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#16 Post by Badgers »

Sandgnats (Bill) wrote:I guess we need to rename this thread, Boston! :grin:

Thanks for your input gents. Whether your comments are well received or not, it's always individually beneficial to share your feelings. So, we have PEBA forums to thank for our new found inner peace! Yeah right.

Anyway, I just was very curious as I have only run into Red Sox fans on two different occassions and I do not know enough about them to form an accurate idea about them in my head. That's what I was looking for with your responses.

The more detailed meeting I had with Boston Red Sox fans was at Wrigley maybe four years ago. It was a rare chance to see the Cubs play the Red Sox and for that reason I attended that day. My buddy, Michael, was being an idiot, doing his best to imitate the Boston accent. Despite the Bostonians probably wanting to pop him in the face, he struck up a conversation with them. There was about 5 of them and 4 of us Chicago locals and we began chatting about this and that. I LOVE baseball, so basically all of our conversation was in relation to this great sport. I asked them the typical stuff about the Red Sox-Yankee hatred and the general Boston feeling as it pertains to a Red Sawx game. The overwhelming feeling I receieved was that the Sox fans felt they were much, much more knowledgeable than the average Yankee fan. They told me that they would go to games between the great rivals and ask a Yankee fan who was playing in LF or who was starting the next day or two on the mound and the Yankee fans would respond with a 'deer in headlights' gaze. Additionally, the Bostonians let me know that Yankees fans are there to be seen or because it's cool to be at Yankee stadium-not because they loved baseball or knew much about the game. So, of course, my perception of Yankee fans wasn't the most flattering at that time. The Yankees are my most disliked team in MLB as well, so I'm sure subconciously I wanted to hear that news. Actually, one of my fantasies after Randy Johnson signed with Yankees a few years back(which infuriated me) was to be a randy Randy Johnson type of baseball player at that time and visit with 4 or 5 teams. Then, I would receive a $20 million offer(per year) from the Yanks and no other team offers would top $10 per year. I would then proceed to the Yanks front office and tell them that even though they offered twice as much as any other competitor, the only use for their offer I would have, is if I ran out of toilet paper. I then would tell them that I would much rather play for a team that teaches talent rather than purchases it and I would play for a year with any team for the league minimum rather to disgust myself and pitch for the Yankees. Of course, I'd tell them to f**k off before I left as well. :evil: (Thankfully I'm not that angry anymore)

Sorry, I'm babbling. Back to Red Sox fans conversation....
Basically the Red Sox fans told me what I wanted to hear and I believed it. I was caught up in praising Sox nation at that point in time becuase they were cool and seemed knowledgeable about the game. Until....
Later in the game I started talking about backups on their team and where they were playing in the past, etc. and they didn't have a response. They also didn't seem to know players that had played both for the Cubs and Red Sox. So, I had my doubts and that's why I asked for your interpretations here in this thread.

In conclusion, despite our hatred for other teams/team fanaticals, all fan bases have intelligent and ignorant baseball fans. Whether you're on the East Coast, West Coast, or the midwest, we're basically all the same. So, next time you hear/see your a bitter rivals fan acting like a huge jack ass, take it with a grain of salt. Remember, every human on earth can interpret the same message in an infinite number of ways, so let's realize that before we pass judgement. Even though, we may be rooting for opposite teams in a game, we both(hopefully) love the game of baseball!

So, celebrate baseball and
That is messed up! The Red Sox fans describing Yankee fans? Talk about pot calling the kettle black!
James Bowman

#17 Post by James Bowman »

Nutmeggers wrote:
Statesmen wrote:Well, I suppose I should respond to this thread, as I am a Red Sox fan

And before the shoes are aimed at my forehead, I will say that I agree with Patrick’s observations of “Red Sox Nation” behaviorisms, mostly.

While I could certainly add my share of ignorant experiences I’ve had with my kin, I think Patrick painted that picture quite well.

As I’ve gotten older, and hopefully wiser, I’ve become more aware of this ignorant nature, that of Red Sox fanaticism. It is because of this, my ball-caps and t-shirts are collecting dust and forming wrinkles in my closet. I no longer enjoy watching games at a local bar. Quite simply, I try to avoid the "Nation" at all costs. I’m content following them in solitude, watching as many games as I can at home from mlb.tv.

Yet, sometimes I ask myself, what makes me better than them? Don’t you want to meet some people you can share the classic moments with? Don’t you want to discuss strategy, transactions or the next big prospect?

My girlfriend, who knew nothing of baseball whatsoever (all sports actually), started to watch them with me this season. While inquiries such as “what does pop fly mean?” or “what do those boxes mean?” (NESN displays a snapshot of what the scorecard would look like when a player is at-bat after the 5th inning or so) initially bugged the hell out of me, I realized it would be great to have somebody to share the moments with again. Through the course of the season, she probably watched about 50-60 games with me (she doesn’t live with me), and she is now, quite knowledgeable about most parts of the game, and the players. Her favorite player is Mike Lowell (and its not because of the quality player he is either). She knows who Theo Epstein is. While she enjoyed the pure-hitting Manny displayed, she also realized what a clown he was (the high five thing really drove it home). She thinks Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy are some of the best commentators in baseball (mlb.tv has local broadcasts, and in my opinion NESN's are some of the most un-biased to be found). She even had the insight to have cold pricklies at the sight of Jason Giambi.

