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Is Kauai getting a new mascot?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:36 pm
by Alleghenies
For many years when teams arrive at Kauai, they are greeted by the scariest monster known to mankind, the irradiated cat. When you think of scary monsters, nothing is scarier than that cat, not Godzilla, not a kraken, not even Medusa herself is scarier. So why would management be so keen on changing the cat? This reporter tried to find out why.
“Who likes cats? I hate cats. I don’t like non-irradiated cats, so I definitely don’t like irradiated cats. Why would I want that as a Mascot for a successful team? I could understand if we need gimmicks, but we don’t. We win on the field and we should have a mascot that represents a true monster, not some dumb cat, “owner Lan-quing Li Jr. said.
“For some reason that cat reminds me of some band I like in the 80’s but grew to hate in the 90’s and beyond. Not sure why. “said GM Abcarian.
“From 2023-2027 I had to look at that damn cat every day. I hated that thing. I wish it would just go off and die somewhere. I am glad we are thinking of dumping it, “said former coach and now AGM Kanko Yoshioka.
“If they get rid of the cat, they lose me too. I love that cat and if the team doesn’t think it strikes fear into the league, just look at how well we do. It isn’t because the crappy players the team has. It’s the cat and we the fans know it,” said 12-year-old Jimmy Bond.
“That cat is the bee’s knees. I don’t know why they would want to dump it. What are they going to get a scary sea monster? That has been done, those are scary, “said fan Mr. H. Hogan.
“Well I can tell you cats have 9 lives; how many do other monsters have? Maybe spend more time spending money on real players, then wasting time and money on a new monster mascot. What are they going to think of a giant marshmallow guy? “said E. Spengler.
“I bet that idiot GM wants to have some alien ripping out of a body be the scary monster for the new mascot. I think that is just plain stupid. Who would ever think that is realistic or even scary? “said Ellen Ripley.
Well the only conclusion I can come up with is that the ownership isn’t listening to their fans. As I couldn’t find a fan to go on record not liking the cat. So maybe the cat stays, who knows, but it should be interesting to find out more.

Re: Is Kauai getting a new mascot?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:40 pm
by Vic
Ha! Like the Alien shout-out to Ripley. I don't know, Greg, the cat's kind of iconic at this point. And I always seem to hear R.E.M. whenever I see it ... and that ain't bad!

Re: Is Kauai getting a new mascot?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:46 pm
by Alleghenies
There is a few shout-outs...
Kauai has some famous fans...