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Broadsword Bulletin 34S01

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 8:17 am
by PaulW
I’m starting to settle into my new digs – taking meetings with the staff, hastily questioning every strategic decision my Skipper has made recently, and puffing away on that Scottish Bluebell (as the locals like to call it) with our head groundskeeper, William McGillicuddy. Despite what our record says, we’re not necessarily the listing ship we’d seem to be – we have some of the ingredients we’ll need , the pantry is not bare, it’s just filled with bootleg breakfast cereals and off-brand peanut butter – and, with some good ol’ fashioned TLC, a fair bit of pixie dust, and a solid dose of misplaced Scottish confidence we should find ourselves back on course with the quickness… head true north, towards the promised land, on our quest for baseball immortality.

A couple of early moves… Kohei Tani, our backup backstop, who has a solid eye and good pop in his bat, can’t play the position worth a lick. He was picked up during the Rule 5 draft before my time, and, because I value pitch framing and properly handling a staff over a solid eye and a little bit of pop, he’s headed back stateside to Kentucky where he can fuel up on all the fried chicken a boy could ask for. In his stead, Julio Martinez, currently plying his trade in Aberdeen, will be promoted to the big club. Julio gives us a backup that can frame a little bit and who has shown an ability to handle our AAA staff with aplomb… is that enough to make up for that brittle twig he brings with him to the plate? Not sure – but, Scottish isn’t rolling with a backup rated 3 for Catcher Ability, of that much I am certain.

This is likely just the beginning – an opening salvo serving as notice to the club that the winds of change have started to blow, and, if Willy can get his hands on some more of that Scottish Bluebell, it might get a bit gusty around here…

Re: Broadsword Bulletin 34S01

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 1:02 pm
by Borealis
:clap: :clap: :clap:

I love the tone!! Off-brand peanut butter - awesome!!