While I realize, with the team’s recent success, that this is indeed a growing monster, I’m glad that she has become interested, and it has certainly helped fuel my passion. But what I also realize, witnessing a virgin to baseball shed tears at the end of one short year, is that ultimately, just being a fan of the game is what matters most. We are both rooting for the Rays in the World Series, and I'm proud to say that we lost to a great team.

I say to all you, remember that this happens with all teams, and all sports. It’s human nature. Some of the best (and conversely, the worst) conversations I’ve had, have been with the guy getting splinters with me at Fenway.

I guess the point I’m trying to make, is don’t hate the Red Sox because of this monstrosity. Don’t even let it get to you, it’ll all be gone in due time. If you don’t like Kevin Youklis’ batting stance, great. If you don’t like that our payroll is double the league average, fine. But if it's not the former, well, isn't that hypocritical?
I hate the monstrosity more than I do the team. But don't get me wrong, I f'ing hate Dustin PEDroia, Josh Beckett, etc. Some of those guys let the nation get to their head.

I don't know if I prefaced my rant or not, but I was certainly not talking about you when I wrote that. Most of your peers couldn't have strung together more than two coherent sentences about the Red Sox anyway. :grin:
No offense taken, no worries. :) I actually enjoyed your rant, and like I said, have experienced much of the same.
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#18 Post by Duane »

Go Philly ....

all but one season .... PEBA

Even though we fell short against Duluth in 2026 ... and SS in 2027 and 2029 8-o
IL still RULES!!!!!
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#19 Post by Coqui »

This is one of the most interesting reads I have come across in quite some time. I too, loathe the Red Sox and Yankees. The Yankees, I'll admit, I hate because that is the way I was raised. Of course, once I realized what they were about, loathing them seemed much more easy.

The Red Sox are a bit of a different story. In 2004, I cheered for them. It seemed like their fans at that time were alot like us (meaning the Indians fans on here), they were desperate for a winner and loved their team. In 2005 though, i started to notice that about every third person I saw was a Red Sox fan and suddenly there was a "Red Sox Nation." I rarely like the things that are popular and it didn't take long for me to become embittered toward most of the Eastern seaboard.

My question on all of this is this: did ESPN make your loathing of the Sox/Yanks more virulent or just more accessible?

#20 Post by Badgers »

Longshoremen wrote:This is one of the most interesting reads I have come across in quite some time. I too, loathe the Red Sox and Yankees. The Yankees, I'll admit, I hate because that is the way I was raised. Of course, once I realized what they were about, loathing them seemed much more easy.

The Red Sox are a bit of a different story. In 2004, I cheered for them. It seemed like their fans at that time were alot like us (meaning the Indians fans on here), they were desperate for a winner and loved their team. In 2005 though, i started to notice that about every third person I saw was a Red Sox fan and suddenly there was a "Red Sox Nation." I rarely like the things that are popular and it didn't take long for me to become embittered toward most of the Eastern seaboard.

My question on all of this is this: did ESPN make your loathing of the Sox/Yanks more virulent or just more accessible?
ESPN makes it worse because of the bias they have. It sucks that market size buys you bias and coverage. The same way no one cares about this world series. All the media outlets wanted LA vs. BOS.
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#21 Post by Jason »

I would contend that this World Series is what baseball needed... two teams building from within and picking up some pieces along the way (Moyer, Percival, etc.) and finally breaking through onto the big stage. I think this series is probably the most compelling one we have had in quite some time because the teams are both more mid to small market teams with the Phillies ranking 13th in payroll and the Rays ranking 29th. I realize that that is the exact reason this series is getting bad tv ratings but it is better for the game than another rent-a-championship.

#22 Post by Badgers »

Cyclones wrote:I would contend that this World Series is what baseball needed... two teams building from within and picking up some pieces along the way (Moyer, Percival, etc.) and finally breaking through onto the big stage. I think this series is probably the most compelling one we have had in quite some time because the teams are both more mid to small market teams with the Phillies ranking 13th in payroll and the Rays ranking 29th. I realize that that is the exact reason this series is getting bad tv ratings but it is better for the game than another rent-a-championship.
I agree, I was saying the media didn't want these two teams here.
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#23 Post by John »

Sandgnats (Bill)

#24 Post by Sandgnats (Bill) »

Well, this sucks! Philadelphia bounced the Rays in 5 games. :cry:
But, you know what? Do you believe in the Rays as being a strong team and improving with age? Well, this is a perfect scenario! You don't want them to win the World Series the 1st time they try, do you? NO! Now, next year they will be hungry and a little more experienced. If they don't get stung by the injury bug, next year should be even better than 2008! :shock:

I do have to harp on the 3rd base coach for the Rays. What in the hell was he thinking sending a runner from 2nd base to home on a grounder that Chase Utley fields in the infield?!?!? :-P I don't care if you have Rickey Henderson or Lou Brock in their prime, who the hell can score from 2nd on a grounder that never leaves the infield? Nobody! That was a really stupid call in my mind. I'm just mad at that call, but the Rays had a shockingly awesome season. That should be remembered! Hopefully, Maddon will grab manager of the year! Incredible job handling all of that youth in Tampa Bay. His handling rookie rating must be 100! :grin:
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