CP Tracker 2038

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CP Tracker 2038

#1 Post by Board of the PEBA »

Attached below is the 2037 CP Tracker, v1.

This tracker shows our accumulated point values - beginning with the end of the Winter Meetings 2037; at this time it does not show any carry over into the 2038 season - it simply shows season gains to date. You can see the areas we've been gaining points during the current CP Season (beginning April 22, 2023) through to last night, July 9, 2023 (July 5, 2038, in-game - on the eve of the ASG). The Total CP in this version of the tracker details CP earned up to this point - carry-over and bonus will be added in after the season. We have completed 13 of 27 sims - so we are at mid-season, truly (Aurora is exactly at 81-games). Keep in mind that the max that can be earned in any season is 400, and the total max, with carry-over, is 600 - only one team currently sits at this threshold, but three more are near it enough that they are throwing CP away this offseason. You will also notice that teams have already been credited with their allotment of roster diligence points - and some have already lost points for excessive roster maneuvering on my part (Basically DFA issues). Two of our new GMs, who have just joined us will see points taken here - that is just to accommodate for time previous to them. Keep clear of roster issues and that number won't drop.

Aside from the usual exporting, posting earnings, Draft Attendance (I do my best to capture everyone - even looking at the transcript) and All-Star voting, we still have available to earn in 2038 the following: voting for end of season Awards, naming your Minor League Players of the Year, minor league playoff points, fiscal solvency, as well as attending the WM - and WM trade points. At a minimum that's 84 easy points - counting the remaining sim exports.

Slack has been a great place to discuss League happenings (and if we could figure out a way of quantifying that activity, we would), but please don't forget the forums - it is our forums where our history lives; Slack is, unfortunately, ephemeral... We have been better of late (primarily in the Neat and Not So thread) - though this has been a slower season, and it would be nice to get more involved! Let's keep it up!! It is the forums and our Front Page that the public sees of our Amazing PEBAverse!! We are only as exciting as we make ourselves - and with more activity, the more interesting - and fun - things can be (and the better for recruitment)! Writing is down, in general (I mentioned that, right?), so try to do your part to keep our vibrant environment just that - vibrant. Even if you just write one blog posting per in-game month - that's 6 blogs and 42 points! We do have teams that would be exciting to hear from; it's depressing to look at the last post dates on the Blog page... Be it game result discussions, player 'bios', or stories that go outside the box as it examines your team and the PEBA (say, take place in a mental hospital or lunatic broadcasters on the AT) - all creativity is welcome!

One area I feel like I've had to repeatedly address is the penalty phase of CP collection. DFA negligence had been on the rise but after some improvements of late, there has been a turn backwards this season. Please be reminded that if there is a troublesome issue with a team that I have to deal with, I may dock that team a point. These just slow down a sim and, frankly, frustrate me and put me in the awkward position of (potentially) making undesirable (financial) decisions for that club. Now that all of our lower minors have begun, please keep an eye on your lower minor age distributions. We have a general agreement that this won't be pushed stringently, but that teams will work to keep violations at a minimum. When a team has five? That's not reasonable. If a team receives a warning, it is expected to comply. Multiple warnings will result in penalties and players removed from that level onto DFA or the higher level. One? Two? OK. Beyond that, the spirit of Fair Play begins to get fuzzy. And Ditto with the DL - please move guys when they are healthy - DL's are too much to constantly monitor, so the honor system is paramount - I'd think you'd want guys off the DL and playing, or is that just me?

So, keep up with your exports, keep those nasty DFAs clear, write a bit, and be involved!!

Should you notice anything odd, please let me know - errors happen

2038 CP Tracker v1.png
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Re: 2038 CP Tracker

#2 Post by Board of the PEBA »

Please find below the updated CP Tracker for the 2038 season. As we move into the race for the Rodriguez Cup, you will note that this tracker includes the following:

- Export points accumulated for the regular season. There were 27 sims this season and 16-teams - half the league, didn't miss a sim - Bravo. That was the best outcome in a few years. Roster diligence points reflect whether a team managed their team properly, or if I had to deal with, mostly, DFA issues or illegal roster sizes.

- Writing points for simple forum posts, team blogs or articles to the front page are credited through the posting of this accounting. It's important to note that CP is accumulated through to the Winter Meetings, so this is an easy way to build up points quickly, now that seasonal exporting has closed.

- Amongst the other CP earning activities, Draft Attendance, All-Star voting and current Minor League Playoff points have been added in - with the conclusion of the minor league playoffs yet to come. AAA, AA, and A Ball are all in their finals. The Fiscal bonus points for turning a profit (capped at 10 points) have been listed - though some playoff teams may still see a change in this number. Those playoff teams whose number likely will change are in a darker green.

- Still to come: Naming your Minor League Players of the Year, voting for end of season awards, and Winter Meeting points. Bonus points and carry over will be added into the final tracker at the start of the Winter Meetings.

What can you do to get those extra points to send Johnny 'Rocket' Baseball to winter ball? Name your Minor League PoY, Vote, Attend the WM, and write, write, write!!

Enjoy the Playoffs!!

2038 CP Tracker v2.png
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Re: 2038 CP Tracker

#3 Post by Board of the PEBA »

Attached below is the 2038 CP Tracker, Final totals

This tracker shows our accumulated point values for 2038 - beginning with the end of the Winter Meetings 2037, the amount spent on 2037 Rewards, and any carry over into the 2038 season are noted. You can see the areas we have gained points during the current CP Season (beginning April 22, 2023) through to September 30, 2023 (December 25, 2038, in-game). Keep in mind that the max that can be earned in any season is 400, and the total max, with carry-over, is 600 - which there are four!! teams that have reached this threshold, and another two near it.

Some teams definitely 'left points on the table' - be it not voting for All-Stars and awards, naming Minor League Players of the Year, or attending a live event.

Slack has been a great place to discuss League happenings (and if someone could figure out a way of quantifying that activity, we will), but please don't forget the forums! There continues to be a downward trend when it comes to posting in the forum, though the Neat and Not So thread is an easy place to make some quick commentary you might also have make real-time in Slack. It is the forum and especially our Front Page that the public - including former-GMs, see of our Amazing PEBAverse!! We are only as exciting as we make ourselves - and with more activity, the more interesting things can be! Writing has been down, in general - aside from a couple of folks, so try to do your part to keep our vibrant environment just that - vibrant. Even if you just write one blog posting per in-game month - that's 6 blogs and 42 points! We do have teams that would be exciting to hear from!! Be it game result discussions, player 'bios', or stories that go outside the box as it examines your team and the PEBA - all creativity is welcome!

So, keep up with your exports, keep those nasty DFAs clear, write a bit, and be involved!!

Should you notice anything odd - or have questions, please let me know - errors happen.

CP Rewards can be posted in the rewards thread.

2038 CP FINAL.png
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Re: 2038 CP Tracker

#4 Post by Apollos »

I think Tempe's WM trade may have been overlooked. :-?
Brian Hazelwood - GM, Tempe Knights
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Re: 2038 CP Tracker

#5 Post by Trendsetters »

As was the New Orleans Kentucky trade.
Chuck Valenches
GM New Orleans Trendsetters
January 21, 2038 - Present
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