Travels with Georgie, 2.3

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Travels with Georgie, 2.3

#1 Post by Borealis »

go here for the Front Page version of episode 1 with all the pretty pictures and such
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go here for the Front Page version of episode 3
go here for the Front Page version of episode 4

Travels with Georgie, 2.3

Reflections in the mind of George Crocker

November 20, 2033Boone, North Carolina

A Crock of Gunt – Hall of Fame Edition
KOA Radio 850

We join today’s special edition of A Crock of Gunt already in progress…

Gunter: …We didn’t get the chance to interact with Vic much - the Scottish being over in the IL and all, but we exchanged a few pleasantries during the 2030 PEC, when we were in Charleston, West Virginia, and he was a genuine good man. I think he’ll be sorely missed over there in the UK.

Crocker: Well said Mark-O.

(Mark Gunter looks at George Crocker, expecting more – but none is coming)

(further pause)

Gunter: OK then, we’ve come to the moment we’ve been waiting for – the induction speech for one of the great pitchers of a generation. A 200-game winner, Randy Smith.

Crocker: Yo-Yo-Yo, I’m talking about ‘Tugbooooat’ – he was The Man – for a boat that is!

Gunter: As you all know, Randy teamed up with another Hall of Famer, Michel Provost, to give those Aurora teams of 2021-2023 an unstoppable force as the Borealis would win three-straight Rodriguez Cups.

Crocker: Right where that Cup belongs – in Aurora – shame that it’s not there every year. I just don’t understand why they haven’t done something about that.

Gunter: George, we’ve been over that before – you have to win it to have it – and it’s been 10-years now…

Crocker: I know Markie-Mark, it just don’t feel right – you know, kinda like while I was doin’ my walk? Your sock would scrunch up inside the boot and rub my foot every way but right? It’s like that.

(Mark Gunter just rolls his eyes)

Gunter: As we await the introductions – we’ve been told that former-Aurora reliever and now pitching coach in the Organization, Ryan Holbrook will be introducing Randy Smith, (pauses) and I’ve been told we have a special guest joining us here in our makeshift radio booth.

Crocker: Woot-Woot! The ‘Stork’ and a guest – that’s like vanilla and chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles – don’t you think so, Money?

Gunter: Sure… (Mark Gunter turns and says something off camera – and returns with wide eyes)

Gunter: Well, folks, this is indeed a special occasion…

Crocker: Of course it is Mark-o-rama – it’s the Hall of Fame! One day it’ll be me they’ll be inducting. Will you introduce me? How Sweet would that be – the Big M.G. introducing the Legendary G.C… Why I remember one day down in Lima, when I…

Gunter: George, please… Folks, for the very first time, we have joining us on the show, Aurora head, Michael Topham, Jr…

Crocker: WHAT? You mean the BAS…

Gunter: It’s a pleasure to have you joining us Michael. It’s been way too long.

Topham: Thank you, Mark. I am sorry to say that it has been quite a long time.

Gunter: When was it you took over the team?

Topham: Well, Dad died back in 2022 – we all were glad that he at least had the chance to see the club win a few title before he passed – especially after the heartbreaking failures of 2011 and 2014.

Gunter: I know this might be a touchy subject, but it never was divulged how he had died?

Topham: No.

Crocker: Well, come on, Junior – don’t leave us hanging in suspense-ville! What gives? Give us the skinny? Lay it out there for us!

Topham: Uh… (quickly looks behind himself) The family would rather keep that private.

Crocker: (lowers his voice) You don’t think there was… (looks to his left and then right) … foul play?

Topham: (quickly) What? No!

(Mark Gunter cocks his head at the rapid response. George Crocker cocks his head formulating his response)

Crocker: So tell us, Junior, what are the team plans for this offseason – plan on exciting the fans by not spending money – A…. gain…?

Topham: It’s never our plan to be frugal – we don’t set out with that goal, we just need to be certain that expenditures are in keeping with the Company’s needs.

Gunter: When you say ‘Company’s’, you mean Golden Entertainment.

Topham: Yes. The Company bottom-line has always dictated the path of expenditure.

