM
Hi Greg!

Mike - Borealis
10:20 AM
A Trade between the Florida Fartriders and the Madison Malts has been agreed on:

Chuck - Trendsetters
10:20 AM
Wait is this actually Greg or did he send one of his kids to the Winter Meetings?

Greg - Alleghenies
10:21 AM
It's me

Mike - Borealis
10:21 AM
Florida receives Madison 1st - 9th OV
Misao 'Weed' Okada PEBA
Adolph 'Bones' Glotz AAA
Ichizo Kobayashi AA

Dylan - Wind Dancers
10:21 AM
*Assistant GM's Chuck

Sean - Claymores
10:21 AM
No pizza party today

Tim - Warriors
10:21 AM
Madison? Oh, no!

Greg - Alleghenies
10:21 AM
My kid is out on a bike ride with her friends

:palm_tree: 10:21 AM
What does OV stand for?

Greg - Alleghenies
10:21 AM

Mike - Borealis
10:22 AM

YouTubeYouTube | SoundEffectsFactory
Drum Roll Sound Effect [Extended / High Quality]

Dylan - Wind Dancers
10:22 AM

:palm_tree: 10:22 AM
Thanks, Greg. These acronyms kill me.

Sean - Kentucky
10:22 AM
For Kaleb Felton?

Mike - Borealis
10:22 AM
Madison Recieves:
George Moss PEBA
Michael 'XXX' Roberts PEBA

Chuck - Trendsetters
10:22 AM
OV = Only Vails

:palm_tree: 10:23 AM
Oh Very (funny)

Sean - Claymores
10:23 AM
Is that a generic only fans?

Dan - Ghosts
10:23 AM
And with that, the BIG 3 are no more

Brian - Tempe Apollos
10:23 AM
I don't recall inviting any of them to the SL

Rob - Codgers
10:24 AM
You guys should check out my OnlyFans if you are into that kind of thing

:palm_tree: 10:24 AM
What’s an “OnlyFans”?

2 replies
Last reply today at 10:29 AMView thread

Chuck - Trendsetters
10:24 AM
Lol. And with 1 trade Florida just surpassed our rebuilding effort.

Sean - Kentucky
10:24 AM
I would like to say I am gonna miss Roberts in the division, but he has given all my pitchers ongoing nightmares and we have had to pay for extra therapists for them.

Thad - Farstriders
10:24 AM
Can't make everyone happy, feel free hit my dms about how I took too little

:palm_tree: 10:24 AM
What is “dms”?

:palm_tree: 10:25 AM
You guys use too many acronyms. I can’t follow.

3 replies
Last reply today at 10:26 AMView thread

:palm_tree: 10:25 AM
We don’t have acronyms in the 60s, where I still live.

Mike - Borealis
10:25 AM
Madison instant contender…
And we have a 2nd Winter Meeting Trade…
This trade has been struck between the Palm Springs Codgers and the New Jersey Hitmen…
The Codger will receive SP Yasuoka ‘The Calm’ Seki in exchange for MR Ángel Reyna

Rob - Codgers
10:27 AM
We need a lefthanded starter, Seki gives us that

Jaime - Kalamazoo
10:27 AM
@Thad - Farstriders
goes to Florida only to leave
@RJ - Sandgnats

@Cristian - Dinosaurs

@Tim - Warriors
and I with the parting gift of facing Roberts on a nearly daily basis. Can we return this gift?

2 replies
Last reply today at 10:29 AMView thread

Ryan Vail
10:27 AM
Sean, can you forward your team therapist's contact info to Brian. I'm going to double her clientele lol.

and Jaime too lol

Sean - Kentucky
10:28 AM
replied to a thread:
So @Thad - Farstriders goes to Florida only to leave @RJ - Sandgnats @Cristian - Dinosaurs @Tim - Warriors and I with the parting gift of facing Roberts on a nearly daily basis. Can we return this gift?
Wait until you hear that Knopp is coming that way as well
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Mike - Borealis
10:30 AM
It is fortuitous that our first trade is between our GMs who ‘switched’ teams. We welcome
@Ryan Vail
back to the PEBA, taking on the lone PEBA club not to make the playoffs, and
@Thad - Farstriders
who moves over to the Imperial League to ru(i)n(?) Florida!!

