The Rookie on the board.


The Rookie on the board.

#1 Post by Tama7RC »

Hey Guys!

The name is Jon Constantine, and John has been kind enough to extend an invitation to your forums.

I'm a 28 y/o full-time sales rep, and part-time student. I've been playing ootp since the season ticket days, mostly solo play, but I have had the chance to enjoy a few online leagues. I'm typically a pretty patient owner, and prefer making moves that reflect long term stability, rather than short term gains. I enjoy watching other owners have success while I'm at the bottom, and observing the many changes leagues can go through, and the chemistry other owners create.

I haven't played in any online leagues since v6.5, and suppose I have been hesitant in making a return. I've been occassionally browsing the online league forums, and have come across some pretty intriguing leagues. When I came across the PEBA, it was the first league in a long time that I immediately completed an application for. A well-built fictional world is something a usually strive for in solo play, and that is something that the members of the PEBA not only have, but bring to life. I'm not much of a writer, but the interaction, and creativity residing here is not only appealing, but inspirational. I'm really looking forward to the chance of playing in a league that has come to life!

Anyways, I hope to have an uncharasmatic introduction as a potential owner in the PEBA soon, and look forward to the days to come!

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#2 Post by John »

Very glad to have you on the forums, Jon!

Jon is our leading candidate to take over the GM position of the Charleston Statesmen. The Statesmen have been well-led to this point by previous owner Andrew Spayde, so whomever takes on the position will be inheriting a nice situation. Of course it's important to make sure that any newcomer will keep pushing the team in the right direction. From my discussion with Jon, I think he may be just the person to do that.

I won't deny my pleasure in having the depth of our fictional world cited as a reason for Jon's interest in the PEBA, as it's something I take a great deal of pride in. Our owners continue to build a believable fiction for the league and bring the players to life with their stories. It makes visiting this site daily a pleasure; you can almost count on something new and interesting to read.

The part I really enjoy is watching owners who didn't feel they were very good writers gain confidence and become involved in creating their own stories. Once that initial confidence barrier gets breached, the words just start to flow. If you do choose to try your hand at writing, Jon, I think you'll find our owners are very supportive and not judgmental at all.

Please take a moment to welcome Jon, and look forward to his introductory article coming soon!
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#3 Post by Tyler »

Glad to have you on board as a candidate, Jon!

Here's everything you need to know about the Coal Sox - I traded for a guy who hasn't appeared in a game since fracturing his skull. :lol:
Tyler Babcock (West Virginia Coal Sox/Alleghenies, 2007-2019)
IL Wildcard 2011, 2017

Riley to Suárez to Harmon...
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#4 Post by Duane »

Welcome, and please please please remember the ultimate rule of PEBA

all but one season .... PEBA

Even though we fell short against Duluth in 2026 ... and SS in 2027 and 2029 8-o
IL still RULES!!!!!
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#5 Post by Hitmen »

Coal Sox wrote:Glad to have you on board as a candidate, Jon!

Here's everything you need to know about the Coal Sox - I traded for a guy who hasn't appeared in a game since fracturing his skull. :lol:
I think I almost traded for him myself. :grin:
Michael Czosnyka

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#6 Post by klewis »

Hey welcome to the league Jon. As a fellow rookie myself, I'm happy to see another one join the ranks. It is always nice to see another interesting fictional character added in the mix.

So from a cruise ship mogul to a golf mogul, Florida welcomes you!
Sandgnats (Bill)

#7 Post by Sandgnats (Bill) »

Howdy Ho Jon!
Ooh, sounded like Flanders there. :D Anyway, good luck with coming aboard the PEBA train. If you love baseball and interaction(cyber that is), PEBA is the place to be!

One thing you should know is that there are Dobney's everywhere! PEBA GM's of the Bulldozers, Cyclones, Warriors, and Longshoremen are all bros. So, if you see that last name Dobney pop up a lot and you get confused, that's why.

As far as OOTP ins and outs, I would be happy to help with anything. John has a wealth of knowledge and is the foremost authority on OOTP of course, but I'm willing to share my knowledge. So, get used to the players, etc. and hopefully we'll be officially welcoming you aboard soon!

Have a good one!

#8 Post by Tama7RC »

Borealis - Commissioner wrote:Very glad to have you on the forums, Jon!