Gunter: And yet, the large contracts to Smith and Provost, for example, were tendered under your watchful eye.

Crocker: I bet that was Chillie Willie kickin’ and a screamin’ on that one! Wasn’t it Mikey J?

Topham: My half-brother and I don’t necessarily see eye-to-eye on finances. Conversations like that were often mediated by Edward.

Gunter: You mean Edward ‘Harry’ Castle – PEBA Commissioner and former-Golden Entertainment CFO?

Topham: Yes. From the death of our father – and truthfully, for years prior, William and I were never close.

Crocker: So why didn’t you can the kid? You had the power, broker, what gives? The ‘Boy Wonder’ too much to give up?

Gunter: It looks like we’ll have to stop here – I see Ryan Holbrook milling about the side of the stage. I want to thank our surprise guest Michael Topham, Jr for his stopping by – don’t be a stranger, Michael. We’ve lots to chat about.

Topham: Thanks, Mark. Let’s… try… to make it a date for spring training.

Gunter: Let’s switch over to the house mic and hear from former-Aurora star, Ryan Holbrook.

Topham: Ah… George… got a minute…


“You have to take me with you”

George Crocker was just getting ready to sit back and enjoy the show. ‘Stork’ was always one of his favorites, and a Hall of Fame class of just ‘Tugboat’ felt so right. ‘Ol’ Train should have had his own class, too’ he thought to himself ‘and where are these voter’s heads – Cory Pierce – ah… hello??’ but he would never convince anyone in his head.

“Ah… George… got a minute…” Mikey Topham – ‘the J-R., not the real McCoy’ had said as they went off the air. Like most of the folks in the Aurora Organization, George Crocker did not like the ‘owner’ of the ball club ‘Will has had it right from day 1 – just an arrogant bastard’ he thought ‘with a capital B, Bastard’

“What’s shakin’ Mikey?” George asked, knowing where his bread was buttered at the end of the day.

“I have a favor to ask.”

“Shoot-away, Junior.”

“You are going back on the trail, right?” Everyone in the Aurora party had been regaled by George’s tales the night before at the Organizational Winter Meeting dinner.

“I had planned on it – for a little-ways, any-who. 40… 70 miles, perhaps – it definitely is starting to get cold and gnarly…”

“Take me with you!” the Borealis’ owner-of-sorts asked the Borealis broadcaster-of-sorts.

‘Dude…’ George Crocker thought “Dude…” George Crocker said “What’s up? You’re lookin’ like you’ve seen a ghost!” spoken as someone who has felt like he’s seen a ghost or three of late.

“I… I’ve…” the infamous half-brother of the Borealis’ famous GM looked pale and stuttered “I’ve always wanted to hike the Pacific Crest Trail…” he mumbled as he looked behind himself.

“Pacific Crest? Why Mikey the Little, you’re way off – that trail is in Colorado – not here in North Carolina!”

Michael Topham, Jr replied quickly, “I don’t care – just take me with you. Please.”

For George Crocker, this was an unfamiliar place – he typically found people wanting to get away from him ‘I don’t know what’s up with that’, and ‘I really don’t like this guy – but something’s up’ and ‘I wouldn’t mind company, so much’ and “I don’t see why not. If you can get the gear.” ‘That’ll be a hang-up’ “I’m heading back out tomorrow.”

“Thank you… Thank you George.” He put his hand out to shake George’s hand, and instead grabbed him and hugged him.

For a change, George Crocker was speechless.

“I have the gear all set – rations and all. What time do we leave?”

George looked at him in a perplexed manner. “You do?”

“Yes – I came prepared. When do we leave?”

‘Now?’ “Early… shall we call it 6am?”

“Perfect.” Michael, Jr said. “I can go earlier if you need.” George had trouble distinguishing if that was a statement or a question.

There was an odd foreboding that struck George Crocker at that moment – the rushed nature of the Aurora ‘owner’ – ‘and he already has all the gear? Before even asking me?’, and it was with that sense of foreboding that George walked away from Michael Topham, Jr and back to the ceremony.