Brian - Tempe Apollos
10:31 AM
Somebody out there wants to overpay their DH. I know you do. When you come to your senses, and reach a similar conclusion, hit me up.

Mike - Borealis
10:32 AM
We have our 3rd trade of the Winter Meetings…

Chuck - Trendsetters
10:32 AM
Bob, did you pull something typing that?

Matt - Shisa
10:32 AM
Whats the rule for top prospects included in a trade to count for CP in the WM? Top 10?

Mike - Borealis
10:33 AM
Yuma sends P Terrance Brown (A) to Niihama in exchange for P Felix Cristano (AA)

Dan - Ghosts
10:33 AM
Top 10 per the team reports page?

Dylan - Wind Dancers
10:33 AM
Or if you do to your development page

You can find it there as well

Dan - Ghosts
10:33 AM
Are those the same list? Or is either acceptable?

:palm_tree: 10:33 AM
Oh, I thought Mike was going to announce the OTHER Yuma trade. Bad timing on my part. (Maybe I can make my senseless comment disappear, like Mike’s musical links.)

Dylan - Wind Dancers
10:34 AM
They are the same list

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
10:37 AM


Mike - Borealis
10:37 AM

:palm_tree: 10:37 AM

Mike - Borealis
10:38 AM
Where are you skiing?

Frank - Amsterdam Lions
10:38 AM
Timberline Summit area. Good beginner place.

Rob - Codgers
10:40 AM
For you hunters... This is the stud that knocked up my doe before he took a dirt nap


:palm_tree: 10:40 AM
Nice dining room. What are they serving?

1 reply
Today at 10:42 AMView thread

Matt - Shisa
10:41 AM

:palm_tree: 10:41 AM

Mike - Borealis
10:42 AM
ATTENTION: The Ballots have been cast and counted, and we have our 8th Hall of Fame Class!

:palm_tree: 10:42 AM

Scott - Zephyrs
10:42 AM
Drum roll

:palm_tree: 10:42 AM

Sean - Claymores
10:42 AM
I’m having venison brats today
@Rob - Codgers

Mike - Borealis
10:42 AM
This year, in an interest to boost induction, we dropped the required vote tally to 70%…

:palm_tree: 10:43 AM
Bravo! Bold move!

Mike - Borealis
10:43 AM
Our first member of the 2039 class is no stranger and one of the great leaders of all-time:

:palm_tree: 10:44 AM

Mike - Borealis
10:44 AM


:palm_tree: 10:44 AM

Mike - Borealis
10:44 AM
German received 72% of the vote.
More to come as the meetings continue…

:palm_tree: 10:45 AM
Goody goody!

Scott - Zephyrs
10:45 AM

Rob - Codgers
10:48 AM
and btw, that deer died of natural causes. He basically screwed himself to death. What a way to go out

Mike - Borealis
10:48 AM
We have our 4th trade of the 2039 Winter Meetings:

:palm_tree: 10:49 AM

Mike - Borealis
10:49 AM
The Evil Evas send 2B Harumi Kawamura (R) and 2B Germán Ramírez (IC) to
Niihama in xchange for SS António Quintana (IC) and 2B Tadasuke Kouki (R)

Sean - Kentucky
10:50 AM
What is the over/under on Evas trades today? 3.5? (edited)

Mike - Borealis
10:51 AM
Evas??? Niihama… Lots of minor league parts on the move…

Sean - Claymores
10:51 AM
I'm just here not to be fined (2 MB)
Posted using /giphy | GIF by NFL
Claymores today

:palm_tree: 10:51 AM
Over by 6.1, under by -8.2, I think.

Dylan - Wind Dancers
10:54 AM
As Saturday night ends and we head into Sunday, two teams have put pen to paper on free agent signings.

:palm_tree: 10:54 AM
Or maybe I got that wrong. Maybe they’re Over by the inverse of the square of whatever they’re Under.

Dylan - Wind Dancers
10:55 AM
The Neo-Tokyo Akira have signed RP Jim Williams, who just left the team this offseason, to a 2-year $5.2m deal.

Chuck - Trendsetters
10:56 AM
Has Ron ever attended one of these?

Ron - Akira
10:56 AM
Funny, he wouldn't negotiate with me as he wanted to test free agency.

Dylan - Wind Dancers
10:56 AM
And the Duluth Warriors have signed SP Manuel Velasquez to a 3-year $24m deal. (edited)

Chuck - Trendsetters
10:56 AM
And there he is!

