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The First Six Games Under My General Management

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:56 am
by Bureaucrats
1-5. 1 Win. 5 losses. For the love of all that is good, how? A sweep by the Hartford Harpoons and barely avoiding a sweep by the Florida Featherheads, the Bureaucrats have fallen to 22-29. If I were to react emotionally, I would get the dynamite ready because I'm about to blow up this team. However, since that wouldn't really help me, I must look rationally, and with facts to back my actions up.

In 54 Innings, the Bureaucrats scored 7 runs.
In 54 Innings, their opponents scored 37 runs.

:,-( Commence Groan of Existential Pain :,-(

What else is there? Offense obviously didn't perform. Only a single game in the Harpoons series was close (close meaning a max difference of 3 runs), and the single win came against the Featherheads, which was barely eeked out.

How can I be happy about that? "At least you're not 4th in your division!" Right! And even then, that can only take me so far.

Changes will be coming, and sooner than I would have liked.

Re: The First Six Games Under My General Management

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 8:53 pm
by Vic
There are several of us facing, more or less, total team makeovers. It will be fun to see what - and how - we all do.

Good luck to you and the ‘Crats!

Re: The First Six Games Under My General Management

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 10:04 pm
by Leones
Change is the one constant in this league. Nobody ever stops evolving in PEBA :)