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Team Personnel

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 3:19 am
by Board of the PEBA
Hey Guys!

As part of the Responsibilities Article in the Constitution, I quote:
Constitution wrote:PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT:
GMs are expected to keep all teams in their organization fully staffed while in season. Any organization which is not fully staffed at the beginning of the season will be given a warning. Failure to have your organization fully staffed within 2 sim cycles following the warning will result in a $500k fine per open staff slot. The Assistant GM slot is the only slot that is not required to be filled.
Now, I don't want to fine folks, and I think we've moved away from (monetary) fines quite awhile ago, but it's still an expectation that your entire system has all coaching positions filled, and it is part of the diligence piece of CP, so please take a moment and check your teams and try to have those positions filled before Opening Day.


Re: Team Personnel

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:26 pm
by Borealis
Those of you who are fostering teams, you will find that the GM and Manager setting that is in use on the personnel page has been changed in the file and previous managers have been returned to teams (at their previous contracts), so no Major League manager need be searched for.

It's a long story...