Mike - Borealis
11:01 AM
ATTENTION: We will use this moment of FA signings to remind everyone of changes to the rules in the current and coming offseason. The Qualifying Offer option has come to a close and this is the last offseason that teams will lose draft picks for signing said FAs.
Also eliminated, as of now, is receiving compensation for not signing top draft picks. You may see those compensation picks noted in-game, but they will not be available come draft day.
Thank you.
(You may return to your regularly scheduled meeting)
ATTENTION: Each season GMs have the chance to predict how they envision how the season will fare, and here with the results of the 2039 Predictions is
@RJ - Sandgnats

RJ - Sandgnats
11:06 AM
Here are the results of the 2039 pre-season predictions! I want to thank everyone for choosing correctly that Crystal Lake would sit at 3rd place in perpetual mediocrity. However, no one picked correctly that Aurora would join them finishing 3rd as well this year. Don Washington was picked the most by participants as a Wunderkind winner for the IL. I will post the new thread later today for 2040!
And now for the results… lowest score wins….

:palm_tree: 11:06 AM
Oh boy, I love these.

Yuma always racks up the points, baby!

Brian - Tempe Apollos
11:07 AM
Yuma's predictions took on novella form this season

RJ - Sandgnats
11:07 AM
8 Dan 1
7 Chuck 1
6 Dylan -3.5
5 Tim -4
4 Sean -7
and our 3rd place winner....
you might know him as the Commish.... or Aurora Mike with -8
and for 2nd place the one and only Frank with -9
and the winner this year with a staggering -18.5
New Jersey Mike!

Brian - Tempe Apollos
11:09 AM
PEBA soothsayer

:palm_tree: 11:09 AM
bummer. so close.

Michael - Hitmen
11:09 AM

Jaime - Kalamazoo
11:10 AM
We just need someone on the 40-man for CP, right?

Michael - Hitmen
11:10 AM
Come to me for all your season guess questions, I’m here all week

RJ - Sandgnats
11:10 AM
Congrats to all - I will add the thread soon for next years predictions. Back to you Commish!

Mike - Borealis
11:11 AM
ATTENTION: The Board of the PEBA has a special announcement!!
The Board has been looking to add a member (preferably from the IL) to replace the departed Reg.

Patrick - Havana
11:12 AM
ATENCIÓN: ¡¡La Junta Directiva de la PEBA tiene un anuncio especial!!

Chuck - Trendsetters
11:12 AM
Mike has a time machine. Must be. Gets Don Washington right before he blows up. Wins the Preseason Prediction Contest by a mile. Coincidence?

Michael - Hitmen
11:13 AM
Total coincidence Chuck :dotted_line_face:

Michael - Hitmen
11:13 AM
I’m living in the code is all

3 replies
Last reply today at 11:16 AMView thread

Mike - Borealis
11:13 AM
And so, the Board has made a decision, and would like to add
@Michael - Hitmen
to the Board of the PEBA. Mike has a long history with the League, understands the importance of history, and brings a thoughtful mind to the collective.
Welcome Mike!

Patrick - Havana
11:14 AM
Congrats Mike!

Chuck - Trendsetters
11:14 AM

Michael - Hitmen
11:14 AM
I’d like to thank the board for this opportunity to help by providing my annoying joy for the older PEBA days and occasional odd points of view. But more importantly to provide a daily reminder that the IL does indeed RULE and represent the IL the best I can. Please go easy on me!

Brian - Tempe Apollos
11:14 AM
Thanks for volunteering, Mike :+1:

Sean - Kentucky
11:14 AM
Congrats Mike and Thanks!

Evan - Underground
11:14 AM
The preseason prediction thread was actually a tournament to elect the new board member all along

Scott - Zephyrs
11:14 AM
Yes, congrats Mike

Mike - Borealis
11:14 AM
“You’re Fired”

Chuck - Trendsetters
11:14 AM

Matt - Shisa
11:14 AM
replied to a thread:
I’m living in the code is all
Congrats on your appointment! Guess you will be living in the code for real now =P
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Chuck - Trendsetters
11:15 AM
Congrats Mike! You'll do a great job!

