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Steve Hott Finds Love (Not Randy)?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:55 pm
by Sandgnats

Steve Hott Finds Love (Not Randy)?
Updated: December 16th, 2033 – 1:25 PM

By Howard Heskin, Gnats Beat Writer and ESPN PEBA Correspondent – Twitter @HowardHeskin1

After Hiking with a broken leg at record pace through and into the West Virginia mountains.  Steve Hott was sighted reaching Charleston in time for Speed Date 2033 at the Holiday Inn Downtown.
“Have you met the vegan cheese guy yet?” was overheard in the ladies restroom. "You mean the PEBA guy?"
Why Steve Hott would be found at a speed dating event was a mystery but certainly created a stir among the locals. 
"Well he certainly smells like cheese." Event leader Christine Long whispered to me during our interview about the event and she explained  that’s the thing about speed dating: when you’re in a room full of attractive, single people, the one thing you need is to stand out. Smell? Cheese? Pick your poison. 

" We like to provide Traditional Speed Dating Rules and conventional mix and match etiquette and meet like-minded individuals in the community. We were happy to have Steve here in town for the event, but we didn't anticipate it being like this..."
I was fortunate to have a sit down with Steve during a 5 min break when he was the odd person out during the event rotation. 
Steve confided in me that he was looking forward to heading out to Minnesota to start a new chapter of his life. At 35 he never had time to establish a relationship except for a 6 month online long distance relationship with Madeline Maes, his buddy Neil Maes sister. Steph is all he would tell me about this new potential relationship. "Apparently, when you stop looking, that’s when you find what you’ve been searching for all this time. My ideal date night I would say would be  “to send the kids upstairs and snuggle up on a couch with a pizza or a bowl of popcorn.”

Us Weekly in 2032 was quoted as saying that Hott was a “free spirit” who “couldn’t care less about money” and that he’s “kooky, goofy…so funny and very young at heart.”
"At 35 I need to get my life together personally for the next steps. I feel like I have it all together now and I'm ready to share that with others like I did last season in AA ball. I've saved up money during my career. All work but little time for fun since Maes helped turn my life around. 
Investments in Vegan Cheese development have paid off handsomely for me. I have no want for anything at this point in my life - except love and giving to others."
When asked why speed dating Hott stated, "Would you pitch against Rob Raines without studying the film and a warm up?" 
"I also bought the latest Tesla model XP33. I'm vegan and care about the earth. Women like that kind of thing, right? I sold off my ’82 Pontiac Firebird to my buddy G'Crock."
So the question is where to next for Hott? "The Twin Cities for the most important pitch of my life."