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2034 Calzones Personnel.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 2:05 pm
by NeilT

GM. Neil Thomas


Assistant GM. Roberto MerĂ¡n

I'm not really a big assistant GM fan, I don't see the point. However from the story point of view I'll keep him, plus with it being an online league I see it as unfair holding money back.

He's been an assistant GM for 2 years and as 1 year remaining, with the organisation having a Japanese feel to it I may let his contract run out and hopefully replace him with a Japanese GM.

The weird thing is I feel sorry for him, in fictional leagues I have a connection with personnel and players. In real life leagues I don't have that connection, reason I feel sorry for him he's worked his way up from hitting coach, manager then assistant GM.


Manager. Kijuro Yoshida

This is were the Japanese feel starts, this is Yoshida's second season in San Antonio finishing with a 80-82 record in his first season.

Managed most of his career in Japan be it in the LRS-JPN league or in the PEBA with Okinawa, then joined Duluth were he didn't do that well only 1 winning season in 5. Like I say didn't do to bad in his first season, plus he fits the story I have in mind so he'll at least see out his 2 year contact.


Bench Coach. Sojuro Kamihara

Another in his second season with the Calzones and another Japanese coach on the bench, must seem like Little Tokyo on the bench during a game.

Not sure if he's been promoted or demoted, he was a manager in the minors but as moved to the majors as a bench coach.

Another with one year left so a decision to keep him or not, as with Yoshida he fits the story so probably keep him.


Pitching Coach. Tadakuni Hayashi

Our 3rd Japanese coach, a wealth of experience within various leagues and one of the most experienced in San Antonio this being his 4th season with the Calzones.

I should start copying and pasting this part, Japanese, 1 year left, fits story he does. So yes you got it probably be staying.


Hitting Coach. Victor Evans

Victor's a bit of a rarity he isn't Japanese, he's actually American, Plaquemine, Louisiana to be exact.

5 years experience with 2 of those with the Calzones, on the winning side more times with San Antonio both years than in his previous 3 years combined. So either he's got better or the team is better that he's with.


Scouting Director. Sojuro Fujii

Blah, blah, blah same as my manager, bench coach and pitching coach all Japanese, all 1 year contracts etc.

I like Sojuro though, he's got good experience and he's a good scout. Longest tenure among Calzones personnel, this will be Sojuro's 5th season in Laredo but hopefully not his last.


Team Trainer. Juan Santos

Juan is another of the few non Japanese personnel in the majors, he's probably one who I don't mind that he only as 1 year left on his contract.

The main problem with Juan is, he doesn't deal well with anything to do with arms be that prevent them or heal them so doubtful if he'll be calling Laredo his home next year.