Evan - Underground
11:15 AM

Michael - Hitmen
11:16 AM
My first order of business is to ban all trades of any kind. We will all now go play out games in a painfully slow solo mode

:palm_tree: 11:16 AM

Michael - Hitmen
11:17 AM
But just happy to help where I can and throw my 3 cents in

:palm_tree: 11:17 AM
3 cents? Is that inflationary?

Matt - Shisa
11:18 AM
probably Canadian

:palm_tree: 11:18 AM

Mike - Borealis
11:18 AM
We have a 5th trade of the 2039 Winter Meetings:

Matt - Shisa
11:18 AM
Okinawa needs to leave in 2 mins, please someone allow me to trade Bill Adams for whatever so I can get some sweet sweet CP bonus!

Michael - Hitmen
11:18 AM
Yes Bob. We are up to 3 now :smiling_face_with_tear:

Mike - Borealis
11:19 AM
Tempe sends CF Roberto Gutierrez, RP Jorge Luna, and 3B Fernando Romero (AA) to London in exchange for CF Juan Chavarria and SP Jong-hoo Im

Brian - Tempe Apollos
11:21 AM
Very few cool Apollos emojis available

Mike - Borealis
11:24 AM
ATTENTION: We have a special announcement coming out of The Big Easy - here’s Trendies GM
@Chuck - Trendsetters
to share the news!!

Sean - Kentucky
11:25 AM
Chuck is live announcing 1 PEBA game per night!?!

Chuck - Trendsetters
11:25 AM
It has come to our attention that the Single A team The Ensenada Cenicienta del Pacifico translates to "Cinderellas of the Paific.

Patrick - Havana
11:25 AM
ATENCIÓN: Tenemos un anuncio especial de The Big Easy: aquí está Trendies GM
@Chuck - Trendsetters
- Marcadores de tendencias
para compartir la noticia!!

Chuck - Trendsetters
11:26 AM
Not exactly striking fear into our opponents and also explains the lady in the dress pirouetting all over the ballpark and the glass slipper giveaway.

Henceforth, the new name of the New Orleans Single A team will be the "Ensenada Las Brujas Malvadas" which translates to "The Evil Witches"
Raises curtain to show lofo

Mike - Borealis
11:27 AM
Ensenada Las Brujas Malvadas.png

Ensenada Las Brujas Malvadas.png

Michael - Hitmen
11:28 AM
Love the name pick!

Mike - Borealis
11:28 AM


Chuck - Trendsetters
11:28 AM
My thanks to Mike for the help on the logo.

Kevin - Evas
11:28 AM
Love the Halloween decoration vibes. Hope the black is velvet.

Brian - Tempe Apollos
11:28 AM
Excellent! Dig the unis

RJ - Sandgnats
11:29 AM
Is Monster Energy Drinks a sponsor of the team?

1 reply
Today at 11:57 AMView thread

Chuck - Trendsetters
11:29 AM
We just took the old Cinderella mascot dress and used it to drag the infield.

Lenny- Bears
11:30 AM
ooooooo niiiiice

Chuck - Trendsetters
11:30 AM
Next year it will be a rework of the Delaware Diamonds which is just boring. They will also likely relocate as Delaware is also just boring.

Dan - Ghosts
11:31 AM
@Mike - Borealis
I have a strong objection to having my draft picks taken. I will message later for the discussion. (edited)

Sean - Kentucky
11:31 AM

Chuck - Trendsetters
11:32 AM
Still in the works will be a logo change for the Anchorage Mighty Moose as their logo is a hockey logo. After that will likely be a relocation and rebranding of the Fayetteville braggarts.

Mike - Borealis
11:34 AM
We have our 6th ttrade of the 2039 Winter Meetings:
Madison send 3B Marvin Sykes (AA) and RF Ricardo Santos (SS-A) to Niihama in exchange for RF Will Norman (SS-A) RF Min-chor Kim (A)
AND… We have our 7th trade of the 2039 Winter Meetings:
Crystal Lake sends 2B Juan Rincon (PEBA) to Kalamazoo in exchange for 2B Alexander Craig (PEBA) and RP Atasuke Inoue (AAA)

Thad - Farstriders
11:36 AM
Sykes shipped off right after I named him minor league player of the year in Maddy rip

Dylan - Wind Dancers
11:42 AM
After a likely rambunctious Sunday evening, we head into Monday with one more FA signing being announced
The Amsterdam Lions have signed 6-time All-star RP Matt 'Zippy' Brown to a 1-year $1.9m contract. (edited)

Mike - Borealis
11:43 AM
ATTENTION: The PEBA Hall of Fame would like to welcome the second member of the Class of 2039 - and he was a member of the PEBA’s first year - way back in 2007 (IRL and in PEBA year)…


…. finally….