“Darn!” he exclaimed as he saw Randy Smith walk off the stage “Missed it! Hey, Markie-Mark – what did he say? Hey, Money!”

November 21, 2033

It was with an uncomfortable silence that pair – owner and broadcaster, rode down the highway in ‘Helena, Susannah, Celeste’ the Firebird to the trailhead at Watauga Dam – which represented mile-marker 424. George Crocker’s little side trip to Asheville and Boone had cut off 150-miles of trail ‘I don’t think you’ll miss it, though – will you George Crocker?’ he would think to himself.

At one point along the journey, Michael Topham, Jr asked through sideways eyes, “what about the car?” and George replied there were “people” who would come for it. When he was asked “who are they”, George only replied “You really don’t want to know” – and that was the truth – and more so than George Crocker could know.

George’s response did nothing to help Topham’s mood – ‘he looks sullen… moody…’ George thought to himself ‘no… he looks scared’ “You know, life on the trail is pretty cool – I think you’ll like it. Rough – for sure, a challenge? Absolutely! Those ups-and-downs… But nothing to be afraid off…”

“Who said I was afraid. I’m not afraid. I’m just…”

“Yes?” George asked. He looked at Michael as he replied and for a split second he felt like he knew what was worrying the Aurora owner ‘no… it can’t be that? How could it’ and with that sobering thought, the rest of the ride was silent.


Part of this tale – a real tale, a tale that only George Crocker will ‘kinda’ know at the end of the proverbial day; a tale that he will be forced to keep to himself for self-preservation purposes - began to unfold as he steered off the highway, and pulled to a stop at the head of the Watauga Dam parking lot. On a cold and foggy early Monday morning, there were no cars in the parking lot – save one.

A non-descript police vehicle.

The ’82 Pontiac Firebird remained glued to the restraining line at the stop sign.

‘Really?’ was all George could say. He glanced over at Michael Topham, Jr and saw the fear of God in his face ‘How can he know these guys? When it all clicked ‘that’s how he got his gear so fast – but why?’

Slowly George drove through the parking lot and pulled up near the police vehicle – purposefully leaving a couple of spaces separating the two cars. George sat. Eyes staring forward. He could hear the doors of the police car open and shut. He knew it was ‘Mordred’ without looking. ‘Mordred’ knocked on the window, causing Michael Topham, Jr, sweating bullets, to jump.

George flicked the switch to roll down the window. “Are you coming, George?”

‘If I have to’ “Yeah, I was just thinking – sorry, lost in my thoughts”

“C’mon” George said as he looked over at Michael “No sense wasting time.”

They both got out of the ’82 Pontiac Firebird and closed the doors. They stood, waiting.

‘Mordred’ and ‘Dandelo’ stood waiting. No words were exchanged.

After more than a few pregnant moments, George said “OK, then…” and went to the trunk and pulled out his gear, and Topham followed suit. They walked over to a rock to switch out their footwear, putting on their hiking boots ‘Mikey’s look well worn, too – so weird’ and while the both sat shoeless, ‘Dandelo’ got into the Firebird and drove off. ‘Mordred’ remained, standing beside his nonspecific police cruiser ‘He’s waiting’ George thought ‘He’s waiting for us to leave – to make sure we go’ George didn’t know why he really felt this way – nor did he truly understand why he should. He just knew he did.

“We’ll see you in Damascus,” ‘Mordred’ said “you should be done by then.”

“Sure…” George had no idea what he was talking about. He looked over at his new traveling partner and all he managed was a weak nod of the head.

“Good.” and with that, ‘Mordred’ – the one with just a trail name, got in his vehicle and drove off.

George Crocker sat back down, grabbed his water bottle and took a long swig, all the while looking at Michael Topham, Jr through head-titled, sideways eyes. ‘This is about him. It has all along’ “What gives?” he asks as he stared at Topham.

Michael Topham, Jr, looked at George ‘Not at me’ George thought ‘through me’ and swallowed. Looking at his feet he took a deep breath and said…

“They want you to kill me”
Michael Topham, President Golden Entertainment & President-CEO of the Aurora Borealis
2019, 2021, 2022, 2023 PEBA Champions
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