Jon is our leading candidate to take over the GM position of the Charleston Statesmen. The Statesmen have been well-led to this point by previous owner Andrew Spayde, so whomever takes on the position will be inheriting a nice situation. Of course it's important to make sure that any newcomer will keep pushing the team in the right direction. From my discussion with Jon, I think he may be just the person to do that.

I won't deny my pleasure in having the depth of our fictional world cited as a reason for Jon's interest in the PEBA, as it's something I take a great deal of pride in. Our owners continue to build a believable fiction for the league and bring the players to life with their stories. It makes visiting this site daily a pleasure; you can almost count on something new and interesting to read.

The part I really enjoy is watching owners who didn't feel they were very good writers gain confidence and become involved in creating their own stories. Once that initial confidence barrier gets breached, the words just start to flow. If you do choose to try your hand at writing, Jon, I think you'll find our owners are very supportive and not judgmental at all.

Please take a moment to welcome Jon, and look forward to his introductory article coming soon!
I have to say, I'm utterly suprised at the amount of board activity associated with the league, in just the few days I've been a member. It's so intriguing for an outsider! :) I'm used to ghost towns.
Coal Sox wrote:Glad to have you on board as a candidate, Jon!

Here's everything you need to know about the Coal Sox - I traded for a guy who hasn't appeared in a game since fracturing his skull.
Perhaps any ineptness I myself may display, shall not go unnoticed! ;) No, really it will make winning that much sweeter!
Hitmen wrote:I think I almost traded for him myself. :grin:
Featherheads wrote:So from a cruise ship mogul to a golf mogul, Florida welcomes you!
If you have a tee at the end of your ship, I've got a great set of clubs I can sell ya!

Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome. :)
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#9 Post by John »

Tama7RC wrote:I have to say, I'm utterly suprised at the amount of board activity associated with the league, in just the few days I've been a member. It's so intriguing for an outsider! :) I'm used to ghost towns.
That's another point of pride around these parts. :D You're right: the forums of many OOTP leagues really are ghost towns. That was something I noted when examining leagues during the PEBA's setup, and it was something I very much wanted to avoid. Thing is, there's only so much that can be done to make a forum active. We offer a reward in the form of CP for posting on the forum, but ultimately what matters is that owners want to post. That's where we've been incredibly lucky, since obviously our owners really do enjoy keeping the forum active. And I can't tell you how thankful I am for that; it makes coming here every day so much more enjoyable!
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#10 Post by Matt »

Realistically speaking, this is the most active league of ANY kind I have been in. And win or lose, it's really a blast.

We were lucky to have a commissioner who on short notice, really did his homework and planned almost every detail of the league to make it the nearly perfect environment.

We were also lucky to have a core group from the inception that has been very good. Except that oxycotin addicted GM of Tempe. Sort of our version of Marge Schott. He would probably be okay if he didn't share a medicine cabinet with Rush Limbaugh.

We have our bumps from time to time, occassional issues that mostly center around the quirks of the gaming platform itself, but 99.9 % of the time, everything around here goes real well.

And if you ever have anything to trade, my office is always open.
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#11 Post by John »

Calzones wrote:And if you ever have anything to trade, my office is always open.
He's not kidding. Not kidding at all. Lord Almighty, the man's not kidding!
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#12 Post by Reg »

hey man, my life is crazy busy right now, so I haven't stopped by to say welcome to the forums and all that jazz, since you are another John can we call you Constantine? And will Keanu Reeves have some controlling interest if and when you manage a team?

Anyways, if you have any questions as stated above feel free to ask, my pm box is always open...

glad to have you onboard....
Reg LeBlanc
General Manager, New Orleans Trendsetters
(2021 - 2037)
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#13 Post by John »

Trendsetters wrote:hey man, my life is crazy busy right now, so I haven't stopped by to say welcome to the forums and all that jazz, since you are another John can we call you Constantine? And will Keanu Reeves have some controlling interest if and when you manage a team?
Just in case anyone isn't getting the reference... :D

I'm happy to announce that, as of tonight, Jon is officially the new owner of the Charleston Statesmen. Congratulations Jon, and welcome to the league!
Last edited by John on Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#14 Post by Maulers »

Indeed, welcome John! Just remember that the Manchester Maulers are always willing to trade you crappy outfield prospects for nickels on the dollar!
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#15 Post by Coqui »

An official welcome to the boards. We argue, we make bad jokes, we love baseball, we have a good time.
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