Brian - Tempe Apollos
11:44 AM
overdue indeed

RJ - Sandgnats
11:45 AM

:palm_tree: 11:53 AM
Well deserved.

Mike - Borealis
11:53 AM
ATTENTION: Here to discuss things ‘behind the curtain’ is
@Dylan - Wind Dancers

:palm_tree: 11:53 AM
The Wizard of OZ!

Sean - Kentucky
11:54 AM


Evan - Underground
11:54 AM
Nice PJs, Dylan

Chuck - Trendsetters
11:55 AM
https://www.google.com/search?q=SNL+Our ... p+story+to[…]AYhgMYgAQYigXSAQg5NDUzajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

:mag_right: SNL Our toip story tonight! - Google Search
(427 kB)
https://www.google.com/search?q=SNL+Our ... AaqIA,st:0

Dylan - Wind Dancers
11:57 AM
Hey all. I'm sure many of you have glanced at the future draft pools and have seen the giant elephant in the room that is the 2042 draft class of 3k+ players. I wanted to step in and let you all know this draft pool WILL be getting cut down.
The issue is a technical one that just sort of started happening in v24. Normally, a single feeder team consists of at most ~29 players and just slots them all on their main roster. But for some reason, the game has allowed these teams to generate anywhere from 33-40+ players an allows them to be stashed on their reserve roster. Hence that massive inflation of the draft pool. We will trim this pool, but I need access to OOTP 25 to test if this issue still persists in that version. That way we know HOW to approach trimming these players so that the game doesn't just re-generate them immediately.
So if you are tracking that draft class, just make note that a good chunk of those players will disappear at some point. (edited)

:palm_tree: 11:59 AM
Any chance you can persuade a couple good players to “disappear” to the Sonoran Desert?

RJ - Sandgnats
12:01 PM
Maybe in the same way Bob and I helped my last owner disappear in Somalia....

1 reply
Today at 12:05 PMView thread

Mike - Borealis
12:02 PM
And to
@Dylan - Wind Dancers
point, that doesn’t include what mechanism is to be used to crop that 9and potentially future) crops - aside from just cutting feeder teams, which I think we’d prefer not to do…

Brian - Tempe Apollos
12:02 PM
I smell a grim plotline emerging

Mike - Borealis
12:03 PM
And… We have our 8th trade of the Winter Meetings - it’s a large one…
San Antonio trades:
C Harry Bell (SA)
CF Maresuke Kobayashi (SA)
1B Leonard Ryan (AA)
OF Manuel Lopez (R)
SP John Sharp (AA)
Shin Seiki trades:
CL Wesley Carter (A)
OF Herman Hill (SA)
LF Claudio Tobias (R)
SP Eduardo Morales (SA)
2B Carlos De La Garza (AAA) (edited)

Scott - Zephyrs
12:04 PM

Mike - Borealis
12:05 PM
And on a smaller scale, our 9th Trade:
Kentucky sends LF Sergio Blanco (AAA) to Havana in exchange for 1B Lawrence Gorwyn (AAA)

Lenny- Bears
12:06 PM
I love all the minor league trades. It must have been that deep dive into minor league development podcast with
@Sean - Claymores
@Michael - Hitmen
and that other guy. (edited)

Sean - Kentucky
12:06 PM
That other guy was pretty good

Mike - Borealis
12:07 PM
Let’s make it a trifeca! Our 10th trade:

Patrick - Havana
12:07 PM
¡ATENCIÓN hinchas de Leones! Kentucky envía al LF Sergio Blanco (AAA) a La Habana a cambio del 1B Lawrence Gorwyn (AAA)

Mike - Borealis
12:07 PM
Duluth sends RP Gerard Scott (AA) and Duluth’s 6th round pick to Kalamazoo in exchange for 2B Benigno Canseco (PEBA)

Chuck - Trendsetters
12:12 PM
How do I add more than 1 person to a DM?
A huddle happened 12:13 PM
Chuck - Trendsetters and Patrick - Havana were in the huddle for 1m.

Chuck - Trendsetters
12:14 PM
Sorry Patrick Just trying to figure out how to add more than 1 person to a message

Patrick - Havana
12:14 PM
no worries I figured it was something like that :slightly_smiling_face:

Dylan - Wind Dancers
12:14 PM
You just open up a new direct message and add the names you want

Mike - Borealis
12:14 PM
Our 11th trade of the 2039 Winter Meetings has been struck:
Okinawa Receives:
RF Arturo Carolino (PEBA)
Niihama Receives:
SP Vincente Cortez (A)

Mike - Borealis
12:22 PM
ATTENTION: We have our third - and last - member of the Hall of Fame Class of 2039, the largest vote getter this year - with the 3rd largest tally in Hall of Fame history and most since Pat Lilly in 2032…



:palm_tree: 12:22 PM

Patrick - Havana
12:22 PM
ATENCIÓN: Tenemos nuestro tercer - y último - miembro de la Clase del Salón de la Fama de 2039, la que obtuvo más votos este año, con el tercer conteo más grande en la historia del Salón de la Fama y la mayor cantidad desde Pat Lilly en 2032... (edited)

:palm_tree: 12:22 PM
At last! The Hitman joins his fellow elite players.

Kevin - Evas
12:23 PM
3 inductees is solid progress I like it.

:palm_tree: 12:24 PM
I’m glad I stuck around to hear that news. But now, mis amigos, I must depart. I’m hosting a group of actors who are reading a new script of mine. From baseball to theatre, time to make the switch. Happy trading!

Kevin - Evas
12:25 PM
Later, Bob!

Mike - Borealis
12:25 PM
Votes (29) - PCT - Nominee
25 – 86.2% - Danny ‘Hitman’ Burton - OF
23 – 79.3% - Steve McDonald – 2B
21 – 72.5% - German Hernandez - C
20 – 69.0% - Andres Hernandez – 1B
19 – 65.5% - Chris ‘Jitters’ Long - SS
19 – 65.5% - Wilson Munoz – 1B
18 – 62.1% - Fred Benjamin - SP
18 – 62.1% - Juan Hernandez - SS
18 – 62.1% - Ronald Lowry - SS
17 – 58.6% - Alfredo ‘R’ Aranda – CL
15 – 51.7% - Kenny Ashley
13 – 44.8% - Mike ‘Big Whiskey’ Britt – 3B
9 – 31.0% - Dean McNeil - SP
7 – 24.1% - Neil Maes - SP
6 – 20.7% - Narahiko Imada – 1B
5 – 17.2% - Alex ‘Red Hook’ Bothwell – 1B
3 – 10.3% - Pedro Ferringo - DH
3 – 10.3% - Ieyoshi Ishikawa - CF
3 – 10.3% - Paul Carlisle - OF
1 – 3.4% - Felipe ' El Niño’ Dias – 1B
1 – 3.4% - Jerry Long - OF
The final vote tally can be seen here:

Lenny- Bears
12:25 PM
Thanks for the invite...
I wanna read your script.
Also hide your booze and drugs...we actors LOVE that shit.

:palm_tree: 12:26 PM
Really? It’s about Christopher Marlowe. If you’re interested, just email me and I’ll send you a copy.

Mike - Borealis
12:26 PM
Ciao Bob!

Lenny- Bears
12:26 PM
I love Marlowe

:palm_tree: 12:26 PM
Ciao, Miguelito!

Patrick - Havana
12:26 PM
ATENCIÓN: Yuma Bob ha salido de la habitación.

:palm_tree: 12:26 PM
Oh, you love Marlowe! Well, Lenny, the play is coming your way.

Lenny- Bears
12:27 PM
Heck yes winter meetings!

Mike - Borealis
12:28 PM
We have our 12th trade of the Winter Meetings:
Okinawa Receives:
KAL 15th round pick
Kalamazoo Receives:
SP Bill Adams
AND… for a very Lucky 13th Trade of the Winter Meetings…
Bakersfield Receives
SS Jose Maldonado
Neo-Tokyo Receives
LF Jose Gomez (AAA)
BAK 3rd rd pick

Patrick - Havana
12:31 PM
:hott:Steve Hott approves

Evan - Underground
12:32 PM
Justice for Chris Long!

Mike - Borealis
12:34 PM
We have a very intriguing 14th Trade of the 2039 Winter Meetings:
New Orleans receives
Hav 2039 1st round draft pick #26 overall (from NJ)
Hav 2039 4th round draft pick #15
Havana receives
1B Keiji Shiroi (INT)
NO 2039 5th round draft pick #17 (from KAL)

Patrick - Havana
12:35 PM
ATENCIÓN Fanáticos de los Leones: New Orleans recibe
Hav 2039 Selección de draft de primera ronda n.° 26 en general (de Nueva Jersey)
Hav 2039 Selección de draft de cuarta ronda # 15
La Habana recibe
1B Keiji Shiroi (INT)
NO 2039 Selección de draft de quinta ronda n.° 17 (de KAL)

Mike - Borealis
12:35 PM
@channel Please, once your trade has been announced, have it posted in the Completed Trade forum and confirm.
Thank You.

Sean - Claymores
12:36 PM

Chuck - Trendsetters
12:36 PM
For the hearing impaired:
New Orleans receives
Hav 2039 1st round draft pick #26 overall (from NJ)
Hav 2039 4th round draft pick #15
Havana receives
1B Keiji Shiroi (INT)
NO 2039 5th round draft pick #17 (from KAL)

Jaime - Kalamazoo
12:37 PM
Who didn't vote for Wilson Munoz of Kenny Ashley?

1 reply
Today at 12:39 PMView thread

Mike - Borealis
12:37 PM
I knew when the first traded pick wasn’t until the 7th received trade that we weren’t going to get off easy…

Sean - Kentucky
12:39 PM
replied to a thread:
Who didn't vote for Wilson Munoz of Kenny Ashley?
Or Aranda!? :)

Scott - Zephyrs
12:40 PM
Ashley's ERA isn't very impressive but those 232 win are.

Patrick - Havana
12:43 PM
Ashley was a tremendous asset when he played in Havana

Mike - Borealis
12:44 PM
Our 15th Trade of the Winter Meetings:
San Antonio Receives:
C Julio Elias (AAA)
Niihama Receives:
SA 4th round pick
AND… our 16th Trade of the Winter Meetings:
New Orleans Receives:
OF Royce Green AAA
4th RD Pick
Kentucky Receives:
RP Lou Long

Chuck - Trendsetters
12:53 PM
How many trades did we have lkast year?

Dylan - Wind Dancers
12:53 PM

Mike - Borealis
12:56 PM
Lots of teams garnering the Trade Bonus CP this year!

Chuck - Trendsetters
12:56 PM
Nice to see. Usually as leagues get older, trades seem to happen less frequently. The live Winter Meetings is a great event.

Mike - Borealis
12:59 PM
I enjoy it! Less stressful than the draft…
Well… It looks like we are winding down folks…
Anything on the way? Or it’s time to move the sim on and call these Winter Meetings closed…??

Kevin - Evas
1:05 PM
I've got nothing in the works at the moment.

Ron - Akira
1:06 PM
Might have one in a couple

Chuck - Trendsetters
1:06 PM
Looks like I am done.

Patrick - Havana
1:06 PM
all quiet on the Caribbean Front :flag-cu:

Mike - Borealis
1:07 PM
I’ve got you until 10 after
@Ron - Akira
otherwise it’s tuesday…

Ron - Akira
1:07 PM
It s coming...

Chuck - Trendsetters
1:09 PM
Ron traded me all his AAA SP for my 20th. Go ahead and book it. No need to confirm. :face_with_rolling_eyes:

Mike - Borealis
1:11 PM
We have out LAST Trade of the Winter Meetings:

Rob - Codgers
1:11 PM
hold that thought Mike

Mike - Borealis
1:11 PM
Crystal Lake sends RP Scotty Shorland, to Neo-Tokyo for $5 million

RJ - Sandgnats
1:12 PM
Adios Scotty!

Patrick - Havana
1:15 PM
Well done all, especially Mike and Dylan for managing this stuff. and congrats again to new board member
@Michael - Hitmen

Lenny- Bears
1:15 PM
Gents. Fun as always. Sunday Funday time! Till next time.

RJ - Sandgnats
1:15 PM
set the channel topic: Winter Meetings - 2039/2040

Mike - Borealis
1:16 PM
I will post more later on, but here is the final CP Tally for the 2039 season. I hope I haven’t missed anything. You can begin posting your rewards in the forum.
Please note the Madison line belongs to
@Thad - Farstriders
, the Florida line is
legacy points, and
@Ryan Vail
will begin with his legacy points +50 for the WM…


Thank You all for your attendance and a fantastic 2039 Winter Meetings!! :beers:

Patrick - Havana
1:17 PM

Mike - Borealis
1:18 PM
I will update the Trade Tally later on once we get the trades posted and confirmed.
And a HUGE thanks for
@Dylan - Wind Dancers
for all his work behind the scenes processing all those trades!!
Current PEBA Board Members
Mike Topham (Borealis) - Commissioner
RJ Ermola (Sandgnats)
Dylan Krupilis (Wind Dancers)
Reg LeBlanc (Trendsetters)
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Re: 2039 Winter Meetings Transcript

#2 Post by Hitmen »

Important notes from the 2039 Winter Meetings:
  • RULE V (5) DRAFT REMINDER (1 of 2): One of the most important things to remember is if you have Rule 5 players to protect, you must do so before Tuesday’s sim!!! Or forever hold your peace. No roster moves are allowed between Tuesday and Thursday’s sims. This is very important if you’ve traded for a Rule 5 eligible player!
  • RULE V (5) DRAFT REMINDER (2 of 2): Also remember that those signed in FA between Tuesday and Thursday sims are protected from the Rule 5 draft just because well no rostering can occur during that time. We will make a list of those players and post it - so please don't add them to your rule 5 list. Make Dylan's life easier.
  • GM MOVEMENT: We welcome Ryan Vail back to the PEBA, taking on the lone PEBA club not to make the playoffs (Madison), and Thad - Farstriders who moves over to the Imperial League to Florida
  • HALL OF FAME CLASS AND REDUCTION TO REQUIREMENT (75% to 70%): The Ballots have been cast and counted, and we have our 8th Hall of Fame Class! This year, in an interest to boost induction, we dropped the required vote tally to 70%
  • QUALIFYING OFFER REMOVAL: We will use this moment of FA signings to remind everyone of changes to the rules in the current and coming offseason. The Qualifying Offer option has come to a close and this is the last offseason that teams will lose draft picks for signing said FAs.
  • COMPENSATION PICK REMOVAL: Also eliminated, as of now, is receiving compensation for not signing top draft picks. You may see those compensation picks noted in-game, but they will not be available come draft day.
  • NEW BOARD MEMBER The Board of the PEBA has a special announcement!! The Board has been looking to add a member (preferably from the IL) to replace the departed Reg. And so, the Board has made a decision, and would like to add
    Michael - Hitmen to the Board of the PEBA. Mike has a long history with the League, understands the importance of history, and brings a thoughtful mind to the collective.
  • NEW ORLEANS UPDATES MINORS: Henceforth, the new name of the New Orleans Single A team will be the "Ensenada Las Brujas Malvadas" which translates to "The Evil Witches"
    Ensenada Las Brujas Malvadas.png
  • 2042 DRAFT CLASS: I'm sure many of you have glanced at the future draft pools and have seen the giant elephant in the room that is the 2042 draft class of 3k+ players. I wanted to step in and let you all know this draft pool WILL be getting cut down. The issue is a technical one that just sort of started happening in v24. Normally, a single feeder team consists of at most ~29 players and just slots them all on their main roster. But for some reason, the game has allowed these teams to generate anywhere from 33-40+ players an allows them to be stashed on their reserve roster. Hence that massive inflation of the draft pool. We will trim this pool, but I need access to OOTP 25 to test if this issue still persists in that version. That way we know HOW to approach trimming these players so that the game doesn't just re-generate them immediately. So, if you are tracking that draft class, just make note that a good chunk of those players will disappear at some point. And to @Dylan - Wind Dancers point, that doesn’t include what mechanism is to be used to crop that (and potentially future) crops - aside from just cutting feeder teams, which I think we’d prefer not to do…
  • CP TALLY UPDATED: Mike will post soon.
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Michael Czosnyka

Current PEBA Board Member
Current - New Jersey Hitmen 2011 - 2023; 2024-2033 AI lead, 2034+
Former - Madison Malts (f.k.a. Canton Longshoremen) 2029 - 2033

Attending PEBAholics Anonymous meetings since 09/22/2009
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